
New Space & Time



10 Years
03-19-2014, 09:35 PM

The journey home took longer than Odette had anticipated. Maybe it was because she had a travelling partner with her and he slowed down how fast she usually took to return. Even though it was a day longer than she was used to, Odette wouldn't trade the time she spent with Baldur. She was getting to know him better with every hour that passed. One thing she realized about him was that he could tolerate pain a lot more than other wolves she had met. His wounds were healing nicely, but every now and then, his hind paw's bandage seemed to threaten to break apart when too much weight was placed on it. That didn't stop her from cleaning it again and reapplying the lamb's ear. She wanted him to be free of infections when they reached the borders.
As the sun was starting to set in the west, Odette could see the lands of home ahead of them. Red and blue eyes sparkled with an eager desire to race towards the plains and roll into the grass, for she was very happy to be back. Instead, she looked over to Baldur and her eyes sparkled when her gaze met his. "Not far now, Baldur." Excitement rang in her tones and a soft smile appeared on her face before she took a few steps forward. When she felt Baldur's warmth beside her, she began the mini journey to the plains.
Every eighth of a mile, she checked to see if Baldur's wounds were still intact; so far, so good. After checking them one last time, Odette realized they stood at the edge of the borders. Her smile widened and she took a step forward to toss her head back. A melodious alto rang from her mouth, hoping that her sweet grandmother would come to her call. As her howl faded, Odette lowered her head and she looked out into the place she called home with quivering anticipation.

"You" Think


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4 Years
03-20-2014, 05:44 PM

While the adrenaline from the fight had faded it was soon flooding through his veins again the closer they got to Valhalla. Baldur was excited and nervous. He was going to do it, he was going to ask if he could join the pack and maybe then he'd find his fate. Course what if the ruler said no and turned him away? Baldur frowned as he limped along after Odette. Well? he supposed he just have to turn around and go his own way but the thought of never seeing Odette again really bothered him. The stopped to redress his wound despite his insistence that he was doing just fine. Secretly though he found her caring to be very sweet. When he looked at it they were still practically strangers after only have known each other for a day but he looked forward to getting to know her more? if he could get accepted into Valhalla.

Baldur got back to his feet, swallowing pain and nerves. He nodded when she said they didn't have much farther to go. "Thank you, Odette. Man, I hope Erani doesn't mind I'm a bit scruffy." Baldur's fur had dried but it was sticking up in odd places and the matted plant stuff in his fur, while aiding his wounds, did not particularly help is appearance. He was a warrior, a strong one, but he had no idea if he was giving off that impression now.

The scent of Valhalla reached his nostrils as the came to a stop at the border. Odette tipped her head and howled in a lovely, clear voice for the alpha to come meet them, and Baldur knew his fate was moments away from being decided.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2014, 07:42 PM

The last herb of the gathering session was pressed into place, Lavender with the Lavender and other sedative plants, as the old female?s deep blue gaze swept over the store pile to make sure all was as it should be. A call from Odette rolled into the cave, and one snowy ear swiveled as Erani noted the slight urgency to the tones of her granddaughter. Rising, she turned with a flick of her tail and took off at a dignified lope, covering ground in such a way that she wouldn?t arrive breathless.

Odette was not alone, Erani noted as she arrived and slowed her pace to a walk, tail swaying gently above the level of her hips in greeting to her grandchild, though her eyes were on Odette?s companion. ?Hello, Baldur. I see you?ve tangled with something nasty, mm? How is Hati? Thor, and Loki?? She studied the male?s injured leg, nodding in approval at what she knew was Odette?s work. She?d stepped in to view Odette?s training a few times, and the girl was as much of a natural at healing as she was with fighting. ?Well done, Odette. The swelling?s been kept down very nicely on this injury.?

Her eyes swept up to lock with Baldur?s, reading the slight amount of nerves. He didn?t need to speak for her to know what he was here for. ?You showed yourself to be a competent hunter and able to work as a team with others. Sticking with your ill brother, despite your obvious dislike for him shows that you have a good heart. Your fighting skills I have yet to see, but I would love to see them once your leg is well. I have room for strong wolves who will stand beside one another, if you wish to become a part of Valhalla.? Deep blue pools sparkled with an ancient humor as she cocked her head at Odette. ?That is why you brought him here, is it not?? The warm humor in her voice was soft and gentle as she studied her young granddaughter.



4 Years
03-21-2014, 08:38 PM

Nose to the ground, Thor followed a trail of injury that belonged to none other than his brother. However he was hurt, the wound was new enough that Thor's nose could detect the smell of serum off its surface, meaning it was recent enough not to be completely scabbed over. There was a medicinal smell as well, which Thor guessed to be the work of whoever was accompanying Baldur. To him, knowing this was a relief. At least with someone looking after him, even if his injury was bad, Baldur's odds were better. In any case, he was probably getting better treatment than he'd ever gotten before. Wounds in the old pack were treated with the age old wisdom of "rub some dirt in it" and many a serious injury was neglected or worsened in this manner.

Momentarily thrown off his pursuit by a familiar smell, Thor stopped to test the wind. His nose twitched, the gears in his head working over time. Valhalla, right? Erani's place. Had to be, her scent was all over it.

The brute renewed the chase with zeal, flying over the plains in his eagerness to make sure his brother was okay. When at last his unmistakable shape came into view, Thor howled to announce his presence and broke out into an all out run. He slid to a halt before them, panting and wind ruffled. "Baldur! I've been chasing you all over creation." In other words, you idiot, I've been worrying about you and am now going to blame you for it even though you were clueless.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



10 Years
03-21-2014, 11:16 PM

Erani's arrival was swift and captivating, just as Odette knew it would. She loved watching the older woman show signs of youth, for even though she was nine years old, age was quickly upon her. As her grandmother approached and came within speaking distance, Odette smiled widely. She hadn't been in the family long -- six months, to be exact -- but she really did love and care for this woman.
The Alpha Primary made assessments on Baldur's healing wounds and a sense of pride appeared in her tan chest. Odette's eyes sparkled with more intensity as she looked over to Baldur's shoulder wounds as well. "Thank you, Grandmother...It was only from the lessons I took that I was able to take care of Baldur's wounds." She felt a gaze on her form and she raised her own eyes to see the sparkling jewels in the male's sockets. Blushing lightly, she turned away her gaze to Erani's own sapphires. "Yes ma'am, that is exactly why I brought him. He was eager to see what Valhalla was like and what it could hold for him as a home."
A random wolf then appeared shortly after her words left her lips. He smelled like Baldur, but his scent was, nevertheless, different. Odette looked him over in curiosity, taking in the pelt and how it flowed with the surrounding summer breezes. He spoke to Baldur with a sense of protection and -- dare she say it? -- obvious care. She silently wondered who he was, but she figured he would introduce himself in good time.

Talk like this


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4 Years
03-22-2014, 11:34 AM

Baldur tried not to fidget. He needed to appear calm, noble and of some worth to the pack rather than a scruffy loner who'd been in a fight. When the alphess finally showed Baldur's jaw dropped. What?! This was Erani? He was shocked to discover that the healer that had helped them seasons back when Hati had been injured was in fact an alphess! Embarrassment brought heat to his cheeks. He must not of been paying attention when she introduced herself, if she introduced herself? Why had he not made the connection?

Baldur cleared his throat and quickly regained his composure. "Hati is doing fine? I think. Once Hati was settled we all went our separate ways I've no idea where he and Loki are now." He resisted the urge to cringe. Would she think him awful for not caring? Did this make him a bad brother? They'd always been off on their own or in pairs it was just how things were between the family. They were not a close knit group.

Heat rose to his cheeks once again as she complimented him. It was eerie how well she read him though in some ways a comfort as he didn't really need to explain himself. "Thank you, ma'am. I was trained a soldier so I'd be honored to show you my skills, even with wounds if you wished." He didn't feel the need to explain why. The males in his family were trained to battle under any circumstances, be it weather, injury, even broken bones now that he thought of it.

Suddenly Thor appeared. A grin split Baldur's maw and he immediately began to relax. "Hey Thor!" He bounded awkwardly over to his brother to lick his cheek in greeting. They could talk later? at the moment? he turned back to Erani, wondering how Thor would take his decision to join a pack.

"Yes, I? I met Odette and she was telling me of Valhalla and I want to join your pack, alphess Erani. I'm tired of wandering aimlessly all the time. I need direction."




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 07:12 PM

As Odette spoke, Erani smiled, glad Frictions lessons were sticking like mud to fur in Odette?s mind. Baldur seemed relieved that Erani had guessed him out, rather than him having to explain everything. She listened to his notations of his training, nodding slowly. ?No, I would prefer to see you at your best, rather than mess up all of Odette?s good work on that leg.? It was then that a brown furred missile charged from the distance, revealing himself to be Thor. Erani let the two wolves reunite before speaking. ?Thor, good to see you healthy and well.?

Deep blue gaze turned back to Baldur. ?Very well. I grant you a home in Valhalla. We are a family, and we work together. And who knows, you may get the chance to show your skills in an actual battle. Glaciem is our enemy in the north. All packs allied with them are to be avoided, especially Glaciem themselves. We train regularly in all three skills; Hunting, Healing, and Fighting. I expect all to be involved in these training sessions.? The words she gave were in a gentle, yet firm tone of voice, husky velvet notes lilting elegantly over some words, the tone flat over mention of Glaciem.

Lastly, she smiled softly, eyes warm. ?Welcome to Valhalla, Baldur. Welcome home.?



4 Years
03-29-2014, 10:13 AM

Returning his brother's greeting, Thor headbutted the front of his shoulder roughly; forgetting for a moment that his brother was wounded. The gesture was reminiscent of a game they used to play when they were small. Two wolves would rest their heads against each other's shoulder and push; the winner would successful back his opponent up until he admitted defeat. Somewhere along the line, Thor had twisted the the beginning stance into a greeting; he'd done it since he was small and now thought nothing of it when it came to his siblings.

Erani, that nice healer lady, spoke to him and Thor couldn't resist grinning, the action giving his features an oddly childlike quality. The brute was large and intimidating, and he could act every inch the heathen he'd been trained to be, but if you peeled by the rough exterior that had been forced upon him, you'd find a good heart. Some part of him, whether he realized it or not, had been frozen at a young age, perhaps in an attempt to rescue his young self from abuse. Now, as an adult, that childlike part of him still remained, occasionally making an appearance but largely held inside for his own safety. Guilelessness was a dangerous quality that marked the weak, or so he'd been told.

"It's good to see you too, Erani." the brute rumbled, still grinning. He liked her quite a bit; the exact reasoning behind it was a mystery, but he liked her. Perhaps it was her gentle yet authoritative nature that commanded his attention and introduced him to a novel idea: you didn't have to bully to be in charge.

Baldur began to speak and Thor stared at him, an incredulous expression on his face. First off, Erani was the alpha? That shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did, but he was taken aback. An alpha who was a healer? Whoever had heard of such a thing! This Valhalla place was unreal. Secondly, Baldur wanted to join it--a thought that made Thor's face become unreadable while he thought it over. Inside he was torn and perhaps a bit devastated. Some part of him viewed Baldur's decision as a betrayal. Hadn't they left the old pack together? The action had been so final that Thor hadn't considered joining another pack an option. He'd assumed, no matter how far either of them roamed, that it would be just the two of them against the world from then on.

Oblivious to the rest of the exchange, Thor fell uncharacteristically quiet as he thought.

Finally, he took a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh. If Baldur wanted to be here then he wanted to be here too. This time he was serious when he spoke, the impish expression long gone, leaving behind a countenance that suggested such a grin was impossible for this particular face. "Erani, if you will have me, I'd like to join too."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



10 Years
04-03-2014, 02:17 AM

Odette raised an eyebrow at Thor as he butted his head against his brother. It was an odd way to greet his sibling, but she didn't question it at that moment. Instead, she shook her head to herself and turned her gaze to Erani as she welcomed him to Valhalla. Excitement spread through her bones and she took a few steps forward to face Baldur. "Congratulations, Baldur!" She leaned in and gave him a gentle nuzzle in the thick fur of his neck. Her tail quickly wagged behind her as she happily snorted after pulling back. "We can spar together, now that you're going to be a warrior. Once your wounds completely heal, I will have tons of fun kicking your butt."
She couldn't help but laugh excitedly until she looked at Thor. Red and blue eyes twinkled with a gentle sense of knowing as she looked back to Erani. "Grandmother, will Thor be a member, too?" She didn't know the male as well as she did Baldur, but Erani usually had good inklings about wolves and she hoped the ivory woman would make the right choice.



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4 Years
04-04-2014, 08:23 PM

Baldur waited with baited breath to see what would become of his fate. He could bring himself to look at Thor. He sensed the shift in his brother and was sure his older sibling was taken aback by the decision. He loved Thor, really he did but he was tired of living as a loner, always wandering and scavenging? and if Baldur truly looked within himself he wanted a family. He wanted to know what other wolves felt when they were part of a pack, a real pack built on respect and teamwork.

And then the verdict. He was in! And a warrior too. A grin split his maw. He nodded, Glaciem was their northern foe, he would train in all three? that could be interesting. Hunting wasn't a problem, healing he was a bit skeptical on but he saw Odette's handiwork with the gator and had to admit he was open to the prospect.

Welcome Home

Baldur swallowed hard. Home. Stars above was he finally going to learn what that word actually meant? He jumped with a laugh as Odette nuzzled him, his heart fluttering at her touch, tail starting to wag. "Oh you will, huh? Well we'll just see about that! Haha, though you did take on a gator, you'll have to teach me a few tricks Odette!"

He was so lost in puppy love and excitement that he nearly missed his brother speak. Baldur whirled around to stare at Thor. He'd never even bothered to hope that his brother might join him, but would he?

"You mean it Thor, you'd join a pack?" Baldur turned to Erani, the pleading look evident on his face. "Lady Erani, please, he is one of the few members of my family that?" Baldur hesitated on how to say what he wanted to. One of the few members that wasn't totally insane? That hadn't slain as many wolves as some of the others? That wasn't likely to kill or betray her? "You'll never meet a more loyal or noble wolf."



04-05-2014, 02:46 PM

Erani smiled with a slight nod to Thor?s answers, deep blue gaze twinkling at Odette?s congratulations to Baldur, and Baldur?s obvious relief at being accepted. And then Thor?s question arose. He eyes rested on the brown male. ?I have no doubt that you will be a fine addition to our ranks. I see no problem in your joining Valhalla. Welcome home to Valhalla. You too will be a Gamma, though I would like to see you and your brother, once he?s healed, helping out with hunting. The main rules, you?ve heard, and I?m sure that you can come to me if you need reminders.? A soft grin pulled at her jaws.

?In Valhalla, we are family, whether we are related by blood or not. We may butt heads, but we work together as a tightly knit team.? Turning, she nuzzled her Grand-Daughter?s shoulder, tail waving her scent over the two males, a mark of acceptance that would identify them as welcomed to the pack as members. ?I have matters that need attending to. Odette, feel free to show them around.? She smiled at them, and padded off at a graceful, long stride.




10 Years
04-06-2014, 04:33 AM
ooc: I'm going to assume that there will be two exit posts from Baldur and Thor after this post so we can wrap it up? :D Anyway, here is my last post for this thread.

She watched for reactions from both wolves and Baldur responded to her touch. It made her smile and then she felt the nuzzle on her shoulder from Erani. She turned back to look at her grandmother and nodded as a reply to her request. "Yes ma'am," she said before Erani retreated to the plains. Someday, maybe, Odette would be like her grandmother. It was one of her dreams that only one person knew...and he was absent for the moment.
Odette then turned her gaze back to the men and cleared her throat. "Right, let's get to business! I'm sure both of you are tired and eager for something to eat and drink. I'll be more than happy to lead y'all deeper into the plains where those two things can be taken care of. Afterward, we can explore the pack lands and get you two settled."



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
04-07-2014, 06:23 PM

Without giving him a chance to answer his question, Baldur turned and began to speak to Erani, abruptly killing Thor's reply. The words died in his throat and settled there, creating a knot as his brother vouched for him. His words were a kindness that Thor would never have imagined being said about him. They were unnecessary and untrue, and the brute was stunned by them. This brother, one he beat up on and bickered with, thought he was loyal? Noble? Thor was honored.

Swallowing hard, the brute nodded absently at Erani's words. So that was it then. He was Valhallan. The rank of Gamma suited him and there were plenty of opportunities for advancement, but he felt dissatisfied. Not because he thought he deserved better, but because he didn't know what exactly he wanted to do with himself. He was a warrior through and through. He was big and brutish, every feature damning him to that role, but it went beyond physicality; he was a warrior inside too. War was carved into the recesses of his mind. And yet...he was dissatisfied. It was all he knew, but...that didn't mean he couldn't learn something else, did it? It was something he'd have to think about.

The conversation carried on and Erani left, leaving Odette to show them around. "That sounds good. Thank you...Odette." He stumbled over her unfamiliar name, testing it. "Please, lead away."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
04-10-2014, 10:06 PM
ooc: blah... sorry no Baldur muse atm ><

Grinning from ear to ear he turned to Thor. They were pack members! It was so strange to say but he had a feeling this would be a good experience. Erani was nothing like their father. They'd finally get to experience what a pack was actually supposed to be like when it cared for it's members. "Thank you, Lady Erani!"

He turned to Odette and nodded. "Sounds good to me." As she turned to lead the way Baldur would follow, hanging back just a bit to wait for Thor. He leaned over to playfully bump his brothers shoulder with his own in a gesture of reassurance. Baldur had a good feeling about this.
