
Unwilling, but Able



10 Years
Athena I
04-16-2014, 09:49 PM

Having training in all fields was a genius move on his aunt's part. He fully understood and even agreed with the notion. Did that mean he was eager to begin training with fighting? Not particularly. He hesitated at the mouth of his and Imena's den, his ears folding back with anxiety. He had never enjoyed the fighting lessons he had received as a pup nor was he particularly good at it. He had avoided it ever since, much preferring the art of healing and herbs and the good it brought to the world. But, none of the less, he was eager to please his aunt and fulfill her wishes so off he went toward the place in the plains where their meetings were usually held.

He padded slowly toward the middle of the meeting area, his paws kneading the ground anxiously. With a deep breath to calm himself, he let out a howl, calling any of his pack mates that might want to spar. He hoped maybe someone from his family would appear, one that would know how inexperienced and uncomfortable with the subject he was, but he'd be just as pleased with a complete stranger. It would be good to get to know some of the wolves that had joined since he left anyway. Either way, he waited for someone to show so that he could get this fight training over with.



04-16-2014, 11:00 PM

The call of another wolf, another Valhallan would reach Arwel's ears. The wolf was not one he knew, but there was no harm in getting to know him and answering his call, was there? Since his spare with the Olympian woman Natalya he was interested in perhaps seeing again one day. She had proven an interesting match... though he knew he needed further experience, even if it was another spar. Even at his age it wouldn't hurt to sharpen skills further. It would also be a nice little break from his usual routine so... why not?

The legs of the rust, cream, and black wolf would lead him to where the other was waiting, tipping his head forward in greeting. He looked to be maybe around his own age... and Arwel for a moment wondered how this match would turn out. Without knowing the other there was no telling how much, or how little, experience he had in fighting. Perhaps this might turn out to be a pretty even fight.

"A good day to you. I hope you wouldn't mind me joining you in a spar." He would give a gentle smile. "I am Arwel, by the way. One of the pack's sigmas." A short introduction couldn't hurt, right? Then, when the other was ready, they could get down to business.




10 Years
Athena I
04-17-2014, 03:13 PM

The ivory Eta wouldn't have to wait long before his call was answered. A multi-hued male appeared, looking to be an almost even match in age and height. At least he would have that going for him. The pack mate introduced himself and his rank and Cael dipped his head respectfully in reply. "I wouldn't mind one bit. I'm Cael, an Eta. It's good to meet you, Arwen." He shifted his paws a bit awkwardly, not sure where to start. "Shall we?"

He attempted to remember some of the training he had gotten early in his life and from the few experiences he had with fighting as he set his defenses. He set his paws evenly apart, making sure his stance was wide enough to offer him some stability. He remembered to fold back his ears and narrow his eyes to protect them. Lastly, he lowered his neck and raised his tail so that they were even with his spine, hoping that maybe having good balance would help him. Not sure what else to do, he waited to let Arwen have the first move.


ooc: as you can see, poor Cael is hopeless xD I think 2 rounds is probably plenty and I'll let you decide whether this gets judged or not. He just needs lots of help lol


04-23-2014, 01:48 PM

An Eta. Arwel would take a moment to remember that the rank was the one given to healers. All the same he would respect that Cael wanted to test his paws in the waters of other skills. It was asked for by their alphess, though he would imagine such a thing to be a tad more difficult for those whose natural calling was that of healing. Their main tasks were normally to tending wounds, rather than giving them. While he wouldn?t put it past Cael to have potential to be a strong opponent he would keep in mind that, more likely than not, the wolf before him was not one who had practiced fighting skills in some time.

?Shall we??

Arwel would give a nod of his head, body moving naturally to recall what it is he knew about fighting. His head would lower, chin tucked closer to his chest. His ears would lower close to his skull, eyes narrowing and jaw unhinging to be prepared to make an attack. Arwel would widen his stance, allowing his weight to shift more evenly to aid in his balance. Even if it was not a target at the moment Arwel would tuck his tail out of habit before rolling his shoulders forward, the fur on his hackles rising. He would wait, expecting Cael to make the first move. However the Eta almost seemed... Lost when it came to what to do now. So Arwel would take the initiative to press on and make an attack.

The multi-hued male would lunge forward. He kept his head low, aiming to ram into Cael with his full weight as if he were a battering ram. A head on attack wasn?t always the most wise move to make, however Arwel wasn?t too worried about that when it came to a packmate. They weren?t aiming to maim each other after all, and the chances of a more moderate injury still weren?t too bad. At the very least they would both walk away with, in his mind, at most a few cuts and some bruising at most. As he closed in on Cael his head would go back, aiming slightly more to the left, so that should his attack be successful he could seek to snap his jaws upon the Eta?s lower left leg. The bite would be big enough to just aim to make sure he got his target, and, should he get his hold, aim to plant his paws upon the ground and pull upon it to off-balance the other male.


Rounds:: 2

Attacks:: Arwel is first attempting to ram directly into Cael. As he is about to make contact Arwel swings his head back so that once his attack {hopefully} lands he will swing it back forward in hopes to grab onto Cael?s lower left leg. Then, to steady himself, he will plant all four paws upon the ground and yank back in an attempt to off-balance the other.
Defenses: Head Lowered, Chin Tucked, Ears Pinned, Eyes Narrowed, Jaws Unhinged, Widened Stance {to even balance}, Tail Tucked, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Fur on the hackles raised

Injuries:: None, first round. :3

Note:: As I said we don?t need to have this spar judged if you don?t want. xD I?m just putting the stats here just to keep in the habit of putting them in my fighting posts. ;3



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-02-2014, 02:22 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani had been sorting herbs in her den when Cael?s howl for a spar caught her attention. She knew the male despised fighting, so this effort was well noted, and she decided to go see how his spar went, or perhaps to be the one to spar with him. So she left her den, padding out at an easy trot toward the designated sparring ?arena? for the Plains, the same place she held meetings. It had only been a couple days since the meeting held previously, and she was pleased to see the amount of activity in her pack. Winter was drawing closer, and would add more to sparring and battle training, with snow adding a new level to footing.

As she arrived, she saw that Arwel had answered her nephew?s call, and the spar was already getting underway, so she leapt up onto the boulder and settled gracefully, belly brushing the stone, paws crossing before her as she settled down to watch. Cael showed obvious lack in experience, but with training, she knew he would be best at defense. Most Healers were.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10 Years
05-04-2014, 02:28 AM

Curiosity never left Odette's personality. She would be stuck with it for life, even if it killed her. A part of her assumed that once she moved onto the next life, curiosity would go with her. She would not be phased by that flaw she carried; in fact, she would embrace it and let it guide her whenever it rose to the surface. Today, she was drawn to the lone howl of one of her many relatives. Cael was her cousin, she safely assumed, but it wasn't just his call that drew out her interest. She felt the electricity of fighting in the air and she had to answer.
Her muscular form left the safety and warmth of her den as she carried herself across the plains. She had trained with Chrysanthe earlier that morning, making sure to keep all the vital places on her body safe from attacks. Defenses were slowly getting better and she hoped to keep it up. Red and blue eyes twinkled as thoughts of that morning's spar swirled along with the potential moves her cousin would be using in his battle. She didn't have to wait long, for she vastly approached the scene. Rather than be in the way, Odette chose a spot next to Erani's boulder. With keen eyes, she watched.
So far, the spar had started by the wolf known as Arwel. She didn't personally know him, but figured that she would enjoy a spar with him in the future. Cael didn't look too sure of himself, but Odette understood. When she had first started practicing, she had been nervous and unsure about where to step each paw. Now, after a few sessions, she was more eager to learn different ways to advance her movements. Her tail lightly tapped against the ground as the spar commenced.



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