
Hunting Adventure



3 Years
04-12-2014, 04:49 PM
Ivory paws prodded along the rough domain as strong appendages carried a lean famine wolfs frame, her ears pecked upright and on high alert as she darted swiftly after a hare Silva dripped from her mandibles as her cold breath caused a light mist in the air as she ploughed onwards closeting in the gap, a low snarl shook her frame her meal was soon within her jaws she could now taste the fresh blood upon her tongue.

Suddenly the fea skidded to a stop as she snarled and cursed the creature for darting off in to some river that she knew was far to deep to swim, pacing in a circle for a moment she cleared her head before striding off once more with her head held high her nose twitched as she scented the air for something else she could eat coming up with the scent of the markers most packs have she bounded onwards

Arriving at the scene she lurked in the shadows her deep pools locked upon the area before she noticed half a carcass. as her stomach snarl at her, her ear flicked and rotated to pick up the sound of others while her eyes shifted reluctantly around her form before she proceeded forwards Soft paws were placed delicately round the land as she stalked forwards with raised hackles and on full alert she stepped over the border line and began to feast upon the offered meal knowing she could just hop back over the border line should any difficulty's arrive.


04-12-2014, 07:54 PM

The Queen had been dozing, lounging beside her Duke after enjoying a meal. They pair had not ventured to far from the carcass as the attraction hardly kept them off each other. Eyes fluttered open, nostrils flaring, immediately catching the scent of a rogue nearby. Audits twitched, hearing the distinct sound of flesh being ripped away. Without warning the Queen jumped to her paws and was on the move, silently stalking towards the intruder, she knew that dead animal was within her borders. Lips curled back to reveal ivory daggers as the Queen circled wide to come up behind the female. She figured Kylar would stay the course so they could corner the trespasser.

She knew these forests, they were her home, she knew exactly how to navigate without making a noise. Coral pools burned with fury as they pinned an ivory form. The wolf's hackled were lifted as she devoured the meal that was no hers. "Trespassing is a crime." Words dripped from dark jaws like venom, her own silver hackles lifting as eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. This one would not be getting away. Powerful limbs carried her closer, the Queen alert to both the strangers movements and her Duke's whereabouts. Murder darkened her features, her stance threatening and imposing. Not only had this fool trespassed onto her land and eaten her prey, but the ivory wolf had interrupted her playtime. A vicious growl ripped from her lips as the temptress attempted to control herself and not kill the wolf on the spot.


04-12-2014, 08:45 PM

It had been an easy hunt, the doe had been lame but she had still put up enough of a fight to make things interesting and not to tire him out. Though he had enjoyed the thrill of the chase and the comradery that came with hunting with a pack mate he was enjoying what happened after far more. He lay easily on his belly though his hips were flipped languidly to the side. Massive skull was rested on his paws as he enjoyed the feel of his Queen leaned up against him, verdant eyes opening and closing slowly as they often did when he was beginning to drift to sleep. He was not quite as attentive as she so when she jumped up ad darted away he was jerked from his half sleep state, crown snapping up, ears swiveling quickly to catch whatever sound she might have heard and nostrils flaring to sample the air. Trespasser? He let out a heavy sigh before rolling up to his paws and setting off after his Queen. Lately he had been quite the cheerful fellow, preferring to laugh things off and mock people rather then take things seriously. But now he was full, had been enjoying a nice nap in good company and was not overly impressed that it had been so suddenly ended.

Cat was taking a round about route, moving at a brisk trot to take their trespasser from behind and cut off escape. Kylar on the other hand moved directly towards the wolf, head lowered and shoulders rolling. He made no attempt to hid his passage or silence his paw falls, hoping to draw attention to himself rather then to his Queen. They arrived at almost the same time, Cat slipping up behind the white woman and Kylar coming to a halt before her. He was tense, head lowered and hackles raised as verdant eyes locked in on this woman who dared to trespassed and dared to steal their kill. He didn't move, didn't speak. A low growl would roll up his throat, rumbling from somewhere deep in his chest. His defenses were set, he was ready to fight. All he needed was a cue from his queen. Should she flee Kylar was ready to run her down and kill her if needed.




3 Years
04-13-2014, 01:32 PM
The ivory female lifted her head as she heard the voice of another around her location her amber orbs locked on to the other female as she twisted her form slightly before she realised another was soon to follow scanning them both for a moment she shifted her weight as she cleaned her mussel of the blood that lingered there before she began to speak

"My Appologys, Starvashion gets the better of some"

she cooed as she allowed her tassel to sway lightly at her rear showing her content mood with the whole situation.

B]My calling is Pandia, I did not mean to intrude upon claimed land[/B]
she added as she tilted her head to the side as she waited for some form of reaction


04-13-2014, 03:04 PM

The woman would turn at the sound of her voice, any sign of aggression fading as the trespasser realized she was surrounded. Lips twisted into a cruel grin, eyes remaining narrowed upon the woman. "It is to late for apologies dear." Immediately the Queen closed the distance between them, coming to stand only a foot or two from the woman. "You see, others have thought that they could trespass onto my lands as well, and now I must make an example of you."

Defenses slide into place, ears pinning against her skull, eyes remaining narrowed, hackled lifted, crown lowering to level with her spine, shoulder rolled forward, limbs squared and bent, toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Chin tucked to protect her throat, abdominal muscles tightening. "It is your choice dear, either I claim you for my pack and you reside here for eternity, or you kindly accept my offer of joining."

Venom dripped from jaws as the woman prepared to attack if she chose to deny the Queen what she wanted. Muscles flexed, waiting. Eyes shifted to Kylar briefly, silently telling him that if this woman chose wrong, she would be taken down. The one would not escape her grasp, this one would learn the hard way.



3 Years
04-14-2014, 03:33 PM
Listening to the female the ivory female simply tilted her head to side as she posture of the other, a light chuckle passed her lips as she turned to face the male-
"Is she always this on edge?"

She questioned before she turned her attention to the female once more before she took a step back and reclined, sitting upon her rump her tassel coiled around her fore-paws in a feline type posture since she did not see the point in fighting she simply composed a relaxed form.

" Easy there queenie, I pose no threat "

she chuckled as she allowed her amber gaze rest upon the female before she slowly dipped her head to show her acceptance to the offer she was posed with.



2 Years
04-14-2014, 03:57 PM

Meinx had decided to take a stroll away from Arcanum, but to her surprise she would return to a small crowd which seem to be circling some sort of mutt who knew very little respect. A smirk would pull against her ebony lips before dragging her heavy mass towards them all. Her crown would be held high and her steps where light, wanting to slink up behind the rouge. Once she had met her destination, Meinx would attempt to lower to the unknown womans level and cackle. " She seems like a fool Cataleya, why would you want her in the superior kingdom? She'll only disappoint." In other words, the dark pearl was trying to say ' maim her and see what fate beholds for her' Her gaze was cold as it set upon Pandias form, and as Cataleya thinks about what to do with the wenches behaviour Meinx would take a stand next to the queens other side. Taking her sight would be an excellent idea, but if she had to serve under the kingdom we wouldnt want to have a complete disaster roaming around.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


04-14-2014, 11:48 PM

He would allow everything to swirl around him, words crashing down around him without reaction or notice. Lips would remained curled back, teeth unleashed as he listened to his Queen speak to the woman and the disrespectful words that fell from the bitch's lips. Ears would pin back, a threatening step dragging him forward in an attempt to invade her personal space as verdant green eyes flipped between his queen and this woman. "Fuck you both. You have no right to talk to my queen like that. Especially while on her lands." Words were a menacing hiss, a low rumble that grated harshly against his throat. Then a slightly familiar face appeared and smile would appear at her words. Part of him wanted to kill this disrespectful wench, to rip out her intestines and bathe in her blood but that was not his call to make. So instead he would look to the women, first to the newcomer who's name escaped him and then to his queen. Eyes would lock on her and he would give the slightest now. Not that she needed his approval but damn she always looked so hot when she got a little maimy.



04-15-2014, 12:04 AM

Her vision turned red, unbridled rage consumed her as foolish words fell from the pale woman's lips. She would regret this. Defenses immediately fell into place, ears narrowed to slits, ears pinned, hackles lifted, shoulders rolled forward as limbs squared and bent. Toes spread and claws dug into the ground, her silver plume flagged out behind her. Her crown would lower to become level with her spine as her chin tucked against her throat. She would take another step towards the woman, bringing their distance to a mere foot apart, abdominal muscles tightening in preparation.

"You will regret your foolishness girl, you are mine now." Lips unfurled over ivory daggers, a vicious snarl ripping from her throat. Eyes shifted briefly to Kylar and Meinx, silently signaling to them that this one would not be leaving just yet. Her hefty weight would shift into hind legs as she propelled herself into the woman. Jaws would unhinge, aiming to grab the woman by the side of her throat. She would attempt throw her weight into the woman's shoulder, wanting to knock the smaller woman off balance. The Queen right front limb would stretch forward, aiming to wrap around the smaller woman's leg, wanting to pull it out from under her and further ruin her balance.

There was no doubt in her mind that this woman would fall before her, and that Kylar and Meinx would join in on her maiming. The woman would forever remember her mistake. This day would forever hunt her, she was about to learn the hard way just how Arcanum worked. Growls vibrated in her chest, her attention solely on her target. Kylar and Meinx were momentarily forgotten, she didn't care if they stood and watched of if they joined in.


ATTACKS: jaws aimed as the side of Pandias neck, if you could specify which side Cat is on that'd be great. Cat then attempts to throw her weight into Pandia's shoulder, wanting to throw her off balance. Cats right front leg will attempt to wrap around Pandias front leg, trying to pull it towards herself to further ruin Pandias balance. Her attack on Pandias throat/shoulder/leg are all on the same side, just depends on which side Cat is standing.

DEFENSES: ears narrowed to slits, ears pinned, hackles lifted, shoulders rolled forward, limbs squared and bent, toes spread and claws digging into the ground for traction, tail level with her spine, skull level with spine and chin tucked, abdominal muscles tightened.


OOC: not sure if Cat is on her left or right side



3 Years
04-15-2014, 05:13 PM
The ivory female rested her orbs upon the female, The subtle movements of the female before her, The lowering of her head, pinning of the ears not to mention the advance towards her,reading the signs of the females body Pandia wasn't long in reacting, as the female moved towards her something seemed to snap within the mind of ivory female, rising upon her pads, she lowered her cranium to protect her jugular while her body was squared by her appendages extending in to a crouch, as her hackles rose over her withers her auds lowered as she took a defensive stance and prepared for the opposing females apparent attack.

Due to Pandia's sternohyoid muscle tightening due to her cranium becoming lower it was difficult to grasp by the opposing females daggers however under the weight of the female pressing upon her she leaned against the female while she moved her appendages in a march like formation in the hopes to avoid the grasping paws of the female before finally bounding away slightly. if her soft pads touched upon the domain once more, she would simply try a little attack of her own and it wasn't long before her hind muscle coiled and sprung her forwards. Aiming her mandibles at the female deltoid she hoped to draw some form of wound there while her body rotated to stand level with the females body, with her raised hackles she knew if the female attacked there then all she would be doing to pulling on a dead part of the pelt considering there was little to no Nervous in that area. with this logic in mind the ivory female pushed her weight against the females while her ivory digits racked along the female pastern in the hopes that it would firstly leave a few nice scratch marks and secondly cause the female to move and lose her balance-


Lowered head protecting the juglar
Raised Hackles
Movement of the paws _ to prevent them being grasped
bounding away a few steps.
Lowered ears
Tensed muscles
Attack on the deltoid & pastern
Using her body weight to push the female
Injury: Unknown


04-15-2014, 06:04 PM

This was the second time he had been witness to some stranger insulting his queen and this time he had no intention of standing idly by and letting her a) have all the fun and b) fight for her own honour. He was her duke and this was as much duty as it was his right. So though eyes would stare at them for a short time, following flashing movement for a time when he felt he could easily hop in. His defences were set, legs bent and paws splayed as he moved slowly around the permitter of the fight, eyes narrowed and ears folded against attack. Neck was lowered, parallel to his spine, jaw unhinged to further protect his throat. Tail lashed angrily behind him, hung low, ready to be either thrust out and used as a rudder or tucked neatly to protect against attack. Abdomen coiled and tightened, back arched to gather his core strength but still he waited, massive paws pressing heavily into the ground as claws dug in and pulled him around the fight. Finally he saw it, as the white witch attempted to power her way further into Cat's grip and then leap away he would completely lower her head, skull flung to one side (away from Cat) to present heavily muscled shoulders and upper neck, hackles flying upwards to make the behemoth of a man seem even larger. One paw raked the ground in much the way of a bull preparing to charge, verdant eyes narrowing as he waited a moment longer until this female was beside his queen. Then he would charge, moving low and slow as he beelined for her in the hope that she was so engrossed in her battle that she wouldn't notice his approach. The massive man looked to use his mass to slam himself into her in much the way an elephant would, looking to collide his shoulder with her chest and throw her back. Should she remain on her paws, however, giant crown would swing low and wide, looking to gain a hold on her forepaw closest to him. He wold seek a hold on a joint, preferably ankle to crush the bone easier but he would take any flesh and bone jaws could find purchase on.


ATTACKS: Charging low and hard at Pandia, looking to slam his shoulder into her chest and know her backwards. If he fails in this head will swing around to attempt to grab hold of the foreleg closest to him.

DEFENSES: Legs bent, paws splayed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head lowered, jaws open, tail ready to tuck or be used as a rudder, stomach tucked, back arched, claws digging into the ground, hackles raised.

INJURIES: None, first round



04-15-2014, 07:09 PM

It was unknown how only fur would fill her jaws as the female slipped from her grasp, dancing a few steps away. Adrenaline and rage assaulted the Queen as the girls front limbs danced in an attempt to avoid her grasp again. The foolish girl then shot herself forward and into the Queen, though her lighter weight did little to affect the well balanced silver woman. Fangs would pierce the flesh of her shoulder, though the injury was no threatening, more of a nuisance than anything else. Another snarl ripped from her jaws as the Queen settled in for a new tactic.

Ears remained narrowed, ears pinned tightly against her skull, hackles remained lifted high, her tail level with her spine and straight. Her silver crown remained even with her spine, chin tucked carefully against her vitals, limbs remained squared and bent for balance, toes spread and claws dug into the earth for traction. In preparation for her next attack, abdominal muscles would tighten.

The silver woman's hips would swing away from her opponent, and her front leg closest to the woman would lift, aiming to land across the woman's shoulders, claws pressed against her flesh in an attempt to keep her close. Since the pale woman had aimed her jaws at the Queens ankle, she left the back of her neck exposed. The Queen had avoided the attack on her ankle by lifting and making an attempt to drape it across her adversaries shoulders. Jaws would unhinge, opening wide and aimed for the woman's scruff, she wanted to grab a hold of the woman tightly and not let her go. The thundering of paws would announce her Dukes presence. The Queen would have preferred to handle this on her own, but the man seemed to stick his nose in everything.

Her gaze shifted to him, watching as her faced the pale woman head on, his intent of collision clear. Should her jaws land successful, then she would merely hang on as Kylar collided with her. If someone the woman escaped them both, then the silver Queen would lunge towards her, aiming to throw her entire weight onto or into the woman, she would continue to do so, wanting to ruin the woman's balance until she tumbled.

CATALEYA vs PANDIA for MAIM(heavy scarring)/CLAIM: Round 2/3

ATTACKS: hips would swing away from the woman, front leg close to the Pandia lifts in an attempt to, jaws would then aim to grab a hold of Pandias exposed scruff. If her jaws are successful and Ky is successful, then she will merely hang on, if both her and Ky miss then Cat will spring forward, throwing her weight either onto the smaller woman or into her side/shoulder area.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, shoulders scrunched, tail straight and level with spine, limbs squared and bent, toes spread, and claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened. Skull level with spine, chin tucked.

INJURIES: small bite wound to the shoulder, not deep enough to cause any damage (Pandia didn't specify which side she was attack)

OOC: Im not sure if Cats bite landed or not, and Im almost confuse how Pandia could move from Cats shoulder all the way down to her ankle in an attack.



3 Years
04-17-2014, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 11:18 AM by Pandia.)
The ivory female continued to sink her canines in to the females deltoid even as the female moved her weight, reacting she too followed and attempted to keep her hips tightly against the females.Due to the positioning of her body against the opposing females, she was nearly sure that her scruff was difficult to grasp since she was placed just behind the females left shoulder, as the female lifted her appendage the female she simply pushed her weight against the girl since she knew her balance was further interrupted and she wasn't as sturdy thus making it nearly impossible for the girl to sling her paws over her shoulder.

The sudden blow came from the male caused her to stumble backwards and possibly rip the flesh of the female to create a bigger wound in the area considering her canines were implanted in to the area when the male pushed her back. as she was forced back she yelped slightly as the daggers of the male found her pastern bone thankfully though it wasn't a join, trying to keep all appendages upon the domain her mandibles parted once more to lock on the scruff of the males neck or at least the ear since the male was exposed there due to him having a lowered cranium and being in fount of her it was likely her grip would be locked on one of those areas. once her grip was established the violent movement or shaking of her cranium would further stretch and pull on the males skin in the hopes that it would cause enough pain for him to remove his grip on her appendage, if this worked, a swift side step would be introduced. Reclining back away from the two, she lowered her cranium once more to protect her gullet while her body squared up in a form of a crouch while her ears remained lowered upon her skull, flicking her tassel she glare darkly at the two as her hackles continued to remain upright while each muscle in her form tensed she resumed her defensive structure before the two while she watched from a few feet away.-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Attack: On cats shoulder possibly leaving a larger wound. On the males scruff/ ear area before violently pulling and shaking.

Defence: ok due to attacking the deltoid muscle, pandia is behind cats shoulder slightly so it would make it hard to have her scruff griped, and with pandia trying to keep her body close to cats it would be some what impossible for cat to lift her leg over pandias shoulder.

If the male let her leg go then she would bounce out of the way and square up with the normal defences, lowered head, ears, tense muscles etc...

Injury: bite wound on her pastern.

OOC: Pandia did not bite on cats ankle, digits is another word for paws ( its a bone in the toes of the canine) so basic she was using her claws to rack them along the pastern bone of cat ( pastern bone is the bone that connects the ankle and the knee area.

The Judge


04-20-2014, 01:39 PM

Due to Pandia editing posts and not referring why it defaults to Cataleya and Kylar! Her ankle will be dislocated, Heavy scarring on leg, and now Claimed.
Pandia must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.



3 Years
04-22-2014, 03:30 PM
(( OK just winging it since am not to sure what am meant to do lol))

The ivory female felt her breath tighten as she continued to pant slightly from the strain this little spat was having on her form, considering the ivory female wasn't in a pack as of current it lead to her body being slightly weaker that what it normally would be considering she couldn't take down larger pray to feed herself and so she had to stick to scavenging however this wasn't always reliable, The crunch of her limp dislocating from the joint, a low whimper vibrated in her vocal cords however it soon turned to a snarl as her dark orbs glare around her form, carrying her injured and some what wounded limb she lowered herself slightly to the domain pandia wasn't much for submissiveness however this seemed like a good time to lay low until the write time and her body was agreeing with her, exhaustion slowly creped over her form, her muscles trembled and twitched due to the tension within them while her vision seemed to blur slightly. it wast before long before the ivory female allowed her weakened form to rest upon the domain while her mind half wondered what was to occur given the situation on things she half cursed herself mentally for not persevering her energy source such a time to fall weak she yelled at herself in her own mind before a soft exhale exited her lungs as if it was a sigh of acceptance of what was to come from this little event in her life.-


04-23-2014, 04:26 PM

She could feel the girl tiring, hear it in her breathing, and soon the trespasser would fall limp, cowering before them. The Queen would release any grip she had and rose to her full height, towering over the woman, lips still curled back in a silent snarl. Kylar would release her leg whenever he wanted, he was after all keeping the girl anchored in one spot. "You are a fool, and you now belong to this pack." Her crown would tip back, calling for one wolf in particular. Neios. It was a sick and twisted punishment to hand a defenseless girl over to such a monster, but this one was deserving of it.

As her summoning came to an end, she would glare down at the girl, hoping she was at least wise enough to stay low to the ground and not speak a word. The Queen was in no mood to wait and so Neios had better not keep her waiting. Though she doubted he would. He had always been the one to come straight to her when she called, usually because he was stalking her in one way or another. Her gaze would slide to Kylar, waiting for him to release the girl. "If you try and run, it'll be the last thing you do. I promise" It was a promise she would keep, there was no escape for this girl unless a miracle happened.



3 Years
Extra large
04-23-2014, 04:48 PM

The behemoth had not been faraway when his monarch's voice called his name- in fact, he had only been yards away, observing the arrest with a delighted sneer. He would stride forward upon command, lengthy limbs bringing him to tower above all others except for the ash hued man. The beast would pay him no mind as he approached, his venomous stare rolling along the defined curves of the puny white woman pinned beneath the other giant. His gaze would turn toward Cataleya's fuchsia glare, his brow furrowing in curiosity, his head cocking toward his right. "What do you want, Cataleya" He would inquire, truly curious to know why she had decided to bring him into the equation. Surly they had the situation handled, so perhaps he was about to receive that award she had enticed him with?


ooc note: he has his harness on in this thread



3 Years
04-23-2014, 05:19 PM
The ivory female kept her from still, however the muscles in her body continued to remain tense in the antisapashion of another attack that at this moment she wasn't sure if it would happen, her ears pivoted as she listened to the words spilled by the queen before her however no response fell from the ivory female however a cold glare simply was prorated in her fiery gaze oh how she wanted to read the mind of the female before her maybe mess with her mind a little? a sinister chuckle echoed in the mind of the female however her so called poker face was still upon her features as she awaited to see the card the queen would play next. As the female before her howled she simply narrowed her orbs it wasn't before long when yet another wolf seeped from the darkness, flicking her gaze between the dark brute and the queen she simply waited


04-23-2014, 05:25 PM

The female was silent as they all waited, only a cold glare was plastered on her pale face. It was only a few moments later that Neios would slip from the shadows. He must have been nearby, if not watching. His question roll off his tongue curiously. Coral pools would slide over his form, noting the strange straps that adorned his massive body. She had not seen them before, she made a note to ask where he had gotten them. The Queen would look at him, a twisted grin pulling at her lips. "You have done well Neios. I am quite proud of you, and its time you be rewarded." The Queen would step back from the pale woman, her gaze falling toxically upon her. "Say hello to your new friend." Words rolled off her tongue like venom. This girl was doomed. Coral pools would flick back to Neios, awaiting his reaction. She assumed that he would be overjoyed with the outcome and receiving a new slave to bend to his will. The silver woman had stepped far enough away that Neios had space to come and collect his price. If Kylar had no moved back, then she would simply look at him, silently telling him to do so. This woman was about to enter hell, there was no need to prolong it.

OOC- Cat hasn't seen his straps since this is before the fight training


04-23-2014, 05:41 PM

He heard and felt the satisfying pop of a bone being pulled from its joint and a smile would dance across his lips. Everything seemed to end after that, dying down and so Kylar would simply flop, laying on his belly while keeping his grip on this new prisoners paw. She wasn't about to flee anytime soon. Cat was speaking, Pandia did not speak but after a moment Cat would howl calling for the little brat Ky had come to both hate and enjoy though only because Kylar's meet presence seemed to piss the boy off. Cat and Neios would speak briefly before Cat would shoot him a look that said 'drop it'. Slowly he would rise, hopefully taking Pandia's paw upwards with him. "Dun ourry. Iph a edic. Un. Ew." He spoke around her paw as he attempted to shift his grip a bit and alligne the bone with its socket a bit more. He didn't even give her to three before he attempted to pull back on her paw and pop it back into place. He had dislocated an ankle before and had to do this himself by wedging his paw between two rocks. It hadn't been fun and he had had herbs to numb the pain. He didn't know if it worked or not but either way he would release her foot and slink backwards to continue watching the fun.