
don't be so sentimental, this love is accidental


03-29-2014, 11:28 AM

Only when he was alone could the playful side come out of the tiny pup. With his siblings and mother he was quiet, reclusive to draw as little attention to himself as possible. His mothers attention was coveted by all but sometimes not all attention was the best attention. He had seen his mothers anger towards Hestia and Fai when they had begun adventuring and that was why he had been diligent to remain where she said when she said it. But today she had take Fai off to do something or another with only instructions not to leave the hot springs to her other children. So in the hot spring he would stay. Fur was damp from the steam the rose from the springs but he really didn't mind. Between the dampness and the slight breeze it kept him cool despite the warmer weather. Not that he really paid any attention to the temperature anyways. Today he was on the hunt. It had begun a while back, having found the strange slimy creature and immediately trying to hunt it. It had proven difficult and sooner turned into a game. Solo would leap at it, attempting to smack paws down on its slick form but it seemed as soon as he lept it would mimic his actions and leap to keep the distance between them the same. Red bum would remain in the air even as his forequarters landed, bicoloured eyes already zeroing in on the beast just out of his grasp. "Come here you..." He grumbled, shuffling forward a short distance again, red plume twitching above his back in anticipation before once again leaping at it. Again the creature lept just out of his reach and in dismay the youngster flopped to his side as soon as he landed, falling in a wet heap. "Buuuutttt wwwwhhhhyyyy!" he groaned as forepaws scrabbled at the stone as if attempting to reach the creature. It seemed to want him to chase it, remaining just out of reach while it's throat expanded and contracted strangely. It didn't move as long as Solo remained on his side, streatching out as if somehow he could reach it but not moving closer. All the while the creature stared at him through its weird little bulgy eye.



5 Years
03-30-2014, 09:00 AM

Desire? was long overdue to visit the Sovari family once again. She had trekked for hours and it would seem her legs would need to rest. The impact of ludicaels scent hit hard against her nose, and it didnt take long for Des to figure out she was already in pack lands. Each time she secretly did it, a huge surge of guilt swept over her and soon, the purple nymph would have a meeting directly to song to explain her reasoning. Solo was out and about, hunting down a creature that looked rather grotesque and disgusting to play with. From a long distance away she would watch carefully; half amused and half curious as to why he'd pick that creature and not something far more attractive. a grin would widen upon her thin lips at Solo's downfall and she couldnt help but watch in awe.

After a few moments of standing still Desire? would silently make her way over to greet the pup personally. As the distance would close Des would dip her head to give a single, yet affectionate lick on the top of his small crown. " Is your mother and siblings away?" She'd murmur quietly, hoping that he wasnt left completely alone. She knew viridiana left a family member to look after them while she's away, and Desire? couldnt help but sigh in relief. The woman also realised how she favoured Fia, and Desire? felt as though she did have a soft spot for the boys. " Solo, that creature looks disgusting! did you touch it" Oh god, she could only hope he didnt. The slime that looks to have claimed its skin was enough to make heads turn.


04-04-2014, 06:56 PM

ooc;; attack of the sexy tables!!

Nails would scratch and scrabble at the stone without dragging him any closer to the strange creature still perched just out of reach. It just continued to sit outside of his reach, throat expanding and contracting without making a sound, eyes swivelling in strange directions. Could his eyes do that? Desiree would find him rolling his eyes around, trying to make them go different directions and failing miserably. It was her lick that brought him back to the present, bicoloured eyes snapping back to the purple female and realizing that his frog friend has hopped much further away. He scrambled to his feet, a broad smile stretching across his lips as he grinned up at Des. His mother had said that Des was their other mommy but he didn't really understand how any of it worked and thought that he had gotten his one blue eye from her. "Mommy wid Fia, uhkle is with others? He said, plopping down on his haunches and smiling warmly up at her, tail flapping rapidly across the the cool stone as he stared up at her lovingly. But as Desiree told him that he wasn't supposed to touch the frog he would lean around the purple female to look at the the strange creature he had been hunting. "Why? It funny?" He stated, hopping around her and toward the creature. He only got a few bounds before he would stop and smile back at Desiree, red tail still moving like a windshield wiper happily. "Chase?' He would ask easily, wondering if she would join him in his game.



5 Years
04-07-2014, 12:49 PM

Macabre sexiness coming our way!;)

She would watch his tiny form; wondering why wolves so young have a mind full of adventure and ambitions. But for now, His concern was all for the ugliness of the frog. Her lips would curl into a smirk, checking to see how his mind would form to her answer, was he easily persuaded? " How come your not with your uncle? he'll be worried sick." But even with the seriousness growing within her voice she couldnt help but give a light chuckle. Desire? would only spare the frog a single glance, before carrying on with her previous suspicion " Oh, solo... If you touch the frog, it'll make you turn ugly and all the girls would laugh at you! You dont want your handsome little face ruined, do you?" She would watch comfortable from where she sat, having no obligation if he wanted to chase it, after all he's playful.

Viridiana would be making her way around Seracia soon, to see if its a suitable place for her and the children, and if it where to be true, Then the Sovari children would have a chance to become little prince and princesses. Would Solo like to be a prince in shining Armour? time could only tell, perhaps Desire? will tell him of the news soon enough.


04-09-2014, 10:35 AM

Desiree didn't seem super keen on helping him chase the frog but that was beyond his comprehension, he was still struggling with grasping facial expressions. Even as she changed the subject for a brief moment he continued with his useless stalking, shoulders lifting and falling easily in response. Kylar always seemed to be around even when he let the kids go wander the hot springs like when Hestia had fallen into the water or when Fia and Heatia had terrorized some older guy. "'Stay close' he say. We allow do stuff." It was almost comical the way Solo tried to deepen his voice to match that of his uncle's deep rumble. It didn't work, squeaky voice coming out weirder then normal. He didn't look at Desiree as he continued stalking his prey though it had hoped quite a distance at Desiree's approach and didn't seem overly concerned at Solo's slow stalking. Desiree's next words made the young boy bolt upright, head snapping up as he looked at Desiree in horror. It was a frog? His mom had told him stories of the wretched beasts and the wart plague they carried. His eyes widened in horror as he looked from Desiree to the frog then back again. He had... Almost touched it! "We... I... Hunt mouse no frog?" He asked softly. He wasn't quite big enough for bunnies yet, at only three months old his adult teeth had not yet fully come in.



5 Years
04-26-2014, 09:03 AM

His determination didnt go unnoticed, and if it wasnt for the little lie Desire? had made about the frog, there was no doubt that perhaps Solo would have caughten his prize by now. When Desire? was a little girl she was always told a princess should always kiss a frog for prince charming to sweep them of their feet, but never had she heard it about a prince getting his princess. She would shrug the thought aside. The high pitched squeak made the purple nymph look down upon him in awe once again, his voice was still raw, the youth of it so pure and perfect.

Jolting upright in an alarmed state, Solo would eventually let the frog go on its way, a small chuckle parting her thin lips. " A mouse, thats perfect! your gonna be a fine little hunter when you grow up" As her crown would shift to the right and left, she cold see no mice to chase, though she was sure Solo could spot one with his keen sense. " Have you ever caught a silver creature that lives in water?" She'd make it sound more dramatic then what it was, like an adventure that he'll love once Des can take him out to explore.