
sweet banana


04-07-2014, 04:01 PM

It's been quite a while since he's actually had a pleasant conversation with someone other than himself. Probably because he just got to Alacritis, or maybe it's because he just doesn't give a shit about what he does. For example, bounding onto Ebony territory as if it was his own. And then coming face-to-face with the queen-...who was pregnant. She was also in a crazy bad mood. But it was actually quite amusing. The woman could of at least been angry without holler 'fuck' out loud. Maybe she was just really pissed about something else...besides, he wasn't that bad! Yeah he can do some things stupid at times...but it doesn't mean he's the worst boy in the universe! At least he wasn't a crazy killer psycho waddling around Alacritis, raping woman and killing for no apparent reason. Come on, everyone had to admit, he wasn't as bad as some of the other brutes out there. But a little change could be acceptable. If Rivulet wanted a woman to hold on too, to claim as his own, he'd need to change his attitude a bit. No stealing, no pissing strangers off just for amusement, nothing. He'd need to act presentable to woman...which seemed as hard as reaching the spot between his shoulders to itch himself. least he can try...?

The air seemed so thin here. Whenever he tried to quicken his pace, he ran out of breath immediately. It was also pretty cold- but with his fluffy coat, it wasn't something he worried about much. It was just the frost carried by the soft wind that pattered against his face. The man's legs also hurt quite a bit. It was almost like he was dragged a boulder up a hill, with sheer drops into blackness here and there. Dangerous-...but fun! He didn't expect anyone to be here anyways. It was cold, life-risking, and gloomy. But he found it rather fun to jump from cliff to cliff, getting higher and higher and feeling the air get even thinner. The young boy's older sister used to call him, "A daring risk-taker" and he liked it. He loved feeling free and doing whatever his heart desired- and yet, he hasn't died yet! He didn't think he would soon anyway. Rivulet has always though he'd grow so old, that one day he'd fall asleep in a warm, cozy den and pass away in the middle of a wonderful dream. But sometimes he hopes he dies trying to save someone he loves, or in some type of rebellion. Although death was far to come...he hoped.

The amount of snow falling would cease suddenly as Rivulet climbed higher and higher into the Dreamer's Col. But things just got riskier and riskier. More sheer drops opened up in front of him like the mouths of monsters, looking to consume him just because he decided to jump over them instead of going around. The man was a risk-taker, and he'd stay that way. Daring and fearless. It was suitable for a thick-peeled banana like him. The boy, after jumping a few cliffs, decided to take a little break. He approached a spot where snowfall seemed to be scarce, before sliding down to his belly and curling into a comfortable ball. His small, soft ears drew back against his skull as his eyes slid over those emerald jewels of his, planted into his head. But sleep would not come. Especially when he was so full of energy, and when he was in the eye of a storm. Well, a light snow storm.




5 Years
04-10-2014, 12:38 PM

Recently; Desire? had been spending most of her time near the north, and it was about time she started to expand upon that; After all she doesnt want to stick around in one place for to long unless it was to see those she loved most. She would stroll across the ground, Used to the rather cold Environment by now. Her fur was thick to protect her from harsh condition, and it was definitely unique. But today; she was feeling rather draggy; bored. She hadnt had another to give a spark to her day recently, When she met Arkham it had been at least a week ago. She had visited Solo though, and she couldnt deny that he was becoming one of her favourites, though she had yet to spend quality time with them all. He's wrapped in his Innocence, and as he grows up Desire? only hopes he doesnt change his ways. She would brush her thoughts aside for the time being, Her long doe like legs would carry her further and further up the Col, until she was interupted by another.

Her optics would roam over him in his curled up position, wondering why he'd choose to take a rest up here out of all places. Her shoulders would roll back in the efforts of obtaining the warmth, but her gaze would remain fixated upon him. "Tired?" She'd coo beneath her sultry breath; though by the looks of it it seems he was actually full of energy. She'd take in his fur, before looking upon the dark russet painted upon his face. Sitting; she'd take in the view.

image by Serendipity


04-10-2014, 03:46 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved?
It was only a matter of time before an unusual scent invaded his nostrils. The sandy and dark chocolate male would slowly uncoil and push to his forepaws, his minty green eyes widening suddenly. Who was this? Is he dead...? A purple wolf. How in the world would this happen? Rivulet swallowed hard for a moment and sucked in a breath. This woman though...she was beyond beautiful. She seemed like an angel who fell from heaven. But the boy was still trying to absorb the fact that she was purple. Her eyes, in addition, were beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Everything about this girl was beautiful. Rivulet swallowed hard once again before shaking the thought away and fighting his mind for words. "Your beautiful." No. "Hi there beautiful." No. Everything he thought of included calling her beautiful. But finally a few words tumbled out of his gaping maw unexpectedly., no. Just decided to lay down for a bit.

The multi-colored boy sighed and allowed his emerald jewels to run down her sleek frame. So pretty. He shuffled his position in the snow a bit before looking up at her and smiling warmly.
I'm...I'm Rivulet. I can't help but say that you are very, very beautiful. He rolled his shoulders forward and bubbled a soft laugh. The boy probably looked like an idiot now...but she was indeed pretty! It'd be such a lie to say that she was ugly. It'd also be very rude...The masculine boy tucked his muzzle into his chest and sighed, but continued to look up at her, not bothering to take his eyes of hers. They were so beautiful. Those bi-colored eyes, blue and green, just made shivers of satisfaction run up his spine. He felt love-struck. Yes. But this girl probably had other males pouring over her like she was juicy meat.




5 Years
04-10-2014, 05:01 PM

No cloud clung to the waning sky; only the weak rays of the sun shone down on the crisp autumn day. Desire? always found herself comfortable within the season; it was never to hot nor to cold, it was the perfect time to be out and about. She would stay in her seating position, Charmed by his efforts to compliment. She couldnt deny that it was sweet; afterall its been a while since someone has been so forward. Her small smile soon grew upon her angular face, her gaze staying upon him while he couldnt stop staring at her coat. Though, she thinks its entirely normal, others beg to differ. She would come closer towards him, while he buries his muzzle against his broad chest. Her thick lashes would pat together gently before her pretty little maw opens.

" Thankyou Rivulet, its been quiet some time since another said it so quickly upon meeting." She would pause, giving a light hearted chuckle before proceeding. " Im Desire? Carmel. Do you stay around this region often? Some easily get irritated by the cold conditions." Recently she had found that to be true, seeing many struggle to keep fighting against it.


04-11-2014, 04:26 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? The boy just couldn't get over the fact that this woman was purple. He just wanted to repeat it to himself over and over again, just to ensure his mind that she was what he saw. A purple wolf. Beautiful and unbelievable. And it was almost heart-breaking to hear that it has been awhile since she has been called beautiful. What a shame. Because this girl, indeed, was the prettiest thing he's ever seen. How dare someone ignore that she was purple and beautiful beyond compare. But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he caught the damsel shuffle closer to him. Rivulet immediately raised his muzzle off the support of his chest and allowed his smile to grow even wider. The boy, though, mirrored her action. He scooted in closer to her- almost to where their coats touched, before turning to her and emitting a soft bit a laughter.

"Hehe, sorry, thought you were cold. He flashed a warm grin her way, his eyes running over her body again. The man had to admit, he was getting a bit too overwhelmed by the girl and her flashy appearance. He wouldn't like a girl pouring over his coat colors and staring at his hindquarters. That'd be a bit...awkward. The sandy-hued man winced softly and looked back up at the damsel, staring straight into her bi-colored eyes and continuing to smile. But when she spoke of the Col, he froze and laughed again. His maw parted to a warmth-filled reply. Well it's nice to meet you, Desiree. But yes, I do come up here often. The weather is quite nice to me-...well, when the snowfall isn't too bad. He shrugged his shoulders forward and puffed out his fluffy chest, awaiting her reply to his statement. But before she could speak again he added, Why? Are you cold from all this snow? Rivulet paused for a moment and allowed a grinning smirk to stretch across his maw. Want me to get closer to keep ya' warm? The young man could act a little- awkward sometimes. But it was just out of play. Nevertheless, he'd do it if she was really cold. It was all about being a gentleman.




5 Years
04-14-2014, 09:13 AM

Her gaze would soon trail of to the scenery that had been granted to see from so high, watching what was going on down their. Though, it didnt go unnoticed that the man would shift closer towards her, Enough for their fur to meet and his warm breath touch her lightly. It was then she would turn herself once more to meet his gaze, afterall she could never trust a stranger. She was used to the colder climate of the North by now, but had grown accustomed to bad habits such as rolling in her shoulders to obtain warmth where as her thick fur gave her enough. " You seem rather confident towards a woman you do not know." She spoke rather softly, though her words did ring with a truth. She would take a deep inhale before sighing, her crown close to his. " You seem shocked by my colour, though theirs many more like me. Some who dine in red." Their was currently 3 wolves she knows of who inhabit a wine coloration, and 1 who inhabits an olive, though Desire? wasnt sure if she survived. The purple Nymph has yet to meet another who bores any other.



04-17-2014, 03:45 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? The man's tail patted the ground lightly as snowflakes littered his face, but unless it landed in his eye, he would care less. All he cared about was the reaction of this unusually purple girl. The snowflakes would melt upon him due to the soothing warmth of his frame, but yet again, he cared very little for the cold feeling. He wanted to know what this woman really thought of him...probably awkward, but amusing. Rivulet usually loved being 'amusing.' If it turned a girl on, and made him seem attractive, so be it!

Rivulet leaned into the girl until the very tip of his neck-fur brushed against hers. Warm breath would probably make the girl cringe with discomfort, but he didn't remember his breath being nasty-smelling...but since when did he care about oral hygiene? Rivulet's ears pricked forward to her words in which suddenly slithered into his large, extended ears. Lips would part into a soft bit of laughter as he replied, Your a kind girl...I can already tell just by exchanging words with you, my dear. He didn't really want to make her feel uncomfortable. And it was quite obvious this woman wasn't the naughty, flirty type. He certainly was and it was quite a bad habit to be in. But he most defiantly would not try to do anything unnecessary to the girl. She was delicate, and could be dangerous. All he wanted with her was to earn her trust!

The boy sat up and circled her a few times, tail dragging along her shoulder and lower spine. Not a sexual tempt, but rather a playful, slightly flirty action. The man would stick out his tongue and grin, stopping in front of her after circling her a few times. He twirled around a bit to adjust his balance, before dropping into a bow and emitting a slurred giggle. Her next words caused his laughter to grow before he responded cheerily, You, though, are special. I never liked the color red anyways. He said playfully as he allowed his eyes to rest up on her. Your like royalty!




5 Years
04-17-2014, 04:39 PM

She had so much to learn about an individual, and perhaps she had a lot to learn to her new [friend?] Rivulet. Desire? does hope to see him again, the purple nymph would always need those around her to make her laugh when all is low. Her gaze would fixate upon him, though, it never really did leave. She would make no attempt to shift or walk away from his touch, his silken tail trailing down her spine and sloping down all the way to the end. Flirty, but nothing further. How would he feel if she had blurted out that her heart had been stolen by another already? Though, it would be told all in good time, but for now she wanted to see what else he had hiding up his sleeve. Desire? would highly doubt she could love any other, but you cant choose who you love, right? Just like when she met Viridiana. " Why do you circle me? Do you think of me as some sort of prey?" The murmur would slip softly out of her ebony lips, kissing gently against his ears. His next answer though, would cause her to smile. Royalty, huh? she had always been a suck up for compliments. " As they say, Royals always wear purple." Or, all important ones do. She couldnt quite remember the story when she was little girl. " You think id be fit to be a queen, what would you be? my prince? Tell me, if i was ever to rule part of these lands... would you follow under my rule?" She'd beckon, hoping his answer would be positive rather then negative, after all she had plans coming into motion.

image by Luisiana


04-17-2014, 06:34 PM

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Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? Slowly arising, the man would make his way beside her again and sit, tail continuing to thump against the powder-covered ground. Of course he liked this girl...a little more than he should. But little did he know that her heart had already been claimed. It'd leave him heartbroken eventually, and a bit depressed if he grew a little too attached to her. But soon he'd get over it and move on as if nothing happened. Besides, there were plenty of other pretty woman out there! He just had to get off his lazy butt to find the right one. And the banana-looking man already knew this girl would not be it. He could already begin to smell another female on her. Everywhere on her.

Just as the boy began to realize this, his flirty attitude ceased. He turned his eyes to her and took a moment to absorb her question, before rolling his shoulders upward as a little shrug. But then, just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the purple woman. Her words were quite tempting...what is he was her prince. Oh, how special. But he defiantly wasn't a son of hers. But then she continued. "Tell me, if I was ever to rule part of these lands... would you follow under my rule?" A brow would lift slowly as his lips parted into a grin. Rivulet nodded slowly and bowed his head a bit. I'd be forever loyal to you, and I would bow to you and agree to whatever rules you had planned. Especially if I withheld the rank of a prince. The man really doubted she was being truthful about the prince part. But it wouldn't hurt to find out if she really was or wasn't...?

