
Stretch My Muscles

Athena I


9 Years
04-06-2014, 06:47 PM

The silvery woman breathed in deep taking in the cool autumn air and the faint scents of blood that always seemed to linger in the air around the battlefield. Smooth, long strides pulled her forward as she traveled across the empty plain. Athena looked this way and that, her two-toned gaze searching for anyone that might be an opponent for her to challenge. Now that she wanted to take being in a pack seriously she needed to hone her skills. While she had been gone there had been plenty of opertunities to practice hunting and fighting the occasional wild animal or such, but not much chance to spar with another wolf. She decided now was as good a time as any to do just that!

She paused at the top of one of the low, sloping hills in the area, using it as a vantage point to look around her, searching for any life. Sadly the Battlefield seemed pretty dead today, that was until she finally spotted a male in the distance. She grinned and trotted toward him, giving a soft woof as she got closer to get his attention. "Well, hello there," she said with a small smile, coming to a halt and holding her head high as she always did. Though she wasn't technically of high rank within her pack yet nor was she older than this male, she didn't care. She held herself the same way with anyone she met. "You wouldn't happen to be interested in a spar would you? Nothing too intense, just for fun practice."




7 Years
Extra large
04-10-2014, 03:05 AM

ooc: sorry for the crappiness in this it is 2 in the morning and I didn't want to keep you waiting. 2 rounds sound good?
Quelt had been simply exploring when the girl confronted him asking for a spar. He himself was up for a friendly practice as much as any other, he towered her easily since she was younger and smaller. So far not many wolves had been bigger and taller than him. Though he had seen small wolves tear down huge ones before so he would not sell her short. He smiled at her, facing her fully. There was no harm in it was there? "I don't see a problem with it, my name is Quelt." he said, setting his defenses carefully.
Hunkering closer to the ground he bent his knee's and pulled back his ears to lay flat against his skull. His abdomen tightened and tail leveled with his spine to keep his balance. Quelt's toes would spread, digging into the dirt as his shoulders tucked inward and scruff rolled forward. Tucking his chin downward towards his chest to protect his neck. Narrowing his oddly bi-colored orbs watching her. He made sure that his weight was evenly distributed and as so became nearly a rock waiting for her to hit him head on.
0/2 for practive

Attack:; N/A

Defense:; He's hunkered down with his knee's bent, abdomen tightened and ears pinned against his head. Tail level with spine, eyes narrowed chin tucked. Shoulders rolled inwards scruff rolled forward.

Injuries:; N/A

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]

Athena I


9 Years
04-15-2014, 05:11 PM

ooc: 2 rounds sounds great! And sorry for the delay in getting a reply to you. Auditions drain all my muse >.<

Athena was pleased to hear the brute she had approached accept her offer of a spar. He was a good bit larger than her, even though she was now a year old and almost her full height, but that didn't put her off in the least. She only saw it as an added challenge. Besides, this was only just for fun. Had it been a proper challenge she might be a bit more concerned. "And I'm Athena," she replied before setting her defenses as well.

She would set her stance wide and steady, her paws evenly spaced under her. At the same time she would bend her knees, keeping her lower to the ground, helping her balance and making it easier for her to spring out of the way if he should attack first. Then Athena tucked her ears back against her head and her tail under her body to keep them from being targets, along with narrowing her similarly split-colored eyes.

Her toes spread under her and her claws dug into the topsoil both for balance and for traction as she launched herself toward him, letting her smaller size be an advantage since it would enable her to possibly move faster than her opponent. She shifted her path slightly to the right, turning her head toward him and tucking her chin toward her neck as she moved to help protect her neck.

Athena scrunched up her scruff to protect the back of her neck as she bent her head down toward his right foreleg, aiming to snap at the lower half of his leg, right under his knee. If the bite should land she wouldn't latch on, she would let her teeth do their damage, then keep moving. She would brace herself by leaning her weight toward him, just in case he decided to try to throw his weight into her to knock her off balance. Then as she slipped past him she would try to land a second bite on his right hind leg, this one a bit higher, just right above his knee. Again, she wouldn't latch on. She wasn't trying to seriously injure him, only slow him down.

If she was successful in getting past him, she would quickly turn to face him again, her tail flaring out and lining up with her spine to help with her balance, using it as a counterweight to keep from knocking herself over. She would set all of her previous defenses then, waiting for her opponent to make the next move.

1/2 for Practice

Defenses: Stance wide and even, knees bent, toes spread, claws dug in, ears back, tail first tucked and then out for balance, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, scruff bunched up, leaning her weight toward him to brace against him throwing his weight at her

Attack: Running past him to the right, taking a bite at his right foreleg right under the knee and right hind leg right above the knee

Injuries: None yet
