
hopeless wanderer



7 Years
03-18-2014, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 07:33 AM by Quintus.)

Quintus was lost. Both physically, and emotionally, the boy was lost. He had briefly followed his parents, but hadn't been sure about joining Ebony with them. And really, it was no surprise; he was hardly a yearling, after all, and prone to think that he knew better than his parents. Though he respected them gratefully -- perhaps the only wolves besides his siblings that he ever showed much tact towards -- he did not know where he wanted to reside. Seracia was strange without them, and without Cassius and Amalia around. He would still visit his younger siblings soon, but he needed some time away.

His mother had told him as a child of his Valhallan family. He had aunts and uncles and so many cousins. Even a grandmother, though she was not his mom's birth mother. He had never met them, but in the midst of an emotional (and rather aimless) journey, he decided he ought to go west. He'd never been so far west, and he didn't know how long it took him. The brown-furred boy found these lands just as unfamiliar as all the others, though it was hard to tell in the midst of night. A sigh escaped his pursed lips as the scent of water reached his nose. Also surrounding him was the scent of pack wolves. It was not entirely unlike the scent of his own home; it was merely different.

Confusion fogged his mind as he pressed onward. He didn't know who lived here, only knew that part of him was hoping he encountered some family that he had not yet met. Large paws would carry him to the lakeside, where he lowered himself down quite haphazardly. He would lower his muzzle briefly to the warm water, lapping at it for a moment before pulling away. Darkness would engulf him, and he would slowly drift into a state of semi-consciousness, on the brink of sleep but never quite daring to give in.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2014, 12:49 AM

Erani was meandering through Valhalla, enjoying the atmosphere. Part of her was saying, savor the peace while it lasts. Seraphine had arrived at the gathering, her cold hatred an icy thorn in the otherwise happy occasion. The young female had obviously lost against Isardis, and had lost the use of one eye. Someday, Isardis? own pride would bring him crashing to the earth in shattered fragments, at one wolf?s jaws or the other?s. She knew better than to think it would be her own jaws. She was old, and while the age gave her experience, she wasn?t delusional in thinking she would hold up against the Albino bastard.

No, his fall would come at the paws of another wolf, though she had hoped Seraphine would deal that fall. She doubted, however, that Seraphine would be staying in Valhalla. She seemed to view them all as something disgusting. And why? Because she had hardly ever made attempts to mingle, and few knew her well? Because they had lost a war? She shook her head, deciding to turn her mind away from the thoughts for the time being.

A scent brushed over her nose and she paused, head cocked. The scent was familiar, but? She turned and headed toward it at a trot. As she came upon the young wolf, she slowed, studying him. And then she had it. A smile pulled at her muzzle. The last time she?s seen this young wolf, he?d just slipped from his mother, Epiphron. She approached, settling beside her grandson. ?Quintus Nero Adravendi Mathias. What brings you so far from Seracia?? Deep blue eyes were warm as she looked him over. Epiphron and Maverick had come together to create this young male, and he was handsome already. ?I?m your grandmother, Erani, and the last time I saw you, you were just born.?



7 Years
03-19-2014, 07:31 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 07:33 AM by Quintus.)

Slowly he had given in to sleep, though it was certainly not a deep one. He did not know how long he slept -- all he knew was that when he was finally roused from sleep, the stars had disappeared, masked by the sun's brilliant lights. It was a voice that woke him from his slumber, and groggily he blinked sleepiness from his eyes, taking a long moment to focus on the woman that rested beside him.

Mind foggy from sleep, he stared at her for a long moment. A soft grumble of protest escaped his throat, nonsensical sounds. But her words became clear to him as the young boy woke from sleep. She knew his name. Claimed to be his grandmother. This was Erani? The two-faced boy cocked his head to the side, wondering how she knew. He assumed he smelled of his parents, and his red markings were characteristic of Maverick's bloodline. "Oh," he murmured, voice still thick with sleep. "I don't live in Seracia anymore. Don't live anywhere." His browns furrowed, and his brain struggled to form coherent sentences after being awoken so suddenly. "Mom and dad went to live in a new pack. Guess they were bored. Wait, you're Erani?" He had heard great things of her -- she had essentially raised his mother, and was ultimately his grandmother.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2014, 09:45 PM

The young male had been napping, it seemed. A soft smile tugged at her muzzle as his response reached her ears, though she was curious as to why Maverick and Epiphron were leaving Seracia for a new pack. Regretfully, she was unaware that they had changed rule to another wolf, or that they had three more pups for her to meet. With her red eared daughter, she was painfully behind on details. However, that was set aside as he caught up on her introduction. ?The very same, grandson. I?ve been meaning to come over and see you and your family for the longest time. However, I?ve a pack to run, and that?s been taking most of my spare time. That and the odd nap.? A soft chuckle laced her last remark, deep blue gaze glittering with gentle mirth.

She studied her grandson. He took after his father in build, from her memory of Maverick from her last visit. Epiphron?s influence was undoubtedly in the way the darker color of her face only marked his head. While Epiphron only had one ear daubed in the dark redbrown, she came from the same litter as Chrysanthe, who?s entire face and the opposite ear from Epiphron?s marking, were dipped with the same color. If you too the mark from Epiphron, it would fit perfectly over the white that broke Chrysanthe?s pattern. Quintus would be a strong wolf like his father, Erani could tell. He was young still, but he had potential.

The fact that he wasn?t living anywhere lit in her mind, and she studied him. ?Would you like to stay in Valhalla for a while? Perhaps learn a few things to help you later in life?? To have yet another member of her family close by, that would add a great deal to the happiness in her heart.



7 Years
03-26-2014, 08:00 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2014, 08:01 AM by Quintus.)

Quintus had been rather blessed thus far in life, even if he did not realize or even acknowledge it. He'd never really had to work particularly hard for anything. He might've been forced to, had his parents remained as King and Queen of Seracia, but it seemed that fate had other things in store for them. He was selfish and ungrateful for how good things had been -- and he had grown largely bitter than it had been taken away from him. If only he knew the reality check he would be thrown in this pack...

Quintus was still groggy even as Erani continued to sleep. "You haven't met any of my brothers or sisters, huh?" He understood why, and didn't really care whether or not she had, but it seemed a bit strange to him regardless. Though he finally knew how far away the two lands were, and knew he himself wouldn't be trekking back and forth constantly to see anyone. "My youngest siblings are in Seracia still, I think. Dunno where Ama and Cass are. Think Arian went to stay with Uncle Syrinx." He didn't think that Erani might not know all of his siblings names, nor that she was unaware that his parents had conceived another litter. He smiled toothily at her quip, deciding he liked her, even if she was a bit old.

Erani offered him a place to stay. He didn't know if it would be permanent, if he even knew what he wanted for his future, but he wondered if he would be welcome to live there for more than a few weeks. A sigh left his lips. "Sure." he said finally. He was a blunt boy -- had never quite caught on to the manners that his parents had tried to instill in him. "I have more family here, don't I?" He knew vague details. His aunt lived here. So did some cousins. He paused for a moment. "What kinda stuff will you teach me?"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2014, 09:42 AM

Quintus? remark on siblings caused one brow point to rise in mild surprise. Did that mean Epiphron and Maverick had already had another litter? Heavens, they moved quickly. ?I?m very sorry to say I have not. But I will most certainly do my best to remedy that.? A soft smile crossed her muzzle as she spoke, and then she paused to listen to his listing of the family locations. She would have to take a trip to their sister pack and meet them.

When Quintus accepted her offer of a home in Valhalla, Erani smiled, nodding at his question. ?There?s your Aunt Chrysanthe, myself, your Cousin Odette, whom Chrysanthe adopted, like your parents did Arian. There?s also your Uncle Valerius. And many others that I?ve adopted. If you count my own children, the family gets larger and larger. Surreal, and Lyric, to name two of them. You?ve also got your cousin Guinevere here, too.? Though for how long, Erani had to wonder. Guinevere seemed to be drifting further and further away.

To Quintus? next query, she smiled. ?Healing, Hunting, Fighting, how to pass through the land undetected, and read the signs of nature. Whichever of the three skillsets you?re best in, you will take that rank; Eta, or healer, Sigma, hunter, and Gamma, fighter. In Valhalla, wolves are to learn all three, to be as prepared as possible.? Deep blue gaze rested on the male, as she wondered what he would excel in.



7 Years
04-04-2014, 07:52 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2014, 07:53 AM by Quintus.)

He was not the kind of boy to possess much foresight, nor one to spend much time assessing the options he had been presented with. Erani seemed okay, and he figured his other relatives would be decent as well, at the very least. Maybe he'd even make a friend or two here. Though he was a yearling now, he had the mind of a child still, still arrogant and naive -- truly oblivious to the hardships of the world.

"Hm," he mumbled softly after a moment of thought. He'd heard many things about his aunt Chrysanthe, but not much about the others. He wondered silently if his mom had even met all of them. She hadn't left home for a long time, he knew that, since moving to Ebony.

Erani spoke of the three areas in which he would be trained. Healing, hunting, and fighting. He could hunt well enough, but didn't care about healing. "I think hunting would be best for me," he told her. He didn't love the thought of fighting, and healing just seemed dumb to him. Useful, but boring. Who really wanted to walk around looking at grass all day? "So can I stay wherever here? And are there a bunch of rules I need to follow?" He wasn't used to being an adult and taking care of himself, but rather accustomed to his parent's rules and rather lax style of parenting he'd been given.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 02:18 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani studied Quintus as he gave it some thought, a small hum thrumming from his maw, one ear perked forward upon her head. As he took in her explanation, and gave his answer, she nodded. ?Then I will be very glad to hear of your helping out with hunting. We haven?t many primary hunters, mostly etas and gammas. Your help will be greatly appreciated. As for your mentors, I will announce them at the next meeting. We have another young hunter, recently ranked. Ravine. I think you and he should get to know one another.? To make friends was to move forward, and having someone who would have your back in a sticky place was always a good thing.

Quintus? questions were met with a thoughtful smile. ?Well, you?re free to make your den anywhere, or, you can stay in mine. My den can fit the whole pack. It?s at the heart of Vericona plains, in that big wooded hill, left, on the path, down a ravine. Should be easy to find, and someone will point you there if you ask.? The smile fell to a serious look as she stared into his eyes. ?Though you are family, I expect you to work hard, and prove yourself. Even my children have to work hard, or they would be demoted. Valhalla needs every paw in it working to keep us fed, healthy, and safe. Slacking will not be tolerated. Respect to others is key, and pride is acceptable, but if you see yourself as better than anyone else, and pride dictates your actions, you will be brought back to earth with a strong reminder that too much pride will be met with displeasure.? Yes, the list of rules was long, but he needed to hear them, and she voiced them clearly, and slowly, making sure he heard everything.

?Valhalla is a family. We may butt heads now and then, but differences will be set aside. If you have any problems, or arguments, bring them to me. Honesty is a trait we view as very good here, and honor as well. If you still live here when you are old enough to take interest in a mate, I would like to know who you choose, and if you plan for children. Meetings are not something you may decide not to attend. If I call the pack, everyone is expected to arrive. Challenging for ranks is acceptable, but in truth, I would love to see you, and any wolf, really, work hard for the rewards of a higher rank. And if you should decide that Valhalla is not the place for you after all, let me know if you wish to leave. I will do my best to set you on the road well prepared.? She paused, letting him digest this information, until she felt he had it all memorized. Then continued in a voice that was final as the death stroke of an executioner?s axe.

?If you betray us to our enemies, Glaciem, and any they are allied with, the punishment will be the removal of the tongue, to remind you forever that your words were what lost it, and exile, and should you ever return to our borders, you will be met with hostility. If you rape someone, your punishment is a long, painful death. If you murder someone, your punishment will be death. Never forget these rules.? And they had been voiced with such a cold voice, it was doubtful that they would be forgotten.

She added in a less dangerous tone, ?Disrespect for anyone, be they pup or myself and the other ranking members, will see you demoted from whatever rank you have attained at the time, and depending on the level of disrespect given, you will be demoted to Omega, you may work your way back up from there, but expect to work extremely hard. Slacking will see you demoted to Epsilon.? Deep blue pools pierced the young male, deep into his green eyes. ?Am I clear, Quintus??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
04-19-2014, 07:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2014, 07:47 AM by Quintus.)

Erani seemed pleased that he chose hunting, and a childish grin made its way over his features. He made a mental note of the other young hunter that he ought to meet -- Ravine. Perhaps hunting wouldn't be so bad, he decided. Certainly better than the other options, he was sure of that.

Almost immediately after he asked about the rules of the pack, Quintus Nero found himself regretting it. He honestly hadn't expected such a huge speech to come from his simple question. The Kingdom of Seracia had been more simple. This Valhalla pack was sounding more complicated by the minute. As she spoke, his nose would wrinkle and his gaze would drift away from her, though his ears remained perked attentively. Briefly he would let his stare stray to hers, but he found its intensity a bit much for him, and it was easier to stare at his paws as she spoke to him.

Work hard. No slacking. Respect. Be honest. Go to meetings. Removal of the tongue in case of betrayal? And death in case of rape. His eyes were wide, wondering if she said these things because she thought he might be capable of such awful things. He wasn't always the most empathetic of creatures, nor the kindest at times, but cruel was something he was not. He'd always been a loyal boy, albeit a bit brash and blunt when it wasn't exactly needed.

"Am I clear, Quintus?" He let his gaze fall back on her, nodding slowly. "Yes, crystal clear." She was more than clear with the last rules. Quintus knew it was more likely he'd be scolded for being lazy than punished for any kind of betrayal.. or worse. His nose wrinkled at the thought.