
There's beauty in the breakdown [Joining]



4 Years
03-18-2014, 11:17 PM

He had left them behind. His mother?s death had sealed him off from his siblings, after all now that they were more or less alone they would only slow him down. Still he had learnt how hard it was to live on his own independent of anyone else. Rumors of his sister taking up a pack had reached him and he had decided to track it down. Now as he neared the border of the rumored pack he hesitated, still only a pup and one who had shunned her after the death of their mother? would she even take him?
Novo growled and steeled himself tipping his head back and letting loose a call. He settled upon his haunches. She could deny him, he would not care she would simply become one more sibling he would take his revenge upon.

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Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


03-19-2014, 09:30 AM

The call had come forth, breaching her light audits, pulling the Queen from the heart of her lands to the border. The voice was soft, young, surprisingly young to be alone. Long limbs would carry her soundlessly to the source, coral pools falling on a young boy. Brows would lift as she slid from the mists of her lands, stopping a few feet in front of the boy.

"What is someone so young doing out here all alone?" The silver temptress would watch the mono chromed boy. She did not know him, or even recognize him. But something had brought him to her doorstep. She had found these lands abandoned, the fading scent of a woman who had left behind her home. Haunches would lower, curling beneath her as the Monarch sat before the young boy.



4 Years
03-24-2014, 10:32 AM

The woman who answered his call was not his sister, that much was very evident as soon as she came into view. Still, he wouldn?t move, maybe his sister was busy and had sent this woman in her place. He had to believe that, and after this pack had taken his old home, the place of his birth he was convinced it was his sister?s doing. The woman stopped before him, a somewhat incredulous look upon her face.

At her words he bristled some, he was an Elysium born of the proudest family, he carried within him the very best stock, a little time spent alone would not faze him. She would sit as he began to spoke, his words a bit more hostile than they probably should have been. ?It should be obvious don?t you think?? For all his bravado, the boy seriously lacked tact.

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Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


03-24-2014, 11:08 AM
Artemis's scent was gone, he was no fool. Yet this was the pack that she had claimed, that she was going to make something out of their family with. The brute was disappointed, to say the least, when he had tracked down all that happened at the battlefield, and then found this tiny god forsaken pack, only for it to be void of his sister. Where the hell had Artemis gone? The brute would hold back a snarl, standing on the borders that ran a little while away from the other two lupine. Codeine would have ignored their scent and waltzed off, angry as usual - but there was something subtle, familiar about one of them. The slight but powerful in it's importance, scent of family - of Elysius - was there. He wasn't familiar with the wolf that the scent originated, but he was curious. Although he was here for Artemis, he wanted to see what spawn this was that had come here - possibly for the same reason as he.

He would stalk forward, his tail whipping behind him as he approached the other two wolves - his eyes settling not on the apparent leader of this pack, but the little brute that was undeniably his sibling. The boy seemed to have a good amount of spunk to him - and Codeine would grin at the answer that he gave to the woman. It was indeed obvious that he had come to these pack borders to join this pack... but had he come here for this poser when he had expected the woman who would be the head of their family? "You want to join this pack under her?" He would question his sibling, wondering what he saw in this pink eyed female. "What's so good about you?" It was his way of asking what the hell this pack was about if it wasn't being led by his sister.


03-24-2014, 11:32 AM

The pup would speak, his spunk would have been much enjoyed at another time, but he was at her borders. Eyes would narrow minutely, staring down at the boy, that was all he was, a boy. Jaws would part to speak when another pale form slid into her view. Her gaze would turn, looking at a larger boy, a yearling. They had to be related, he held the same attitude at the pup. For a moment she wanted to roll her eyes. Just what she wanted, two boys with ego's bigger than their heads.

"I run a pack of well trained killers." Well spoke words would roll off her tongue with practiced ease. These would prove to be a handful without a doubt. Her gaze would drop to the pup, a brow lifting carefully. "Don't forget you are at my border, little one." The Monarch was not one to deal with sassy young pups, she had better things to do.

Her gaze would lift to the older boy, noting the mild resemblance between them. Brothers perhaps? "What is so good about you two?" She would turn the question on the two boys. They came to her borders with attitudes, it was time they proved their worth.



4 Years
04-03-2014, 02:45 AM

Another approached, from behind him and the boy hardly even shifted, merely tossing a look back over his shoulder. The stranger had a vague familiarity to him, he had the look of his mother and sister? his eyes the same color his mother?s. He would stare for a moment, managing to pull himself back to reality as the familiar male spoke. ?I was not expecting it to be run by her? and even if I had what right do you have to question me?? He would not be taunted by anyone, not even this male before him.

His attention would snap back towards the woman as she spoke. He rolled his eyes as he spoke, still a bit too young to know when to hide his feelings. So the pack was made up of killers? so what? It took much more than that to impress the young Elysius. Still the woman would then give him a warning and he managed to just barely bite back a retort. She demanded to know what made them worthy and he smirked.
It might not have been that big a deal to others but the pup was proud of it and so he puffed out his chest some as he spoke. ?I have managed on my own for two months.? It felt good to say it, after all he hadn?t needed to seek help from anyone else, he felt like a real grown up when he thought about it. Of course he left out how hard it had been, how he no longer wanted to go it alone.

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Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


04-19-2014, 02:12 PM
Oh, so his little brother had spunk - he was proud of him, really. But he had asked because he wanted to know, not because he was judging his reasoning. The snarky bastard may have been just that, but there was a level of honesty that his family recieved that others didn't. Shame it wasn't obvious to said family that that was how he functioned. "Relaax, I wanted to know why you were here. If you had a reason to respect her I'd accept it - we're family kid." He could tell, by his eyes, his scent, and his presence being at his mother's death match that he was family. Yet he didn't know his name... fuck, that was important - no wonder the kid was already snippy with him.

Killers huh? Well, he would belive that when he saw it. The brute was curious though - how often did they kill? Who employed them? Or did they just run around and do what they pleased? Judging by this woman's demeanor it wasn't the latter, but it wasn't often that any form of authority managed to do anything but make him roll his eyes and saunter off in the other direction. Yet at the same time, her eyes as well as her words and tone seemed to belittle he and his kin in a way that he did not appreciate. "We are Elysius, we're greater than your average commoner - our sister's the reason you have this place isn't it?" He wasn't sure what had happened with Artemis, but she had been the one to fight for this place, she had shed blood for it - it was hers first. Which was one less reason to respect this woman, her empire's base was not built on her own strength, but someone's else's. "I'm Codeine, and I might be interested in your assassin pack - so what comes next?" Would he and his brother be tested or something? Or would they just be accepted in and watched carefully?

Would his brother want to stay? He had introduced himself to both he and the woman before them - perhaps he would get a name from the younger Elysius as well. He wanted to look after him if he would let him. It was a shame that he and his siblings had looked after themselves for so long when they had older siblings that honestly cared regardless of their less than benevolent personalities. But it had been a while now since Morphine's death - would they accept him as any sort of guardian figure?


04-20-2014, 01:34 AM

The banter between the two boys was a waste of her time and her patience was running thin. Nonetheless, coral pools would rest on the smaller boy as his chest swelled with pride as he spoke of his self proclaimed accomplishments. A smirk tugged at dark lips as her coral gaze shifted to the second boy. Her amusement quickly faded as her gaze narrowed. "I don't know you sister, but obviously she couldn't handle the task of being a ruler." She brushed off his comment without so much as a blink. He followed with an introduction and interest so she would quickly move on. "You would be ranked as Ecuyer, a warrior, and your brother as Chevavlier until he is older." Her gaze would shift momentarily to the youngster before moving back to the older boy. "You will each train regularly, and participate in each training exercise. You may challenge for a higher rank if you so choose, but you will each pull your own weight." She spoke to them both before turning to address the younger boy. "If you would like to perfect your skills in one area then you may become an Apprenti and train under your mentor." After her speech the Queen would fall silent, waiting for them to make the final decision. Would they join, or would they be a waste of her time?