
There No Room For This Star



5 Years
04-05-2014, 02:08 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She stood there on the borders of her home, gaze drifting out far beyond the scent markers. How long had she stood here staring out beyond Glaciem borders she wasn't sure. But in the time she had given life a good thinking. Glaciem was not a place for her. She couldn't grow and strive here to the best of her abilities. There were too many to contend with for being noticed, for becoming more than she was. She wanted to know more, see more. She wanted to create her own experiences and memories. The young girl wanted to see the world.

The blue and russet girl turned away from the borders, resting her amber gaze on her home. She would miss it yes, she would miss her mother dearly, her brothers too. But Rin had already left, her left ear twitched, the ear with two nicks given to her by Rin and Ky. Their pact still stood from what she knew. She had promised them, and would forever uphold her end till her dying breath. Living Ky would be hard, but she couldn't left Rin wonder alone out there. But the question would be if Sendoa would let her leave. Isardis had been her idol when she was a pup, but he played not rule in her life. His view in her eyes as a superhero had died. He had become nothing to her but a name. She'd respect him yes, but that was it. Sendoa would seem more practical to call forth for this meeting. And of course she would have her mother and brothers here.

The girl had grown into a strong beautiful wolfess She was small like her mother, but the genetic grace Armada's carried was strong in her. She moved with a light step, as if seemingly her paws would just kiss the earth lightly before moving once more. Her fur was silky and slightly long, wavering in the soft late summer breeze. She trotted farther more into the marble wash till she was a good feet away from the borders but they remained in sight. Pausing she left the gentle breeze sway and caress her. With a soft sight her chin lifted and a howl rang out clear and crisp, calling forth certain individuals..


04-07-2014, 12:58 AM

To say that she had scarcely seen her daughter would be an understatement, the bright child had grown into a beautiful near yearling. She took the same size from her mother, but held the color and grace of her father's genetics. When Eris heard her summons, she lifted her head, a worried feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know why her daughter had called so many, but she had a feeling. Irune was leaving... She just had a feeling. So she would answer the call, pushing herself to her feet she would move towards it, letting out an answering bark to tell her daughter that she was on her way. She prayed that her feelings were wrong- that Irune was just wanting to talk about something she had found but she couldn't shake the sense of dread. What would she do without her? They didn't spend every moment together but at least in Glaciem she was safe.

She arrived in the presence of her daughter, trying to keep herself calm- and loving. Approaching Irune, she'd move in an attempt to place a kiss on her daughters head, before settling beside her to wait for the arrival of the others that she had called. She didn't speak yet, she couldn't trust her words. She simply stared at her daughter, emotions brimming in her eyes- but mostly she wanted to appear understanding. She had to try to understand. Though she could feel her heart breaking.




6 Years
04-10-2014, 06:38 PM

Vereux had just recently become Eris' apprentice in the hopes of getting closer to Irune. But it looked like that wasn't happening, he had lost too many family to know exactly what was going to happen. The yearling made his way to the call with a frown on his face. A sad look, as he stood to face the girl tail flicking the blue boy with dark ears one eye. He knew Eris was near here, but she'd be too sad to confront her daughter. He wouldn't blame her, it was like losing a part of yourself, losing connections with siblings parents all of it was so dumb. His green eye would look over to Eris, and then to Irune as he took in a deep breath and sighed. He was losing another, but this by pure choice, he would not be angry with her.
"Irune." The young boy said, lowering his head slightly. He wouldn't approach her, it hurt too much. But he'd at least greet her and give her a soft smile. At least she had the confidence to do this, it was better than he could have done. One of the few remaining, he would serve Glaciem to his fullest. Even if he was a simple healer.



04-15-2014, 07:35 PM

The call did not go unnoticed, and within moments the Queen of Glaciem was in motion. Paws carried her smoothly and quickly, like the long lanky stride of an equine. Banner was strung up high behind her, wavering slightly in the wind and from the even movement of her hips. Head and neck arched proudly like an Arabian as she arrived on the scene, coming across Irune, Vereux, and Eris. It seemed this meeting was of some importance. ?What is this?? came the lyrical question in a soft and questioning tone. She did not smile, for if this meeting was anything like the others were it meant someone was leaving. The caller, whom she assumed to be Irune, was the most likely to leave - but it could be any one of the others as well. A sigh befell her lips, hissing out from between clenched canines. She was beginning to regret how free she had been with letting members leave lately - it was taking a toll on Glaciem and its Queen.




6 Years
04-15-2014, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2014, 12:33 AM by Kyung.)
Kyung was more alone than he had ever imagined, his mother had left only a short bit after Rin had and now it seemed he was going to lose the only other wolf he cared for in the whole pack, something he wasn't sure he was ready to do. He sighed rolling to his paws and began off to answer his half-sister's call.

He was one of the last to arrive it seemed. A smile spread across his face, an expression that had not been displayed upon his features in some time. He approached Irune, nicked ear twitching. He gently bumped up against her.

"Aunt Sendoa." He turned, dipping his head in greeting. His gaze would brush over Eris with a slight inclination of her head but he seemingly ignored his other half-sibling. There were so many of them, he would have to spend a lifetime trying to acknowledge them all.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



5 Years
04-25-2014, 06:21 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

And so the hardest thing she had come across in her short life would be upon her. She would sigh softly as her mother's bark reached her ears. The hardest part would be leaving her mother. As Eris arrived she had a hard time looking up at her. Her eyes of amber fire belayed the sorrow in her heart. But she was confident in her choice and wouldn't back down from it now. As Eris greeted her with a kiss to the head, Irune would lean forwards into her mother's loving touch. Her throat felt like is was closing up as emotion surged over her. But she held tight to her plan, her choice of words needed to be spoken. But for now the silent comfort of her mother would do as she settled beside her. She would need her mother's support and prayed she'd have it.

Next to arrive was her half-brother Vereux. She would smile at her older brother, tail wagging softly. But she was no fool to his distance. He knew it, just like Eris did. That she would be leaving them. Her smile fell slowly and eyes cast down. She hoped no one would be mad at her for leaving. She wanted everyone happy, but she had to go. Something out there was calling to her. She didn't know what or why but only that she must find it. Before she knew it someone spoke up but it wasn't Eris or Ver. Head lifted up to see Sendoa standing there before her. She would dip in head down in respect, eyes cast to the point in the middle of the dark woman's chest. Lips parted about to answer when Ky joined them.

She could not help the smile that lite up her face at seeing one of her favorite brothers. Though she missed Rin more, not seeing him with Ky hurt. Maybe she'd find him for Ky then they come back for Ky one day. Her matching nicked ear would twitch in response to his. As he bumped into her she grunted softly and pushed back softly before lightly nipping his ear. But all seriousness fell over her as she turned back to Sendoa. She took a breath before her voice sound in strong and confident tones." I have asked you all here for a important reason. I would like to request Sendoa for my departure of the pack. There is a...calling I can not place that tugs at me. I want to see the world, broaden my level of knowledge. I ask that I be stripped of my rank in the pack to become a loner. But with your permission I would like to visit as often as I can. You are all my family, that is something I can never forget or lose. You all have played an important role in my life, shaping me to who I am before you." She paused to look at Ky."Brother of mine, if I am allowed to wonder these lands I swear upon our oath I will find Rin. I will make sure he is doing fine and is safe. Maybe i'll get him to visit, if not i'll keep you updated." She said softly before turning to Ver." helped me see my path clearly, helped me set my paws on the path destiny choose for me. I wish you the best and the outmost happiness. Never give up on your dreams. No knight is too weak, too scare, or too small." She smiled at him warmly. The hardest part was turning to Eris. For the longest moments she could only stare at her mother, trying to hold back tears."Mother, you have taught me so much. Have let me grow to be whoever I wished, never held me back but encouraged each step I took in life. I hope I can only live up to your expectations of a daughter and make you proud. If Sendoa allows me to leave, you'll always be the first one I visit. I'll tell you all my stories, my adventures, struggles, everything. I swear it." She said, voice almost a whisper. Turning back to Sendoa she could only hope the woman would understand her.


05-16-2014, 03:21 PM

?You wish to be stripped of your rank, to become nothing to us but a rogue - and yet you request to come and visit often? You are standing on the fence, Irune. You want a safety net, somewhere to fall when this calling of yours doesn't satisfy you. Glaciem was never intended to be a safety net. You are loyal to us or you are not, there is no in between. I will give you one season, the extent of Winter, to sew your wild oats. If the rogue life suits you you can continue to live in it - but you will not be allowed to traipse upon Glaciem lands whenever you see fit. If you choose to come back to us you will be welcomed back into the fold. During this winter you will not fraternize on Glaciem lands. This is a clean break - for a time. It's time children realize the seriousness of their decisions.? She stood firm upon her words, tail flicking behind her with finality. These were the terms, and there would be no negotiations - unless of course Irune chose to stay indefinitely in which case the terms would not be required. A glance was given to Eris and the others before focusing back upon Irune. What would it be?



05-21-2014, 03:58 AM

The tawny wolf, listened as Irune asked to take her leave from Glaciem, feeling her heart shatter. Was she not a good enough mother?. Yet, she didn't voice her fears, her concerns, rather waiting for Sendoa to speak. When the Queen spoke, it was what Eris had expected her to say, though it still lit a fire of anger under her. It wasn't like the healer could walk away from Glaciem to follow her daughter- nor would she abandon her own loyalties. She rationally could see the sense in Sendoa's words. The youth of the pack had to learn where their loyalty would lie, and keep it there. Packs weren't something you could leave whenever you liked, and just come back when the life of a rouge became too much for you. She kept her jaws firmly shut, her gaze dropping to the ground, as she waited for Irune to speak. Would Isardis think her a failure as a mother? What more would she have to lose?




5 Years
05-31-2014, 02:45 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

The term laid out before her were much to take in. She could tell at once Sendoa was not pleased but it seemed as she spoke she would not force Irune to stay here. Her amber eyes remained on the Queen for a long moment as she let the words tumble in her mind, savoring and tasting each one." Queen Sendoa I accept those terms. They are reasonable and understanding. Thank you for allowing me this choice." She finally replied after a very long moment.

She would turn to her mother, eyes starting to water. She loved her mother dearly, was blessed to have Eris as her mother. But in her heart Irune felt her place was elsewhere. She was needed somewhere and she just had to find it. Glancing at Sendoa she would dip her head respectfully to the dark Queen before turning to Eris and burring her face in her mother's chest. The world was scary, the unknown was out there but she was ready to face it. But she wasn't ready to leave her mother just yet. She could ask Eris to come with her but she felt she already knew the answer to that. If Eris hadn't spoken up yet to join her, then more than likely she would not be leaving Glaciem, if ever.


06-03-2014, 11:38 PM

Irune would speak again, accepting the terms that Sendoa had laid out. Eris could only feel a slight prickle of hope that maybe after Winter, Irune would decide that she best belonged in Glaciem. The small healer could feel tears filling her eyes, threatening to spill over. Had she failed as a mother? Eris was a flurry of emotions. Rationally, she couldn't expect Sendoa to give Irune special treatment, regardless of who her mother was- and Irune did have to learn that she could either be a rouge or a pack wolf- not both. She couldn't help the anger she felt at Sendoa for letting her leave, though she would have been surely enraged, had the queen denied her daughter freedom to choose. No matter what Sendoa had said, at the moment, she wasn't Eris's favorite wolf.

Irune buried her head into Eris's chest, and the tawny woman lowered her head around her daughter's- in a movement that mimicked a hug. For a moment, Eris wished that she could join her daughter- but Glaciem needed her. Isardis was ill, he needed her- and God only knew what winter would bring the pack. No... she couldn't leave. At any rate she was too old to be wandering around on a whim. She was best placed here where she belonged. She didn't know what to say to her daughter. Could she beg her to stay? Beg her to betray her heart? No... She very well couldn't. However- a tearful breakdown in front of the Queen was not on her agenda for the day. There would be time to grieve privately. She sighed, murmuring into her daughters fur. "Be careful my brave star." Those words were the only acceptance of her daughters choice- now she only hoped that Irune would linger a few moments after the Queen would depart. Perhaps Irune would deliver a message to Valhalla? A message she wasn't exactly free to give.




6 Years
06-04-2014, 10:19 AM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2014, 12:36 AM by Kyung.)
That was it then, they were all leaving him. Kyung was well and truly abandoned, he should have been angry, bitter... Still this was Irune, his sister, his partner in crime... All he could feel was pain, sadness, these would show in his eyes even as he tried to make himself look angry. Locking his jaw, and tilting his chin up some. He cared little and less about the others that were gathered, too wrapped up in his own pain to realize they were losing her too. He couldn't let her leave, he couldn't! But then he couldn't stop her either.

Irune moved towards her mother and he had to turn away from her. He couldn't bear witness to this, he had to go before she did. With a slight sigh he angled away, not looking back as he slinked off. He wanted to look back, but if he did he would be lost and he had remained strong for too long to fall now.

-Exit Kyung unless stopped-


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]