
Two Faced, All the Same


04-15-2014, 07:16 PM

Russet bodice weaved in and out of the trees, verdant eyes admiring their beauty. She had returned to the mainland in search of Aeron, wanting to bring him to the island to meet her brother now that he had returned. But the monochromed man had all but vanished. A sigh slipped from creamy lips as ivory limbs carried her deeper into the forest of pale trees. The woman would only stop when she reached the circle of strange stones, it was unlike anything she had ever seen.

Nostrils quivered as she slowly made her way closer, weaving a path in and out of the stones, her pace slow so that she could admired them. She had never been to this place before, nor had she ever seen anything like it. Coming to a stop, the woman would slide to the earth, finding a sunny spot in the cool autumn weather. For the moment, all her worries left her. She didn't worry about where Aeron had vanished to, or whether or not he still cared for her. She didn't worry about her brother Falks memory, nor Taurigs health. She had found a spot of serenity, and she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.



04-15-2014, 09:49 PM

Serenity ruined.

Blood pelted male padded onto the scene easily, a smile tickling the edge of dark hued lips. She ahd come to quite love this place, at first due to the monochromatic scene laid out before her and then thanks to the added joy of her love accepting her marriage proposal. This place was perfect, so perfect in fact that she had thought on many occasions about maybe claiming it for herself though that thought was often followed by the realization that it was so close to ludicael that it might be almost uncomfortable for them. So the idea was often banished as quickly as it came. But it didn't stop her from kicking the kids to the curb as often as possible and taking a relaxing stroll through the moon touched trees. She loved it during the day but the night was her favourite, especially if she could make it to the spring. Not that she wouldn't take a stroll whenever she could. Which today she wanted to do just that, spend a relaxing few hours by the babbling fountain, basking in the sunlight. But fate seemed to have another plan as Vi's lantern eyes came to settle on a russet form laying before it. Head your tip, ears pricking forward as smile grew. Adult company would never be turned away.

"My sweet what brings you here?"Words would roll of her tongue with practiced ease, white dipped paws carrying her towards the darker hued female. She was cute, pretty even. Oddly reminding her of an older version of her daughter Arisu. Vi would tip her head, coming to sit beside the female and share her patch of sun. She was in a good mood, she wasn't really in the mood to do the while standing at a distance and feeling out this woman to see if she was friendly.


04-15-2014, 11:00 PM

The foot steps of another would have the russet woman looking around, her serenity shattered. Verdant eyes would rest on a vibrantly colored woman, her pelt the color of blood. Words would fall easily from the strangers dark lips as she seated herself nearby. A brow would lift curiously, did this stranger not fear attack or hostility? However, the russet woman had no interest in starting a fight today. She remain in her languid position, emeralds watching the woman.

"This place is a little slice of heaven it would seem." Conversation flowed easily off her tongue. Limbs pulled beneath her, carefully placed so she could rise quickly if necessary. "And yourself?" She would return the question to the stranger. Her position would shift slight so that she faced the red woman a little better. "Im Sibelle."



04-23-2014, 07:01 PM

The girl would look at her and there was no hostility in her gaze as Vi helped herself to a seat beside her. Seemed she wasn't in the mood to fight either so Vi would relax, rolling her shoulders back languidly. "Yes it is in fact beautiful. My pack resides near here, I enjoy a little time away every so often though..." She would muse as she allowed forepaws to slip forward and for her white belly to hit the earth. Hips would flop to the side so she would lean away from the woman and turn lantern gaze towards her. She introduced herself, name rolling off her tongue with ease and Vi's crimson ears would tip forward to catch the words. "Pleasure to meet you Sibelle. I am Viridiana Sovari." She replied with an easy tip of her head, lifting a paw to add a bit of a flourish to her introduction like an old time gentleman tipping his had to a lovely lady. "If you don't mind the company would you care to regale me with your tale? Where are you from?" She asked easily, feeling oddly conversational.


04-23-2014, 09:59 PM

The red woman make herself comfortable, making idly conversation. She belonged to a pack, but who didn't like an escape every once in awhile? She could understand, even when Taurig had a pack she herself would venture off from time to time. The stranger would introduce herself, her name quite exquisite. "The pleasure is all mine." A smile graced her features as the woman tipped her crown, a ruby limb lifting. She certainly knew how to make a first impression. The conversation flowed as the woman asked for her story, which the russet woman would happily oblige.

"Well, I came here from a far away land, searching for my father, and my brother Taurig, who's pack I ended up joining. Since then I am merely a wanderer, looking for a place to call home, and something to occupy my time with." Her story was nothing special, as usual she left out her father, as she had no reason to discuss him, there was nothing to be said about the bastard. "What about you?" She returned the question to the woman Viridiana, idly she wondered if the woman had a nickname, she certainly had a mouthful of a first name



05-08-2014, 11:10 PM

Languidly they would lay beside each other, the red woman's skull tipping easily in response to the russet woman's words as a smile slid across her lips. It was all about the pleasure after all. The the woman would launch into her story, though it was short it was easy and to the point and Vi could appreciate that. A name stuck out though and her skull would tip. Smile turned mischievous. "Oh my dear! How perfect could this be!" She exclaimed with a giggle, head tossed back to let out a lyrical laugh before leaning in close as if to tell the woman a secret. "You see Taurig was once my alpha as well. In fact a dear friend of mine. Is he still on the island near here? I haven't seen him in forever!' She spoke as if they were the best of friends now, words coming easily as she pulled back and chuckled again. What a coincidence to meet one of Taurig's own blood! Though she had to say they looked nothing alike. But then again who was she to talk? Her and her brother looked nothing alike either. A question would slip from the woman's lips and Vi would lift her shoulder in a delicate shrug. "My brother and I were raised by our mother alone. When were were little less then a year flooding chased us from our homeland. We traveled for a while helping out the odd pack before stumbling across Alacritis. We joined the original Tortuga there and I LOVED it. From there a volcano erupted and everyone was kind of forced to move here... I rejoined Tortuga, stayed with it even as it continuously changed paws and eventually your brother took over. He wasn't my favourite leader but still a good one. Different then I was used to..." Again shoulders would lift and drop as a soft sigh would end her story. It felt longer then Sibelle's but then again her history with Tortuga had been a long one...


05-08-2014, 11:16 PM

The woman listened intently, but her laughter caused her brows to rise. As the woman explained, a grin tugged at pale lips. What are the chances that this woman knew her brother. "I do believe so, though he has been rather scarce lately." A frown tugged at her features briefly, she had been worried about it. He had vanished without a trace. The red woman leaned in closer, speaking as though they were life long friends. And honestly, Sibelle didn't mind, it was nice to have someone she clicked with so easily. The woman explained her story, having changed homes quick a bit, suffering more than one incident of mother natures wrath. Her history was certainly a lot longer, but the russet woman didn't mind listening. That's quite a story, any plans for the future?" It seemed that woman hadn't been able to settle in one place for two long, always changing homes. Certainly she had goals, dreams she wanted to accomplish.



05-08-2014, 11:28 PM

Head would tip and brow would furrow at the other woman's words. He was scarce? Where could he have gone? She would have to take a trip to the island when she could and see if she could catch him. "What about Maija and the kids? Are they around still?" There was honest concern in her tone. Though Maija and she had never spent copious amounts of time together she had always been a fan of the woman, had always liked her. Hopefully they were doing okay, and if Vi couldn't find Taurig then the least she could do was see how Maija was holding up without her mate around. Another question dropped from the woman's lips and Vi leaned back, head tipping as lantern gaze was turned upwards towards the ivory trees. Plans for the future hey? "I would like to have my own pack. Make a home for my family. Woo the woman I love. I plan to challenge in the next few weeks I hope.... And yourself? Forever following your brother or are you more interested in a life of action and adventure?" Gaze would drift down and lock on Sibelle now, mischievous smile slithering across inky lips once more.


05-08-2014, 11:33 PM

She could see the concern etched into the woman's face and her words. Clearly she had formed a strong relationship with her brother. "Maija and the kids are still on the island, its just Taurig that has disappeared, I've tried searching for him, but to no avail." The woman's yellow gaze would leave her in favor the sky, looking almost thoughtful before speaking. She had been right to assume the woman had goals. Becoming an alpha, challenging for a pack. A wooing a...woman? To each their own. When the question would return to her, she would match the woman's mischievous smile. "No, my brother doesn't lead the most exciting of lives." She would speak honestly, a shoulder lifting in a half shrug. She wanted excitement in her life. "Action and adventure sound more than applealing." Part of her wondered if the woman was going to make an offer, but there was no use in getting her hopes up, she barely knew this woman.



05-08-2014, 11:47 PM

Maija was alright, the kids were still there. A soft sigh left her lips through concern for Taurig was still there. What would make the blue male disappear like that? To leave his family and friends... What could have ran him off? Had it been his father again? She didn't dare ask, simply nodded along slowly as Sibelle spoke to show she was listening to what the woman she was saying. A search and rescue without her... Well she might just have to launch her own little search on her own. As Sibelle spoke again Vi would tip her head curiously. Not interested in following Taurig again? Then again Taurig wasn't really much of a leader anymore, he was simply living on an island with his family simply existing and Vi didn't do that well. Action and adventure was what she wanted? Smile would grow sly and once more skull would tip down and she would lean forward to share a little secret. "I might have a proposition for you then... You interested?" She asked softly, words hushed and though she had asked a question she didn't give the woman much time to answer. "I need smart wolves in my pack. One's who can get things done and be a bit more sneaky about it. I want to start a betting ring of sorts, maybe eventually dabble in some other things. I'm not sure the end game yet buuut... Life needs to be shaken up a bit don't you think?" She murmured easily, one brow raising in a questioning manner.


05-09-2014, 03:40 PM

The sly grin and words of proposition captivated the woman's attention. Her limbs would fold under her to allow her lean towards the woman, audits standing at attention, a brow lifted. She would not be given a chance to answer before the woman was speaking again. She was in search of smart wolves, wolves capable of secrecy. It sounded better by the minute. Betting ring. That caught her attention. Leaning back, the woman looked thoughtful, mulling over what she had just been told. A proposition hadn't exactly be given yet, and SIbelle was no fool, she would not agree to something with knowing exactly what she was getting. Hips twisted so only her chest remained flat on the earth.

"Indeed, but what exactly are you offering me?" She was curious to know about this betting ring she spoke of, and where she planned to take it. The idea sent a dark thrill through her, one that was no familiar. While she always held deep ambitions, and found herself more darkly aligned than her brothers, willing to push herself to the limit to get what she wanted, she never imagined herself getting into a betting ring. But what kinda of betting ring? "Tell me more of this betting right." Curiously glittered in her verdant gaze, her desire to accept was on the tip of her tongue.



05-09-2014, 06:12 PM

Everything was suddenly secretive, hushed and for them alone. It was intense and she loved it. Sibelle leaned close, shifting so their heads would almost touch in hushed conversation. What was she proposing?Vi would smile. "A chance at power. Action adventure and maybe even riches." Eyebrow would raise and and head would tip, sly smile growing. She was only half joking. "I don't plan to lead this pack of mine. No. Desiree will deal with the politics and the needless worries of the masses. I want to deal with the underground things and I need wolves capable of helping. Wolves I can trust.." She said, eyebrows raising at this. Whoever ended up helping her with this she needed to know she could trust them with her life, needed to know she could trust them with her families lives. Would this woman be one she could eventually trust in that way? Only time would tell. Sibelle asked about the betting ring and again Vi would lean back, brow furrowing. To be honest she had never really thought of the logistics, had figured it would all come with time. "I think we'll start with something small. Something public. Invite other packs to join in. Host hunting competitions, spars or healing challenges. Pack alpha's can bet things like allowing another pack to hunt on their lands, food, herbs etc. Whatever really. Winner gets the spoils, our pack gets a share for hosting the tournament. Eventually I would like to go underground. Shake things up. Gladiator battles like in the days of old. Wolves can come to battle in the games. Gladiators can fight gladiators or gladiators can fight slaves." She paused there, eyebrow raising again. She would allow the idea of slaves and gladiators to sink in. She was sharing a lot. More then she had originally intended but she seemed so interested, so keen. Would she be game?


05-09-2014, 09:46 PM

A smile was plastered on the red woman's face, her expression only changing slightly. While she didn't plan on running the pack herself, she had plans for the betting ring. Starting off small and then growing bigger. Much bigger. Slaves? Surprise flitted across her fears. "Thats quite a plan. But interesting." She would mull it over, looking thoughtful. A betting ring, to gladiator fights, and slaves. A darker side of her was enticed by the idea. Poor Taurig would be mortified if he knew she was having this conversation, that she was considering it. But like Viridiana had said, it would be underground, only a few would know about it. "You can count me in." The words rolled off her tongue before she even really realized what she was saying. This was an opportunity to start a new chapter of her life and she was not about to let it pass her up. A grin pulled at pale lips, hoping the woman accept her into the fold, and one day she would be trusted enough to be apart of this inner circle.