
I wish you only the best [earthquake thread]


03-30-2014, 06:07 PM

ooc: I guess this could also count as a pack rescue kinda thread where they can stick together and stuff. But that's up to Andy and Yumps. But either way Etern is getting his tail chopped off qmq so yeah xD
In the middle of the day, it was oddly quiet anyway before all things broke to hell. Tail flicking side to side the man was thinking of plans for the next training session. He had heard of the two members who had gotten their ranks of overseer. While he had to highly disagree for a healer to hold such a position he would not judge for he was a man loyal to his sister and his brother on the throne. Ever since he arrived he had felt welcome, and he made sure to make use of himself and make sure nothing limped him over. Etern rose to his feet, white tipped elbows watching the tree's. Something felt very, very wrong though.
The tree's began to shake, no the ground did. It took him by surprise, he lost his footing and fell to the side. Giving a growl he found himself at a lack of words for the rumbling of the ground, something bad was happening for sure. The tree's around him started to uproot, he rose to his feet and started to try and get to a clearing. Summer snow flying up behind him as the tree's fell. Once he got to the edge he thought he was free only to feel the heavy strain of a tree falling on the base of his rump where his tail connected to the rest of him.
With a large yelp he felt the tree severe into the bone of the tail, struggling he shot forward after the tree dropped down the small crevice the shaking of the earth created. Pain filled his body when he realized his tail was now missing completely, the dark slate blue falling down with the tree. He stood up bleeding out from his bottom was easy to stay, was everyone else alright? Etern wondered, giving a sharp growl in pain. He barked to see if anyone nearby may be able to help him.



04-02-2014, 11:04 AM

The world trembled, bucking violently beneath her. Pine trees swayed and groaned with each contraction of the land. When it had started, the healer, looked up suddenly- confused. Then she realized, it was an earth-quake . She was lucky that she wasn?t in her rocky den- there she would have to worry about it collapsing on top of her. At least out here among the forest, she only had to worry about the towering pines. She heard a deafening crack, and looked up to see a tree collapsing to the ground, sending its pine needles flying. She shut her eyes, to protect them from the debris, and felt a sudden pressure blow into her right side. She rolled with the impact, she grunted, as her lithe body contacted the rough ground. When she stopped rolling, she opened her eyes, spotting the offending limb that had rolled off the slight incline where she had been standing. Letting out a frustrated growl, at the large limb, her claws gripped into the ground as the world contracted beneath her.

A deafening crack shocked her, and she looked up to see the tree she was lying against break. There was no time to move, she buried her head under her paws, and tensed- expecting pain, death even. Irune, the thought of her daughter worried her. She hadn?t seen the young wolf lately, but she hoped she was okay. She felt a blast of air, and opened her eyes slightly. Oh hey, she wasn?t dead. The tree had broken at an angle, and her close proximity to the trunk had kept her safely in its curve. The world settled, letting out a few groans and grumbles and she squirmed out from under the tree. Immediately, she heard the sounds of another, and she look around- her ears moving to pin-point the sound. Pushing her personal state aside, she moved as quickly as she could towards the sound, she could only hope no one was killed, or severely injured.

The empire was a mess, she had to make some new paths to get to the one who had called out. Her golden eyes would come to rest on the bedraggled figure of a blue tinted male, one she recognized from the meeting. Her ears flattened against her head, as she took in his state. He was bleeding- his tail was gone. She rushed from the shadows, trying to calm the anxiety that she felt. Approaching him, she spoke- ?Your tail. Y-you need treatment.? She panted slightly. She glanced around, looking for any herbs to work with. ?May I?? She asked politely, indicating his tail with a flick of her ears. She glanced about, wondering if any of the pack would join them- before her eyes came to rest on the male. ?Pardon. I am Eris, the pack?s healer.? She would introduce herself, a concerned frown on her face. God, she wasn?t usually this scattered brained. She?d lived through earthquakes before- but this time not knowing the state of her daughter, left her nearly petrified. She took a few calming breaths, trying to focus on the patient right in front of her.



04-09-2014, 01:40 PM

The pain was shooting through his body, not just near his rump where the blood was exiting through where his tail used to be connected with his body. Teeth raised he gave a short groan, until of course a woman by the name of Eris showed up. He had seen her around before, but she felt the need to say something still. He didn't care who she was right now, all he knew was he wanted the pain and the wound gone so that he could get back up and help his pack for gods sake. Etern's eyes turned towards her, did she really need permission? He gave a soft snort, not meaning to be cold but he was in a lot of pain. "Do you really need permission? My tail is missing." he said with a flick of his ear, as he painfully stretched his paws out.
"Hurry up, there are others besides me that need help. I don't want to be a useless bundle of baggage." He urged, trying to deal with the pain. Of course thankfully in the art of war had prepared him for this kind of pain. Dealing with broken bones, and other wounds, losing his tail was not that big of a deal for him. After all, the war-lord was not so obsessed with appearance. Without a tail, it may be harder to balance, but at least it gave the enemy something less to grab onto.



04-12-2014, 12:40 AM

He didn't have to be so short. Though she mentally chastised herself for thinking that. He had to be in a lot of pain. She glanced about them, looking for something, anything to stop the bleeding. Without her proper herbs, taking care of his wound was going to be difficult at best. She hadn't dealt with a lot of amputated appendages, but the few that she had dealt with told her that each case was different. She'd seen wolves die from infections, and she had seen others go back to nearly normal lives. It depended on the wolf, and how strong Etern would be- as to if he could come back from this. As grumbly as he seemed to be she didn't think that resilience would be a problem, stepping forward she examined the wound. Frowning she heard his latter words and she let out a snort. "Let the others worry about the others. You need to come to my den, if you can walk that far or get in shelter. If this wound gets infected and that infection goes to your blood it could kill you." She spoke bluntly, not caring about his feelings. She did wonder where the others were and if anyone else was hurt, but this man needed treatment not to go off being everyone else's savior. "We're not far from my den, can you walk that far? I can treat this better with the herbs that are meant for major wounds." Again her tone was blunt, not mean, but direct and too the point. He was bleeding still and the longer this went untreated, the more like it was to get infected.

