
The Black Butterfly



6 Years
04-09-2014, 01:46 PM

Mariposa padded along a huge, thick snowed over wall; eyeing it carefully. It looked sturdy enough, but one could never know when it would collapse. The Queen Of Darkness nodded as she agreed with herself that it was a breathtaking sight, especially in the fall, where it had snowed, but not had been heavy enough for a high snowstorm. It was a winter wonderland. A beautiful scenery, and here she was; an even more beautiful black maiden strolling her way along The Wall. Her Orange, illuminating eyes sparkled in curious delight, darting around the land, taking in a deep breath. She was in peace, and nobody could ruin that. She let a release of air out and continued trotting her way along The Wall.
Hopefully nobody would ruin her peaceful day that she was enjoying, she'd hate to have to spill another's blood on this beautifully white snow displayed about the land.


04-09-2014, 01:53 PM

Cocky little bastards, all of the sorts, many had left Glaciem. While it was in no interest to him to pay mind to it. With training underway and his underlying boredom, there was nothing left to do except look for something to do beyond the borders of his lands. Etern would pull his well tones blue body across the wall, to spot a little black butterfly floating across the lands as if she were flying. His green eyes would take in her appearance, and his nose would bury her scent into his memory.
The knight stayed a few feet away from her to avoid any conflict if she were to want any. Beside's, he could perfectly defend himself, and he wouldn't be brought down by a petty girl if she were one. "Enjoying the fresh snow?" he asked out loud, watching the words leave in forms of mist. Tail-less his body looked stoic as ever, same as his voice. The war-lord was devout of emotions when it came to strangers.




6 Years
04-09-2014, 02:15 PM

Mariposa closed her eyes in pleasure from the cold temperatures. They weren't enough to make her shiver, but it felt oh so good from the heat the summer had brought from before in the other lands. She sniffed the frigid wintery air and sniffed the presence of another. Mariposa growled at the thought of Elysium. Those pathetic beings to call themselves wolves had not been good enough for her. And they had dared to fight The Queen Of Darkness. How pathetic. She pushed the random thought away, shaking her head.
Mariposa spun her head around and was greeted by a wolf. A male wolf. Mariposa smirked as she looked the male over. A handsome lad. She dipped her head in a bow, greeting him. "Yes, and it looks like you are as well," Mariposa said as she stood up from her bow and sat up. She sat on her haunches neatly and wrapped her tail around herself.


04-09-2014, 02:35 PM

A loner was always a pleasure to interact with, interesting if anything. With Glaciem's numbers falling, he felt like it was in order to raise them with warriors willing to fill their ambitions. But, it was all of free will, they did not take those who did not want to stay. As for they were useless unless of some sort of prize was in order for them. Though with that he pressed the thought down, he would be scaring her. Perhaps the organization would be the place for her, but it seemed his nephew hadn't really said anything for the time being about it.
"There is only so much you can do lazing about in pack territory." Etern said looking towards the wall. Green eyes in wonder as it turned back to the woman. "What about you, don't you think it's dangerous hanging around such barbaric packs that could try to take you away at any moment?" It was a natural fact of life that loners were suseptable for this, specially with those morons who looked at a wolf said they were pretty and used it as an excuse to add onto their numbers.




6 Years
04-09-2014, 06:27 PM

The beautiful black pelted female's maw twisted into an evil smirk. "Me?" She laughed at the thought, thinking back to the Elysium wolves. How they had tried to make the beautiful woman fight her way into the pack. 'SHE HAD ALREADY BEEN QUEEN,' For crying out loud, she had been Queen ever she set paw onto their territory. But of course they were so pathetic for not realizing that. Mari didn't blame anyone for not knowing that, but it was just purely disappointing. She shook the thoughts away and looked up at the male. "Well, I've survived the weak Elysium wolves. They weren't worthy of my presence." Mari shifted her weight and sat neatly on her haunches, curling her tail around her legs. She gave a yawn and kept watching the male, her orange eyes burning with curiosity.


04-10-2014, 06:55 PM

Well she was indeed passionate he would give her that, something Glaciem could use if she dealt with taking orders well. Etern gave her a smile, strong, elegant everything that was required of course. She acted as if she was better than everyone, well as long as she had the skill to back it up it didn't matter. He calmly looked at her happily. "Well not everyone can handle beauties such as ourselves." He noted. Turning his body as he looked at the wall. His rump was visible where his tail went missing, the wound still healing slightly. "What about Glaciem, you are worthy enough for our presence no?" His green eyes looked at her in wonder.
"You may have gotten an offer to join a pack before but my offer stands. Glaciem is in need of members loyal strong ones like yourself." Etern said turning fully towards her. He wasn't going to force her, but if she attacked him he obviously wouldn't be a very happy man. With a lack of tail he had learned to balance on his own, and it gave them less of a thing to grab onto. If she rejected, he would simply leave, there was no harm in it after all.




6 Years
04-10-2014, 07:48 PM

Mariposa narrowed her bright, orange irises of her eyes, looking around. "Glaciem, huh?" She kept her illuminating eyes narrowed and tilted her head towards the ground. She had never heard of a pack called Glaciem, but her thoughts were intrigued by the names of it. Maybe they were better than Elysium- no they were better than Elysium, and Mari was positive about that. She stood up and stretched her long, slender body, the black beauty letting a yawn escape her lips. She then shook her fur, a few black specks of her fur dancing into the winter air. She blinked and smiled softly. "Sure, why not?" She said, looking at the male as she waited standing in front of him for him to lead the way. Mariposa flicked her ears around in the white, silent winter air.


04-10-2014, 11:42 PM

The Alliance with Glaciem had been successful, the Queen had been most helpful and even likable. The woman would depart from Glaciems borders, intending to return home only after a bit of exploration of the northern lands. She rarely ventured here, and she thought it would be beneficial. Paws pressed into the earth silently, muscles rolling fluidly beneath her silvery pelt. A smirk tugged at dark lips as a familiar scent invaded her nostrils. Kylar. He never seemed to be far from her, whether it was intentional or not. She would continue to move, he would catch up if he so desired.

Nostrils quivered, the wind shifting once more to favor her, bringing an all to familiar scent to her attention. Her pelt would bristle with immediate irritation. Her course would shift, turning to seek out the dark woman who had so foolishly wasted her time. Audits would twitch, catching bits of the conversation as she closed in. She attempted to come up at an angle, just behind Mariposa's left shoulder, not bothering to hide her approach. Her face would go stone cold as the bitch thought she could insult Elysium and get away with it.

She didn't care if her companion saw her or not, nor did she pay any mind to their conversation. The Queen had her sights set on the woman. The Queen came to a brief halt about 4 feet from the woman, watching her closely. "Such a foolish girl, you will learn that Elysium isn't to be toyed with." Without giving the girl time to respond, defenses settled into place shortly before her attack. Ears pinned against her skull, eyes narrowing to dangerous slits, hackles lifted, her tail straightened with her spine, limbs would spread and bend to better her balance. Powerful shoulders would roll forward, adding an extra layer of fat around her vitals, chin would tuck as her skull lowered to be level with spine. Abdominal muscles tightened, just before the Queen shot forward. She didn't care about the second wolf, Kylar had been fairly close, he would handle it.

Jaws unhinged, lips curled back to expose ivory daggers. She rushed forward, closing the distance between them in a few bounds. The Queen aimed to grab a hold of the woman by the left side of her neck, just behind her jawline. The silver woman would use her forward momentum to attempt to barrel into the woman's side, wanting her chest to collide with ebony girls shoulder. The Queen was larger, both taller and heavier, even if only by a little. Her goal was to knock the smaller woman off balance. The silver temptress would lift her right leg (from Cats POV), attempting to drap it across the woman's back, just behind her shoulders, wanting to keep the woman from getting to far from her reach, and so that if the woman tumbled, the Queen would already be standing over her.


ATTACKS: attacks from Mari's left side, jaws aimed to grab a hold of the left side of her neck, just behind her jawline (upper part of her neck). Her chest aims to collide with Mari's shoulder to knock her off balance. Right front leg will lift, attempting to land across her back, just behind the shoulders

DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles lifted, shoulder rolled forward, tail straightened with spine, limbs spread and bent for better balance, chin tucked, skull level with her spine, abdominal muscles tightened


OOC: Permission by Dio to PP Kylar since he stalks her just about all the time

Edit: edited to change from claim to maim/dominance.


04-11-2014, 12:12 AM

He had followed her quietly at first, keeping to the shadows and staying out of the way when she spoke to the Glaciem queen. This was where his son had gone? Some small part of him desired to pull himself from the shadows and speak to the queen, ask about his son but this was business so he stayed quiet and in the shadows. When his queen finally left the boarders he would turn and follow her, trailing a ways behind as he debated going back and calling for the Glaciem queen once more. But soon he was padding along faster, long legs rolling forwards until he was trailing so his head almost touched her hip. He said nothing to her, allowing her to muse in her own thoughts. But whatever they were didn't seem to be good he noted as he noted the way her fur bristled and whole demeanour changed. For a moment he would slow as she redirected her course, falling back a slight bit as verdant gaze followed her slowly disappearing form.

Soon an angry tone reached his ears and he was forced into movement agin, setting off after her at an easy lope as massive male came lumbering through the brush onto the scene. His queen was already setting her defences and though the massive male had no clue what was going on he didn't question it. For a moment he would stand a bit to the side, blinking carefully before he noted another not unfamiliar face on the scene. Hadn't they sparred? Slowly Ky would slip around, moving to stand near Etern. He smelt of the pack they had just visited, Glaciem? Would he know his son? "Let them work it out?" It was not a demand or a harsh words, it was a simple request, words hushed for the blue male to hear alone. Wait, didn't this male have a tail before. "Earthquake wound?" he would ask as if polite conversation was all that he was here for when in fact he was ready to hop in if any harm was to come to his queen.



04-11-2014, 12:34 AM

There was much more to say to the girl, once she was in glaiem she would not be able to leave because he did not wish it. Though in all his glory, there was a sudden break and tension filled the air when the elysium queen showed up demanding to fight. Mariposa had mentioned them before, and if he had to say so himself, he had no desire to protect her. For he wasn't sure what Sendoa's plans were with elysium which they possibly had an alliance with he was not sure. Etern's green emerald eyes turned to Mari. "You won't get help for this, show them what it takes to be a glaciem, otherwise your a waste of my time." he said, it was true, he wasn't being mean. After Kylar showed up, the monster he had sparred with. Tooth and blood connection was what they had. Stepping away from the ladies he sat next to Kylar.
The tailless man gave a short chuckle to his comment about letting them work it out. "I don't help strangers, this is a fight between them not me. I simply offered her a place in glaciem if she were to prove she fights well." he shrugged. Kylar was a strong man, and he respected him, it was how they lived their life after all. "Yes, a tree cut it right off. My sister won't stop nagging me about how 'cute' I look now." He smiled, this would be interesting to watch. Specially since he'd get to see the queen fight. "I'm Etern Armada, you, are you a second in command in elysium?" Just a normal conversation in a normal fight as it was.




6 Years
04-11-2014, 06:34 AM

Mariposa drew back in a breath of surprise as she scented the Elysium's Queen scent around them. She wouldn't be here, would she? Mari flicked her ear and in a second the Queen was on her back trying to pin her down. Mari growled and her defenses arose. She pushed up her (left, is it?) Side that the Queen was attempting to bring her down on, hackles raising under her pressure of the Queen's weight. Mari also pulled her lips back and revealed razor-sharp white canines, the black beauty's ears pinning back and claws extending as orange illuminating eyes narrowed. Mari would draw a breath back and snarl as she felt a bit of skin rip on her neck, from Cat's teeth. The black beauty ignored the pressure of pain coming from her neck and kept her defenses arose.
She pushed herself from the right side (or left, which ever one is opposite to the attacking Cat) and if she would succeed, the black pelted fae would slam her body weight against Cat's chest, knocking the wind out of her.
Defenses: Hackles raised, teeth bared, ears pinned back, claws extend.
Attacks: Slamming and pushing her full weight against Catelaya's chest
Round 1/2
OOC: Never done this before.~
Injuries: A wound inflicted upon her neck where Cat bit her


04-11-2014, 11:59 AM

There was immense satisfaction as blood fell on the Queens tongue, causing her to immediately tightened her grip on the woman. There would be no escape for her. Her limb also landed around the woman's back, keeping her close to the silver Queen. However, the ebony woman would not go down without a fight. The woman would throw her weight into Cat, knocking the breath out of her but not enough to force the woman to release her opponent, however it would bruise the Queens chest. Rage seized the behemoth woman, only furthering her desire to force her adversary into submission. Sucking in her breath through her nostrils, the Monarch struggled to get her breathing under control.

Defenses remained locked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles lifted, her tail remained level with her spine, shoulders stayed rolled forward, skull remained level with her spine as much as possible, along with her chin tucked as much as possible. Limbs remained squared and bent for the ultimate balance. In preparation for her next move, abdominal muscles would tighten. The woman wasted no time in furthering her attack, she used her weight and stamina to her advantage.

The Queens hind left leg would slide back a few inches, toes would spread and claws dug into the ground just before she lifted herself up on hind legs. Cat aimed to place her chest on the upper part of Mari's shoulder, around the base of her neck. If successful then she would bring her entire weight down on the woman, hoping that she would be unable to hold it for long. By doing this, Cat also aimed to bring the flesh she had a hold of with her, wanting to twist the woman's neck as she moved. The silver temptress would utilize her limb that rested across her opponents back by forcing the limb down, applying pressure to the woman's spine, before doing so, she would slide the appendage a few inches further down Mari's back.


ATTACKS: cat is lifting herself up on hind legs, moving the left leg back to better stabilize herself. She is then aiming to bring her chest down on the upper end of Mari's shoulder blade/near the base of her neck, Cat wants to then bring her weight down on her opponent in hopes of forcing her to collapse under the weight. With jaws still locked on Mari's neck, Cat is aiming to twist the flesh as she moves, she wants to use this to continue to push Mari over but causing pressure and discomfort on her neck.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, shoulders scrunched, limb squared and bent, tail level with her spine, skull level with her spine and chin tucked as much as possible, abdominal muscles tightened. Added In her attack: left hind leg set back a few inches, toes spread and claws digging into the ground for traction

INJURIES: bruising to her chest

OOC: if you have an questions, please feel free to message me:)



6 Years
04-11-2014, 12:50 PM

Mariposa snarled as she felt the Queen's weight crash against her shoulder blade near her neck, attempting to pin her down. Mari began to slowly sink towards the ground, but then she regained her strength and the black beauty would push herself up, defenses rising as she sunk her claws into the ground for extra traction and help against Cat's weight. The Black Beauty tried to buck the female off, throwing her weight against her back, where the female was. Mari would snarl as she felt her skin rip more under the female's teeth, and Mari would swing her head back and forward, attempting to smash her head against the female's nose/cranium. If she would succeed, a loud "thump" noise would be heard as their heads collided, causing the female known as Catelaya to hopefully let her grip go from Mari's neck.
Defenses: same, and also using her claws for traction in the dirt.
Attacks: bucking off Catelaya, and slamming her head against Cat's nose/muzzle/cranium. (Practically her face area xP)
Round: 2/2
Injuries: More flesh breaking under Cat's teeth.
OOC: First fight ever; not too bad..?

The Judge


04-11-2014, 01:11 PM

Cataleya v Mariposa for Small Maim/Dominance

Round 1

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. 8, +1 each

6 for attack. +3 bite, +2 shove, +1 leg wrap

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Cataleya Total: 44/50


6 for clarity- Make sure you know how they are positioned, and state what body parts you are aiming for and what parts you are using to attack with.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

4 for defenses. 4, +1 each

2 for attack. +2 shove

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Mariposa Total: 32/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. 10, +1 each; -2 lifting up on hind legs

6 for attack. +3 continued bite/hold, +2 chest move, +1 leg move

8 for injuries. -2 chest bruise,

Round two Cataleya Total: 42/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

1 for defenses. 1, +1 each ? you must restate defenses, you can?t just say ?same?

4 for attack. +2 attempt to buck, +2 tossing head

6 for injuries. -4 bite wound worsened, -2 (should have bruising from cat?s chest coming down)

Round two Mariposa Total: 31/50


Cataleya: 86/100

Mariposa: 63/100

And the winner is...

Cataleya! Mariposa must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Cataleya- Mild bruising on chest, will heal up in 2 OOC days.

Mariposa- (Minor Maim) Flesh torn from neck, will leave a permanent scar.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Nice quick fight you guys! Misha, work on including defenses and more specifics in your attacks. Saf, keep up the good defenses and work on complicated, thorough attacks.

- By [Andy]



6 Years
04-11-2014, 01:51 PM

Mariposa growled at the female known as Cateleya (just realized I had been spelling it wrong, sorry!! xD) and drew her defenses back, stepping away from the female with a growl. She checked her wound on her neck, growling. "This isn't over," Mari said with a flick of her tounge around her white fangs. 'It will never be over,' She thought to herself, her muscles still a bit shaken from tension in the fight. "But I must say, you are quick on your feet, and a good fighter. It was a pleasure having you as my first fight." Mari said with a small bow. She respected the Queen Cateleya a bit more now, giving a small smirk. "You three have a good day," She turned and slowly began to limp away, out of the territory.
OOC: ~Exit Mariposa


04-11-2014, 02:55 PM

Again her attacks landed, but the girl gave the woman a surprise. She would buck, trying to in vain to lift the heavier Queen off her, but to no avail, jaws simply tightened and she allowed her upper body to relax in an attempt to make herself heavier. Her adversary would then attempt to throw her head back, wanting to strike the Queens own skull. Immediately the Queen would release her, wanting to avoid being struck by the thick bone of her skull. As soon the ebony woman was released however, the fight would leave her body, and she attempted to slip away from the silver woman's grasp. Limbs would bring her forward, never letting the girl get far. Lips curled back against fangs as the darker woman spoke, claiming that was not over. "No, it definitely is not my dear."

What the woman did next would surprise the Queen, though it didn't show. Coral pools watched as the woman bowed, speaking respectively to her and even offering a compliment. Her frigid expression would not change, remaining locked in place as she watched her opponent slip away. The Queen would only relax once the woman was out of few. Tongue would wipe away any blood on her muzzle, her hackles would drop along with the rest of her defenses, though her posture remained rigid. Her chest throbbed as the bruising settled into. Her gaze would shift to the two men who had taken a seat to watch the show. Without a word the Queen would depart, fully intending on returning home, without interrupt this time.

-exit cat-


04-11-2014, 03:04 PM

The male was pleasant enough, moving easily to sit beside Kylar so the large male decided to join his new companion and sit as well to watch the fight. The male said he was content to not interfere, to let them work it out and Ky's large head would drop in thanks to the blue male. "Much obliged. Here's to hoping my queen gets her revenge and you might get a potential member..." Couldn't they both get what they wanted? Would Ky and this male have to pull them off eachother before someone got killed? Was wasn't sure but he was still ready to hop up if things got out of control. But it wasn't long before he was more absorbed in conversation then the fight, an easy chuckle flowing from his lips when this blue male mentioned his sisters nagging about being cute. "Sisters always think their brothers are cute. Mine harasses me a lot as well... Though your tail is quite fluffy now.." He mused in good nature, flashing Etern an easy smile though every so often he would look back to the fight. Cat seemed to have things under control.

"Pleasure to officially meet you Etern, I am Kylar Sovari and that thing there is my queen Cataleya. Technically yes, I am the second along with another woman. But mostly I stalk her, she keeps things interesting." Another good natured smile would clash across his lips though now he was watching the battle a bit more intently. The black bitch was trying to break his Queen's face! Though Cat seemed to have it under control still he bristled at the thought as he watched the fight. "Side note, good news! We're allies now. You'll have to come check out our forest sometime, maybe have a little rematch!" He said, bumping his shoulder against Etern's in a rather bro like fashion. Then all of a sudden it seemed to be over, the black woman pulling away and speaking more expect fully towards Cat before taking her leave, bleeding quite heavily. "Sorry about your potential member... That's my cue, it was fun Etern!" He said, nothing Cat's pissed off gaze as she turned it towards them. He would lift himself and set off at a lope after his Wueen until he caught her then settle to match her pace, head lowered and drifting by her flank.

-exit Kylar-



04-11-2014, 03:17 PM

That was sad, he probably still would have given her a chance, still would have offered to train her. But before so she had run off, giving him a shrug of his shoulders. Though the chat with kylar made up for that. A sigh escaped Etern's lips, there were plenty of wolves out there for him to torture and escape, there was no use crying over spilt milk. "Certainly Kylar, but no worries she was merely a speck on a scale of thousands of wolves." he said with a slight smile. Returning the bump to the large male. Once they stood and left he went to do the same. Standing and turning to return back home, there was nothing left for him here.
