
thought you were beside me



5 Years
04-12-2014, 09:28 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2014, 09:28 AM by Aldoro.)
ooc: so short sorry

...Why did she have to disappear? What did he ever do to deserve this...? Cause her to grow pregnant? Make her soft and cause her to loose a challenge? He didn't even have the chance to say goodbye...or to pour over his children like a father should. But no. Instead, one day he leaves her, the next she is gone. Gone for a long period of time...and of course, she's gone when she's helpless and pregnant! The man has searched only a few places and has found nothing, not even a small sign of his beloved wife. He still has yet to look everywhere. But now he would just mourn over her and his children. Mourn while listening to the sound of the waves, rolling over the pale sand and crashing up against rocks. It was like listening to a song while the memories of him and Six flickered throughout his mind. As he thought, tears would roll down his cheeks and drip onto the sand like water off the limb of a tree. The man needed someone to speak to, or someone to look to while he mourned. But who was there now...? The man felt like he was all alone...without anyone.



04-12-2014, 11:21 AM

Head bobbed left and right as the girl hummed to herself, sitting in the sand, paws bring it up into a pile and smoothing it out. She had been wanting to relax on the beach for some time now, but it kept getting pushed aside, so today she had decided that nothing would stop her, even the weather cooling down for the coming winter. The pile would be smoothed out further, the walls almost a flat vertical surface on each side. It wasn't the perfect sand castle ever, but the girl was still trying.

Something would make her stop though, something in the corner of her vision, dark, moving along the shore. Slowly she lifted her head and turned to see what it was, copper gaze focusing on a dark pelted wolf wth white markings on its back and chest. Carefully she would rise and give a small shake of her rear, dismissing the sand from her butt, ready to flee, but osmething would stop her.

The wolf, he or she looked down, sad, and Koi couldn't just leave without at least trying to cheer them up first. So with a deep breath she would set off at a casual walk, making it so that she would approach from in front, not wanting to surprise the wolf. "Um... excuse me." Voice was gentle, kind. Ears folded back as she stopped just a few feet in front of the, what she could see now as a male, gazing down at her paws briefly before looking back up to him. "I don't mean to bother you but... are you okay?"


Awesome table by Tealeh <3



5 Years
04-18-2014, 08:10 AM

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A salty breeze kissed his face as he began to slow his pace, then stop uneasily to gaze at the sea for awhile. He could so easily remember the time him and his beloved mate, the first time they met, fell asleep together in the Col. Then so many events after that he could never forget...the spar, firefly lake...and then the last time he saw her. The snowfields. His pups, gone, his wife, gone, everything. The man couldn't just repeat it in his mind enough to ensure is was real. But suddenly, another salty breeze hugged his face, and a new scent slithered into his nostrils. Then a voice followed. "Um...excuse me." This voice sounded very light and soft. Almost as whoever was speaking to him was resistant to even approach. The man slowly twisted his head until he could catch the young girl in his two, bi-colored eyes. A smile overcame his expressionless face before he lowered onto his hindquarters and continued to listen. "I don't mean to bother you but...are you okay?"

It was mighty brave for this slender girl to approach him like so. And to ask if he was okay. The boy was growing very lonely from the loss of what he loved maybe this girl could be his new friend? To talk to? Aldoro bit his lower lip for a moment before sighing and responding, Well, no not exactly. The man paused for a moment and began to examine her frame. He had to admit, she had quite a fantastic display. Especially with the red-looking stripe coming up the back of her neck and to the point of her forehead. How unique. But the thought of complimenting her faded as he continued to speak, My wife disappeared, and she's pregnant. So I feel helpless and...just depressed.




04-19-2014, 06:28 PM
sowwy for shortness /:

It only took a few short seconds for the stranger to look towards her when she spoke, at first not answering her right away, just sitting down in the sand before smiling and responding. Koi was right, the man admitted to not being okay. Ears slowly rose, but they would not fully stand atop her head. The man informed the girl that his wife disappeared, and that she was pregnant. Brows came together and a faint whine escaped her lips, how horrible, to lose your wife who was pregnant, life growing within her just disappearing. No wonder he looked so sad looking. "I'm sorry, do you know where she could be?" Koi asked curiously, voice gentle as the corners of her lips rose in a small smile. "Koi could help you, well.." Her head tilted to the side, back legs folding beneath her so she could sit in the sand as well, a leg lifting and scratching behind her head. "She could try to help." Leg fell back to the ground, giving a small nod of her head.


Awesome table by Tealeh <3