
Begin Again



04-05-2014, 10:12 PM

With the pups growing older Symphony was able to leave them for longer periods of time. Though she didn't like too, she was very protective of them. But she had left Atlas to sit and look over the den incase anything happened. So that helped to settle some of her nerves. The early dawn air was crisp and refreshing upon her face. A warm smile lifted the corners of her mouth. It would be a good morning for a walk and maybe some thinking. She turned to look at Gitan laying next to her. How had she found such a wonderful mate? For a moment she laid there watching him before gently nuzzling him and waking him with gentle kisses."Dear, lets go for a walk. Atlas can keep watch." She said softly, to not wake the three children.

She walked in silence for a good time, mind on her family. She had thought she would feel full of joy and purpose with a mate and pups. But something was missing. She knew what it was, it was her family. Where had been most of her family in this time? Was everyone ok? Mindlessly she was walking to the place where she had been to the last meeting in Ludi that she attended. She didn't really know why, she guessed maybe she might be lucky to see her siblings and question them. But either way a walk was needed to her her limbs and body back into motion again.



6 Years
04-05-2014, 10:21 PM

Sleep was clinging to him, warm and fuzzy and smelling of his family, the children and his beloved Symphony. Then it was being slowly and gently shaken off by his little white mate. She was nosing at him and speaking and he had to give her a drowsy smile. Yawning he stretched slightly, making sure not to poke or prod the pups. It had been a bit of time since they had taken time out to be together alone, the kids were a constant and he loved them, but the idea of spending some quality time with Symphony was a very exciting one for him.
He noted that something was not quite right with her, they had discussed their plans some, but with nothing set in stone he was beginning to wonder about how Symphony felt about being back in Ludi? He didn?t know much only that it was not exactly the happiest place for her. They wandered and she seemed to hesitate in a clearing. He gently nudged her, speaking in a soft comforting tone. ?Are you alright mon ange?? He wouldn?t press her if she chose not to tell him, but he loved her and wanted to be able to help her with anything that might be weighing her down.

Speech, Think, Others,



04-05-2014, 10:32 PM
The porcelain far would take time to lay beside her sleeping children as the day began to increase. It was almost time to begin her morning track around the borders, but she was running slow that day. The thoughts of Cherokee were heavy on her mind as she curled around her pups. How much she missed him, an wished he was there to help raise their children. Novel was a huge help, but she was no replacement for their protective father. She would gently begin to maneuver herself from their embrace when the sound of a voice would be heard from just beyond her den. It sounded the slightest bit like Gitan. Song's lithe body would slip from inside the confines of her home to find her sister and her mate outside. "Come to meet your nieces and nephews, sister?" she would ask kindly as her bicolored gaze would settle upon the two. Pearlescent haunches coiling beneath her delicately.?



04-05-2014, 10:43 PM

She felt like she was in a daze during the walk. But once they got to the clearing everything that had happened there to her came back to her mind. She would sigh heavily, turning to Gitan as he spoke. She gave a soft smile and nuzzled into his shoulder, seeking his warmth and comfort."There are a lot..of negative things left unhealed here." She answered into his scruff. Before she could explain farther the voice of her sister had her turn sharply. Automatically Symphony became stiff and wary. She wasn't sure what to expect from her sister. But her words had her creasing her brows for a moments."No...I need to talk to you first. Song. We have a lot to talk about.."

She hadn't meant to sound rude. But some things needed to be taken care of first. And their quarrel had gone on far too long. Symphony was still pissed but she would give Song the chance to explain. Maybe they could overcome this. That and she felt out of place staying in Ludi and not being a member. She might have to move the family if things went bad here today. She shifted to press herself against Gitan.



6 Years
04-05-2014, 10:52 PM

She would turn to him and respond in a quiet manner and he would accept her answer. He nodded and licked gently at her and was about to suggest they move on then when a form slipped from a den he hadn?t noticed was there and spoke. Song it turned out had made the clearing her space. She approached with a question, one Gitan himself wondered. He wasn?t unaware of the change in Symphony?s demeanor and he would gently press into her, both to act as moral support and in an attempt to calm her some.
His little mate returned the pressure and he gently nosed at her cheek again. ?I am here for you.? He whispered to her, too quiet for Song to hear before turning his attention back towards the woman that so resembled his love. He was a bit curious but would not ask any questions. This was for them to work out, he would simply be there for support.

Speech, Think, Others,



04-05-2014, 11:03 PM
Song would tilt her head curiously as Symphony would become stiff, her eyes seeming to narrow in Song's direction. Her ears would fall back. She never wanted to be in the receiving end of such glances, but her sister seemed so unnerved around her. She still was foggy as to why Symphony was seemingly so apprehensive, she had only asked about the children. The woman would go on to say they were in need of conversation, and song had to agree. It had been far too long since they had spoken, and song needed to know if she intended upon keeping herself and the rest of her family within Ludicael's walls. "Go on..? Are you planning on taking up residence here after all?" she sounded hopeful, as though her voice was breaking through her tired spirit. Without Cherokee beside her life had begun to eat away at her insides and her heart. She needed the help of her sister to build up a kingdom to make their parents proud. "Your help is greatly needed." her ears would fall back as she continued tiredly.?



04-05-2014, 11:22 PM

She would twitch her ear at Gitan's words, showing she had heard him. She was grateful to have such a mate as him. He was so supportive of her. The mention of staying in Ludi she would look to her paws before looking to Gitan then back to Song."I'd like to talk about our. Indifferences first before deciding. Song I'm still peeved about the Adoptive mother thing. After I found that out and Deteste accused me of being a traitor, you didn't even stand up for me. You just stood there. Then you walked right on by as if you couldn't care less. I needed you then and all I got was your back!" Her voice had hitched to a louder angry voice but not too loud to wake Song's children."I started to feel felt out of the pack, I didn't feel like I belonged. Then I found out Gitan was in Tortuga. Feeling isolated and not seeing him was killing me Song. So I did what I thought would make me happy. I went to him. If I couldn't belong here then I would at his side. And I've never been more happier Song."She paused to sit down, to keep herself in check on her temper. Just talking about it had her blood boiling.

"You made me feel horrible for following my heart. Who are you to do that when you were the one to leave us? You left the family to be happy and found love. Why cant I do the same? Am I not privileged enough?!" She challenged. She didn't care if Song was an Alpha or not, if she had children or not. Symphony had children and was her sister. So her view on her would always be on a different level. She wouldn't hold back anything."And I much as I appreciate being able to stay here I am highly disappointed in our family. Only Novella has come to visit us. Where is the rest of our family? If I left isolated before, I feel more so even now by my own family!" She snarled at the end. It was more is disappointment and sorrow. She wanted her family back, but they seemed not to care anymore.




6 Years
04-05-2014, 11:41 PM

Gitan sensed that the two women were reaching an impasse and that more than anything he would need to remain silent at least for now, but would remain close by Symphony. He had never seen her quite so angry, it was strange for him. She was usually the soft spoken, if not a little playful woman he had fallen in love with what felt like a life time ago. If truth be told he was less than thrilled at the part he played in Symphony?s ranting but would not comment, he got the feeling saying anything of the sort would only end badly for him.
He remained standing when Symphony settled herself a bit, well at least before she began to speak again. The way she spoke, spitting challenges at her sister Gitan gently shifted, moving a paw upon hers in an attempt to calm her some. He wasn?t exactly sure that saying these things to her sister, the alpha no less was going to win her any points. As his mate finished with a snarl Gitan sighed. ?It was Symphony?s idea to come here while she was so heavily pregnant. I can understand why it would be so? frustrating that for the most part no one seems to have returned the gesture of reaching out. Though from what I understand, your daughter did help with the delivery?? He hoped that what was being said wouldn?t offend Song. The last thing the pair needed was a bigger rift to be caused.

Speech, Think, Others,



04-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Song was rather surprised at her sister's sharp words, was she not aloud to call a she wolf who was like a mother to her her adopted mother? "But Silent was like a mother to me when i first came here and had no one ?why would you think she doesnt deserve that title?" when detest had accused her so harshly Song has left her fate in the hands of their alpha, as it should be. She had made her case, and the woman had felt enough trust in Jupiter to see Symphony not tried for her actions. She has refused to obey a superiors orders, which Song felt was rather disrespectful. "What could I stand up for? By not obeying your superiors you could have put the pack in danger, Symphony." she would say gently as her sisters angry voice was raised. "you cannot fault me for feeling left out, being a family is a two way street. I never saw you at my den when I was sick and could not leave. I was dying and you never showed your face. I took the place as alpha, and the time I needed you the most you left. You left without even telling your student good bye. You can not place all blame on me." her voice still held a tone of strained tiredness within it. She would remain neutral, taking her sister's aggression without flinching. She still would not believe she deserved such hostility. Finally she would raise her voice slightly, Symphony had never understood her plight. "I left Ahlon because my mother forced me to leave. I attacked her Symphony. I couldn't keep myself there and bear to see her betrayed features everyday."[/b] Then she would speak of family and feeling betrayed, song couldn't believe the selfishness she saw in her sister's words. "I can not control other beings Symphony. You can not be angry at me for Howl and Legend not visiting you. And I certainly can not be held responsible for not visiting. Sumphony. I am a [i]single mother trying to run a pack by herself with little help but my yearling children. I barely have enough time to teach my newest brood, let alone spend time with them. I have not seen you nor our brothers since their birth. Let alone my own husband. You may blame me if you wish symphony, but i am not the cause of your woes." As the words left her lips she would slowly come to realize her sister's view. She could hardly believe how critical she was being when she could hardly claim innocence.?



04-06-2014, 01:01 AM

She sat there silently listening to Gitan and her sister. Her shoulder leaning against Gitan as he placed his paw over her own. To soothed down the raising hackles and her heated body. But as Song continued her rear would lift slightly as if to stand and get up in Song's face but she would firmly sit back down. The mention of leaving Novel hit it like teeth piercing into her heart and claws raking her face. She literally flinched away from Song. Ears laid back as she tried to get a grip on herself. She knew she had hurt Novel, and more than likely ruined her relationship with her niece. As calmly as she could she took a deep breath before speaking."I do not blame the woman you call you adoptive mother. I had simply felt like you had cast away your real family. It had shocked me and surprised me. I supposed I thought and still think you can easily replace us. I'm sure Aurora is a better sister than I. And I fear you'll replace me and never wont me around. As for the Deteste thing, I just wanted you for moral support. I didn't expect you to stick up for me and plead my innocence. But I needed you on my side even if it was just a little bit. Just to see that you knew I had not meant harm, that I would never do such a thing. But watching you walk away..without a word to me hurt. I felt like you believed Deteste. I needed my protective sister, the stronger of the two of us. You were all I had for support here in the pack and you turned away. I went to my den that night crying." She bowed her head, eyes closing.

She had never known about Song being sick and dying. No one had told her. It made her feel horrible, to be in the same pack as her sister and to not know such a thing had happened."I never knew you had been ill. I suppose it was because after that day Deteste accused me of being a traitor we kept to ourselves. I didn't think you wanted me around, or were ashamed of me. I told you why I left..i was deteriorating away in my den. Even Gitan noticed when I found him, the depression I had fallen into. I hate stopped eating. I was heart sick..i needed him. He was the only one that could fix me. I never meant to hurt Novel. And don't think for a minute I don't beat myself up every day about what I had did or rather what I didn't do. I believe my relationship with her is ruined for good and it kills me. She was my first student...don't think it means nothing to me. I saw her as my daughter and still do." She said softly. Oddly enough when Song got louder, Symphony grew quite and soft. It was an odd role the two of them played. Each lashing out and switching places. Song's last words had her silent and just watching Song. Would they ever get past this? "Cherokee is missing?" She asked softly. She knew her sister was crazy over the male."Song..i would have been more than happy to watch your pups with mine if you had asked..I didn't know."

She turned to Gitan, debating to ask him about staying. No she would wait till things got settled with Song first. Song had asked if she was going to stay, almost seeming to plead her to stay. But she couldn't, not with this rift between them. This was their chance to fix it, and probably the only one. She sighed softly, nuzzling Gitan."If..things get soothed we stay?" She whispered for just his ear alone. She knew he wanted to stay with Tuarig but she wasn't sure if the male was even around anymore in Ala.




6 Years
04-06-2014, 11:58 PM

He watched carefully gaze shifting back and forth between the two women. He would offer his moral and emotional support for Symphony even if he felt that her sister might have a point here and there? it seemed today was very much a day for him to hold his tongue. He watched as both women seemed to swiftly change roles, one the aggressor, the other the victim, and then they would exchange their roles. Round and round they went on and Gitan stayed where he was occasionally shifting his weight and briefly pressing into Symphony almost to remind her he was here if she needed him.
Then both women seemed to grow quieter, and he noticed the pain in Song?s expression, his forest gaze flicking to his little mate almost inquisitively. There had been no talk of this Cherokee fellow around him before but he had to guess it was Song?s mate. He shifted awkwardly, ears pulling back slightly and averting his gaze. It couldn?t be easy, he figured, to see he and Symphony acting the way they did with the knowledge that her own mate was gone.
He wasn?t allowed any time to linger on those thoughts however as his love looked up at him. His attention turning to her in full. He leaned into her as she reached up to nuzzle him and uttered a whispered question. He sighed closing his eyes and thinking for a moment. ?There has been no word of Taurig for some time? The island holds little else for me and I would feel better knowing that our children grew up in a pack, especially among? family.? He spoke softly nosing gently at her.

Speech, Think, Others,



04-07-2014, 11:40 AM
She would listen to her sister, the same neutral pose would keep itself upon her. Even as symphony jumped to get in her face, Song would hold statue still. At mention of Novel though, the woman would retreat, her head bowed and voice calmed. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you Symphony. I love you with my whole heart, you and our siblings, mom and dad.. They, you, could never be replaced. The title of sister or mother is given to those who deserve such a title. It's not because I want to replace you. You will always be my sister. I'm sorry I was not there for you the day of Deteste's accusations. I should have come to you then, but I didn't. Right after that was when I fell I'll." her sister would go on to tell he how unaware she had been that song had ever been sick. "We suffered at the same time, your heart sickness and my disease. That was why we were not there for one another in our time of need. And don't think yourself cast off so quickly, sister. Novel has a big heart, you could still teach her again." Novel had been the one to assist in Sumphony's birth after all. Once who did not care for the woman would not have taken such care to ease the birth and brim about life. Her sister would grow silent, hearing the words for the first time. Song's mate was gone, and her heart felt the loss keener than anyone could know. Song would not let such occurrences break her though, she would feel the awful pain so clearly, but she needed to stay strong for her family and her pack. "Symphony, I hold no grudge against you, I will just ask again, will you come home?" she would try and ignore the affection her sister would show her mate, the pain in her heart still fresh. She wanted to cry for her lost husband, she wanted to scream about the unfairness of it all but she could not. She would sit, stoically watching the couple before her.?