
My sentence is life



2 Years
04-10-2014, 03:22 PM

The wolf that sat in the darkness of the long-stretching shadows of approaching night held an odd sense of entrapment. In a way, he was completely free, with no physical ties and an entire world lay out before him. He was not tied here by earthly bonds, but by his own feelings. He wanted nothing more than to cross that pack territory, to find his sister until she was safely in his arms again. The idea of committing himself to a pack however was a burden he found hard to bear. He wasn?t suited to the family life, not any more, not after so long of being on his own. His strong sense of family tires went to the immediate Black family, ties so unbreakable, so precious he would never dare to cast off. These ties did not extend to the pack, and thus without admittance he had no right to cross over and join its wolves.

His family lay across that border; they were a step and a commitment away, so close and yet, so irreparably far. He knew that Twig was there, and Jinxx also. He feared for his sister and longed to reunite with his brother. He would growl and move from the shadows, pacing a length of the border like a tiger pacing the borders of his cage, restless and confined, unable to leave, nowhere to go. He knew he should walk away, take the chance to understand the adjacent territories, rogue and pack alike. These where the lands his siblings had chosen, and create a life for themselves within. He needed to ensure their safety and their happiness. Even if Twig was never truly happy again, he had to help her reach some equivalent. He was chained to this place by the people that ruled his heart. He growled again, his restless pacing unfaltering.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-11-2014, 08:46 PM

He would explore the territories adjacent to Valhalla, hoping to find more of the lost Clan. He had found three of his sisters, a lost brother he had not known he had, and yet there was more to be found. Lunatik he knew, would not take long to find them here. Were the scattered family prepared for that...? He doubted it. Angel was off who knows where, and with her history of panic attacks, there was the possibility that Lunatik would use it to his advantage. Her naivete too, would possibly also be her downfall and corruption. Same with Beau and Khaos, they were both very young and prone to corruption. Twig? Who knew. She hated him just as much as he did. Pulsus however? Knew nothing of their brother...they had never met, but how different they had come out. Lunatik had become a crazed killer, bent on corruption and power hungry. Pulsus so far, was nothing like him...but could he be corrupted to be like their eldest brother?

Thoughts would race through his mind, darker thoughts of his eldest brother. A feeling of dread would form in the pit of his stomach, he knew the time was arriving. Lunatik was insanely smart, and there was no doubt he'd find them all. It was then that oceanic blues would spot something. No, someone. Ears raised in recognition, the male coming to a standstill several yards from the figure. He knew this wolf, it was unmistakable. "Crucifix!"

Talk like this

Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark



2 Years
04-11-2014, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 09:01 PM by Crucifix.)

The voice of an other would break him from his reveree, eyes would swival and find the shape of his brother. The suprise would still register on his face, but it would nothing to the marvel that had over taken him at his encounter with Twig. After all, Twig had already told him that Jinxx had found his way here, had taken to residing in the pack known as Valhalla, the pack that Cru now paced along its edges. ?Jinxx? he would call back, shaking out the stiffness in his coat and moved closer to his older brother. He would smile as he approached, taking in this sight that he had not seen for too long. His eyes would rack up the body of Jinxx, looking for signs of injury, stress, anything that should not be there.

He would finish his inspection with another smile and settle himself again on his hunches. There would be no tight hugging, crying as he had displayed with his sister, he would hold himself more dignified before the oldest sibling in their family's second litter. ?It has been to long, and I very glad that so many of us have survived to this point? he would smile, but the smile would fade soon after. "Actually, I'm, glad you found your way here, I wanted to talk to you.. I've already run into Twig, and... I want to ask your permission that the right to her rapers blood be mine. As older brother it could easily fall to Jinxx to take that right, but Cru, having seen his sister, having seen the pain.. he could feel his blood rising again, the anger that settled there. He needed to be the one, he needed to take down that monster.

Ooc: Crappy Cru posts, dunno why >.>

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-21-2014, 01:02 PM


His brother would greet him, and Jinxx was all too happy to see that he was okay. He sat upon black painted haunches, deep blue pools gazing at his brother as he seemed to look him over. Oh how he missed his brother. He missed all of his family, but he figured they probably didn't miss him or even care. Was that the price of being an overprotective older brother? Perhaps so. "I'm fine, Crucifix. No need to worry." he would offer a small smile, though he would keep hidden what was in his mind. He would not show the internal weakness, not in front of his family. His little brother would comment on the family, glad that they were being found. To Jinxx' own relief, he was getting closer to bringing them all together...although it would seem more like a chore and a lost cause. That information, however, would be kept from his family. "I'm glad too, though there are more to be found.." Before he does...

Head picked up as his young brother continued, the male listening to each word as they came. Eyes would harden, his body stiffened. And almost immediately after his brother finished speaking he would shake his head. "No. I'm sorry, but you know the rules. Criminals that commit such acts are to be trialed, and when found guilty their life taken by the Alpha, or the eldest. In this case, it falls to Father or Pulsus..." He would state with a cold tone. Not towards his brother, but towards the thought of what happened to their sister. Then it falls to me...but..can I even kill in cold blood? It's not like the family to do that...I guess Lunatik had more impact then I thought.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark