
Little Moments



2 Years
04-16-2014, 05:24 PM

The sunset was an accusatory splash of blood against the late sky, a mottle of colours that fluxed and shifted seemingly at the whims of the wind. The dark of the night would not be far behind, and the shadowy, dark form of the brute blended with the dull sheen of minerals that gave little in the way of life or colour to the endless sand beneath his paws.

It was a long stretch of beach that seemed endless to the eyes, across the open terrain first and second against the backs of stones and cliffs that skirted against the water?s edge. It was a hard trek to take at a run, with the sand loose beneath his paws and taunt muscles but there was also something freeing about the feel of the wind that tugged against his coat and the spray of dim red light that lit his path. He was gone from the sandy back of the beach, coiled muscles springing him lightly to the rougher terrain of stones and crumbled cliff sides. His tough pads found grip as he landed from his jump and his race became one of leaps, from stone to stone as the non-existent pathway took him ever higher.

Eventually, with heaving sides and heavy breath he stilled, finding himself on one of the largest rocks that overhung slightly into the water edge. Its centre held a crevice with a pool of water and signs of life and little movements within. His own purchase was just before it, dry but for patches of moss. It was from here that he viewed the last rays of sunlight as its golden, reddish tones touched against the far banks of water, an immeasurable distance away and was gone, plunging him into darkness.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-16-2014, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2014, 06:35 PM by Dayton.)

The sand was warm beneath his feet, heated by the last flares of the sunset. It seemed to colors seemed to bleed into the water below, casting a dramatic light over everything. Despite the darkening sky, Dayton kept a firm smile plastered on his face. In fact, the boy hadn't stopped smiling since Misha had agreed to be his mate. They had rested here on the beach for most of the day, talking together and sleeping together and doing everything together. Then they had wanted to return home to Tortuga, but the small male had sent Misha ahead on her own and had promised to catch up with her. He had a surprise planned. The walk from Tortuga to this obsidian beach was a long one, and they wouldn't always be able to make the trek. So he wanted to give her a piece of this place, this beautiful beach where they had first met, where they had spent such a picture perfect day.

The earthen colors in his pelt began to shift as the wind raked through his coat. He felt a slight chill that seemed to break him from his trance of love-filled thoughts. He began thinking, not for the first time, if all this happiness could be meant for him. Did he deserve Misha? Did he deserve any of this? How could it be fair at all that there were wolves out in the darkness, scared and alone (as he had been), without somebody to love? The thoughts seemed to carry the wind straight to his bones. He let out a violent shiver, shaking the thoughts away. Just because his life had been broken before didn't mean that he couldn't put it back together again.

Dayton trotted across the dark sand, scattering grains as he went. His amber eyes scanned the beach vigorously, searching for a pretty shell, a dried starfish, anything. Some sort of trinket that could be taken to his love. Something beautiful like her, something to make her happy. Just then, a wisp of dampened air blew near his face. He caught its scent, saturated in a mossy sort of growth. His gaze traveled to the top of a nearby boulder, where he could see the faint glimmer of shallow water. Was there a pool up there? Perhaps he would have better luck searching for trinkets up on that boulder.

The delicate boy began leaping from stone to stone, moving higher and higher. The wind was rougher here, nearly sending the male over the edge multiple times. If only he had a thicker figure. But he pushed on, desperate to find a gift for Misha. Eventually he reached the top, only to find that he was not alone. There was another male here, younger than Dayton, with amethyst eyes and a handsome pelt of dark dancing colors. He stumbled back a step in surprise before regaining the confidence he had built up over these last few days. He wasn't sure if the dark male had noticed him yet, but it was better not to startle him. After all, the young male was standing on the edge of this stone staring into the dying sunset. If he were to jump, his body would tumble dozens of yards to the water, where he could very easily drown.

"Good evening, sir. I didn't realize someone was already here." The russet boy gave an easy, charming smile. Communicating with other wolves was becoming simpler all the time. "Let me know if you wish to be alone, and I will leave."




2 Years
04-16-2014, 07:18 PM

The brute had watched the last rush of life from the sun as it had drifted and waned and vanished from his sights. He would sigh into the coming chill that accompanied the night, and shift his pad on the surface of the rock as he took in the last bit of its sun-warmed texture. There was quite now, with the beating of his heart and his ragged breath stilling and calming. The gentle surge of tide was the overruling sound beneath him as he heard and sensed it brush against the bottom of his perch, to far below to concern the brute. He would sit in utter silence, and simply enjoy everything that came with the night.

He heard the scrambling sound of movement long before he scented or sighted its source. He flicked an ear, a sigh emanating from his body as he ignored the urge to look about. The creature would either find his stone or move on to others, until then it was just a disturbance to the strange happenings of the night. It seemed that the first option would be the fate, as the sound of claws scrambling for purchase came from behind him, and his hunches would rise ever so slightly with the feel of eyes upon his back. It would take the speech of the other before he would finally turn and appraise this brown-flecked creature before him. He was smaller than the black brute with curious tawny eyes that sparked life in the darkness. He was polite, curious as through he had been utterly unaware of Crucifix?s presence until that moment, and perhaps it was so with the other caught up in whatever venture had led him out here.

?It?s no bother? Crucifix said, turning his whole being to face the intruder. ?It?s a nice spot on stunning night, and I have no qualms with sharing it. I?m curious through, what brings you all the way up here?? he would ask now, his own mad dash had been a strange one, he had been chasing the falling sun.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-16-2014, 09:27 PM

The sun plunged beneath the horizon at last, and the coolness of evening began to creep up on them. Dayton stared evenly at the younger wolf before him as he turned fully around, revealing a strange marking on his shoulder. The earthy boy didn't want to seem rude, but it was hard not to gawk at the dark perpendicular lines in this male's pelt. Finally he lifted his warm gaze to the stranger, also taking in his remarkable amethyst irises. What a bizarre, handsome creature he was, though Dayton would have never said such a thing out loud. Instead he listened to the other boy as he greeted him and asked what had brought him to this tall boulder. Or perhaps to this beach, he wasn't quite sure, but he answered nonetheless. "You're too kind, sir, and it really was a breathtaking sunset." Much like the one he had witnessed when first meeting Misha - this beach seemed to be known for its beautiful evenings.

"As for the answer to your question, I came up here because I thought I saw a pool of water, and..." Dayton let his gaze roam the small area of water and moss. Already he saw the gleam of a pearly white shell. But it was best not to dig it out right this second. Exchange pleasantries with the stranger first. Never turn your back on a wolf you know nothing about. Still, it was best to be honest as he continued to explain his reasons for coming here. "My mate and I were here earlier, you see, and I wished to find a small gift for her. Perhaps a shell or something, a pretty trinket, you know."

The boy gave a friendly smile as his gaze lingered on the white gleam in the pool. Definitely a shell. He wished he could pull it out now and look at it, but still he resisted. He should talk a little longer before ignoring the stranger completely. That would be rude as well as unwise. So the smile remained as the smaller male took a slight bow. "But where are my manners? My name is Day. It's a pleasure to meet you."




2 Years
04-16-2014, 10:38 PM

The boy would watch the other after speaking, taking him in and appraising his reactions. He had not met many inward people, fate having clashed him so far with those quite happy to speak their mind. He could however see something more reserved in this boy?s eyes and manner, something beneath the polite fa?ade. The black brute would nod his head lightly in acknowledgment of what had been a beautiful sunset behind him ?with summer days gone there might not be as many clear days to enjoy them? he mused, thoughts still on the sight now gone.

A few moments would pass, and the brute would catch the glance to the watery crevice as through this boy searched for something there. He was also surprised at the story this stranger had to tell, about his time already spent on the beach with a being he loved. He almost failed to stop the eye roll that was sure to offend his guest. The brute simply didn?t buy into the mushy side of things... It was the play and the teasing that was more up his alley... he could almost imagine the taste of raspberries on the tip of his tongue. It was with a force of will that he brought himself back to the present in time to hear the others name. ?Day?? he asked, curiosity bringing more emotion to his tone as his eyes fully focused once more on this brute. Day, he thought, seemed an odd name. ?Well.. I?m Crucifix, it?s nice to meet you, and really, if you want the shell, go for it? he laughed, his deep laughter oddly soft as he shook his head in amusement.

Rising for the first time since the sun had set he would take a few steps forward to gently pick out the silvery gleaming item that had caught the others eye. He would hold it so lightly between his muzzle that he could barely even feel it there as he moved yet again to dip his head and place it gently on the stone before Day. Maybe he didn?t believe in the mushy stuff, but he wasn?t a complete asshole about it either. ?What?s her name?? he asked gently, sensing, or assuming because of the head-over-heels attitude the other boosted that it was a new found thing, and thus, he would be dying to share his tale.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-17-2014, 07:37 PM

Dayton continued to watch the stranger carefully as he spoke of disappearing summer days. "I suppose you're right about that," he replied. "And what a shame that is. But I guess there's always next year." Even as the male spoke, his words polite and optimistic, he began to worry. Winters had always been difficult for him with his light and fragile build, but now his thoughts were moving to Misha. She was even smaller than the russet boy. He couldn't imagine how awful it would be if she were to catch a cold or some other illness as a result of the weather. When he returned to Tortuga he would have to find a den for them. He would need to keep her body warm and her stomach full. Dayton needed to protect her.

His attention snapped back into place as the other boy addressed the shell in the pool. He had stepped forward to pick it up and was now carrying it gently in his mouth. Dayton noted the careful way he held it and have a smile of appreciation as the shiny object was laid at his feet. "Thank you,." he whispered, leaning down to examine it. The small shell was indeed beautiful, with an oplaescent quality to it. Yes, this was the gift he would bring home to Misha. Dayton glanced up at the other male as he gave his introduction. "Nice to meet you, Crucifix... That's another name for a cross, yeah? No doubt because of that unique mark on your shoulder - if you don't mind my saying so."

It was then that Crucifix asked for her name. He seemed only politely interested, but the older boy chose to answer anyway. To spare his acquaintance any unneeded disgust, Dayton kept the dizzying grin from his lips. He simply looked friendly as he answered, "Her name is Misha."




2 Years
04-17-2014, 09:28 PM

Crucifix would offer an easy smile at the words of next year, they where both young after all and there where plenty of years ahead. He would also catch the smile of appreciation and knew that his instincts had been right, that this was what had caught his eye. He could just have easily snapped it between his jaws, in show of his own feelings towards this 'eternal love' that showed in the glisten of this boys eyes. But, just because he could never bring himself to believe in such fates of the world did not mean he should bring himself to be so cruel. For him his family became his uttermost concern in life, to watch and protect them when so clearly so many had thought them easy prey. Perhaps in part it was the fate of sisters that had sworn him so readily off love.

The comment to the cross that adorned his shoulder surprised Crucifix, in an odd way it was such a part of him that he easily passed over its existence, forgetting it was there entirely. ?Yes, its our family marking? He admitted, considering it was hardly a secret, with the way the Black family had swarmed across the Alacritis lands. He wouldn't be surprised if half the wolves who lived here had heard about this marking, this family birthmark by now. ?Misha? That's a nice name. Just remember to do well by her? he said softly. He held no allegiance to this 'Misha' but thoughts of his sisters, his protectiveness towards him had reminded him that it had been his own gender that had so wronged and hurt them. Although truly, he doubted that this Day could do anything to harm his Misha, not with that puppy adorance that that brightened his features into such a loving caress, he was clearly smitten by this girl. Cru found that he was not all jealous of this boys fate, he could never imagine himself to utter caught up, so enslaved by love to mate.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-17-2014, 11:24 PM

In the short silence that followed, Dayton looked back at the small shell. HIs head moved down and his jaws parted, sending a small lick across the surface of the object. There were a few tiny grains of sand there. He licked once more to clean it, making a slight face as the sand entered his mouth. He wiped his tongue on his paw quickly and looked up at Crucifix once more.

"You say it's a family marking? How many of you are there?" After all, if it was a common marking of the bloodline and there were more wolves like him, Dayton figured he would have seen the strange cross somewhere before. He glanced at it again before his attention was diverted. More thoughts of Misha. "Yes, and she's lovely. So sweet and beautiful... trust me, sir, I would never dream of hurting her. She's been hurt once before, by an old mate. False love. One of the worst crimes there is, wouldn't you agree?" But no, rape was a worse crime that false love. Dayton knew that from experience. The boy shook his small head in surprise. Those thoughts had been completely unforeseen. It had been a long time since he had last thought of his father. It was an unpleasant surprise.

And one that needed to be forgotten. He scrambled to change the subject. "So we've talked about why I came up here. What brought you to this beach on this fine evening?" The boy smiled companionably. For whatever reason, he was beginning to like Crucifix. His lifestyle seemed carefree and polite at the same time, a strange but refreshing combination.




2 Years
04-18-2014, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 02:28 PM by Crucifix.)

The brutes words would return to the marking that Crusade boosted against his left shoulder, it seemed to be something that caught the eyes and interest of others quite easily, which seemed fair enough considering such a large and obvious birthmark must be a rare sight. Was was stranger still, was how all of Cru's family wore this marking of the flesh, a marking they had not given themselves but given by some strange twist of fate. ?A few of us, we seem to be finding each-other again here in this land? he said, oddly cautious not to give too much away about his family ? he was very protective of those wolves who shared his blood, and well this wolf was clearly a harmless boy he could bare it to be him to let knowledge out that could return to hurt them.

His thoughts returned to the present, but thoughts and memories of his sister would not fade, instead they would crystallize in his mind as this boy asked if fake love was the worst of crimes. He bit back the snarl he felt within his throat, that outcry at the fate of his sister, that fake laugh did not seem as cruel to him as a stranger forcing their being upon his sisters. The mere thought of brought red to his eyes. He fought to bring his sanity back to him, the calm that this beautiful night should grant him. ?I suppose it is a bad one.? he said, not able to bring himself to mention the fate of his sisters, it was not for the world to know, and others knowing and remembering would only worsen their suffering. Well... he supposed one wasn't rape, one was this 'false love' this boy spoke of, only worse, for she adored him even as he used her. ?Yes.. one of the worst in fact? after all, in his mind it was terrible enough for him to contemplate the death of the doer.

This boy before him, Day, spoke again now and this time his words would chase away the anger that clogged Cru's veins, it brought him back to reality and to the moment as he asked why Cru had found himself here. ?Actually, I chased the sunset - -this turned out to be the last great point to see it by before it vanished? he said this with a grin, as through chasing the sunset was one of the most normal things in the world.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-18-2014, 10:14 AM

Both males seemed to be lost in their own thoughts for a moment. Dayton, of course, was trapped in the dark net of his own tragedy, trying terribly hard not to think of his father. He couldn't let himself think of that nightmarish day, for whenever he did the feelings came rushing back. The hot, stinking breath on his face. The sharp pain of teeth in his scruff. The other pain... that he couldn't even begin to think about. His amber eyes pinched shut as he banished the thoughts and focused on the younger boy across from him. Crucifix seemed to struggle with some memories for a brief moment as well, holding in a growl. Dayton kindly averted his eyes and let the male think things over. His eyes rested on the perfect little shell at his feet. Then he spoke softly, "I am glad to hear that you are being reunited with your family. There is nothing better than the bond between parents and siblings." Besides true love, of course, but by some intuition Dayton assumed that this carefree boy would scoff at that. And the reverent way he had spoken of his family showed how much he cared for them. Dayton had loved his mother, of course, and his younger sister. After all, he had sacrificed his innocence for her. Her eventual death still gnawed at his heart.

Luckily, the topic was soon changed. Crucifix seemed as grateful as Dayton was for this. He answered the russet boy's question with a sort of mischievous manner. So he had chased the sun to this point, racing its burning rays to the top of this high boulder. The smaller boy let a grin brighten his face. "An interesting way to enjoy the beauty of nature, that's for sure." He laughed a little. "Remind me to try that sometime." As long as the thoughts of his father stayed far away, Dayton would be happy. The two males grinned at each other for a moment as the darker memories faded away. But they would always be there, waiting for them.




2 Years
04-18-2014, 05:00 PM

Through his smile, the brutes eyes would continue to study and wonder at this boy before him. As Cru had found himself in his thoughts, this boys had gone somewhere as well, and that place was definitely not to his love but to darker memories. There was something more here then he had first seen, that this wasn't just an open, overly polite and love sick creature ? there where layers here he had not seen at first. He would shift against the cooling surface of the rock as he thought it over and he found himself liking the boy before him. Despite his contradicting feelings of disgust over love, he saw that well most of this boys world had become him living for love, there was still a part of him that lived in the real world. He would almost laugh, his own thoughts might not be flattering even as he decided he like the other, but it was ones hold on reality that was a part of the key.

Partly for the sake of conversation, and partly to see if 'family' had been the key to waking the dower thoughts in the others mind, the brute would return to the words of his cross. ?I'm glad to be finding my folk, and do you have family?? he would ask, shifting again on the surface and this time stretching out his limbs, which had burned with the heat of his wild run and now cold with the damp against his bulk. There wasn't much reason to stay here now, with the sunset long gone and the higher rock calling wind to its side. ?Perhaps we should take this conversation back to land? There's no more sun to chase here after all? he would say, with another easy grin.



04-20-2014, 10:00 AM

Both males were, again, quiet for a moment. It was strange to think that they could both be so lost in their own minds, searching for thoughts kept secret from the other. And even as their private thoughts were so separate, something about the shared silence brought them closer. Dayton smiled.

That smile soon began to fall, however, when Crucifix spoke again. The smaller boy wasn't sure if he had resurrected the topic of family merely for the sake of conversation. There seemed to be more to it somehow. The russet boy shook out his coat, putting off his response, and settled into the cooling surface of the stone. The wind was beginning to pick up at a rapid pace - soon it would be difficult for them to speak to each other. But for now, Dayton was expected to answer. "I'm happy for you, sir..." he began, pausing with uncertainty. He should tell the truth to this young man, but the truth could hurt so easily. "You are very fortunate. I, on the other hand, have no real family to speak of. My father was... abusive, and forced my mother to cut off communications with her children. He was cruel to my sister and I, and we managed to escape, but my sister fell to an illness soon after and passed away. As a result, I was left alone in the world. I hope this helps you to understand why I am so desperate to love and be loved by Misha..."

He felt a smirk dance across his maw. "Trust me, had the circumstances been different, I would have ended up much like you - scoffing at the idea of love. But you have family, and for you that is enough."

With his story told, the darkness seemed to deepen and the wind tore around them with a newfound ferocity. Crucifix got to his feet and suggested they move to lower ground, issuing a grateful nod from the russet boy. If the gusts had grown any stronger, surely Dayton would have been tossed into the sea. He grinned at the other male as he joked again about chasing the sun. "Good idea, Crucifix. After you." He nodded his head politely, gesturing for the other wolf to go first. He picked up the shell very delicately in his teeth, and then they both made their way down the rocks and onto the more forgiving sand.




2 Years
04-22-2014, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 06:12 PM by Crucifix.)

It didn't pass Crucifx's attention as the other boy paused for a minute before he would speak, he watched as the fawny coated boy would shake out his fur and wait as the wind picked up around them. He had been right, something about family came as an upset for this boy and Cru found himself wondering what it could be. He himself had been raised in a strongly connected family, a group of beings who loved each other dearly. Well, except of course for Lunatic who had killed their mother and scattered their family for many seasons...

It wasn't cruelty that had driven Cru into asking his question and watching the reaction of the other, it was the sense of sadness that had emitted from the other. Here he had been with thoughts of his lover on his mind and as happy as a puppy in spring. When family had been mentioned he had gone still, and perhaps a little more uncertain ? could it be that whatever worried at him was still a part of his life? If there was someone hurting this boy, Crucifix would not stand for it. Perhaps it was true that he had only just met this russet creature, but there was something innocent and sweet, and hurt about him that reminded him of Twig.

Day spoke of happiness for Cru, and then, with a touch of uncertainty plunged on to tell him a harsh truth. The boy would listen, his eyes intent upon Dayton, watching his expressions across his muzzle, the tone his words fell in as well as the words themselves. The story he told was nothing like Cru's own past, of his separation of his parents being forced by his own father, of his sister falling ill and Day being left on his own. ?I can see? Cru said, somewhat cautiously ?How you would choose to create your own family instead of being content with the ones you where born to? and... he could. Perhaps he scoffed at love, but he also could not and would not deny it to this damaged boy. The story would pause there however, as they moved from the stone, Cru bounding lightly from his perch and continuing on until it was soft sand beneath his pads. The ground beneath him was cool now, with only the barest remembrance of sun across their gritty surface. ?And I'm glad for you that you found your Misha? he said, and a smile would turn up his lips.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-22-2014, 09:21 PM

Dayton leapt from stone to stone, taking caution not to fall as the wind continued to press against him. His small frame shuddered as he followed the other male. Crucifix cleared the jumps with such fluid motions... the russet boy found himself a bit transfixed by it all. His paws slipped slightly on the last boulder, and he stumbled clumsily into the sand, bumping into the younger boy. "I'm sorry, sir, I hadn't meant to slip like that." He murmured around the shell, stepping away as quickly as he could. The sand was smooth under his pads and seemed to still hold a small piece of warmth. The lanky boy settled his feet into the shifting earth, gaining as much stability as he could. Then he dropped the shell carefully and smiled at Crucifix.

"Thanks again for saying such kind things, though I still don't know what kind of a family Misha will make for me. She is much like my sister was, very delicate and vulnerable. But so sweet and kind at the same time..." How else could Dayton explain it? He was worried. What he needed was a rock to lean on, someone to give him a sense of strength and support. The damaged boy was in no shape to be the one providing that support for someone else. But by some miracle, he was already doing it. At this thought, a sigh passed his lips. "If only the family I was given had been enough. I honestly don't know how much I will be able to provide for Misha." Emotional support was unstable enough at this point. What if, someday soon, she asked him for something more? Children of their own, perhaps? That would mean a kind of physical bonding that he was just not ready for.

The male shook his brown and white head, releasing the thoughts from his mind. "I'm sure that this talk of love is boring you, Crucifix," he guessed, his lips curving up in a matching smile. "Would you rather we talk about something else?"




2 Years
04-23-2014, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2014, 03:47 PM by Crucifix.)

Having found his balance against the soft sand the touch of the other boys fur against his own as he stumbled did little to unbalance him. He would offer the other a half smile as he apologised, and Cru found himself wondering if it was the smaller size that had made the jumps more difficult for him. ?I can?t say I?ve ever really been called Sir before today, but really? Cru will do fine? he would say in amusement, keeping firm to help hold the other until Day found his footing again and stepped away from Cru. Here the other would drop the shell to the gritty earth and offer forth a smile to the darker coated wolf, it seemed there was more to be said.

Cru would listen to the others words, but frown even as he did so. Thoughts of Misha being small and delicate would almost be met with amusement, for it seemed to Cru that Day almost matched that description as well. With his small stature and hurt passed he could easily be seen as one that should be protected. He wouldn?t realise how closely the two?s thoughts would run, as Day contemplated how he would protect when he was equally damaged. He would hear some it however in the boys next words, as he admitted he did not know what he could provide. ?If you ask me, I think you could bring her a lot. Clearly, you bring her passion? here he would nod towards the gift at the others feet, a token of his love for Misha. ?You bring her understanding, if she is lost then so once had been you, and if you have not already found your way then you could learn to find it together? Truly, how did Crucifix become the one giving love advice? But he felt so old with all that life had thrown at him, with all that he had grown as he looked at the other boy.

The other, having caught on to Cru?s earlier reaction of love would offer to change the subject, offer that the topic might come across as stuffy and boring to this skeptical boy. ?Perhaps I?m a stranger to the love you have found, but I am not so to the one of loving a sister and needing to protect them even if the knowledge of how was not so easily found?? this line of topic would admit a sigh, surprised that he could be so honest with himself, let alone this strangely comforting boy he had known for barely the passing of an hour. ?I?m not a stranger to become who I need to be with each situations arising..? he would admit it stark and naked honesty, that his very nature was so adaptable that he could become who others needed him to be.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-25-2014, 07:16 AM

The steadiness Crucifix provided in the shifting sand helped the boy to regain his balance. Everything about this younger male seemed to radiate support and strength. He seemed wise beyond his years and had a deep, calming sort of voice that made you feel safe. This boy was truly exceptional, and though he may not have desired a mate at the time, Dayton knew he would make a wonderful husband... perhaps even father. Everything that the russet boy wasn't.

His brown ears had just begun to sag a bit at the thought when that deep voice spoke again, reassuring him. ?If you ask me, I think you could bring her a lot. Clearly, you bring her passion, you bring her understanding, if she is lost then so once had been you, and if you have not already found your way then you could learn to find it together? Again, the silvery male had found the perfect words to say, and everything he said was true. Whether or not Dayton was willing to accept it, he and Misha really were a great match. They understood each other and supported each other - after all, guidance and love weren't only jobs for the husband. Misha provided her share of comfort to him as well.

He smiled again into those amethyst eyes. "Thank you for your honesty, sir - I mean, Crucifix," he amended, honoring his earlier request that he call him by name. "And while I do not know you well, I admire how much you care for your sister. Whoever she is, she is truly a lucky girl to have such a loving, protective brother." This may have been the only similarity between the two wolves. They had both made sacrifices for their sisters, though the sacrifices themselves were probably very different. Dayton kept those darker thoughts at bay and nodded at the other boy. Then he sank into the cooling sand with a relaxed sigh, the shell still poised between his front paws.




2 Years
04-26-2014, 12:15 AM

Unknowing would Crucifix be to the selfless words of support that would radiate in the others mind. He was not however, so unaware of the expressions that passed across his face, a stark honest and innocence there despite the darkness of this boys past. There was something about Day, something so sweet and honest, something so incorruptible that made Cru himself feel old and unclean in comparison. After all, he was not so innocent with his own acts unto this world even if they where not as harsh or cruel as another might have been they where still not entirely clean to the sweetness this boy portrayed.

His lips would former a smile, something easy come against Cru's expression, for despite everything he had just thought he held little regret for his life, and plenty of joy for its experiences. For the boy, Day had once more called him Sir, a slip of the tongue perhaps, as he thanked him for the given honesty. He would incline his head as the other went on the sister love Cru had mentioned, an inclination of thanks at the kind words of the way Cru had spoken of his sisters. ?Perhaps that is so, perhaps it is not. There is plenty that could have been done that wasn't and much I would have liked to change? he would smile, despite the seriousness of his words, smile at his own cryptic speech that was sure to leave the other guessing. But since he had already said much, he supposed he could not leave it at that. ?I was absent in some very troubling times in the lives o my sisters? he would find himself explaining to this boy with a good ear and kind heart. ?But perhaps that will not be so again, perhaps for both of us we would have found a way to be beside those we love? he said as the boy sank into the soft embrace of the sand. He himself would sit and look into the others eyes, and far away in the same instant. He felt and odd kindred connection to this being now, for his ways and his kindness.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-26-2014, 08:48 PM

The moments of silence that hung between them were extraordinary. Short as they were, one could practically feel the contrasting thoughts that hung in the night air. Each word that was spoken evoked different thoughts, memories, responses... Dayton's warm gaze rested on the other boy in a distant sort of curiosity, thinking of Misha once more. If only he knew what Crucifix was thinking about.

The russet boy gave another sweetened smile as his acquaintance spoke again. "There is no doubt in my mind that this is true, Crucifix. Trust me when I say that you are a wonderful person inside and out. I know this already, and I've only just met you." As for his other comment, however, he didn't know how to respond. Even as Crucifix explained his cryptic words, the other was at a bit of a loss. "May I ask... what happened?" The smaller boy spoke gently and carefully, his voice soft as he asked the question. After all, he wouldn't feel very comfortable if the other wolf had asked him to reveal his dark past. "Don't feel obligated to tell me, I only wondered. Pardon me for being so rude. It's none of my business what happened to your siblings."

Dayton bowed and pawed at the shell, distracting himself for a moment by averting his eyes. Of course Crucifix didn't need to answer. Those hidden thoughts that hung in the air could stay there. Why stir up the calm waters between the two boys? It was stupid of him to ask in the first place.

In that moment, he felt a strange burst of decisive energy. If the darker boy revealed what had been done to his sisters, then so too would Dayton reveal his own tragedy. It was only fair, and besides, he felt a strange kindred trust in Crucifix already. What could be harmed by telling his story? The cards had been dealt. It wouldn't change the horror of the past.




2 Years
04-26-2014, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 11:07 PM by Crucifix.)

The two where an odd, yet matching company, who could not be more different nor more alike. Perhaps it was for this strangeness that his words had slipped out in oddly contradicting ways. For the first past, Day seemed to follow his words and tell him that he did not doubt that Cru was a good wolf, and he would nod his head, accepting the compliment without protest despite his thoughts that Day was clearly the better of the trio. But of course, it was easily predictable that Cru would not be able to get away with simply the words he had spoken as the boy asked now what had happened. He warred with himself for a moment, unwilling to tell family matters to this strange, to spread the woos of his sisters that where better left forgotten. But the sincere kindness of the boy would win out ahead, and he would incline his head in agreement to the question, yes, he could ask what had happened.

A smile work turn the corners of his lips, and his eyes would move back to this boy. He had spoken again, clearly embarrassed for prying. No, there was not a cruel bone in this boys body and perhaps it would hurt none to tell the tail, and perhaps even rest the unease his soul if just a little. ?My Twig, my dear Twig was raped, and was forced to bear a child of the doer Then when she had fallen in love with the thoughts of this unborn life it would be conceived as a stillborn? he said softly, averting his gaze, unwilling and unable to let Day see the anger that still burned at these thoughts. A fire raged in his heart, a fire that held none of this boys innocence, and every bit of Cru's shadier parts of life. Oh, he was willing to tear the one who had done this to shreds, to taste their blood. This, perhaps, was the biggest difference between these two boys. ?My other sister, she was caught up in the love of one who abused and used her and still she can not let go.? he would offer now a dry laughter. ?Perhaps it is easy to see how I have come to scorn love so easily.? But not Day's Love.. that one was so innocent and clear and strange.. that he knew it was a far cry from the one Cru spoke of.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-26-2014, 10:54 PM

The boy lifted his amber eyes hesitantly, peeking up at the other with a look of heavily veiled curiosity. For a moment he couldn't really believe that Crucifix was telling these stories. Dayton was a stranger to him, wasn't he? Well, something must have changed his heart, for now the words were moving freely into the air, whipping the once unknown thoughts to shreds. His sister, Twig - what an oddly delightful name - had been raped just as Dayton had been. Not exactly as Dayton had been, but still. And the worst part of it all was that she had come to love the unborn child... and it had not survived to see the light of its first day.

The russet male made a small choking noise, suppressing tears for a moment as he felt the weight of grief for this poor innocent girl. How awful could it be for her now? What sort of depression must she be living under? "How terrible," he murmured, open eyes saturated with pain and sadness. "You should know, Crucifix... I was..." His voice died for a moment. Then he tried again, a heavy sigh passing his lips.

"I was raped as well. By... my own father. He was a twisted man who had tried to rape my sister, and when I stepped in to stop it he turned to me. I suppose he saw me as a female and he... well..." The small feminine brute pinched his eyes against the memories, pushing them away as Crucifix shared a story of false love much like the one Misha had experienced. And yet it was different, too. This sister was still in love. Misha wasn't. Was she?

He cleared the thoughts from his mind and looked at his companion in silence. Their worlds were so different and yet so similar. Black and white but both devoid of color. Now hopefully things would change. Their futures were looking up. "Yes, I do understand how you could grow to scoff at love. Like I said before, I would too. But as soon as it happens to you, everything changes. I really hope it happens to you someday, my friend." His words were genuine. This loyal boy deserved his happiness as well.
