
The Sleep Of The Innocent



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-29-2014, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 07:12 AM by Erani.)

The limp body she held in her jaws was a stark reminder of the sad side of life. Of its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Twig had birthed a stillborn and a lot of blood. Jinxx was with her right now, and Themisto was behind. She had a great deal to say to this male, but for the time being, her tongue would stay its words. A burial was no place for the topic she had on her mind. She left the ravine, and felt ice slip through her veins. That feeling of impending violence stayed with her, lifting her hackles and putting ice into her eyes as she padded through the territory to a quiet place that would become a riot of wild flowers and color in the next spring.

Setting the still form upon the ground, and set about digging. ?Keep watch.? A low command for Themisto?s ears only. She couldn?t shake the feeling of danger, and her ears were on the constant alert.



03-31-2014, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 04:20 PM by Themisto.)

He would follow closely behind his alphess Erani, his head held high as he watched their surroundings. It was obvious that Erani had a matter to discuss with him, he could sense it in the cold glares she often gave him. His ears would fold, he had noticed that he had been chosen to bring up the rear as opposed to walking beside her. What had he done to upset her so badly she didn't want him to walk beside her? Especially during a time like this? His lips would crease into a frown, and he would glance toward the earth as Erani stopped and set the limp body down. ?Keep watch.? She would say as she began to dig the pups grave, and Themisto would nod before turning his gaze toward the trees. "Yes ma'am." He would manage to mummer, his throat contracting as he tried not to look at Twig's lifeless child, sadness consuming him.



03-31-2014, 04:04 PM

He would find his way back to Valhalla, he had seen her reunite with another here an so had left her to grow his child. She wouldn't be going anywhere soon, he was sure of that. Still he had flitted about around the borders, sure she would not cross the invisible boundaries until after her time. He would not wait long, for that day he would find the heavy scent of birth and death upon the air. What was his now would be returned to his paws, the dark colored male would trot purposefully into the territory's borders. He would not go for the girl yet, his sights were set on his spawn. Using his sense of smell he would find the two wolves, a she wolf of white and a man of caramel. He'd seen his chosen temptress with man before, so Gorgos would shove a condescending look in Themisto's direction before addressing the woman. "No need for that, love. I'll be taking what's mine." with no fear he would stride forward to grab the lifeless pup.?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-31-2014, 05:02 PM

She had finished digging the small hole, turning to take the child in her jaws, when the unfamiliar scent washed over her nose. She forced her hackles down, taking a stance that would seem unbalanced and unready as the dark male approached. So this was the male that had caused so much agony for Twig. She made no expression as he came closer. Quietly, she lowered her haunches just slightly, enough to coil her strength in her haunches, waiting.

What she was waiting for came a moment later, as he moved to take the child. She lunged in low, slashing her jaws toward the right lower foreleg in a swift snapping motion. It was a feint, an attempt to make him lift the leg, or shift weight. Either way, she brought her left shoulder forward as she thrust her weight up to attempt to bear her strength against his ribs and throw him. She hoped the speed and possible element of surprise would be on her side. In all of this movement, she may as well have been mute for the silence. As for Themisto, she didn?t doubt the tailless healer would pitch in.

Hackles were raised, tail swirling like a banner to give herself balance. Her eyes were squinted, her ears flat against the risen fur as she tucked her chin to protect her throat from the equally sized male. Hind paws had fallen into a squared, strong stance as her haunches drove her forward and upward.

Fight Stats





Out Of Character Notes: Not an official fight unless you want it to be. But I figured I would practice with defenses and attacks in any case. XD Also I was guessing he lowered his head to take the pup in the moment Erani lunges.



03-31-2014, 05:31 PM

The moment his musky scent would leak into the healers lungs his nostrils would quiver in disgust, and his defenses would fall hastily into place. He would turn toward the treeline, a large man emerging as he made an attempt to steal Twig's lifeless child. His ghastly scent was all too familiar, sending Themisto into an infuriated haze. This man was the one who had raped Twig, his scent had been littered across the crime scene and Themisto had memorized it, there was no mistaking this was him. A look that had never been placed across his features would stiffen his usually happy expression, his eyes brimming with fury.

Erani would turn and attack, leaping toward the criminal with her jaws unhinged and aimed at his foreleg. He would waste no time, his weight momentarily resting on his back legs before he lunged forward in sync with her attempted bite, all his weight and strength propelling his frame toward the mans left shoulder. Upon impact he would aim to thrust his weight into the criminals left shoulder in the hopes to bruise it and either push him back or over all together. With his jaws agape and his fangs fully unsheathed he would aim to grasp the left side of the mans neck and scruff, and should he succeed he would attain a tight grasp before jerking his head toward his right in an attempt to pull the man toward the earth and on his left side. He did not know Erani had attempted to jab her shoulder into the mans ribs, and should both their attacks land they would assist each other in bringing this bastard down. If he were to fail he would viciously snap at any piece of flesh upon the mans face, neck, and throat that he could, his intentions lethal as he snarled savagely. He wanted this man to plead for his life.



03-31-2014, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 06:22 PM by Gorgos.)

Gorgos was a confident wolf, his stance and swagger would tell of his ego. He felt invincible, and in most cases he was. As midnight jaws would reach for the lifeless child he would see from the corner of his eye the white she wolf lunging for him. He would not catch hold of the girl as he tried to jump back to avoid her attack. However he could not move as quick as she and felt the impact of her shoulders in his ribs. He would growl furiously as his hackles raised and he would whip his jaws around to aim an attack on the back of her neck, where the base hit her shoulders. As he grappled for a hold on her scruff, as almost simultaneously the tailless man would shove his own shoulder into Gorgos' side. He would erupt in a howl of anger and pain as he switched targets and tried to grab onto the other man's left cheek. He would pass by his jaws and latch on to His own scruff. The pull of Themisto's jaws was enough to push Gorgos to the ground, massive bruises erupting from both shoulders. He would continue growling as he let his teeth snap, hovering around any bites the two would aim towards his face. "You filthy bastards! Give me what I seek before I rip you both apart!" he would growl more as his hackles kept themselves raised. Fury would burn behind his silvery gaze, they would not have him until he was no longer conscious.?



8 Years
Extra large
03-31-2014, 08:05 PM

He had been in the area that night, choosing to move under the moon, cooler, easier to move about without distractions from other wolves. Head was held high as he walked, tail hanging behind him, ears up and twitching to the left, then right, listening for any unusual sounds around him. You could never let your guard down when alone, no family, friends or pack around to alert everyone of danger. So you had to always be watching, listening, smelling and feeling. Deviant had one thing on his side that not many had though, size and experience. He stood at about forty inches at the shoulder, muscle and fat packed onto his skeleton bringing the man at around one hundred and eighty pounds. With a body like this you had to know how to control it, the limitations you had.

Something odd would happen however, the only reason he was in these strange new lands was because he was looking for some people... his family. Deviant would come to a stop, a look of confusion plastered on his face as he sniffed the air, a light breeze carrying a familiar yet uncomfortable scent into his nose. For a brief moment he thought the scent smelled incredibly similar to one of his family, the very wolves he was looking for. Limbs would quickly carry Deviant onward, his nose not stopping one second as he moved through the lands. His course of direction had changed when the scent came to him, making a ninety degree turn in the direction it was coming from, eager, anxious to find out who it belonged to, questions already forming in his head to ask once he met the wolf.

After a couple minutes of a steady jog the man would come to find something unexpected, three forms off a couple yards, and a small body laying in the grass... and two of them suddenly went after one of them. Even though he didn't know who they were, and that the scent of a pack border was between them, Deviant felt a strong need to move forward and try to stop whatever was going on. To have two on one was simply unfair, cowardly. So he made a decision to intervene, after all, the sent he had been following was coming from that direction.

The grey man would quickly move, keeping to the shadows, body low to the ground. He would go in a semi-circle around the group of wolves, pausing once he was to the right of a caramel and black male. Ears faced the three wolves, the caramel and white going for a dark male, to Deviant for an unknown reason. And then he would strike. With a growl the behemoth would sprint out from some bushes, lips pulled back and ready to clamp onto flesh. The distance between Deviant and the wolves would grow small, head lowering as he lunged at Themisto, aiming to slam his chest into the man's right side in an attempt to knock him back using his large body. He wouldn't try grabbing hold of him just yet, no, he had to see what was going on once he got one wolf away from the one they were going after.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-31-2014, 08:42 PM

Themisto and Erani?s attacks hit spot on, a stroke of luck for them. She was unaware of the impending approach of the crosswing marked male toward Themisto, as her opponent fell, snapping at them, roaring curses. She ducked around the snapping jaws, lunging forward in an attempt to grasp the male?s throat in her jaws. Once he was grasped, she would tighten her muscles, flexing her jaws shut like a vice over his windpipe and great vein, counting the pulses through her teeth. Once her opponent was limp, and struggled no more, she released him, whirling at the sounds of scuffling beside her with a hiss of fury.

A large stranger had charged into the fray, aiming for Themisto. Ice thrummed through her, her form stilling, eyes glazing, feral rage roiling in the deep blue pools. ?Stand aside, rogue. This monster is guilty for the rape of one of my members.? Glacial voice rolled over the scene, a chilling wind, and a measure of how deep her rage was at this moment. It was at the danger level, or a step away from the killing edge. She hadn?t spotted the cross marking upon the male?s shoulder yet. All she knew was that he apparently had come to help the male she had disabled.

Her expression was blank, body unreadable as she started forward. The rage. Sweet Luna, the rage in those eyes.



04-01-2014, 04:03 PM

He would successfully attain a mouthful of the scoundrels scruff, and he would jerk him downward in sync with Erani's shove. The beast would topple toward the earth, but Themisto would have no time to grasp their victory, as another large man had just smashed into his right side. He would instantly release the perpetrator, his head swinging toward the newcomer as he instinctively snapped at the attacker. He would fall onto his left side, and he would use the forward momentum to roll himself over, his legs flailing in the air until they were coiled beneath him again. He would rise as quickly as possible, his leg strength propelling him upward. He would not let this newcomer get him on the ground for long. He would snarl, his defenses flagged as he calculated a clever attack to bring his stranger down, and before he would lunge Erani would speak. He would glance toward her then back toward the stranger wearily, wondering if he would believe them or not. If he decided to attack again he would protect Erani at all costs.



04-01-2014, 04:30 PM

From seemingly out of nowhere another assailant would appear at the scene, his large girth used to knock the tailless one from his side. Gorgos would become distracted by his new comrade, his jaws would bring up nothing of the she Wolf's flesh as he watched the caramel man get pushed out of view. As he had his head turned the white she devil would latch onto his throat. In total surprise he would usher a choked growl before he realized she intended upon suffocation. Wide eyed in amazement he would flail at her grasp, his paws clawing at her sides to let him free as his tail lashed angrily. She would keep hold though, his lungs would scream at him for release but his struggles would grow weaker as his lack of oxygen overtook his senses. His vision would suddenly fail as the rest of his Senses vanished until he was conscious no more. His body would slide from Erani's grasp and into the grass, limp and completely knocked out.?



8 Years
Extra large
04-01-2014, 07:08 PM

To make enemies before he even knew what the wolves were like was unusual for the man, normally he would have taken a couple minutes to figure out of somebody was friend or foe, but this was different. Deviant simply couldn't stand by and watch two wolves dig into one, an unfair fight, especially when they were all about the same size yet varied in weight. It didn't mean he would break out into a full blown fight, no no, he simply wanted to break this little thing up before anything got too serious.

The large male would be able to make contact with his target just after he dragged the opponent [gorgos] down. Golden gaze watched the mans head, waiting for the moment he would try and latch onto his flesh while all four limbs went still and angled backward with paws digging into the earth to bring him to a stop. Quickly he would lean back and avoid the tailless man's jaws just an inch from his face, lips pulling back in a silent snarl. He would quickly look away to focus on the woman while the man was knocked to the ground and rolled to try and get back up, just in time to watch the man in her jaws go limp. His legs would begin to spread evenly, til held up and out behind him, his gaze going from the white woman, the tailless man as he stood up and back to the woman now stepping towards him.

Golden gaze would lock onto blue orbs of pure fury which he perfectly understood, they had been dealing with somebody and here came Deviant across the pack border to interfere. If it was his land, he probably would have thrown the wolf out who suddenly joined, after messing him up a beat. Ears would rise off his skull to catch her voice, declaring the man she knocked out as guilty for rape of one of her members. Rape. His gaze would pull away to glance at the still body on the ground, lips falling over his lips as he slowly raised his head. If he knew anything in the six years he walked this earth, a man should quickly catch onto a woman's tones and body signals. And what he got from this one was incredibly serious, cold, she wasn't fooling around... and Deviant had stepped right into her path.

Clearing his throat the man would lose all signs of aggression, yet he would hold himself in a defensive posture. ?I apologize Miss, had I known what was going on then I would not have interfered.? His tones were deep yet apologetic. He would glance back at Themisto before turning back to the snow maiden. ?A scent I was following, somebody very dear to me came from this area...? his voice would trail off as his gaze drifting down towards the small body laying in the grass near the limp man. It was the body of a child, light fur, incredibly young as though it had been born just today... and a faint silver cross was worn on its shoulder.

Suddenly his gaze would harden, lips pulling back as he gazed at the woman and took a step towards her, motioning towards the child. "Who are the parents of that child?" Though he was a trespasser, now that he saw that child he had to know who it came from, had to find them. If this woman and male tried to keep him from it, the man would not hesitate in dealing with them. A father needed his child, they had to be nearby if this pup was here. He would hold his head high, face morphing into a mix of concern yet worry, trying to hold himself together. Another step forward, but this time his left foreleg would be held in front of his body and turned inward, showing off the marking on his shoulder. They better ave caught on, or so help him...




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2014, 08:11 PM

As the male heard her, his aggression vanished, posture turning defensive, apologizing as he glanced from her to Themisto and back again before speaking on. A mental step back was taken from that dangerous edge, a hint of thawing in her frozen stare. Her forward movement halted, body relaxed into a natural, squared stance that nonetheless would keep her balanced should the larger stranger attempt to lung. The strangers eyes meanwhile had begun drifting, falling past the unconscious opponent to the still, tiny form of the stillborn daughter of Twig. Something he saw brought a change. Again, his posture became aggressive, jowls lifting, stepping toward her. His motion toward the stillborn and question were answered with a soft ?Sheathe your teeth, stranger. I can answer questions without a threatening male showing his canines at me.? There was still a great deal of midnight in her voice as she spoke.

She stepped away, going to the small form, casting an icy glance toward its unconscious creator. Then her eyes fell back to the male as his next step was taken. His marking flashed under the light, a cross with wing-like black additions. One eye flicked forward. ?The mother is one Twig. The father is the bastard lying at our feet. Twig is the member of my family that he raped.? Family. She did indeed see Jinxx and his sister Twig as a part of her inner family. Not just members of the pack, though they were rather like extended family themselves. She met the male?s gaze firmly. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. That is Themisto, one of my Etas, or healers. Both Jinxx and Twig reside here in Valhalla.? The message in her eyes was a sharp one. If he was a threat to the two wolves she protected as part of her pack, she would deal with him in the same fashion of the male at their feet. The warning didn?t need words; it was intricately spoken in the natural language of the body.



04-02-2014, 01:13 PM

He would stand aside as they spoke, his hardened glare never leaving his attacker. The stranger would seem to calm for a moment, but when he finally saw the limp child his demeanor would change again. He would take a daring step toward Erani, and a growl would bubble from within the mans chest, his lips curling to unsheathe his fangs. It was a warning, come any closer to my alpha and i'll lunge. He would glance toward Erani as she spoke again, and when she finished he would set his cold stare back on the attacker. Who in the hell was this guy anyways, and didn't he know he was trespassing? He would glance toward the other man who was unconscious on the ground, and he would feel an odd sensation gnaw at his stomach; the feeling of hatred. He had never felt it before, but knowing what this man did to Twig made him furious. If only he could get his paws on him... But he knew he couldn't, because certainly Erani had a punishment planned for this scoundrel.




8 Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 06:09 PM

Eyes remained narrowed on the woman, waiting for an answer to his question. His fangs would be sheathed at her comment, giving a small nod to her. His whole attention would be focused on the woman of white, paying no mind to the male nearby, he was nothing at the moment. Amber gaze would follow as she stepped towards the unconscious wolf. The name she spoke of would make his heart drop, Twig, one of his beloved children, was the mother. His gaze immediately went to the child, the colors, and the small body, it was fresh. She was nearby! And the father was laying at their feet. A growl would rumble in the back of this throat, directed towards the dark wolf in the grass. How dare he touch his child, to rape her. The man would pay for such a crime, and Deviant would want to be part of it, he had to!

As quickly as the angered flared at that little bit of information, the man would close his eyes and take in a deep breath, calming himself down. Eyes would reopen and focus on the woman who called herself Erani Adravendi, alpha primary of Valhalla. Oh jeez, she was the alpha and he had made a fool of himself. He would seriously have to make it up to her, apologize for his actions. And he tailless man was Themisto, one of her healers. But what would catch his attention even more was that she told him Jinx and Twig resided in Valhalla, and Twig was at least a member, sort of part of her family. Had his daughter and son been here awhile or just showed up not long ago? Were they doing well, were they being looked after? How were things going besides this piece of filth raping his daughter?

?Lady Erani.? He would step towards her but this would not be in irritation or hostility. He would fold a foreleg beneath him and lower his head in a sort of bow to the woman, pausing to look up to her. "It seems I have made a fool of myself, I could have approached this differently. I apologize for jumping in and acting in such a way." Slowly he would rise, glancing over at Themisto, the unconscious man, child and finally back to Erani. "If you will allow it, I would like to assist in performing punishment on the dark man. It was my daughter who he defiled." Deep voice was calm, taking on a friendlier tone despite his request. He had to help punish the fool who dared touch one of his family.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 11:53 AM
Erani Adravendi

The male sheathed his teeth at her words, nodding. His attention remained solely on her as she explained the situation. As she told him, she could see the pained shock in his eyes, recognized the heart dropping emotion in them. The feral ice in her gaze melted slowly, as his eyes dropped to the still born pup, and then to the one who had sited her through force. His rumble was not rebuked, as it was directed toward the unconscious enemy on the ground.

The male closed his eyes, a deep breath before they opened again, resting on Erani as she told him about Jinxx and Twig?s residence. And her name and status. A small smile flitted across Erani?s muzzle at the dawning light in his eyes she spotted. The feral Queens Rage had slid back into the sheath, leaving her normal gentle side to fully reign in her actions. Quietly, she watched as he addressed her, bowing formally as he went on, apologizing. As he rose, his golden eyes glanced over the players of the recent scene and back to her, before he made a request, and finally gave his relation to Twig full light. And to Jinxx.

Her eyes turned from his to stare at the dark male prostrate in the grass, velvet toned voice hard as she spoke. ?His sentence is death. Given what he gave. All the pain, fear, and misery he dealt, and every blow he landed. He will be given a trial, but the end result is the same. He confessed the moment he claimed that pup to be his.? More quietly, she added, ?Any who hurt my family will pay, even if it isn?t right away.? Deep blue pools flicked to the male. ?Now. I?ve given you our names and status?. You have given your relation to Twig and Jinxx, but not your name.? As yet, she didn?t think Jinxx had given the name of his father in the times they?d spoken. And she wasn?t one who forgot information. So she studied the male with one of those gently piercing looks, waiting for that last piece of clarity to be dropped into place.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years
Extra large
04-12-2014, 01:11 PM

It would appear that with his change in mood, so would the woman's, she even smiled. That was certainly a relief, the man would feel absolutely horrible if he had been trapped within the woman's bad side, the very one who took in his two children. When speaking of the filth on the ground he couldn't help but feel good to know his punishment would be death, good, one less monstrosity to walk the earth. Deviant nodded to this decision of hers, a trial would be given but the ending result would remain the same, confessing that the moment he claimed the child. The urge to partake in it was overwhelming, trial and punishment could not be executed without him, but if this Alphess asked he didn't join, then he would have to dispose of the body at least.

Dark lips pulled back in a grateful smile when she brought up hurting her family, so, she saw Twig as part of her family, and would fight to bring justice for her. He had to make this all up to her sometime, making a mental note so he wouldn't forget while the topic moved on. His name, Deviant had given his relation to Twig and Jinxx but forgot about his name. A light laugh escaped his jaws at the woman bringing this up, how silly of him, how could he have forgotten such an obvious thing like that. "Ah, yes, of course! How could I forget such a thing." Laugh would calm and he would clear his throat, giving a dip of his head to Lady Erani. "The name is Deviant Black from the Black Clan, or as some have come to call us, Wolves of the Cross."

Each of this children should know how to introduce themselves, and if Erani had accepted Twig and Jinxx into her pack, surely this would finalize who he was. "If you do not mind me asking, Miss." He paused, thinking about how he would word this, and wondering if she would even be open to it considering what had just happened. "May I join your pack, to join my family who I have missed so dearly since our separation. I may have skills to share with your members, and if you are in no need of a teacher then I can surely assist them, assist in anyway possible to make this up to you." Tones were kind, genuine. "You will not be disappointed."




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2014, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2014, 06:19 PM by Erani.)
Erani Adravendi

Erani?s words seemed to soothe the male into a smile, and when she noted his lack of a name given to put to his face, he laughed. His introduction, or completion of it, was given with a dip of his head. Deviant Black. She nodded, filing the name away for memory along with the male?s scent. ?A pleasure to meet you. I?m sure your children will be relieved to see you alive.?

Deviant spoke, and Erani listened, brow points lifting in inquiry as he paused. When he continued, she listened to his appeal. As he finished, promising satisfaction, she flicked her tail lightly. He was the father to the two wolves she had begun to see as her own in a way. It would be an injustice to them all if she refused him. Deep blue pools lifted to settle on his golden eyes. ?I had best not be disappointed.? A soft hint of humor rode her words, before they sobered, almost business like. ?We have few hunters, and your son does not hunt what he does not eat. I haven?t asked Twig what she intends to do within the pack if she decides to stay. Will you accept the rank of Sigma, Deviant Black?? Her brow points arched slightly as she looked up at him, awaiting an answer, one ear slightly cocked toward Themisto to be sure he understood that attacking Deviant would be met with punishment.

A new Sigma would be very useful. Ashtoreth would be pleased to have another set of helping paws.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years
Extra large
04-13-2014, 06:53 PM

Despite the situation, it was indeed a pleasure to meet Erani, she was ready to go after an intruder but upon finding out who both sides were, everything settled down nicely. And her response to his request, it was as if they weren't about to fight just minutes ago. The elder woman would begin to speak of her ranks, how they had few hunters and commented on his son, of course, Jinxx would do such a thing and it brought a warming chuckle from the man, despite the laziness of it. Lady Erani hasn't asked Twig where she stood if she joined, and asked if he would accept the rank of Sigma, which he guessed was what their hunters were called. ?I accept the rank of Sigma, and I shall speak to my children about where they stand, see if they can be useful in some way towards your welcoming pack.? He gave a small nod of his head.

After this, when they took in his children, gave them a home and even considered them as part of their family, Deviant felt that he should speak to them and get them active within Valhalla. To just live here and do nothing for others, it was rude.

With this now on good terms, the large man would turn away from the Alphess but not in disrespect towards her, he wanted to address the tailless man, Themisto. "My apologies for going at you, just a misunderstanding." Tones were friendly when he spoke, calm. "We good?" He said with a smile, not wanting to be on bad terms with the man and hoped they would be able to forget about this. After all, Deviant was now part of his pack as well, and he would seek to meet just about everyone, see what they were like and become friends, and if they didn't want to, then he would aim to get on decent terms with them.




04-14-2014, 12:54 PM

He would continue to stand his ground, his piercing gaze locked on the stranger as he and Erani went back and forth with conversation. He would soak everything in, noting that this man claimed to be Twigs father and was here to reunite with his children. He felt the sudden impulse to introduce himself since this man could be his father in law someday, but instead he would remain silent, his hardened expression unwavering as the conversation went on. He would ask for acceptance into Valhalla, and Themisto's gaze would glance toward Erani as he waited for her decision. It was not surprising when she agreed to take him in, and when the man turned and offered Themisto an apology, his lips would crease into a warm, and sincere smile. "Of course." He would respond, his muscles relaxing as he took on a more composed posture. He would glance toward Erani again, taking a few steps toward his alphess with his brow raised in curiosity. "What shall we do now, my queen? What do we do with... him." His gaze would fall upon the unconscious enemy before them, hatred swelling within his core as he fought back the growl that threatened to seep from his lips.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-18-2014, 12:16 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani nodded, pleased with Deviant?s acceptance of the rank. With his large size and obvious strength, he?d be a fine help in bringing down the larger prey. ?Then welcome to my family, Deviant Black.? As he turned to Themisto, her yes turned to the still child, one ear cocked to listen to them, the other cocked for movement from the unconscious male.

Themisto accepted the apology, then approached her, asking for a directive, and for what to do with the male at their paws. Her eyes rested upon the wolf in question, going over her options. ?Take him prisoner, and barricade him in an old unused den, well away from the children and females. At best, I would prefer male only guards. Keep him drugged, force-feed him sleeping valerian, if you must. Feed him only enough to keep him alive until Twig is well enough to play her part in taking back her power. She must see him once more, and see him die, to know he will no longer harm her, or another female again. He will have a trial, but as he?s already confessed to the child being his, there is no other ending to the trial but his execution.? Her voice was cold, flat, and unwavering in intensity.

Her eyes turned to Deviant. ?You will be one of the appointed guards of this male. Save any pain you wish to give him for his punishment. I want his death to be as painful and long as it can be.? Turning away from both males, she gently lifted and lowered the stillborn into the small grave, before settling the limp form and her limbs into a sleeping position, cross marked shoulder up. Slowly, she pawed dirt back into the hole, covering the pup, until the hole was filled. With a cold glance at the unconscious male, she nodded to Themisto and Deviant, saying ?I need to make sure Twig is stable. Carry on. Find him a cell set in stone.? before she took off at a trot toward her den, leaving the men to their duty.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think