
Tearing Off A Part Of Me...



04-02-2014, 09:24 PM

Violent spasms had ripped through the earth barely four days ago, right at the turn of the seasons. It was an ill omen. Loki was shaking neath the serpents venom and now it seemed something was upsetting Thor as well. Was any of this connected to her vision? Was it her time to die now?

Au?ra turned her head to the sky, eyes narrowed as she peered through the rain, offering a soft and silent pray. It was short. If she were to die now then she was ready but it was not like her family to give up life without a struggle. To die in battle was to die with honor. And Au?ra knew that if she did nothing her end would come soon but she did take some solace in the cloudy, gray sky? it was not the same as her vision. She would die soon, she knew, but it would not be here and it would not be like this.

The fae shifted slightly, biting back a cry that shot up from her left front foreleg that was solidly pinned beneath a boulder. The femme herself rested on rubble, shivering slightly at the cold rain that continued to pelt her but at least the wind had stopped for now. Au?ra had tried calling for help but to know avail. Her family was spread only the gods knew where and her pack had yet to claim a territory and we're bound to be wandering of their own accord. There was no one to hear her and no one to help.

Her stomach growled and her throat felt like sandpaper?. and she was growing weaker. Au?ra stared and the limb for a moment then closed her eyes, gathering her thoughts, awakening the inner beast that rested within her, the inner berserker?

White fangs flashed as she mercilessly attacked her own flesh, ivory knives ripping through fur, through muscle and tendon, right below her left elbow. Unimaginable pain lanced through her head but the viking woman would not be deterred? not until she hit bone. Panting? breath in deep ragged breathes she stared at the exposed core of the limb, the blood pumping from severed veins and arteries with every beat of her heart, she was running out of time?

Fangs flashed again as a scream mixed with thunder...


Katja the First


8 Years
04-07-2014, 08:44 AM

Katja did not know quite why she had been drawn to this lonely mountain top 'neath a sky raging with Thor's fury far from the pack that she had temporarily adopted for her own, but Freya's touch was strong on her and so she had wandered. She had endured beneath Loki's agony only days ago, and if she were to hazard a guess she'd have likely attributed this feeling to something to do with that, but Katja did not question the gods' demands and so she did not make any guess at all.

As she climbed the peak, the sudden tang of blood reached her nose. She paused, nose sampling the air to distinguish more. What reached her made her frown in consternation. The scent was that of Au?ra, her elder sister. The blood-scent associated with her was concerning, to be sure.

Her slim body moved swiftly, carrying her into sight of her elder sister. Katja's stomach knotted, though she surveyed the scene before her with an otherwise impassive demeanor. "Au?ra, vente," she spoke her sister's native language through the rain that was washing far too much blood from her sister's body, then bounded forward to examine the situation more closely. Her leg trapped, likely by the earthquake which was long enough ago she would be suffering from dehydration and exposure at the least, crushed bones possibly as well. She'd tried to chew through the leg, to amputate it, but had not yet severed the bone. "Jeg vil hjelpe deg. Snakk til meg hva jeg skal gj?re etter, burde smerten velde."




04-10-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 09:53 PM by Au�ra.)

Au?ra's vision went dark as she slumped forward. The world was spinning violently in a pain so intense it was almost transcendent. Blood and marrow clung to her fangs as she panted trying strongly not to vomit as she was still pinned beneath the boulder. The viking woman had succeeded in breaking the bone, if she could just steal herself a little longer to finish the deed. Closing her eyes she prayed and summoned her strength. While a healer by choice she was still a warrior born and she would not flee from pain or agony. "gaman ? leiden" she whispered to herself.

As Au?ra prepared the next bite, trying to stop her mind from spinning so she could actually strike her leg and not rock a familiar scent drifted into her nostrils. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips and she offered a weak smile. "Katja? takker gudene." She nodded as her sister spoke. Proud though she was she was not foolish and gratefully welcomed her sisters help. "Katja, kan du finne s?tvier?" She asked if her sister could find some nightshade to help ease her pain. She was worried she might black out from the pain and be unable to take anything or to direct her sister in the care. She was fairly certain Katja remembered what nightshade was. "?og kjerringrokk, n?r vannet. Jeg vil kombinere det med Trillium, sm? hvite blomster med tre kronblad og store blader." Au?ra also requested horsetails that grew near the water and she briefly described Trillium as a white flower with three petals and large leaves. Either she or Katja would use these to bind the would.

"Takk? Katja"
