
To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above[LUDMEETING}



2 Years
08-10-2014, 11:26 PM


She hadn't exactly stuck within Ludicael's territory as of late, though she wasn't exactly expected to, nor entirely welcome. As a wanderer- a loner, by choice, she wasn't allowed to waltz into the pack lands just because her family lived there and she'd been born there. She'd left, and stayed gone for the most part, so visiting required permission of course, as far as she was concerned. So when her mother's call rang out she was hesitant to cross the borders, tea cupped paws turned to stone just before she could cross the borders. It was her mother, and she should see what all the hubbub was about, but the pallid femme wasn't exactly keen on the thought of intruding where she shouldn't and then getting her face ripped off by any of the warrior types. Though, on the off chance she was recognized, it might not be terrible for her to show. As well, Ludicael had never been too harsh with those who wanted to listen in, on account that they may be seeking to join. Tall, mismatched audits would flatten against her skull, and rise, only to sink back towards her dial again as she hesitated and thought. Banner swung to and fro in frustration for a few moments, nervous to be invading where she might not be welcome. Not many of her siblings wanted to see her, if Canta's word meant anything.
Heaving a loud sigh, the young lady picked up her black and white feet and plodded toward the centre of attention, heading for the meeting. She'd hang along the outskirts, just to watch and listen for anything that might be good to know. She didn't exactly want to get information second hand, when she might be needing it at some point. Long legs took silent strides, the femme crept forward stealthily enough to get an idea of what's going on before she wandered too close. The crowd was growing, and was sure to get much larger as time went on, so she hung farther from the group, pacing quietly along the fringes. Her dual toned gaze sought her mother's laden form, wondering if her mother would call attention to her in a way that would get her in trouble. She knew her mother loved her, there was no doubt in her mind, but she got the feeling the pearl woman had called this meeting for important reasons, and she might not want her rogue daughter there for official business.
Regarding the crowds, she noticed few of the smaller forms bore a striking resemblance to her mother, and decided those whelps must be some of her newest siblings. Maybe afterward she could catch up with a few, see what they were like. Though, from what she saw of a pale young thing, they didn't hold Song in as high regard as she and her litter did. Circumstances would tell the tale, it seemed. Canta was quick to come to their mom's defense, and though the two had not parted on the best of terms, she felt a twinge of pride that her sister had been quick to calm the youngster's anger. Remaining on her feet, the willowy damsel continued to regard the growing masses, and thought to herself about random little things. All the while, she would lurk in the background and wait for what came next.

Bronze i


12 Years
08-11-2014, 07:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 07:59 AM by Bronze i.)

Bronze was quick to rouse at Silent's suggestion, stirring quietly beside her as sleep left him. The call was familiar, and he heard the audible happiness in his wife's tones at the realization of who it was. A gentle grin toyed at his muzzle as he rolled to his stomach, slowly pulling himself onto his tired paws, stretching for a moment before they set off.

The meeting was not far, but he found himself growing weary even upon entering the gathering. The brute was quite to lope beside his wife, eager to drop down to his stomach once again, though his attention was focused keenly on Song. She had returned, it seemed -- he could only hope it would be for the best. Her parents seemed just as capable leaders, but he knew they were growing older as well and perhaps did not want the burden of leadership. Either way, Bronze didn't care. A content sigh escaped his throat as he leaned against her, hoping their need to rest was not mistaken as laziness or inattention.



6 Years
08-11-2014, 08:51 AM

Satu had been spending less and less time in Ludicael pack lands lately. Luck alone had her resting in her den, but even then her feet twitched restlessly in her sleep, as though even in dreams her body wished to be on the move again. Awake, guilt tainted her adventurous spirit, duty demanding she stay but her own longing for travel drawing her away. Asleep she could travel and explore and adventure to her heart's content, and no duty could - but then it did.

Song's call woke Satu with a start, and for a moment she was disoriented. Wait, why was Song calling? Weren't Aunt Novel and Uncle Dutiron in charge now? What had changed while she'd been gone this time? Yawning and still trying to shake sleep out of her eyes, the brown-tinted cousin to the Destructions wandered into the meeting, eyeing Song with trepidation. Song was a good person, she was sure of it, but... she hadn't exactly made the best decisions before. Why was she in charge again?

Novella was sitting with some handsome dark-furred guy Satu hadn't met before but would bet a whole elk that he was the guy Novella had talked about last time she'd actually seen her, so Satu settled by herself near the edge of the group, chocolate eyes roaming over the group with a troubled heart.


Mercury I


4 Years
08-11-2014, 04:45 PM

He?d been alone the night before. Though he?d slept beside Canta really the whole time they?d been away from Ludicael he?d not had the courage to ask her to share her new den. She did not offer and he had no intention of encroaching upon her space. Still as the early morning would bring him into wakefulness he?d miss the sight and smell of her. He was quite lonely. That was until the sound of a howl would stir him further. He was being summoned.
He?d lift his tall form from the earth, padding toward the call of the sound. He?d not tried to hurry and it seemed like that may have been a mistake. Still, nothing much had started and as he saw Canta take a seat he?d quickly find his way to her side, finding comfort in her presence. He?d give her a discreet nuzzle before nodding to his parents and siblings, bicolored eyes going to look upon Song?s features.



08-12-2014, 06:04 PM
F?licien would rise, heeding the call of his aunt as the woman called the pack together. For a time it seemed his grandparents were the ones in charge, though perhaps now his aunt had taken things over again? The boy would rise, shaking out his coat. He stood tall, proud, a youth who was now his adult size and, someday, he would be a true adult. In another year in fact, and that was when things would truly heat up. Until then he had to focus on his training. His path. He wanted to be a hunter, though one who knew enough of fighting to keep himself in tact in battle as well as be able to defend his family, his home, if need be.

The young male would arrive at the meeting much more confident then he once was as a pup. His eyes were shining brightly, and he felt excitement seeing those that had already gathered. F?li would pad up, giving a nod and smile to his aunt. Seeing Novella, a family member he had not spent enough time with, among many others, the boy would come up beside her with a smile. ?Morning Novella.? Gaze would flick to the dark male by his aunt. ?Any idea who that might be?? He had seen his brother and sister when he came in too, as well as his mom, but he would catch up with those three later.

Requiem I


2 Years
08-13-2014, 12:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Because he had suddenly found himself partial to the Falls, that was where Requiem had taken to spending much of his time. If he was not contemplating life there at the rushing water's edge he was stalking through the woods in pursuit of prey if for nothing but to practice his tracking when the need for a meal was not on him, or working on the den he had begun to dig for himself within one of the rises that the shallow waterfall cut across. The latter ended up being a little more challenging than he had originally thought it would be but he was no less proud when he had completed his crudely shaped, earthy den, holding admiration for his handiwork even if it might have been sub par by other standards.

It was there where he had taken to spending his nights of late, leaving the den that he had shared with his siblings who were all growing and getting on with their lives. Even with his mother no longer there it still felt full and confined, and with a space of his own he rather liked the extra room. It did make him miss his mother, however. Nighttime had never been the same since she had left them, and he was beginning to grow worried at her prolonged absence. Did anyone know where exactly she had gone, if she was safe, when she might return home? A few times he had tried finding the red girl again, wondering if she might be capable and willing to pass along his prayers to the divine one about returning this mother to them safe and whole, but she had vanished. Worried it might have meant a sign of bad favor against him, he had resorted to simply praying and trying to put his faith in the Authors, his grandparents, who currently watched the pack.

Needless to say it was a shock to be woken so early by a call from his mother. The brown youth, already nearing his adult height and beginning to sport the gangly look of a yearling, rolled within his den, vaguely registering the sound of a call to gather, and took a moment more to realize who owned the voice that beckoned them. With recognition, his teal and green eyes grew wide, disbelief spelled out in his expression. Mom? Almost frantically he scrambled to his feet, pushing off the ground and stumbling from his den into the dimness of the very early morning. For just a second he was turned around, thrown off by the thought of begin reunited with his mother and waking up in his new setting, but with a few blinks of his eyes he gathered his bearings and set off toward the Springs.

What he found was most of the pack already situated in a gathering group just outside of the Hot Springs proper, and with an expectant look about his face Requiem made himself slow his pace to approach calmly and quietly, containing his excitement within. He had been fully ready to greet his mother, to welcome her back and find out where she had been and tell her about his revelations, but as he moved between the wolves at the outskirts of the group and into their midst with a clear view of his mother he noticed immediately that she was not alone. It was impossible to miss the large male who sat there beside her, dark and tall and dwarfing his tiny mother at his side. Something about the sight, about their smiles, about how his mother looked, made him stop short, sensing something amiss that he could not place and that made him feel unsure. As his steps faltered, the brown pup changed his mind and rather than approach her as intended he veered off course, venturing a little closer to his brother Dutiron before taking a seat nearby, suddenly unsure when he might get a chance to speak with his mother about what had happened while she was away.

Myth I


6 Years
08-14-2014, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 02:15 AM by Myth I.)

Myth was still just getting used to the idea of being back among her family, it felt like a life time ago she had left Ahlon to follow her older siblings, and even then once she had found them she hadn't made much contact with them. Then of course had been her adventure beyond the lands...

Those were thoughts the girl drove away with a shake of her head, focusing instead on the slow path of the sun as it began to light up the world; golden rays spreading out from the horizon. The girl was lounging half out of her den. Myth liked to rise with the sun, it tended to remind her that the world continued on turning.

A familiar voice echoed over the lands and Myth cocked her head to one side. Why was Song calling for a meeting? With a shrug the girl rose to her paws, shook out her coat and trotted happily off in the direction of the summons. As she approached the congregated wolves she suddenly felt rather self-conscious. Song had only just returned and probably didn't yet know that she had returned to the fold. With her head ducked slightly she wound her way through the throng seating herself just a bit behind her parents.




6 Years
08-18-2014, 07:29 AM

It was a rarity for Anthem to take so long to respond to his sister's call. He'd been distracted by the task he'd assigned himself -- collecting flowers and plants that he thought might be useful. In truthfulness, none of them had any use at all; they were little more than weeds and dandelions, but he found purpose in his small task and it occupied his mind today.

As his sister's call rang out over the lands, he found his body tense, his limbs quivering in excitement. Song had been gone for so long, and now she was back! Quickly he would gather the weeds up between his jaws, eager to present them to her and his family, knowing they would be pleased with his effort even if he hadn't found the right plants. The man would lope quickly toward the gathering, after spending a brief period gathering the plants and clenching them in his mouth before arriving.

The number of wolves that had gathered was exciting. His tail would wave freely behind him as he stood and watched, gaze slowly drifting over everyone. Most of them were family, though not all. Excitedly he would rush forward, aiming to drop the flowers and weeds and Song's feet, his lips twitching in a pleased smile as he began to lap unabashedly at her face, mostly oblivious to the man who stood at her side, and even more unaware of the slight tension in the air.



08-19-2014, 12:05 PM

Song would watch as her parents and newest siblings would arrive, she?d smile and nod to them happy to see them in the early morning air. She was glad to have taken the burden off her parents shoulders, they deserved to live the rest of their life in comfort in relaxation. At least as relaxed as her new brothers and sisters would let them. Garthinaw would be next, and she would nuzzle him in greeting as he took his place beside her. She would hear Dhiren?s whimper and she would look over to his features, a smile given just to him as a promise to give him a one on one conversation. She would nod to Novella and Silent as they arrived, a warm smile given to both of them as she was suddenly made aware of Saga?s discontent.
Her words were harsh, but Song would feel nothing but a sense of disappointment. Saga was obviously too young to understand what had happened, her ability to forgive needing refined. Still, she could feel the empathy for her young daughter. She had left, though it was obvious Saga had not caught her conversation with Dutiron. She wasn?t completely sure how to respond to the girl, but Canta seemed to have found a rather good way to do so. Her attention would be distracted from the other members arriving as her bicolored gaze held Saga closely. "Saga you have no idea..." but her answer would be interrupted as her brother appeared, his loving form coming to drop dandelions at her feet.
Saga?s unrest would be forgotten as she embraced her brother, "Thank you for the flowers, Anthem." She?d nudge him to sit down as her eyes glanced over those gathered. She would smile to each, hoping to take Saga aside afterwards and talk to her. Hopefully she?d be able to calm her down. Still with most members present she would take in a deep breath and draw herself up to her full height, commanding the attention of the crowds.
"Good morning everyone. It?s been too long since I?ve been in your presence, and I must tell you that I?ve missed you all very much." Her eyes would linger on her children?s faces, "I?ve returned full recovered, and much more capable than when I left. I?ve returned with a strong man," she?d turn her features to Garthinaw, "As well we are now expecting our first children." They may have started quickly, but she trusted him with her family. "There are many changes that need to be considered. Ludicael has found themselves at a crossroads, the time to make decisions is made. First, there are so many of us living in this territory it is imperative that we share in leadership. I need another Destruction to take up the mantle of leadership, as well we need that wolf and others to explore surrounding areas to create another pack." She didn?t wasn?t to say goodbye to anyone, "I also need volunteers to take up high ranks within the pack, the responsibility has not been shared enough in the recent past." Her eyes would linger on those who would always be part of her family. "I don?t want this to separate us, I want this change to make us stronger.? She?d take another deep breath, "I also want to know what you want, are there any voices that need to be heard?"

"Speech" Think "You"

Dutiron i


8 Years
08-19-2014, 04:44 PM

Slowly but surely the surprised members of Ludicael would begin to arrive, all apparently realising that it was no longer he and Novel in charge and that Song had now taken their place. Perhaps it was an announcement that the pair ought to have officially made to the rest of the pack though most here of course knew it had once been Song's anyway, they had simply cared for it whilst she needed to recover. He and Novel needed to recover now, though he was rather certain now that perhaps the role of alpha simply wasn't one for them any more.

Surprise he had expected though the hostility from Saga as she arrived would shock the man greatly. He had of course seen such anger and worse from his own children towards Song and whilst he still wished she had stayed to grieve with the rest of the family he certainly wouldn't have expected this sort of outburst from any of her children even if Saga was perhaps a little colder than her siblings. Canta would speak to the younger girl and Song too would express a similar statement.

Of course there was only one way such tension could smoothly be eased and despite the seriousness of the moment, he couldn't help but smile softly as Anthem came into view with a mouthful of weeds and greeted Song ecstatically. The oblivious boy had no idea of the drama he had just interrupted. There were times he envied his son, able to feel nothing but pure joy at the moment no idea about the tense moment the rest of the family had awkwardly witnessed.

Once Anthem had calmed, Song would begin the meeting. She would start first of all with a brief comment on her absence and the fact that of course she wasn't the only one now coming to Ludicael, Garth and future children had been brought along with her. There were certainly plenty of them lately, the Ludicael population was bursting with life right now, though children were wonderful it wasn't quite so good for the pack as a whole at the moment.

That would be the point that Song would address now. He'd briefly admitted this fact to her before and evidently she could see the facts of the matter laid out before her now and had thought of a solution. Unfortunately to divide the pack probably was the best route, but who would be volunteer or be selecting to lead the sister pack? Certainly not he and Novel, whilst they had the experience they had retired now and he didn't think it a particularly wise idea for them to take control of a pack again once more, not when he still hadn't quite recovered.

Perhaps Dhiren? The boy had been a former heir and currently held the position of Editor within the pack. He would perhaps one day be a good leader, but perhaps here to help Song, spend time with his family was still the better option for him. What of his other children? Song and Lyric had proven themselves as leaders, surely another amongst them had inherited that trait. Only Novella, Symphony and Myth would be present though. The latter he wasn't sure about, delicate little Myth had a good heart as all his children did but did she have the focus? She had only recently rejoined the family here after all. As for Symphony, she had certainly grown in her time away from Ahlon, no longer as quiet as she once was, he did fear however that was perhaps meeting a similar fate to Song, Gitan hadn't been seen for quite some time, had she lost a mate as well?

Novella. He honestly wasn't sure what to make of the girl anymore, she had certainly grown married and expecting children. Would she be able to cope as a mother and a leader? She had been progressing rather well in her lessons from what Novel had said and had been rather eager for them. And she had Frith, he had been nothing but supportive since getting to Ludicael if he was honest, though his duties may have initially been a punishment he had worked hard and still continued to now. Perhaps the pair would make responsible leaders.

"I'm sure that Novel and I will be able support whoever takes this role, offer them guidance." He would glance to his mate for confirmation on the fact. If the family was dividing perhaps it was best for them to choose the pack that would need more guidance. They would all remain close anyway, that much he was sure of. "And may I make a suggestion for a second pair of leaders? I think that Novella and Frith may prove themselves rather capable of taking that role."

by kat



10 Years
08-19-2014, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 08:34 PM by Ara.)

She didn't really understand the source of the tension. If her own parents left suddenly, she would certainly feel hurt and possibly abandoned, but even more than that she knew she would feel relief upon their return. Ara was not one to be argumentative, nor to hold a grudge, and she figured Song had left for good reasons. Feeling Novel's own excitement beside her was enough to bring a smile to her face. Still her gaze would drift over the group, finding that Mercury arrived soon after her and settled near a girl that she knew as Novel's sister. The corners of her lips twitched slightly into a grin, but her expression would grow slightly serious again as Song rose slightly and began to speak. She was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of wolves that had gathered.

Song's first announcement was that she was to have more children -- the next, that the pack was growing overcrowded. Who might lead a sister pack, she wondered? The prospect of a high rank, as Song was offering, was not something she had never considered; nor ever wanted. Her gaze would shift to Novel, wondering if it was something she had considered. Ara was uncomfortable with the idea of forcing her parents to den elsewhere, so she figured she'd end up staying here with them, regardless of whatever decision was made during the meeting. She couldn't help guiltily hope Novel would stay here though -- even if the packs were only separated by a short stretch of land -- for the thought of spending any less time with her was unpleasant at best.



5 Years
08-25-2014, 08:34 PM

He couldn?t help the proud smile on his features as he sat next to his glowing wife, his attention half distracted. Frith?s ears would try to focus on Song as fire and ice eyes would rest on Novella. Of course as the meeting started he?d listen to her news and what there was to say. He?d already thought about the over population, though until Dutiron suggested he and Novella as the dual alphas. Eyes would widen slightly as he looked from the ex alpha, to Song, and then to rest again on his beautiful mate. It was a surprise, but he couldn?t help the smile that appeared on his maw. It seemed so perfect, this would be a real chance to prove himself to her family. "Novella?" He?d nuzzle her as he whispered in her ear, "I know we can do it, and we?ll even have your parents guidance."


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



08-25-2014, 09:03 PM

She would sit there silently with two of her children, nuzzling the tops of their heads lovingly. While the other sat with Novel. She could not deny she felt slightly hurt but then again her kids were no longer kids. They were growing and making their own choices. She focus went back to her sister, ears perked. For a moment shock coursed through her. Split the pack? Would they be able to handle such a change? She looked out at everyone with a frown. There was only a few who could possibly make this work smoothly. Her eyes did land of Novella though. Her younger sister was capable but was expecting her first litter. She frowned as she turned to her father, ears twitching back. Personally Symphony knew she wasn't the one for the job. Her mind would not be able to focus without Gitan at her side and she had three children to still teach. She sighed heavily. She missed Gitan so much it was with great effort to not wince and fold in on herself and closing everyone out.

She watched for a moment, her mind turning over the ideas. She could go to this sister pack, assist where she could in getting it started. And they would need a healer. Sorrel could get far more experience in healing with just to two of them running it. While Feli would make a fine addition as a hunter and fighter. He would provide well for a newborn pack. Cerise was a bit more difficult. She seemed to often be in another place inside that head of her's. But she knew the girl was smart. She just couldn't see her path just yet. A new pack might help clear the fog for her so to speak. She looked at her children before looking to Song with a bittersweet smile.

She would stand up, tall and proud. Gitan would return and with him as well they could advise Novella and Frith."Song, Family..I will go to this sister pack with my children if they wish to follow. The new pack will need a Healer. Novel here has everything more than well under control and with Mother always here to assist when needed as well as you Song. I am not needed here, never was. Gitan has been gone for sometime, for reasons I do not fully understand. But I do believe he will be back one day. Both Gitan and I can help advise whoever wishes to lead the sister pack. I am not...the one to lead a pack" She paused to look at her parents with grief in her eyes. They would understand her mind would be unable to focus, her heart shattered and barely staying together. She would miss them and though she had not spoken to them she had forgiven them and her sister. But perhaps it was best for her to go to this sister pack. She needed room to stretch out her paws so to speak. She had felt useless lately and joining the newer pack might do her good. She turned back to her sister, waiting to see the acceptance.




5 Years
08-26-2014, 11:41 AM

The meeting it seemed wouldn't exactly get off to the greatest of starts, not all of the family were quite so joyful about Song's return it seemed, or perhaps it was better phrased that her absence in the first place that had been the real problem. Hopefully everyone, Saga really, would be able to forgive her quickly. Why on earth did it seem that there had to be at least one grudge in the family at all times?

Eventually the point of the gathering would be revealed, not only to welcome Song home and announce her position as leader once more but also to divide the pack. The news was awful Novella felt. Of course the population was rising and something had to be done though the idea of her family separating like this was not one that sat comfortably with the girl. Who would lead this second pack then?

Novella and Frith. She could hardly believe her ears when her father spoke up, mismatched eyes would quickly shift her gaze landing upon Dutiron as he continued to speak, the suggestion apparently rather genuine. Honestly it was a pleasant change of pace from his doubts and annoyances that had been cast in their direction but a simply apology would have sufficed, this extravagant and insane gesture was far too much. She was still terrified enough about being a mother let alone starting a pack as well.

And yet from the response of others, including her mate it didn't seem all that mad at all. It was Frith who she would look to now, the somewhat bemused expression still clear upon her features. She didn't doubt Frith at all, though he hadn't been part of a pack for long where on earth was his confidence coming from? She was certainly lacking in it herself and even now honestly felt that perhaps the rest of the pack had begun to lose their minds.

Symphony would offer her support as well, not strictly to Novella and Frith but to whoever it was that did take control of this new pack. A healer certainly would be needed though how on earth her sister could make such comments, that she had never been needed here in Ludicael Novella simply couldn't understand. She couldn't see Symphony's expression though could certainly sense the grief she felt seeping in her words.

"Don't be stupid Symphony." The statement may have been made to Song, but Novella couldn't help but interrupt. "You've always been far more useful than I have." Ranks alone told of that tale, Symphony was a Plot, a teacher and skilled in healing. Novella still knew so little and had narrowly avoided a demotion not too long ago, those facts made this sudden potential promotion all the more confusing.

Now she had spoken though she figured that perhaps it was time to give her thoughts on this nomination. Frith obviously had the confidence in them, and her parents too, the fact that they would be there to help was certainly a relief, there was still plenty more that they had to teach her after all, she was rather doubtful that she would be able to go and lead a pack on her own as her mother, two of her sisters and now her nephew had all done at some point. Could she honestly live up to everyone's expectations? She certainly hoped so. "I think Frith and I are willing to lead." Would anyone disagree? Part of her hoped someone would and yet such doubts would only bring a severe knock to her already little confidence.



3 Years
08-26-2014, 11:51 AM

Overpopulated was certainly a word that Sorrel would agree with. As far as the young Destruction-Gringoire boy was concerned there were too many wolves living around these lands, he would have been far happier with it simply being his immediate family and perhaps a few others, his cousin Novel for example he had come to get along with rather well, she had helped him with his studies after all and, whilst it wasn't too hard to impress the inexperienced boy, she was a rather talented healer.

He was perhaps one of the few looking forwards to this division of the pack, two halves were probably still larger than he would have liked though the crowds would certainly be smaller and far easier to deal with. He cared little about who would lead each one, simply knew that he would just stay with his mother. If she was moving to this new pack with his aunt Novella then he would go there. "I'll go with you." He'd confirm quietly to his mother, he certainly didn't want to announce this too loudly, the attention she'd drawn to herself was more than he would have liked cast in his general direction, there was no way he was going to speak out as well.



08-26-2014, 12:16 PM

Silently she sat there, listening closely to what was going on around her, seeing as her sense of smell was incredibly overwhelmed with unknown scents. A couple more wolves had arrived, some speaking but nothing Enola could really make out. With a soft sigh the girl's ears folded back against her head, skull shifting towards the ground. It was then that a feminine voice spoke up, loud and clear for the group to hear.

She spoke as though she was here before, a returning member? Blindly she glanced down at her companion, words didn't have to be spoken, he would know the questioning look in her expression. ?She holds herself as a leader, maybe a high ranked wolf before.? He spoke quietly, for her ears only. Enola would simply give a small nod, lifting her head back up and listening to what else this person had to say. She was recovered, returning with a strong man whom she would be expecting children with. The mention of many changes being considered for the pack made her a bit uneasy, lightly biting her lip. She wanted another Destruction to step up as leader, as well as a few wolves to check out surrounding land to create another pack because of their high numbers.

?We... we have to split up?? Her voice wavered as the girl spoke to Pluto, worry clear in her expression, legs lightly trembling. She had joined at a bad time, the pack was overcrowded. But she couldn't help but feel some frustration, this woman knew the pack was overcrowded yet she was having children... how did that make sense? The girl shook her head, trying to clear her head of the thoughts flying through her mind. Would her and Faolan be able to stay together, or would they be broken apart by the splitting pack?

?Don't worry Enola, I'm sure things will work out.? The skunk gently placed his paw upon her own, pressing his shoulder and neck into her leg in an attempt to comfort the child. He knew how much courage it had taken to ask Loccian to come back and be with Faolan, and to suddenly have this happen was stressful on her. ?They are discussing who will lead this pack right now, lets see what happens.? With a pat of his paw the skunk would return his attention to the group, hoping Enola would as well.

"enola speech" "pluto speech"
Awesome image by Luisiana <3

Novel i


8 Years
08-27-2014, 11:15 AM

She would attend mostly to her pups, attention not really focused on the arrival or words of the rest of the pack. Novel truly was enjoying the relief of responsibility on her shoulders. Though as the meeting began she would hear Song?s words, and they rang clear within her. Dutiron would speak first, his lyrics not nominating himself, but the daughter he had been so disappointed in. Novel wasn?t shocked really, they seemed perfect for each other. Novella studied hard, and Frith was an excellent provider. With herself and her mate they would be able to guide the young couple through leadership. She could see the nervousness in Novella?s posture, and the confidence in Frith?s. They seemed to balance each other well. "We?ll be with you, Novella." Not that she would be very far if she didn?t join Novella and Frith?s co-pack. She had no doubt they would share borders.



08-27-2014, 11:54 AM

beginning to the end

The meeting progressed as members continued to arrive and settle in different locations around the springs. Faolan noticed his parents arrive and tiredly rest their aching paws in the bubbling waters. His eyes sparkled at them before moving to Ara and Novel, who were sitting side by side. Mercury finally came with Canta and he couldn't help but smile. He missed Jendai, but he knew she was fairing pretty well. He loved his family more than anything.
Finally, his eyes caught Enola. Excitement ran through his frame as he saw her sit on the borders of the meeting. It was overwhelming for her and he didn't blame her for being on the outside. The meeting then began and he listened with perked, silvery ears. Apparently, the pack was going to be separated because of how big it was getting. An eyebrow rose in a silent question as he wondered who all would go to the brother pack.
Enola appeared to be nervous as the news hit her ears. Without a word, he moved through the gathering to meet her at her side. Sidestepping Apollo, he gave a gentle nuzzle to her cheek and said for her ears alone, "Whatever happens, I will be by your side..."

Puppy Talk

we are alive


08-29-2014, 12:00 AM
The announcements would be made, F?licien listening in silence. A change in leadership again, back to his aunt. But it seemed right, allowing his grandparents the time to rest... To care for their youngest little ones. The golden young man?s eyes would light up some as Novella and Frith were suggested to be leaders of the pack. He saw no reason to be against this, voicing his support of the idea. ?I think they?ll be great leaders.? Bi-colored gaze would turn towards his mother and siblings. Some of her words hurt his heart. She did belong here, didn?t she? They were all family. But even if the family had to move, some of them to this new pack, it wouldn?t change that.

F?licien would move from the other she-wolf?s side to go sit with his mother again, smiling as he looked at her and that at the others. ?I?ll go with my mother, and my siblings too.? He had heard the quiet confirmation of his twin, and the boy would sit by his mother now. Was she worried about losing them? It was silly of course. He was getting older, wanting to spend some time with others in the pack too, but he didn?t love her or his siblings any less. F?li just had an adventuring heart... And wandering around their home was something he enjoyed. Did... Did she know that? He would speak to her later, he decided. It had been too long since they had some time just between the two of them anyway.