
let me be your ghost



4 Years
04-15-2014, 07:49 PM

With autumn building, the frigid air had even more of a bite to it than it might have before and Serra was rapidly discovering that she had never been built for the cold. Her body was wracked with shivers every so often, but the promise of discovering something new was enough to tug Serra's paws along anyways. She had never been one to love the snow and ice, but still she found herself wandering along, defying any sort of rhyme or reason with her wanderings. For the moment, she wasn't walking with her nose pressed to the ground, seeking the lost figure of her brother - no, Serra was content to explore in silence, leaping playfully through snow drifts every so often.

It was a strange sight, perhaps, to see the multi colored female to make her way along. She would prance through the thicker patches of snow, lifting her paws high and leaping into larger snow piles as she desired. The cloak of regality that Serra wore with such regularity was for the moment abandoned, and Serra found herself acting like a pup in the blissful silence of this frozen winterland. There was no reason for Serra to control herself, so she let herself play. After all, Serra was barely 3 years old. She was still a young wolf in the eyes of many - and she had many years yet to go. What was the point in living if you couldn't loosen up every once in a while?

Anyways, there was something about snow that just made you want to play a little. Of course, Serra was also rapidly remembering now why she didn't like snow all that much. The cold was seeping beneath her now dampened fur, and chilling her to the core. As her shivers began to occur more and more rapidly, Serra found herself turning south, seeking an exit from this frozen wasteland. Her opinion of it had changed already - the rose tinted glasses with which she had viewed it earlier were abandoned now as Serra began to journey back from the direction in which she had come.




7 Years
Extra large
04-15-2014, 08:17 PM

Quelt had lived through many lies within his life, simple ones, far less complicated that would pull at someone else?s paws. When he was younger it was all about keeping himself out of a higher meaning, being the son of a duke. Also being the one who was more than inclined to take care of the others, especially his siblings. No matter how deep you dug into his brain, the simple fact of the matter was his subliminal wishes to pull a metaphorical fish out of the water. What better place to search for this thing, then the submerged woods. With the on setting deeper within autumn, the water was now freezing over into a thick fresh parcel of snow. Only the tips exposing themselves as compared to the summer when water would overtake the edge?s rendering it a harder place to maneuver around for sure.
A dark black paw would come to rest on the edge of the forest as the wind travelling through his fur. The rest of his dark slate blue paws settling down as his body became more of an alert stand. Quelt?s head would turn from one side to another, checking his surroundings, he knew he had scented something before but he had wanted to be certain it was who and what he thought it was. His oddly bi cut eyes would narrow, then widen when he saw the shape of a small woman looking to be the same colors as he. His black tail would tuck slightly, as he lowered his head to sniff the ground and clarify that it was indeed his sister that he was smelling.
It sent small shivers down the massive man?s spine, as he carefully stepped one paw in front of the other. Soon before he knew it his limbs were carrying him in a run, muscles rippling under his skin and dark stripes across his back. Sliding across the ice and snow he stopped himself, to slide out in front of her. Not only staying quiet, but for the habit of trying to catch his breath as he stood in front of the small girl. She was still as small as ever compared to him, specially where his height was. A smile spread across his face in the most gleeful of ways, as he laughed a bit.
?Serra!? he let the word leave his lips like it was some delicate flower of insanity. Lower his head he would urge to touch her, and run his snout across her shoulder and try to hug her. As well as smother her in a flutter of kisses over her muzzle. She was alright, and that relieved him beyond what anyone would be able to feel. He laughed, and backed up a bit seeing as he didn?t know if that was a bit too much for the greeting he had given.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



4 Years
04-16-2014, 01:13 PM

Unaware of any company that she had, Serra kept on plodding along, head lowered slightly as the wind stirred. And then she looked up, her blue gaze locking on a surprisingly familiar figure as it slid to a stop before her - Quelt. Joy was her first reaction, her tail wagging so fast behind her that it might have fallen off in those seconds as he called her name. Her name had never sounded so lovely, but at the sound of her brother's voice, she couldn't contain herself anymore.

He closed the distance between them, hugging her and licking her and she was kissing him too, placing little lupine kisses on every inch of his fur that she could reach until he stepped back. Her tail continued to wag a mile a minute behind her and Serra practically bounced in place, "Quelt! Oh Quelt, I missed you so much!" Her voice was exuberant, and nowhere near as contained as it was so typically, "How have you been? Did you miss me? Have you joined a pack? Have you met anyone special? How are you?" The questions fell from her maw so swiftly that she hardly even thought them through. There was just so much happiness that she couldn't contain it.

Quelt was here! Quelt was back! It felt like everything in her life had been building up to this moment, and nothing would ever be as good as this was. To see her brother again after so long made Serra's heart practically sing. This was what she had waited for since he had first left to seek his own path. She had tracked him since then across river and valley, always on the verge of losing track of him, and now he was here, right in front of her!




7 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 02:36 PM

The man laughed, he was happy he ran into his sister, overly glad even. After such a long time, he did notice that he had important things other than his little problem with authority figures. Serra was a sweet girl, when they were younger he tried to protect them constantly and it was a surprise or not that they had made it through the bad times. Since there were barely any of them because of the quiet area that they had lived in. He was happy to see that she was doing well as well. Quelt backed up a little, so that he wasn't suffocated in love of course.
"I've been great! But no I haven't joined a pack since I got here, I've met some alpha's though. I've just never been one for packs. Of course I missed you, you're my little sister. And no, not yet at least I haven't really connected too much with anyone." A grin would gleam through his teeth. With how much taller he was than Serra, it made it easier to cover her in his thick ball of fur. In a hug as he wrapped his head around her shoulders. Thanks the gods that she was alright.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



4 Years
04-26-2014, 07:33 PM

It was a true trial of patience on Serra's part that she stayed still and let Quelt speak without interruption. The typically reserved female had definitely missed him. It was strange to operate without her other half for so long, but now that he was back, well she was going to love him enough to make up for how long he'd been gone. "That's a pity. You need someone to put up with you, silly." The teasing note to her voice was clear as she leaned up to lick his cheek. As he hugged her to him, the female laughed, pressing against her brother's comforting form.

She wouldn't have to specifically admit how much she'd missed him more than once; Serra was pretty sure he'd gotten the point. But oh, she loved him. And finding him put a piece of the world back into place that she hadn't even realized she'd been missing. "You're never going to run away on me again, okay?" She didn't press and ask why he'd left - Serra was pretty sure she could figure that much out. He had just said, after all, that he'd never been one for packs. But it didn't matter why he'd left anyways. He was back now and that was all that mattered! Serra would keep better track of him now; he'd never leave her sight again if she had her way!

Okay, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration. But only a bit.




7 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 06:21 PM

With all the affection was something that he didn't mind, though it made him feel sort of bad for leaving. Then again he held no regrets, he didn't like the thought of not being on top, not having his freedom. Maybe it was a rather bad god complex, but it wasn't as if he wanted to subdue anyone underneath him. Simply he didn't sit well with being ordered around and following it without another word. If he were to run a pack it'd be something where his input would not be the only one. Though he wasn't sure such a thing would be able to be created just yet. Not unless a pack was dropped into his paws, and he didn't have the confidence to challenge for a pack just yet either. Risk the members of the pack hating him for stealing their home as it would be said.
He needed someone to put up with him did he? Well being alone wasn't so bad so far. It wasn't like he needed to feed anyone else, of course he still had the habit of worrying about strangers still. So far he had become a hero by saving two wolves and he didn't know how many more would follow him down whatever path he was going to take. Though then she made a comment that he would never run away again. Had he really run away? He told his parents up front that he was leaving and that there was nothing they could say to convince him to stay. But now it looked like Serra wanted to stalk him.
"I didn't leave because there was a problem Serra, I wanted to be on my own with freedom. Being alone hasn't all been that bad." he said with a short frown to her. But then he sighed, and smiled as she got closer and he wrapped his left paw around her. "I'm thinking of starting a pack, weather it be challenging for a current one or not. I'd like to know if you'll be supporting me." Quelt said with a keen smile.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



4 Years
05-02-2014, 10:20 AM

Her gaze locked onto Quelt's achingly familiar form as he spoke. Serra let his words wash over her ears, not really comprehending them at first. There hadn't been a problem...? Serra simply couldn't comprehend leaving her family without there being a problem. She had left to find Quelt because Serra couldn't imagine a future without him. But that had been a problem, or close enough to one anyways. The female hesitated, biting her tongue for a moment before she let words spill from her maw. "I guess you're right..." She'd kind of enjoyed being on her own too, hadn't she? Which meant Serra had no right to judge Quelt. He deserved to make his own choices. Serra was just as justified in making her own choices, however, and felt no guilt about stalking him practically to the ends of the earth. Quelt was her best friend and closest companion; he wasn't going to get rid of her that easily.

Leaning into the 'hug,' Serra let a smile spread across her features. "Do you even have to ask, brother?" The question was gentle, amusement clear in Serra's tone. "Of course I will support you. I know you will make an excellent leader." And she would support him however he desired, whether it was as a Duchess - or Beta or whatever he decided to call his ranks - or simply as a packmember. Serra didn't desire any particular rank, and certainly would not make that a condition of her support. Some wolves might have, but all Serra wanted was to know that her brother was all right.

Serra leaned her body against Quelt's side, tail thumping contentedly against the earth. "Whatever you decide to do, you'll be excellent at it." She had endless faith in her family, and if he ever needed a pick-me-up, Serra would be there, of course. If he ever doubted himself on this path, Serra would be ready to help him. Quelt deserved happiness, and however he found that, Serra would support him. For her, it was that simple.
