
Livin' on Love / P


03-17-2013, 09:20 PM
p.] Syrinx, then Epiphron.

Dated three days after their first meeting.

Six days. Six days had seemed so short until he'd been forced to stay away from the girl he was absolutely enraptured by. It had seemed simple, go back to Seracia, survive for six days, come back and meet her again. That was simple enough, wasn't it? Well, not the surviving part thanks to his mother. She'd reamed him pretty good for sneaking in late with the smell of a girl on his pelt. Still, he had managed to survive that.. but the next two days had been hell. He'd never known how boring his life was until she'd come into it and made it so much better. Now, without her around, Maverick found himself bored and quite lazy.

This boredom had allowed him to devise a plan that he ordinarily would have shoved to the side for being foolish had he not been so smitten over her. Here he was, nearing what he thought was Valhalla, very much nervous that his arrival might be seen as weak or even pathetic. That was certainly not the impression he wanted to give off. But this worry was less on his mind than the one that had to do with her pack. Valhalla - he had heard - was massive, full of plenty of capable wolves. He was sure any number of them might be scouting the border right now, waiting to intercept him and do god knows what to him for being there uninvited.

Acid green eyes gazed up at the sky, which was illuminated by a thousand or more stars, so many he had never even thought to count. The moon shone down on his appaloosa pelt, lighting up the white parts and making them almost appear to gleam or glow. The traveling was much easier than he'd expected, but took longer than anticipated. It was now dead of night, and too late to turn back. The thought crossed his mind to wait until morning when it was more acceptable to call on her, but that would mean almost certain suicide. Wolves always patrolled in the daylight, there was a chance he could go unnoticed at night.

Nostrils flared, seeking out her scent. It was surprisingly present here, leading him to believe that her den might be close, or she had traveled by here recently. Staying safely on his side of the border, the boy paced, wondering what he should do next. His plan ended here, at his arrival at Valhalla. So what would the next move be? He could call out, but that would bring unwanted attention. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he could not ever even think about crossing the border. That would bring death - he was sure. He didn't know how violent or territorial Valhalla might be, and he wasn't going to find out by making a mistake like that.

Deciding to test the waters, Maverick let out a tentative 'chuff'. He was nearest to where her scent was the strongest, and he hoped that by some miracle she would hear him and come, and they would stroll off into the moonlight together. Some part of him knew that was too good to be true. A short bark was given off, as an added measure to see if perhaps his chuff had not been loud enough. Maverick suddenly grew very worried for his safety, and slunk into a myriad of bushes to fully conceal himself, determined to peer out and see whoever came to investigate far before they saw him.




Extra small
03-19-2013, 09:45 AM

OOC: [ ]

Forever bared teeth would raise into the sky as the infernal lord's skull came from the Earth. His silence, his peace, his tranquility, it had been disturbed, and Valhalla as a whole was clearly under siege. Though, he knew better, it was best to explore the information he had gathered before waking the rest of them. Causing panic in the industry, so to speak, would only tell their usurpers that they were prepared for battle. Valhalla was always prepared for battle. Syrinx, was ready to test his skills.

Hunkered down the demon would use his knowledge of the verdant blades, his analytic mind, and his raw strength to push him from the earth in a quiet manner, and remain hidden. It did not seem to take too much longer, for as he glided through the grass, he found exactly who was raging about. His blue gaze would linger upon the frame of the other for quite some time. He wanted to know what that brute's business was. Well...child...he couldn't have been much older than himself and his siblings, and even if he was, Syrinx was still ridiculous in size, and as he sprung from the shrubbery, he made that evident.

Low ringing growl assembled in his larynx and the brute powered forth, stopping mere feet from the other. His husky, boyish, tones enunciating with perfect clarity the amount of his demands, "State your business or flee!" Words came forth like a liquid hiss, he had no time to tempt this brute, and he had no time to waste on trying to make pals. Salmon tongue wetting his maw his nose would continue to wrinkle and his ears would tilt back ever so slightly. This was a no games type of deal and the Adravendi heir was going to make sure the threat was annihilated.




03-19-2013, 10:00 AM

He would lay amongst the brambles and bushes, having hidden himself quite completely save for one side where his face and chest remained like a sphinx. Not a smile or simper lingered on his lips, as he was suddenly very aware of what danger he had put himself in. Body remained still as his mind quivered with thought. He had knowingly and in full awareness of his actions came to the border of a strange pack and let out a cry for one of their royal blood. He knew not Valhalla's mindset, or their appreciation - or lack thereof - of visitors. In fact, if the boy had to venture a guess, he would say that any pack that would allow a female to be lead warrior was certainly very battle-driven and possibly quite hostile with strangers. A frown would taint his lips as the scent of another drifted ahead of his arrival, hinting that a male was ranging in the area. Maverick stiffened and allowed himself to shift forward slightly to see the man as he approached, but the darkness and lack of moonlight due to clouds scarcely allowed it. Finally the form of another came into view, stalking forth and hissing his command. The male could be no older than Maverick himself, and if he was, he was only just so. Russet ears would fold and tail would tuck in submission, slithering forth from his bushes and brambles to reveal himself as no threat. Crouching low to the earth, the boy would offer forth an explanation. I can assure you sire, I mean you and your family no harm. I have come in search of someone, someone I was lucky enough to meet a few days ago. He knew a name was desired, but at this time he felt his surname would certainly see him turned away at once. He had to see her, he'd come this far.. risked this much. Her name is Epiphron Adravendi, He would offer that much more before falling silent, the humdrum of crickets taking over the majority of the sound now. Eyes of acid would drift upward, scanning the sky for signs of daylight. They were present, but not exactly prevalent. If the boy were to guess, he would say that the hour was nearing five in the morning. Light was not yet creeping across the horizon, but a soft glow was beginning to emerge. Perhaps he had not called too early after all. Others would be awakening soon enough, in the next hour or so the entire pack would likely be awake or rousing. The boy's shoulders would slacken slightly, and he would dare to rise just an inch to be more comfortable, ready to crouch lower should the man insist he bow. Maverick knew not the ways of Valhalla, but he had a feeling he was about to learn.




Extra small
03-22-2013, 09:52 AM

OOC: [ ]

He was like liquid venom, his eyes patrolling the figure of the equally youthful male with heavy scrutiny. Why was he here? What business did a mere child have with Valhalla? Clearing his throat the lord would wait for the vagabo- no. He was from a pack. This was too familiar. The King and the Queen at the battlefields. Seracia. The child would quickly stagger his steps in defense, was he here to start something? It only made sense, the last time he had talked to a member of Seracia, it was the Queen, and he had told her they needed to pay a visit. Was she trying to offer a show of force and beat him to it? The pure thought angered him.

The boy would move himself to the ground in submission. Alright. So far so good. "You couldn't harm us if you tried, Seracian," He really didn't care about some worthless morse- oh. Epiphron. Well. Upon hearing her name the canine's ears would begin to raise back up, and for half a second he would relax, but then worry consumed him. "What business do you have with my sister?" His words were a low warning. Daring the boy to continue with whatever notion he had come forth with. Epiphron was not going to be taken off by some little boy who thought he could have his way.

Syrinx would take a step backwards, raising his head, and relaxing his shoulders ever so slightly as the male rose from his stance. "Syrinx Adravendi," one day the protection of his sisters would fall solely upon himself, and he was going to be responsible for anything bad that happened to them, simply standing by for some male to waltz about and make things his own, was definitely not happening. Syrinx would continue to wait for the male to offer something. Why on Earth should he summon his sister?




03-22-2013, 05:46 PM

Eyes fluttered to the man before him, of equal age - perhaps even slightly older. Maverick would retain his submissive stance, not willing to make himself appear arrogant or demanding in any sense of the words. The last thing he needed was to get on this boy's wrong side. White patched flank sought the earth slowly until he was sitting, rising his front half upward slightly for more comfort. As the other spoke up, Maverick's lip threatened to quiver before he got it under control, stopping the movement before it occurred. Family pride was essential, but not at this specific time. He was at this man's mercy, and would be nothing but polite and courteous. Lime eyes would watch him as he spoke up again, mentioning a sister. Of course, this was the heir to Valhalla, Epiphron's brother. A name would be given just after, and Maverick gulped slightly. Now what would he do?

It is a pleasure to meet you, Syrinx. Your sister speaks very highly of you. Truth be told she hadn't said much, but he knew she loved him greatly, for her ties to her family were strong and evident in her tone. I only wish to speak with her, Even just see her. Maverick's ears would flick forward slightly and then return to their back facing position. He wondered if he should just go. He had been a fool to come here anyway. No doubt Syrinx would probably just run him off. Perhaps he should just take whatever dignity he had left and return to the Kingdom. I assure you I will leave if you wish it, I just wished to see her. He waited for the verdict, already having an idea in his mind as to what it would be.




Extra small
03-22-2013, 07:07 PM

OOC: [ ]

The boy would relax his posture, his tail bantering lightly behind his hocks as he started at the other russet toned lad. Green eyes met brilliant azure ones and the male couldn't help but check over the lad. He was... sizable, by no means possessing some great stature. However, he did have an air of readiness and respect, which the heir himself could understand and appreciate. His words, and declaration of business though, oh that was far too good. His expression would remain stock, his featured bland, and he would speak his words as calmly as they could be offered.

"Epiphron has been taken to her husbands home, she was betrothed to another recently," The male nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Yeah...we'll probably never see her again, traded her for a weeks worth of hunting from a warlords group," Fighting the urge to smile the brute had to be so careful, so well placed, he had to make sure that his words were believable and that they could have some follow through. He honestly just wondered what the Seracian's reaction would be.




03-22-2013, 07:27 PM

Eyes roved over the man's frame. Syrinx was a sizeable creature, but Maverick wasn't a dwarf either. He was a decently sized guy, and would always be proud of that. Eyes would float over the heir's coat, noting that his russet hue was very similar to Maverick's own. He did not possess the Tahir appaloosa markings, but he did have something that stood out very much. The flesh on his jaw had gone, either burned or ripped away. It gave him a sinister appearance, although some form of handsome still remained there. Words came next, uttering the worst phrase Maverick could have ever heard. Betrothed. She had been married off, to some unknown suitor. More came, a warlords group.. never see her again. Maverick's jaw dropped slightly, ears pinning tightly to his skull. Betrothals were something he was accustomed to. I - He stood abruptly to his paws, retaining his full height and length. I should ask that if you see her again, you could offer her my congratulations. A sigh would drift from his vocals before he took a tentative step back. I suppose I should take my leave, then. I wish your family well, With a quivering voice the man would retreat, turning his tail and slowly beginning his return home - as if his limbs didn't want to function properly. Tail would hang completely limp as he marched away, feeling completely numb. Not a feeling lingered in his core, nothing but emptiness and woe. Six days had seemed so long, but forever.. forever was much worse.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-22-2013, 08:08 PM

Epiphron swore she heard a familiar voice in the distance. She stirred from her restless slumber, aware of the faint sound of others conversing in the distance. Perhaps she had been dreaming of Maverick, reliving the brief moments they had spent together in the ravine. Perhaps she simply hoped that the speech she heard vaguely in the distance was Maverick, though she knew there was no way it was him.

The female spent a long moment lying awake, curled up tightly, enjoying the warmth emanating from her own body. As she strained her ears, she caught Syrinx's voice. The familiar tones were received gladly, and the female willed herself to blink open her blue eyes. Slowly she stretched her forepaws out, feeling the tension ease in her tired limbs. As the female lay there, still quite sleepy, she peered out from her den. Why was Syrinx up at this hour? A faint glow was visible in the night sky, as though day would soon arrive. Curious as to what her brother was up to, the female pulled herself to all fours, shaking her head gently to wake herself up.

Slowly the princess pulled herself from the small den she had claimed as her own, carrying her slender form towards where she guessed Syrinx had gone. Her nostrils flared, catching her brother's scent and following the familiar aroma easily. His trail seemed to be heading towards the border of their pack lands, and this piqued her curiosity. Was her brother, the heir, sneaking off in the midst of the night like she had? She would not blame him, nor would she tell on him; the female was merely curious of his intentions, as any sister would be.

It wasn't long before Epiphron caught sight of her brother in the distance. A soft bark was offered in greeting, though she kept her tones hushed, knowing others would still be sleeping. Her brother had not left the Valhallan lands after all, but was dancing awfully close to the border, or so it seemed. As she approached, the silhouette of another came into view. Though her eyes were hazy with sleep, she was certain that the male in the distance was none other than Maverick. Confusion washed over her as he pace quickened, coming to stand alongside Syrinx. She nudged him questioningly; she hadn't heard the words that were presumably exchanged between the two, but for some reason Maverick was heading away from her home.

She couldn't help herself. Quiet but firm tones rang out questioning, directed towards the Seracian wolf. "Maverick?" She asked simply, though it was obvious it was the male she had met just a few days prior. "What the hell are you doing here?" Perhaps she would've been more prepared and alert if she'd seen him during the day, but the female felt confused and vulnerable. But a spark of joy was visible in those sapphire blue eyes, even as she glanced at Syrinx, hoping for an explanation.


03-23-2013, 07:32 PM

Desolate. That's how he felt. Alone, completely alone, and suddenly irrefutably cold. A shiver ran up and down his spine as he thought of Epiphron curled up with some Warlord tonight. He would continue the shiver at the thought of never being able to call her his. A sigh would reverberate from his lips as he continued on his way, slinking as slow as he could possibly move, as if somehow that might bring her back, make her his. His face was crestfallen until his name would be said. At first he thought it might be the lad, Syrinx, who was calling him back to torture him some more. However, the voice was distinctly feminine, and absolutely familiar. Epiphron? He would whirl around like a tornado, whipping his tail into line behind him. Lime eyes sought her sapphire ones, coming to realize it really was her.

Epiphron? It would be the first time he'd ever said her name instead of calling her a pet name, but he felt like in the presence of her brother it was necessary to be more formal than when they were alone. But he said - Accusatory eyes would shoot to the brother, searching for his frame among the trees. However, he was far more concerned about her, and without a second thought he sprinted forward, aiming to meet his cheek with hers. I'm so glad to see you, he would whisper in a husky, hushed tone. Tail waved behind him happily. Six days was far too long. He would breathe a sigh of relief and wait for her response. He hoped she would not be angry.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-23-2013, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2013, 08:20 PM by Epiphron.)

While her heart urged her to chase after Maverick, she remained standing alongside her brother. She truly didn't want to seem like an obsessed, love-sick puppy who could hardly contain herself when Maverick was near; especially not around her brother. But as the female pinned her gaze on the male she had met just a few days before, she stood tall and proud alongside Syrinx.

But before long he turned, their eyes locking as he realized Syrinx had been lying -- she wasn't gone off with anyone. A slight smile toyed with the corners of her lips, though her excitement was far more contained than it would've been had her brother not been in their presence. Before she knew it, the male bounded forward to meet her, pressing her face against his. The affection he displayed was not over the top, but still more forward than she expected, given that her brother, the heir of the Valhallan pack, was in their presence. Gently she pressed her cheek into hers, hearing his voice as a whisper in her ear. Her heart leapt in her chest -- she was exhilerated to see Maverick, though slightly flustered at his sudden arrival here, as well as worried that Syrinx would make a big deal out of a foreign wolf crossing over their borders. It wasn't a terribly big deal, and it was likely that no others would find them, given that they were so far from where most of the wolves slept.

Her words brought another smile to the girl's lips. She fought the urge to wrap her neck around his own, inwardly blaming her slight sleepiness for the desire that had begun to well up inside her at the sight of him. He whispered in her ears that six days was too long; a soft laugh escaped her jowls as she tilted her own muzzle towards his ear. "Three days was too long," she admitted sheepishly, her own tones hushed, clearly meant only for him. "I can't believe you're here, Maverick... you're crazy for coming here. You ought to consider yourself lucky you were found by my brother, and not someone else." Would Syrinx tell on her? Or was tattling beyond them, now that they were older? No harm was being done to anyone, and Epiphron knew if she found Syrinx meeting with some female at the pack borders she would have the courtesy to not tell anyone. But who knew if Syrinx would do the same? As she pulled away from the boy, her eyes sparkled as they watched his. He was far from home, but he had risked coming here for her, and her alone. It was flattered, and though she was surprised, her joy was genuine.


03-25-2013, 09:00 PM

The idea that he'd crossed the border never meant anything to the lad. As far as he was concerned, she was the only thing on his mind that meant anything. A sigh would slip from his lips as she responded to him, commenting that three days had been too long. A grin replaced his simper. "You're telling me," He whispered in her ear, tones guarded and hushed so that her brother who could still be nearby would not hear. He may have figured out their interest in one another, but Maverick wished to keep what he could of their relationship private. His mother had not gotten it out of him, and neither would this Syrinx. She would speak up again, calling him crazy. He let out a light chuckle. He knew he was crazy, but it was all for her. "I survived my mother, how much worse could your family be?" He smirked, but then grew more serious, bringing his muzzle a bit closer to her ear. "Your brother isn't going to rat us out, is he?" Of course if he chose to there wasn't much Maverick could do about it, but he was still worried nonetheless. He knew nothing about Valhalla or their methods, and that was scary enough.

Salmon tongue would creep out of slightly parted jaws as he attempted to plant a kiss on her cheek just by her ear, although he wasn't certain if she would pull away from him or not. He wouldn't blame her if she did, for her brother was still standing by - or so he thought. A slight tugging sensation was felt radiating from his tail, and Maverick turned his head away from her, craning to see what was causing it. Balatro. The little otter had been fool enough to follow him all the way to Valhalla? Who knew the creature was so attached? A smirk crossed his lips as he watched the sea otter bat at and toy with his tail. He was a playful creature. Turning vision back to Epiphron, he would utter words that were a bit louder and could be heard by Syrinx, if he was even still around. "This is Balatro, my new... friend." The otter would trot forward at that moment, grinning from ear to ear and chirping excitedly. "Hiya!" Balatro spun in a tight circle and twisted between the set of eight paws created by the two wolves. He continued to chirp periodically, happy to not have to be alone.

"speeeeech" , "otter speeeeech"



Extra small
03-25-2013, 11:11 PM

OOC: [ ]

The russet male stood strong beside his sister. His large frame leaning slightly against her as laughter rumbled through him from his little prank. He was bloody delightful wasn't he? Smile turning his inky lips upwards the upcoming arkhos would lower his withers against the Earth and stare in moderate adoration at the chaos he had brought on. Fun, it was all good fun. Tail bantering against the ground calmly the boy would keep his place beside his sister, and to be honest, he had not known exactly the levity of what this Maverick wanted his sister for. Though, the moment the other russet boy shot forth and made a direct skin to skin connection to his his sister, his expression would drop and with vehement rage he would shoot forward.

His right shoulder would angle to shove into Maverick in a clear attempt to remove him from the proximity he shared with his sibling. His body would attempt to also move in front of Epiphron and block them from each other. Snarl raging in the depths of his throat the lord left a clear thread in his eyes, "Touch her again and see if I don't remove your throat," He hadn't really had a chance to see Epiphron with other male's, but in all honesty, it bothered him immensely. She was not his, and he was going to make it vehemently clear. It had all been in good jest that his little prank was pulled, but there was little interest in some dork coming to steal his sister. It wasn't happening.





10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2013, 08:09 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2013, 09:35 AM by Ardent.)

Maverick leaned in further, whispering something to her that was inaudible to Syrinx. She smiled a bit, though wondered what the other male meant when he said he's survived his mother -- had she caught him sneaking back across the borders? It seemed as though his matriarch's reaction had likely been less than pleasant. "I don't know what he'll say," she mumbled, her words truthful. Syrinx wasn't generally the type to bring others into situations, but rather the kind of wolf who tended to solve things himself. She was reminded of an incident a few weeks ago, when she and Chrysanthe had been slightly teaming up on Neo, who was throwing a hissy fit. Syrinx had ended the scuffle quickly and expertly. Since when was he becoming the mediator of the family?

Maverick placed a tender kiss on her cheek, and she felt as though she could die right there on the spot. Both from excitement -- and the fact that Syrinx had, without warning, pounced forward to push Maverick from her. She hardly had time to respond to the small otter that seemed to have taken a liking to Maverick. Immediately the female's eyes would turn to Mav apologetically as her brother seated himself protectively between the two. It seemed as though he neglected to realize that Epiphron was perfectly content with Maverick touching her, but rather seemed to blame him. In any other situation, she would've been pleased at her brother coming to her aid, but now she simply eyed him from behind, mildly annoyed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Syrinx," she started, though her voice was tender. She would come to her brother's side, nuzzling his neck with affection. What was the best course of action in this situation? She wasn't keen on playing along with her brother and upsetting Maverick, but her brother had made it clear that Maverick wouldn't be touching Epiphron.

At least not while he was around to witness it.

"He is not a stranger," she whispered into her brother's ear, pressed against the russet male's side. The female realized how similar her brother and Maverick looked -- in some ways, Maverick even looked like her father. "I ran into him the other day while scouting. He is of the Seracia pack," she explained in hushed tones, unsure of what the two had spoken of before she had arrived on the scene. Tentatively her blue gaze would avert itself to Maverick, wondering his reaction to the entire situation.


03-26-2013, 12:09 PM

She whispered back, uncertain of her brother's reaction. That did nothing more than quell the anxiety in Maaverick's chest. It was a battle in there, in the caverns that surrounded his heart, a battle between adoration for this girl and anxiety of her family. A battle that was soon swayed toward anxiety when the brother spoke up, apparently still in the vicinity. He had been beside her the whole time, how had Maverick missed him!? The boy would feel him bump his shoulder against him, would be forced away as the russet lad made his body a barrier between the pair. The Prince fought hard to keep from reacting negatively as Syrinx uttered a sinister threat. Epiphron would come to his aid, trying to appease her brother's sudden temper. Maverick's ears would flick back with a sigh, but he quickly joined the conversation, hoping to quell any ill-will. "It's alright, Epiphron. I can't say that I would react any differently if I saw a strange male with my sister." It was then and only then that he realized he was standing within Valhallan territory. Just the sight of her and the realization that she wasn't gone sleeping with some warlord made him lose his head! He scoffed at himself inwardly and backed up three paces, bringing himself back out of Valhallan lands. "It seems I'm breaking rules all over the place." He remarked rather lightly, trying to assure the Heir that he had meant absolutely no harm.

He longed to sit, to relax his weary-from-travel paws, but was unwilling to do so. He had a sneaking feeling he may be chased out of this place before too long, depending on how well Syrinx would take to their joint efforts at trying to calm the situation. It had blown up in his face, and he should have known better than to even come here, but love made a man do crazy things - especially when that man was still very much a boy. The gentle caress of Epiphron on her brother reminded him of how he greeted his sister. He loved her dearly, probably more than anything else in the world, and could only imagine the fury that burned in Syrinx seeing Maverick touch her as he had. The Prince really had messed up. "I sincerely apologize for my actions, Syrinx. As I said before I mean you and your family no ill-will." Eyes would drift from Syrinx to his sister, the lovely Epiphron. Oh how he longed to embrace her, to have a meeting like they had before in the ravine. Heck, he'd purposely fall off of that cliff again if it meant a day like they'd spent three days ago.




Extra small
03-28-2013, 08:50 PM

OOC: [ ]

His muscles quivered beneath his russet coat and flesh as he stood staring with evident hatred to the other male. Head lowering and teeth remaining bared he would flinch at the touch of his sister along his nape. Though, upon recognition it was indeed her he would push his frame back up and against her muzzle. Raising his head and keeping his feet placed in the earth with the stance not even a king could move his eyes turned back to Epiphron. Left leg remained light off the Earth in the off-chance Maverick tried to be a hot shot.

Lowly chords would reply to Epiphron as she spoke, her lyrics smooth in an attempt to assuage his anger. Raising an eye to her he asked a simple question, "Not a stranger? After one day....Epiphron you're above being some love sick puppy. I don't care if he is from heaven itself, if he touches you, I'll touch him," A low snarl threatened to erupt, the beginnings of it echoing in his larynx. The guttural sound would remain as his head would torque back to the other male. His posture fleeting Valhalla to step back over the borders.

"Why are you even here? None of us know the definition of love, so why don't you quit pretending you do?" He snapped his lyrics angry. Epiphron was his sister. His responsibility. He didn't wan-er wouldn't let anyone take her away from him. Truth be told, the young man needed his family.





10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-28-2013, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2013, 09:20 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron failed to appease her brother's anger that had sprouted at seeing a stranger touch his sister. Sapphire blue eyes welled with vindication, but the female was smart enough to bite her tongue and keep her mouth shut. It was unsurprising that Syrinx responded so protectively. Even though it was beyond irritating at this point that he seemed determined to keep Maverick away from her, she found herself feeling thankful she even had a family who cared -- she could easily be without anyone to defend her.

Had her affection for Maverick been so transparent, so obvious? The Adravendi girl would straighten herself, standing tall next to her brother. He nearly towered over her, and was certainly larger than Maverick. Syrinx mumbled something about how she was above being some 'love sick puppy.' "Of course I am above that, Syrinx," she would mumble innocently, a single red-tinted ear flicking as she listened carefully to her brother's words. Despite her desire to spend more time with Maverick, she knew if she argued it would be to no avail, and she was unwilling to place Maverick in the way of physical harm. Syrinx wasn't lying when he threatened to hurt him if he dare touch her, and she knew it.

Despite her internal desires, she stood with an air of dignified regality as she eyed Maverick. Luckily, her brother could not see the passion welling inside her unwavering stare -- that alone was reserved for Maverick as she watched him, unblinking, for a long moment. All she could do was see what Maverick would say to Syrinx, and hopefully he would take the easy route out and turn and head back home. She wished he hadn't thought to come here; he was beginning to see just how silly the idea had been. In many ways, it was damaging. Certainly Syrinx would be watching her now, more carefully than before, unwilling to let some stranger act as though she was their own.

For now she would rest her head against her brother, her poise serene, expertly hiding the battle of head versus heart that raged inside the stoic female. If only the discussion would end and she could crawl back inside her den, wondering when -- and if -- she would see Maverick again.


03-29-2013, 11:51 AM

This was not going well at all. How foolish could he have been to think that it would go well? Maverick could choke himself right now. There was no way this could turn around. With a silent sigh, the boy would listen as Syrinx chastised his sister, calling her a love sick puppy. He wanted so badly to go to her side again, for it to be like it had been before. A question was spat in Maverick's direction, but it was more of an order. The russet boy's lip quivered slightly, but he calmed it. "I'm not pretending to know anything about love. I'll admit to you I'm ignorant when it comes to those things, but I will not deny that I do have feelings for your sister." He didn't know the weight of those feelings, or what they could - or would - turn into, all he knew was he liked them. Maverick would give her a smile and a knowing look, assuring her that by no means was he giving up on them. He would meet her again at the end of the week, back at the ravine where they had first met. The boy only hoped she would show up. With a last glance into those beautiful azure eyes of hers, Maverick pivoted and turned away, offering a gentle final word. "Goodbye," With that, the boy disappeared on the path back home.

Exit Maverick unless stopped.
