
Part of that World



10 Years
03-22-2014, 09:44 PM

Novel would find her way out of the Territory, she was looking for herbs not so easily found in Ludicael. She wasn't sure what led her to the shrine, but it seemed an interesting place. She'd never been here before not that she had explored much of Alacritia. She had previously been rather nervous about leaving her mother's territory but she'd become much braver since she had turned a year old. Somehow she felt more grown up and more adult, like she could handle herself better now that she had a year of growth under her belt. That didn't mean she was not nervous, especially without Elohim or a mentor with her. It was a rather gorgeous place though, the unnatural whiteness and the glow for the shrine's water's pulled her in. She forgot the plants she had meant to seek as her oceanic gaze would delve into the depths of the water.

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10 Years
03-22-2014, 10:27 PM

Ara seemed drawn to the east -- she did not go weeks without somehow venturing there, often without meaning to, as though her paws had a mind of their own. Though the Kingdom of Seracia was not at all without its own beauty, the eastern land seemed somehow more alive. The soil was more fertile and the herbs were more plentiful. Of course, she would not dream of leaving her parents to go anywhere, and she knew they were content where they were for now. Moving away would only be more of a burden on them.

And that was why she went east again. For her parents. Ara so desperately wanted to find Song again, to tell her that her parents were growing old and more tired with each passing week, and that she should visit if possible while the weather was so nice. She knew they had many months before winter, but something in the back of her head made her worry for her parents. She was not sure if they would survive another winter. If they did, it would certainly not be an easy one, and she was sure her mother would cherish Song's company regardless.

Though before encroaching on the pack's territory, she felt compelled to explore. Many of the lands here were unclaimed and she wanted to explore them further. For some time she thought she saw willow trees in the distance, but as she loped closer to them, she realized they were something different entirely. They were draped with white vines, so beautiful and pleasant to the eye, and she found herself enraptured with the strange cluster of trees. For a long moment she was entranced, though her paws pushed her forward. The air was different here, and she could not help but wonder what had made this place become the way it had.

She hardly noticed the presence of another. It was a familiar creature, too -- the scent slowly came to her and she found her tail flicking gently behind her. She had not seen Novel since the previous winter. She had helped Bhaire find a specific herb with her, joining in on what was a training session; but, uncomfortable staying away from her parents for more than a day or so, she had returned home quickly.

Her blue gaze would scan the area, finally landing on Novel as she drew a bit closer. Hoping she was not interrupting a private moment, she cleared her throat to speak, not wanting to alarm the girl. They had only met twice, after all, and Ara was not one to infringe on someone's space when they did not want to be disturbed. "Long time no see," she offered softly, her gaze drifting to the strange pool of water before Novel. She wondered what she saw in the depths, for she seemed to be rather drawn to it.



10 Years
03-22-2014, 10:50 PM

Her seeming trance would be interrupted as suddenly she would not be alone anymore, the gentle sound of footsteps and then the clearing of her throat would alert her to another's presence. Novel's mismatched ears would swivel as she turned her head to see the newcomer, a familiar voice and form filling her senses. Ara, the girl she'd met but a couple of times before would bring herself near the pool as well. She would remember playing tag with her as well as sharing Bhaire's first lesson. "Oh, hey Ara! It has been a while hasn't it.." She would try to forget the alluring water as she let herself focus on her.. cousin? Her mother told her that she'd taken silent as her adoptive mother, so woul Ara be her sister? She didn't know, but she knew that her mother cared very much for the elder woman and so Novel found it difficult to not care about her distant.. family? "Um, may I ask why you're all the way out here? I've been searching for some herbs, but I guess I lost my train of thought after I came across this pool. It's so oddly pretty here." She would take a quick glance at her surroundings as if to enforce her words. "I've been learning a lot since we last met. I've even helped with three birth sin my pack!" She was quite excited about her accomplishment, she knew she was making her mother proud. Healing was exciting, and she loved learning about all the uses of the many plants of her world.

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10 Years
03-22-2014, 11:23 PM

Though they had only met twice -- and now a third time -- Novel was one of the few wolves she would consider a friend. Perhaps it was simply because their mothers were close, or because it was rare to find someone of similar interests to herself. They were older now, too; hardly more than six months old when they'd last met. They looked very much the same, only older and a bit larger now, and less like children. Though Ara did not feel as much an adult as she had expected upon becoming a year older. There was so much left to learn, and so much life left to live.

Hesitantly she would step forward, her own gaze drawn to the waters. The water seemed to glow, enchanted by the glowing stones beneath. Though she suddenly felt thirsty, she felt as though it would be wrong to drink from the spring, as though it were somehow sacred. "I wanted to find your mother," she answered softly. Her voice was delicate -- always soft, hardly above a whisper unless it was necessary. But the atmosphere here was quiet and still, and she did not need to be the least bit boisterous. Slowly she came to recline on her hind legs, gaze briefly drifting to Novel. "My parents aren't doing too well, and I think they'd like to see Song before the winter comes." It was a long warning, and perhaps a needless one; but she did not want to be sure, and she didn't know what winter might bring for their family.

A moment of silence followed as she reflected on Novel's words. Some wolves hated silence, wanted to banish it from existence whenever possibly. But it did not make Ara feel uncomfortable. "What herb were you looking for?" Her tail twitched gently behind her; she could not help but feel interested in such things. Healing was her passion, and she always wanted to know more. "I've learned some, too, but have never helped with a birth." It was a bit daunting to imagine. She preferred dealing with wounds and aches, she didn't know how well she would do in event of a birth. It was impressive that Novel had helped with not one, but three.



10 Years
03-23-2014, 10:59 AM
Novel would watch as Ara drew closer to the waters before answering, her gaze would end where Novel's had been trapped just moments before. It was quite amazing how easily it drew the two girls in, though Novel was no stranger to glowing waters this seemed much different from the mangroves. She would find herself staring again at the water's surface, however Ara's soft words would bring her back to the present. Sapphire orbs would once again fall on Ara's odd coat, she would have thought she was a good mix of both of her parents had she ever met with Bronze. Though the words would bring a subtle silence to the pale girl. She liked Silent, she had but only met her once but she had been so kind an welcoming. As her companion took a seat it became rather hard to hear the news her adopted sister offered. "Im really sorry to hear about your parents. If you don't make it all the way to Ludicael I'll make sure my mom knows. Do you think they would mind if I came too?" if they weren't doing well she would certainly want to see Silent and meet Ara's father.?

The pair would grow quiet, Novel didn't have much to add to the somber conversation. Other than her prey the girl had yet to deal with death yet, life she knew all about but what would inevitably happen later she was not knowledgable in. Novel's gaze would once again linger on the sacred waters as she thought of their purpose and mystery. She could make small talk easily, but silence wasn't deafening to her either. Ara would find herself continuing, asking of the herb Novel suck out. "Nothing in particular, I'm just wandering seeing what's out here and if I can bring anything back to Ludicael that I wouldn't normally have." similarly to Ara, Novel's passion was that of healing. She sought out the knowledge like a drug, she always wanted to know about the flora around her. Ara would confess her lack of witnessing a birth, and Novel would wonder if she had good healers in Seracia. Novel had been to those births because Bhaire had been so busy. She wondered if the male would be officially leaving Ludicael or if he would just disappear with out a good bye just as Symphony had. "Bhaire hasn't been around much, other than my mom I'm probably the most skilled. Which isn't saying too much. But mom's been pregnant and den ridden so I had to help my aunt symphony and another pack member Viridiana. A healer from another pack really helped my mom with the third birth I was telling you about, mom was in pretty bad shape. I don't know if I would have been able to help her all alone." she would try to smile, their topics bringing about an icky sadness she did not wish to pursue. She didn't want to think about such sad things. "What kind of healers are in Seracia?" she would try and shift the subject as she turned her gaze back to the dual toned girl.?
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10 Years
03-23-2014, 12:54 PM

It was nice to be with someone that she felt vaguely comfortable around. She knew Novel shared her passion for herbs and for healing; many wolves found such things a bit strange and even uninteresting. Yet Ara could hardly fathom not having some interest in healing -- for what was greater than healing illness and soothing pain? She had taken this path at a young age, and had devoted herself to learning as much as she could. She had always been dutiful and diligent to her studies, even though her parents had never so much as pressured her to take this path in life. Of course, they encouraged her to do what she loved, and nothing more or less.

She couldn't help but stare into the depths of the spring. They were so alluring to her; but then again, she was easily enraptured by the world's beauty. Even when she had first met Novel, she'd been awed by the massive willow trees, even choosing to take a small branch home to her father for him to see. Her parents were her world -- and it was hard to admit they weren't doing well. "It's okay," she started softly, her words guarded. "They are not sick, they are just tired. I worry about them." The winter would be tough on them, she was certain. "I'm sure they would appreciate your company." She would, too, in all honesty -- she turned again to Novel, smiling gently.

Novel spoke then of the births she had helped with. Ara was interested, and her face spoke plainly of her curiosity. It was amazing that so many children were being born in Ludicael. How lucky! Yet, she still wasn't sure she would be able to deal with such a thing. "Seracia has a few healers," she began. She had offered to be a lead healer, but her request had been ignore. She understood she did not have much experience, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Her skills were impressive for a yearling, she was certain of that. "I guess I don't feel comfortable showing my skills to many though, unless they request something of me." It seemed the Kingdom had little need for her most of the time, and she preferred helping her parents most of the time anyway. The girl shrugged gently. "The former Queen, Loccian, was helping train me. But she had not been well, so I mostly keep to myself now." It was why she traveled alone so frequently, why she had gone to Ebony, why she kept coming back to this area of Alacritis -- she preferred to do her own thing. She felt she had little to contribute to the already flourishing Seracia. Her demeanor shifted as she spoke, a bit of sadness crossing her features for a split second before she forced it away. "I don't know what I will do without my parents, Novel." It was a moment of weakness, one she didn't show most, even her siblings.. and she regretted speaking as soon as the words left her lips. She was used to thinking to herself, certainly not thinking aloud to others..



10 Years
03-23-2014, 10:07 PM
She would be relieved to hear that the old couple was not sick necessarily, they were tired and if Ara had reason to worry about them then Novel did too. She didn't really know them but she knew how special they were and did not want anything to happen to them. But Ara would continue, saying her presence would be welcomed. She would smile back eagerly as she told her of the births she had helped with and witnessed. Novel's tail would wag with enthusiasm as her counterpart would answer the question of healers in her pack. She would listen intently as she continued on to tell her of her own mentor of the healing art. It was quite sad to hear she was not really able to get out and practice her skills. Novel would let her aquamarine gaze rest upon Ara's features as she told her of studying alone. It was good to know she was not the only wolf who had troubles keeping a mentor. She'd lost two in her one year of life, but she would not dwell on it as she observed the other girl's change in demeanor. It would last but only a second, Novel was unsure if she'd even see it. However listening to her next words would convince her that she had.?

Novel's mismatched ears would fall in sorrow, the pain she felt in her heart was very similar to her own. Cherokee was seemingly missing, she hadn't seen her father for a while now. As Ara was Novel felt fear of losing a parent. Her gaze had moved back to the glowing depths of the pool, unsure that she wanted to let her misting eyes show. "My dad is missing. I haven't seen him since my newest siblings were born. I dont know what will happen if he doesn't come back." it was difficult for her to talk of such heavy subjects. Novel felt like she had trouble dealing with emotions that didn't revolve around happiness and love. She was very sheltered to the harshness of the world outside her pack's borders.?

She wanted to draw nearer the wolf opposite her for comfort, as she felt she was treading in deep emotional waters. She hadn't put to words what she had been thinking for a few weeks. What if her father disappeared forever? She didn't want to think about it, her gaze would flicker back to Ara's features. "It's not very pleasant to think about. Not ever seeing him again." she would feel actual tears welling up within her eyes as she did her best to keep them from falling.?
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10 Years
03-24-2014, 05:45 AM

Ara quickly regretting speaking her mind so easily. She did not know how to deal with sadness, and certainly not with loss. Up until now, she had trained and worked so hard to help prevent these things. A healthy body usually meant a healthy, happy mind -- but not always were things so simple. Herbs could not cure sadness. She'd discovered this when her father had been taken captive, and her mother had grown depressed. Nothing had taken that pain away, as hard as she had tried. The child had grown distraught at the possibility of pain that could not be soothed by herbs or plants; ailments invisible to the eye, that one could never see.

Part of Ara had expected their meeting to be full of small-talk; of the talk of herbs and healing. Nothing like this. A sigh left her lips. Novel did not want to hear her worries about her parents, she was certain. At least she had parents who had been there for her for so long -- it seemed ungrateful to whine about them being gone. And so quickly into their meeting, too! She was unused to talking about her emotions, especially about her parents, and she wished she hadn't brought it up at all. It would be better -- and far easier -- to just talk about herbs and plants...

And yet Novel did not discourage the conversation. She seemed to relate to her in some way, admitting her dad had not been around. Ara felt suddenly selfish again. At least her father was alive and present, albeit growing old... Novel's was not even around right now. Slowly she turned to look at the girl, noting the look of sadness that had crossed her face. "I'm sorry," she started gently. Even worse, Novel's sadness did not seem to lift. She swore she saw tears well up in the other girl's eyes. She felt helpless, wanting to promise that her father would return, but knowing he might very well not. No words came to her that would offer up any comfort. Her instinct was to find an herb to cure everything, even emotional pain, but she was beginning to realize that there were wounds that could never be healed like that. "I didn't mean to..." To what? Bring up the topic of their parents? To make Novel cry? Another sigh left her lips and she slowly shifted closer to the girl. Perhaps her presence would be comforting? But she could not imagine how. The two were not terribly close, but had known each other since childhood, but she wondered if just maybe Novel would feel better if she offered her support. It took her another moment to shift even closer, literally offering the girl her shoulder -- and though her gaze strayed to the spring, she was watching Novel's reflection in the still waters.



10 Years
03-24-2014, 08:27 PM
Misty gaze would half return to the pool as she would attempt to hide the visible emotion from the other girl, she had only met her a few times. Why did she have to think of her father? She felt terrible for saying the words aloud, she didn't need to be troubling Ara with her problems. She was a healer, she helped wolves heal their bodies but minds and hearts were very different. She knew because of her uncle Anthem, Symphony had searched for years for a cure for his mind. She had still yet to find anything. Ara would apologize, but really she had no fault in the matter. She would try to give her a smile, to let her know it was alright. Still she would bite back her tears, "Ara, you didn't do anything." her tiara would swivel back towards the dark pelted girl again. She would realize then how much closer she'd become, offering up her shoulder as a place of comfort. Novel's pale lips would pull up into a shy smile as she moved to nuzzle into the girls fur. "I'm just a crybaby I guess." her voice was a bit more lighthearted as she drew nearer the dual toned she wolf. She would feel a sigh slip from her lips as her body relaxed, she would keep rather quiet for a moment trying to regain control of her emotions. It was easier dealing with missing Cherokee now that she had admitted the reality to someone. She would feel her smile brighten a bit more as she looked up to Ara, appreciation shining in her deep blue gaze. "Thanks for the company," her quiet voice would whisper.?
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10 Years
03-24-2014, 09:51 PM

Emotions were so confusing. She hadn't known how to dealt with her mother's depression over Bronze's disappearance. Ara had delved into her studies even deeper, preparing for him if he ever returned home. And even now, she felt uncomfortable as Novel begin to cry. She felt useless in terms of making her feel better. She'd never been close to many wolves save for her family, and it felt strange to comfort another... not necessarily in a bad way. Just different.

Novel's smile seemed strained and she felt her chest tighten. "I just felt bad for complaining about my dad," she admitted. "When you don't know where yours is..." She didn't mean to say it aloud, and found herself regretting her words yet again. She wasn't used to speaking to others very often, especially about subjects like this. The girl's ears pinned back against her skull, but she relaxed as she felt Novel nuzzle into her shoulder. The contact was surprising, but not unpleasant. "You're not a crybaby," she assured her, voice growing a bit louder than usual. "Things like that, if anything, are worth crying about. But you don't need an excuse. I don't mind." She loved helping others, even if she was not overly friendly on the outside. It felt nice to know Novel had let something off her chest, even if she felt a bit unsure about the sudden emotional conversation.

"You don't have to thank me, really." She had only listened and offered a literal shoulder to cry on. "But maybe we shouldn't talk about such sad things." She returned the smile, tilting her head slightly as she watched Novel. "I'd like to know more about the births. What herbs did you use?" It was a more comfortable topic, and she really didn't want to make her friend cry again.



10 Years
03-26-2014, 02:43 PM
It was sweet of Aa to be so concerned over Novel's missing parent, and to even go as far as offering the other girl her shoulder. She would go on to explain what she wished to be forgiven for, though Novel still would find no fault in her actions. Ara would go on, telling her that she was not a crybaby and that she had plenty of reason to shed tears for such reasons. Novel would nod her head as she pulled herself together as Ara told her she didn't even mind the tears she shed, telling her no thanks were needed. Then, very much thankfully, she would change the topic of conversation. Novel would bring her paw to her eyes, drying the last bits of moisture that would reside there. Herbs and birthing. She could talk about that for hours, there were so many plants to ?learn about and helpful techniques to use. "Well I used alfalfa and trillium, but I think the best tactic I used was staying calm. Nature does a good job of making things happen on its own. I just try to ease the job a little bit." a genuine smile would take residence upon her features as she pulled away from Ara's embrace. She wouldn't scoot away, enjoying the close company of the girl. "I have a friend called, Elohim. He's a golden lion tamarin monkey that has been learning the art with me. He has really long toes that allow him to grab things and use tools, it's been really helpful having him with me." her features would brighten once again as they pulled away from such sad topics. Elohim was very special to her, it was rare the two were alone. They cuddled often, so not having him at such an emotional time was rough. Again she felt thankfulness at Ara's kind actions. ?
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10 Years
03-27-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 07:07 AM by Ara.)
Novel seemed to relax significantly, much to Ara's pleasure. It was instinctive of her to want others to be content, and without pain; it was in her nature as a healer. A gentle smile was given as she watched Novel's tears stop, and for a moment the yearling felt as if it had been she that had stopped the pain. She told herself that it was a silly thought, shaking her head visibly for a short moment, as though it would quiet her head.

Ara was glad when the other girl didn't pull away too far from her. Having only been truly physically close to her family, she wasn't sure how will she liked affection from others - and never really thought about it much. But now she found herself dreading the moment Novel pulled away further. Luckily, she seemed to appreciate the slight contact as well, and Ara was quiet as her friend spoke of helping with the births she had mentioned. She had heard of alfalfa, a common herb, but never trillium. "Tell me more about trillium?" she inquired gently, eyes betraying her curiosity. "I've never heard of it." There was always something to learn, and she would never pass up the opportunity to widen her knowledge of plants.. or anything.

She spoke then of her companion; a monkey. Strange, but intriguing. a smile painted her features. "Can you speak to him?" She wasn't exactly envious, but the thought of having someone who could help collect herbs easier she could was quite appealing to her. Her eyes were bright with wonder as she waited.