
D�gmar vs. N�tt for Marquis



5 Years
03-29-2014, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2014, 02:54 PM by Dægmar.)

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar's shoulders rolled lazily forward as she stretched. It was time for her to battle the odd-eyed woman known as N?tt. They both sought the rank of Marquis and D?gmar wondered what sort of match lay before her but she would give it her all. The more she thought on it the more the desire for the rank swelled within her breast and ate at her bones and now was the best time for her to spar. She had a slight bump but she was barely a few weeks pregnant. Later on she'd be in a serious disadvantage in a fight.

D?gmar turned to face her opponent and waited for the others to clear out of the way so that they had plenty of room to move. "I see you are to be my opponent for the rank of Marquis? Then good luck to you." You'll need it.

Hackles laced down her back as her fur stood on end. Lithe shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back, head tilted slightly down as her muzzle parted. Brows furrowed and lips pulled back showing gleaming ivory fangs. The mottled femme widened her stance to distribute her weight evenly across her limbs. Her muscles tensed as her legs coiled for the spring. D?gmar's tail aligned with her spine as her ears pinned to her head. Toes splayed as she waited for N?tt to make a move or give the first move to her.

D?gmar vs N?tt

For Rank of Marquis of Elysium

Round: 0 of 2

Attack: n/a

Defenses: n/a


[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

edited for font color


03-30-2014, 01:21 PM

N?tt grinned wickedly as the woman wished her luck. She should be the one wishing the other luck. She had no need for luck. She would win. Over confidence would be her downfall one day, but she did not know it yet. She had been itching for this fight. Bi-coloured optics honed in on her opponent. Her ears swivelled back to pin to her skull. Her tail aligned with her spine. The grin was now now gone, replaced by barred teeth and a look of concentration. Her toes splayed to give her maximum traction. She widened her stance and spread her weight evenly. Her shoulders scrunched forwards, moving a bundle of skin back to protect her scruff. Her abdomen tensed, muscles clenched, chin tucked into her chest to protect one of the most vulnerable areas, the neck. She stood, focused on the woman. She could have the first move, it would be no disadvantage to N?tt. She stood, waiting for the attack to land. Or try to.

N?tt VS. D?gmar for Marquis - Round: 0 of 2
Attacks: N/A
Defences: teeth barred, ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, toes splayed, stance widened, weight spread evenly, shoulders scrunched forwards, abdomen tensed, muscles clenched, chin tucked.
Injuries: N/A



03-30-2014, 01:31 PM
ooc: cats just creepin ^^

Coral pools would come to rest on the two woman battling for Marquis. Defense settled into the place, neither making the first move right away. She would watch these to carefully, The Marquis would be training her warriors, they would be the ones that make sure the pack can defend themselves. The Marquis would need to excel in battle. The sounds of fighting swirled around her as members battled for their place within the pack. There were still a few that needed to spar, but in time they would find partners to do so.



5 Years
03-31-2014, 05:45 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

The shadow woman spoke no reply but set her defenses and faced off against D?gmar. It became clear at this point that the first move belonged to the green-eyed femme. Taking a quick moment the femme double-checked her defenses. Fur and hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched as her head tilted slightly forward, ears pinned. Muzzle parted as gleaming fangs pondered their target. Brows furrowed, weight distributed evenly across her limbs. Muscles coiled along bent legs and toes splayed for extra grip. Tail was held in line with her spine, ready to shift at a seconds notice to help her maintain balance. Now the attack.

Supple legs uncoiled, sending the fae rocketing across the terrain as she attempted to close the distance between them. D?gmar approached head on, only a fraction to her right (N?tt's left). As she neared, she twisted her body in an arc to the left, fangs seeking hold of the left side of N?tt's face. Upper fangs for the flesh along the top of her cheekbone, just below the eye, bottom fangs hoping to hook under the femme's lower jaw near the jaw's corner. D?gmar desired to get a hold on the femme's face and use that hold to control her movements and maybe prevent a return attack.

In addition to attacking with her fangs, as D?gmar's body arced left for N?tt's face, her right shoulder jutted forward targeting N?tt's upper left arm, right where the base of the shoulder blade connected to the upper arm bone. She hoped to jar the joint and cause it to sprain. To perform this attack her weight shifted to her right, tail flying left to help maintain balance. With her weight on the right side her left paw lifted just slightly and slipped forward in a sweeping motion in an attempt to hook N?tt's right wrist with her paw and pull it back unbalancing the other femme.

D?gmar vs N?tt

For Rank of Marquis of Elysium

Round: 1 of 2

Attack: Charging head-on but slightly to the right, head twists to the left as her body arc's fangs seeking N?tt's face, upper fangs right below eye, lower fangs along lower jawline near the corner of the jaw. Goal: To get a hold and make it harder for N?tt to bite her back. Right shoulder jutting forward in an attempt to collide with N?tt's upper left arm where the base of the scapula connects to the upper arm bone. With weight shifted to the right for this attack, her left front leg is reaching forward to try and snag N?tt's right wrist with her paw.

Defenses: n/a

Fur and Hackles Raised | Shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | head tilted slightly forward | ears pinned | jaws parted | brows furrowed | weight evenly distributed | muscles tensed | legs bent | toes splayed | tail in line with spine

n/a first round

ooc: doing these pretty fast, please pm me if something doesn't make sense! <3

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

The Judge


04-05-2014, 03:01 PM
Default to D?gmar!

Due to N?tt not posting in the allotted time, D?gmar is the winner.

N?tt must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.