
Hit me with your best shot


03-24-2014, 08:01 PM
[[Continuation from the first thread that jumps right into the spar with round one. 2 rounds total starting with this post. Any suggestions for a judge Azzy?]]

Wolf diagram can be found here if muscle names to locations is unclear in any way ^^

The words rang in her ears as another female challenged her to be so bold as to ask for a high rank when she was new to the pack. "As I seem to recall, we are all new. Aim high or go home." She snapped back at the female and she knew one way to prove that she could handle it. She hissed and her hackles raised. Her haunches raised with them and her fur bristled along her spine. Her head dropped and her shoulders barred, both of which were to protect her neck and vitals. Her legs stretched out slightly to lower her center of gravity. She hissed at the female and narrowed her eyes. Her canines bared as she drew back her lip with a snarl to try and intimidate the female. She might be young but she was strong and powerful. She would prove that to Narfi who was roughly the same age as her. The female was larger than her and so Kaneyna knew that she had to use her speed to her advantage. She looked around and examined the situation before even considering her attacks. Soar across the battlefield like an eagle. Shoot for the stars regardless of who you are. Hit her with your best shot and hope it sticks. she formulated inside her mind. The bitch would have to prove that she was worthy to outrank Kaneyna.

Her stunning amber eyes watched her as she circled her, holding her snarls as she realized this was all a training exercise. The prize was one that many would seek no doubt. A small smile grew as she launched her first attack. She had made her way to Narfi's right side of her body and lunged as she aimed to put a full paw blow [using Kaneyna's left paw] to hit to collarbone of the opponent. She would also, in her lunge that was directly perpendicular to the woman when she started her attack, attempt to grab onto the scruff of the opponent on the right side near the Trapezius. Her eyes narrowed as she attempted to close the distance. While attempting the other two attacks, Kaneyna would attempt to force the woman down with her weight and try to pin a leg down to attempt to prevent her from getting up from the attack. If she could keep a higher ground while keeping all of her defenses that she had set before her attack standing then she figured that she would be alright. It was all circumstantial to how Narfi reacted to defend herself and the attempts put in place for a counter attack.

In her attempt to pin down the woman's back right leg, she would attempt to catch her [Kaneyna's] leg down on the extensor digatorum longus of Narfi's back right leg. If she happened to miss her attack to grab onto the scruff of the opponent on the right side near the Trapezius she would attempt to snap intensively at the woman to try and get her to flinch or to intimidate her. This was a pack of killers and Kaneyna would damned right prove her place with this fight. If she were to lose than a great shame would be presented to her. She would not let it happen. She could win. She just had to try.




4 Years
03-25-2014, 05:53 PM
Nope nope, my only thing for a judge is somebody that will get it done quickly.

Also, since Narfi is a yearling and beginning her training, some of her moves will most likely be reckless and uncoordinated due to inexperience.

Narfi Celestine Jaeger

Narfi would chuckle at the female's reaction, her little show very amusing for the apprentice. "Ah, yes. From what I remember however, you were not one of the chosen ones to even make this pack possible." She smirked, holding herself with pride, she wouldn't allow this fool to waltz in like she was the shit and take a rank that was beyond her. There was no way Narfi would allow somebody her age, to be above her, especially if she were to find out this female just turned one this spring. No way in hell.

Enough talk though, time to get down to business. The all dark woman would bare fangs and hiss, and Narfi would try hard not to laugh in her face. She was not intimidated one bit, only amused and anxious, ready to sink her fangs into flesh, to be the dominant one here. Muscles would ripple beneath her pelt just standing beside this female, lips pulling back into a toothy grin, tail lashing behind her. For a split second saliva would threaten to escape her parted jaws, but a tongue would quickly run over and pick it up.

To her disappointment, the female would move away and begin to circle rather than straight up launch an attack since they were right besides each other. Ears would pin back against Narfi's skull, lips pulling back in a silent snarl while her gaze narrowed while following the female. Hackles would bristle, legs spreading evenly with tail out to distribute her weight and lower her center of gravity. Legs would bend, toes spread and digging into the earth, ready to move when needed so that she wasn't totally grounded. Head would pull back as shoulders were brought up and forward, skin around her neck being made into folds. This fight she would have to take seriously.

For a few seconds Narfi would grow impatient, games were something she didn't much enjoy, and this would quickly make her turn down the fight should the female continue with the circling. Thankfully she finally made a move, the circling stopping on her right side and quickly coming in for an attack. Left foreleg would lift off the ground, right foreleg pushing her body right with her back legs pushing forward as well to turn her to face her opponent and lunge forward. As if this girl would be able to catch her off guard. Narfi would be facing her when contact was made, the woman's left paw hitting her right shoulder. It wasn't anything serious, just a bit of discomfort for the big girl. Had Narfi been smaller then perhaps it would have caused bruising.

Due to the positioning of the two females being changed, the woman's attack to Narfi's shoulder would land lower on her body, fangs coming into contact with Narfi's upper right shoulder. It was a good sting, the woman's fangs digging into Narfi's flesh about 2 centimeters. She would be feeling this, sore for a few hours to a day. It wasn't enough to cause a yelp however, instead Narfi would take the pain with a grin and push on with her attacks. Jaws would open wide, head lunging forward in a downward swing and twisting to the right in an attempt to grab hold of her [kaneyna's] upper right foreleg, hungrily seeking to grab hold of her elbow. Narfi would put a good amount of pressure into his bite, should she hit her target or miss, she would aim to make this hurt and puncture the flesh.

All four limbs would go back to their previous state, evenly spread apart and bent slightly should she had to move away. Toes and claws would grip the earth beneath her, tail out. Jaws would pull away from her previous attack just seconds after being launched, wanting to keep herself standing should Kaneyna try dragging her to the ground for holding on too long. Due to Narfi being bigger, both in height and weight, she would keep herself up and off the ground when Kaneyna tried pinning her to the earth, as well as avoid the woman's paw pinning her [narfi's] right hindleg. As if her small ass could really bring her down so easily, Narfi chuckled before launching another attack with a snarl.

Narfi would go in fast, head pulling back briefly, back legs extending, sending her body body in an attempt to smash her chest into Kaneyna's upper chest with a good amount of force to knock the wind out of her. Quickly the front portion of her body would lift off the ground, back legs spreading to try and keep her balanced with tail out. Forelegs would rise on either side of her opponent then come together, hoping to hook around her shoulders as if hugging Kaneyna. It was then that she would snap towards Kaneyna's face, attempting to grab hold of some part of the face, whether it be around her jaws or right side of her face, depending on what the woman did to avoid Narfi's attacks.

one OF two FOR rank; duchess


03-25-2014, 05:59 PM
ooc: don't mind me ^^

It had brought her such amusement the way the two girls bickered. Neither wanted the other to win, each showing enough aggression to prove so. Coral pool would watch the pair carefully, taking mental notes. Kaneyna would circle, a useless tactic unless you wanted to make your opponent impatient, and then she would strike. But her apprentice was quick to turn and face her head on.

Fangs would collide with flesh as each struggled for the upper hand. There was much to be thought over. Both were still only yearlings, barely so. Neither had the experience to offer advice to a ruler, or even be able to defend their pack. She had no idea what she would do with the two girls.


03-25-2014, 06:29 PM
Good fight Azzy <3
Rina agreed to judge we thinks? I believe it was her.

That girl was a bitch.

Kaneyna had been carefully plotting every defensive measure she might have to take as soon as her teeth had locked onto the upper right shoulder of her opponent. As soon as the events had taken place and the girl's teeth had gone in enough in her opponent she unlatched and backed up with her eyes narrowed. Her other attacks had failed like she expected them too. When Narfi lunged at her with her [Narfi's] jaws wide to get her upper right foreleg, Kaneyna leapt out of the way and immediately lunged at the woman's left side to grasp onto her lower neck near the base of her shoulder. Valar Mourghulis. She told herself slyly as she attempted to pull off the attach from a 40 degree angle around the back of the opponent. The way she had spun had placed her head on a 140 degree angle from where she had been. She was using the speed that came with being smaller to her advantage.

Her head remained lowered as it had when she had attacked the first time. Her shoulders stayed squared and her tail raised an an aggravated level. Her fur continued to bristle with her haunches and hackles staying raised. She hissed once more as she felt a mid-forced blow to her right shoulder that Narfi had hit while Kaneyna attempted to lunge at the woman's left side to grasp onto her lower neck near the base of her shoulder from a 40 degree angle. Narfi snapped towards Kaneyna's face so she [Kaneyna] pulled back some but with her pulling back and rearing almost to the side of the woman, Kaneyna felt the jaws grip her shoulder that would no doubt leave puncture wounds or even a scar or two. The 2 wounds from the bite were around 3.66 centimeters deep. She felt the bruising sting from the previous shoulder attack. No doubt the bruises would take at least a day to heal.

Kaneyna decided to try and steal from Narfi's own book to try and throw her off. She started to snap towards the left side of Narfi's head in an attempt to grab onto anything she could. She held onto her 130 degree angle [40 degrees if you take the acute angle between Narfi's body and Kaneyna's body but 140 if you take the front of Narfi's head to the jaws of Kaneyna]. Her eyes remained narrowed slightly as she had lunged towards the left side of Narfi's head. She refused to let a bitch who was so snobby have the rank. So Kaneyna came after, it didn't matter. In this pack, skill mattered, and that was all. Kaneyna knew what truly mattered and she held it in her heart. Loyalty. Skill. A sense of honor, well, not really. A sense of killing seemed more appropriate to her. A bloodlust. A sense of family. The pack was a family and she had to pave her way starting right then. She had to win to prove what she had. She'd rather die and sit next to Satan in hell than let the bitch win the title. Kaneyna craved few things. Blood and power were one of the few. She could taste blood. Power was much more difficult to gain.




4 Years
03-28-2014, 08:53 PM
Just to let both Elsa and the judge know, Narfi PP'ed the hooking her limbs because that attack wasn't acknowledged and because it wasn't I'm able to determine the damage like it says in the judging thread.

"If you fail to acknowledge an attack from your opponent, your opponent is then allowed to assume where the attack that you ignored landed and the extent of damage that attack caused."

Also, Elsa's image of the positioning from kane leaping back and repositioning. (link)!

Narfi Celestine Jaeger

A quick attack from Kaneyna, bite and release once she made contact with Narfi's flesh. Inexperienced, the yearling wouldn't understand why her opponent did this, and once it was over she would probably view it as weak, unable to handle holding on for longer to make a more severe injury. But then again, this was only for a rank, they weren't suppose to inflict serious wounds.

A snarl of annoyance would erupt when Narfi's jaws slammed shut on emptiness when she went for the woman's right foreleg, but she wouldn't linger on it, the girl had to keep pushing. Narrowed eyes would remain locked one her target as she [kane] used her slightly smaller size to her advantage, managing to leap back then to the side to try and get to the side and a bit behind Narfi, that wouldn't happen however. The female [narfi] quickly repositioned herself, back end swinging to the right, head swinging in sync so she could be facing Kane. She couldn't move fast enough however, for Kane's bite that was originally for Narfi's lower left neck, due to Narfi moving, would slide up and make contact with her front shoulder. She growled in frustration, the woman's fangs puncturing her flesh, creating 2cm wounds as well as small bruising and moderate soreness from the lunge. That she would be feeling for a few hours to a day or two.

Contact would be made with her sudden rush at Kaneyna's chest, hitting the female's right shoulder, not exactly where Narfi wanted it to land but that didn't matter, it still landed somewhere around the area. Her opponent [kane] would also pull back and rear when Narfi would go in for her next attack, forelimbs successfully hooking around Kane's lower neck (this is mentioned as ooc note above table), back legs spread evenly and tail straight out in an attempt to keep the little balance she had, while also shifting her weight back onto the hinds. Forelimbs would pull together, paws folding towards Narfi to keep a decent hold on her opponent. When she had gone to snap at her [kane's] face, jaws would miss their mark on either her jaws or cheek and would instead grab hold of her (wasn't mentioned which shoulder) right shoulder. Finally. Her bite wouldn't be anything serious, most likely cause a few cuts and scrapes due to her snapping at anything within reach, small amount of force. And so her jaws would pull away after the damage was done [just stating that the bite wouldn't cause too much damage].

With a grunt the she wolf [narfi] would give a shove forward and to the left [pushing kane back and to the right], forelimbs still attempting to hold onto the female. What she was aiming for was to knock the female down and into the ground, using her heavy body and momentum to do so. While trying to do this she would also pulling her head back, the skin around her neck creating folds, ears back and out of the path of the woman should she try snapping at her face. Jaws would then part and lunge forward with a good amount of force, aiming to grab hold of Kane's neck just behind her skull. Should her jaws make contact, they would slam shut and hold on tight. Top jaw would come over the top of her neck, while the lower would come on the underside behind the jaws [should this attack land of course].

two OF two FOR rank; duchess

The Judge


04-08-2014, 04:58 PM

Kaneyna v Narfi for Duchess

Round 1

8 for clarity- Notes

9 for powerplaying. watch your if, then statements.. that really limits what the other player can do

5 for defenses. 5 valid defenses, +1 point each

5 for attack. +2 paw shove, +3 bite attempt

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Kaneyna Total: 37/50


10 for clarity-

7 for powerplaying. The two bites in this single post seemed like too much movement

8 for defenses. 8 valid defenses, +1 point each

8 for attack. +3 bite, +2 shove, +3 bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Narfi Total: 43/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

5 for defenses. 5 valid defenses, +1 point each

5 for attack. +2 shove, +3 bite

8 for injuries. 2 bite wounds

Round two Kaneyna Total: 38/50


10 for clarity- Notes

9 for powerplaying. mild wording

3 for defenses. only found 3, +1 point each

5 for attack. +3 bite, +2 tightening hold with limbs

8 for injuries. Notes

Round two Narfi Total: 35/50


Kaneyna: 75/100

Narfi: 78/100

And the winner is...

Narfi! Kaneyna must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Kaneyna- All should heal in 5 IC days.

Narfi- All should heal in 5 IC days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good job guys, close fight!

- By [Andy]


04-08-2014, 07:33 PM

She watched the two woman battled for the upper hand, each taking their turn drawing blood. The Queen took note of how each defended herself, how they went about their attacks. They were both marvelous, nearly equally matched. It would be a tough decision because the two of them. "That enough!" The silver woman would rise, moving towards the pair, waiting for them to separate before continuing.

"You both a skilled fighters, but as you know, only one can be Duchess." She would look at both before continuing. "Narfi, you will be crowned Duchess, and Kaneyna, you will be crowned Comte, lead Hunter. Each of you will be expected to fulfill you duties. I will call another meeting, hopefully the last for awhile, to discuss more thoroughly each of your duties." She would look at both, giving them an opportunity to ask her any questions. If neither had any questions then she would move on to the next spar.

-exit cat unless someone has a question-


04-09-2014, 12:46 PM

Kaneyna had prepared herself for another attack when the monarch called the fight to an end. She was outraged and she knew that she could have won had it not been called off. She narrowed her eyes and hissed. She could have won and the queen called Narfi the winner. The girl turned to Narfi with a hiss and whispered in an angered calm way: "This isn't over yet." bitch. She thought the last part to herself for a specific reason. Technically Narfi was a rank higher than her even though Kaneyna refused to show as much as a single bow to her. She wouldn't give her the honor of being allowed to boss her around. She went off to find something for her wounds. She knew only a small bit about healing but it was enough to help her with her soreness.



4 Years
04-09-2014, 01:19 PM
Narfi Celestine Jaeger

Just when her last move was done the Monarch would step forth and call and end to their fight. Narfi would respond quickly, limbs unhooking Kane and jumping back onto all four. She would hold her head up, shoulders shifting as she focused her gaze on Cataleya to hear the results of their fight. She said they were both skilled fighters, and reminded them that only one would be Duchess... that one being Narfi. The girl would give a nod of her head, listening to what her leader had to add, and with no questions for her, the silver woman would move away and onto one of the other fights.

Gaze would shift over to Kaneyna now, lips pulling back in a smirk at the constant hissing and anger looks. "Oh it has just begun, my little kitten." She grinned, her demeanor calm, pleased at winning and to see the displeasure in the other fae's face and voice. Silently she would watch the loser leave the scene, Narfi holding her head high. She was curious to see how things would go from here, and should the younger wolf give her any issues, the new Duchess would have the pleasure of delivering punishments. The girl would learn to obey.

With that she would turn and leave as well.

-exit narfi-

Normal ----
"Speak" ----
Think ----

Awesome table by Briena <3