
consequences we cannot deny



8 Years
03-19-2014, 09:15 PM

Qanik found herself once more far to the south of her pack's territory, large paws moving rapidly to carry her along. This time, though, she was on a very specific mission. She wasn't hoping to meet Flamesong; on the contrary, she would not mind at all if she didn't see him this trip. It had been prompted after she had last seen Flamesong, when she'd begun to truly realize the way she'd begun to feel for him and the way it seemed fate was continuously throwing them together. The memory of how tenderly he'd cared for her when she was injured was burned indelibly in her mind, though she'd been sightless at the time. She wasn't sure how he would feel about her current quest - gods knew she wasn't sure how she felt about it either.

Slowing to a stop at the border of Valhalla's territory, Qanik had to take a deep calming breath and let it out slowly. Inside she was in turmoil... did she really know what she was doing here? Following a feeling, that was all. But outside she was calm and serene as she finally raised her nose to the sky and sent out a low note, calling across the land for Valhalla's alpha.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2014, 08:01 PM

The life of an Alpha was ever busy, and often, she would be on her paws for hours, either patrolling or answering calls at the borders. Calls such as the one gracing the air today. She?d paused to take a long drink in the river. Her thirst was sated, and she was already on the move toward the call by the time it ended. She moved with long, flowing strides as she approached the stranger at the border, noting that the female seemed faintly uneasy, possibly confused. Her ears pressed forward as her neck arched slightly, eyes scanning the land beyond the female?s shoulder for dangers. Finding none, her eyes locked with the blue gaze of the female, head slightly cocked to the left.

?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. What brings you to my borders this day, Tortugan?? For the scent rolling off of the female along with her own personal scent was undoubtedly Tortugan in origin. The Alphascent had changed for Tortuga, but the base scent that would remind one of shadows on a dark night still remained. Her voice was neutral for the time being. She knew that Glaciem and Tortuga were allied when Deteste had taken it, and she recognized the Armada base to the Alphascent. What had become of Deteste? Her ears flicked as she waited for an explanation of this female?s presence on her border.



8 Years
03-21-2014, 10:29 PM

As her muzzle lowered from the call, Qanik settled back to wait. At first she sat, but restlessness overtook her and she rose to pace the border, gaze roaming the land for danger. And there was danger, so close to another pack's land. She knew enough of her world's politics now to understand that Tortuga and Valhalla were not close, and her presence could be seen as a threat. Finally she realized she was just going to wear herself out worrying, and she forced herself to sit once more. She breathed deep breaths to bring herself back to calm, though she seemed unable to find her equilibrium.

Truly, not much time had passed but it felt like an eternity before her senses announced a Valhallan wolf approaching. Her gaze followed the wolf as she moved closer, and for a moment Qanik was struck by how alike the two were. They could have been siblings - those this wolf would have been the taller, prettier sister, with her elegant muzzle and legs and her pelt like starshine, while Qanik would have been the homely little tagalong sister.

Qanik shook her head wryly. She'd long gotten over not being "pretty" and she was fine with it. It was just more obvious when contrasted now. But her faint smile faded quickly. With a wolf like this in his pack, why would Flamesong even want to be with her?

"Alpha," she greeted, her heavy head dipping respectfully to her. "I am Qanik. As you rightfully concluded, I am from Tortuga." But when it came to what brought her there, she hesitated before squaring her feet and drawing herself up, determined to not appear a quivering, despondent mess in front of Flamesong's alpha and scolding herself for acting the child when this female could not have been more than a few years older than she. "I have become acquainted with one of your pack members, Flamesong." No, that wasn't right, that made it sound so cold. Her gaze drifted slightly, unfocused gaze over Erani's shoulder. "I.. have become quite fond of him. More fond than perhaps I should be. I..." She focused once more on Erani, but when she went to continue, words failed her and she hesitated. She'd never really admitted how deep her feelings ran, even to herself. To say it out loud to a stranger...




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 07:25 PM

The Tortugan greeted the snowy Alpha Primary, introducing herself as Qanik, and confirming Erani?s assumption of her pack origin. Then she seemed to draw herself up, almost in a fighting stance, but more as though she was trying not to fall apart in front of Erani. Deep sapphire gaze locked with Qanik?s similar stare, and finally, the words came, almost stiff, as though she wasn?t sure how to word it, and corrected to sound less stone-like. Qanik?s gaze drifted, resting beyond Erani?s shoulder in an unfocussed manner.

Erani frowned slightly. It was true that she hadn?t yet placed boundaries of whom the pack should avoid, other than the highly obvious line of Glaciem. However, she wondered why Flamesong hadn?t approached her. ?Are you carrying his children? Or do you intend to? I recall that Tortuga is allied with Glaciem.? And her tone of voice let it be known through the flatness of voice how she felt on the subject of the Ice Pack.

She studied the female, not unkindly. It was clear that the feelings ran far deeper than Qanik was possibly comfortable to say. She didn?t smell pregnant at all, but a clandestine mating between two packs that hadn?t yet clarified their positions on one another could cause a hell hole of problems in the future. Valhalla didn?t need problems so soon.



8 Years
04-01-2014, 07:47 AM

This Erani didn't seem pleased by any of this, though Qanik would hardly have expected her to be. She seemed willing to talk rather than chase her off the border, though, so that was an improvement over what might have been. Though still feeling distinctly outmatched by this female - and in more ways than simply rank - Qanik had regained a sense of balance in herself, and when the alpha asked shortly if she were pregnant or planning to be, Qanik didn't even flinch. "No, I am not," she told her with certainty, "and it is unlikely to happen whether with Flamesong or anyone else. I am much too old to be birthing and raising a litter on my own, and I have no intention of asking Flamesong to leave Valhalla, nor will I be leaving Tortuga." There, that was out in the open now, a declaration that she would not be luring Flamesong away from his duties, but that she likewise had no intention of abandoning her pack for him.

"As for Tortuga aligning with Glaciem, I truly would not know anything about that. I am a warrior of my pack, not a politician. Roman does not confide her plans with me." Her tone was firm there; she was not a ranking member of Tortuga, nor an ambassador, and to speculate on the affairs of her pack with another pack would be far beyond what was allowable.

She returned the wolf's scrutiny, her face as mellow as she could make it. "Alpha, I have not come here to ask your permission to be with Flamesong. I do not know if he returns my feelings or if he thinks of me as anything more than a former patient. But I cannot deny my own feelings, and I felt it would be the... honorable thing to tell you of them. I do not know if it would affect anyone but he and I, but there is always a risk and it would be dishonest for me to keep the knowledge from you. Decisions, after all, are best made with all the facts in line." A shadow passed over her at the memory of the father who had often said that, but she pushed aside the sadness to focus on the present, staring calmly into Erani's matching gaze. "I just don't want him to get hurt."




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2014, 08:53 PM

Qanik?s answer, an assurance that she wasn?t pregnant, nor did she intend to become so, eased some of Erani?s worries, but not all of them. There was Qanik to worry about. Erani hadn?t yet met Tortuga?s newest Leader? Good heavens, so many wolves had been leader to that pack, it was hell to keep up with the changes even when she?d had plenty of spare time as the Theta. Slowly she nodded, wondering if she would need to speak with Flamesong, or if he would approach her first.

Qanik?s firm answer to Erani?s query about the ties of Tortuga to Glaciem was met with an understanding nod. Well, now she had a name to put to the alphas scent. Roman. She?d have to keep an ear out for that name. It did make her curious. What kind of leader was this Roman? Fair? Tyranical? Surely not the latter; Qanik looked like the kind of wolf who wouldn?t put up with living under a tyrant, and there was no ill emotion in her eyes that would suggest ill treatment. She was well spoken, and honorable.

For now, she kept the questions under the lid, as Qanik spoke, listening intently. Erani nodded as Qanik amended her statement, her haunches lowering to the ground. ?I will have to speak to him. He hasn?t yet approached me about this. You seem a good wolf, and I am glad that you have the courtesy of letting me know.? Deep blue gaze swept over Qanik?s form; she did know that Tortuga had moved north while under Deteste?s rule; he had wanted to return to the Red Forest. While she had been furious with him that he had chosen to ally with Glaciem, of all packs, she could see why he had. Valhalla had lost their war. That would make them appear weak. What had become of the male with eyes older than his age?

?Have you eaten?? If not, Erani would offer the female her hospitality to rest for the night, take a meal, and drink before she headed home.



8 Years
04-10-2014, 07:38 AM

The Valhallan alpha seemed understanding, kind even concerning the situation, especially since the two packs seemed to have an uneasy relationship. The fact that this was so troubled her; Flamesong had never acted in such a manner as to make it seem that he knew of it and in fact had never been anything less than polite to her even when they had first met, but surely if Tortuga was a rival of some sort he would have had some knowledge of it and the way his alpha had spoken of Tortuga's alliance with Glaciem, so coldly, made it seem like... Once more she mentally shook her worries away, worries that were based more on her own insecurities than anything real, listening as Erani spoke. Her head inclined in thanks when she spoke of her courtesy in telling her of it, then asked if she'd eaten. "I am fine, but thank you," she murmured politely. "I should be returning north immediately; my pack needs me there. With your leave, Alpha Erani?" She bowed her head to the higher-ranked wolf, then turned her nose to home. Somehow this encounter had left her conscience far more troubled than before, and she had a lot of thinking to do.

-exit Qanik-




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 12:18 PM
Erani Adravendi

Qanik?s answer to her offer was received with an understanding nod, and as Qanik turned away, Erani offered a soft ?Be safe.? to the female. As Qanik?s form faded into the distance, Erani watched her go, before turning and padding back into Valhalla?s heart, tail swaying slowly behind her as she thought.

Her paws automatically took her to Cairo?s resting place in the glade, haunches slowly lowering to the ground. She would seek out Flamesong and speak to him about this. For right now, a nap sounded like a welcoming prospect. Her fore end lowered to the grass, head settling between her paws, and she let the sounds of the glade lull her into a light doze.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think