
Give Up The Goat



4 Years
04-20-2014, 03:18 PM

OOC: Warja needs to make some new friends. ONLY those with non-maimy rapey intentions please!

Flying down the mountainside, Warja chased after a small goat. The creature was sure-footed and far too swift for her, but she wasn't quite ready to give up the hunt. How cool would it be to bring home a goat that she'd caught all on her own? Any second now it would trip. She was sure of it.

Tiring quickly, Warja poured all of her remaining energy into a final push. She ran all out, every inch of her morphing into a sleek racing machine. Inch by inch her paws ate up the ground between her and the goat. It was so close she could taste it. Her mind's eye painted the picture of her teeth sinking into its haunch and them both tumbling to the ground. Hooves would fly and the dust would rise, but it would be too late for the little goat. Before it could squeal she'd be at its throat and strangling it. The beast would fall limp and she'd stand over it triumphant.

That's not what happened though. Her energy stores depleted, Warja began to fall behind. The distance between them grew until she didn't have a prayer. The goat could trip and somersault and still have enough time to get to its hooves. Warja gave up the chase. She slowed to a walk, her eyes never leaving the goat's form. In seconds it was gone, flying between the rocks and disappearing out of sight.

Exasperated, Warja flopped down and rolled over onto her side to recover.



04-20-2014, 05:04 PM

Earlier that afternoon, the boy had thought about taking a little hike through the mountains. Just to enjoy a little self time and the fresh air up high. And so, he did. The boy was at peace. He loved taking little walks through pretty places. And this place, so far, was beautiful. He liked climbing the mountains, looking through the distance, etc.. But now he was on leveled ground, strolling through the bushes and the shade of a few trees. As he strolled, he thought about the purple wolf he met not too long ago. She was fascinating and very pretty...but the aroma of another wolf was on her. A shame, really. He was kind of into that cute little confidence of a wolf. So he had lost interest in her immediately. Besides, there were plenty of other girls out there! Some weird, some awkward...but some perfect. He wanted to meet someone perfect. For now he'd just stroll and enjoy life while he was still living!

But suddenly he was abruptly cut off as the sound of rocks crashing together slithered into his ears. Ears pricking forward, Rivulet focused his eyes straight forward and began to drink in the air around him. Goat, wolf. But the smell of goat was closer. That's what he'd focus on a bit more. The banana boy took a step of unease, when suddenly, a big white figure propelled before him. Gaping, Rivulet whirled around and watched it hobble around him in shock. No time to waste...? The man twisted his whole massive frame around and sprung forward, wrapping his forearms around the goat and sending a split maw into it's spine. The two fell over together and nearly slipped down the hill, but Rivulet caught himself and continued his work. Blood gushed into his mouth and his ivories began to ache as the goat squirmed uncontrollably in his jaws. He worked his way up the goat while managing to remain holding it down, until he finally got his teeth around the neck. Squeezing, he felt a soft pop, taking note that he had guessed his spot right. The beast let out a squeal and managed to weakly kick him in the gut. But it was not enough to send him backward.

Rivulet grunted and continued to squeeze down hard on the goat, suffocating it, killing it. And after a few moments the job was finished. The patched man slowly pushed himself onto his paws and glanced around aimlessly. When he first saw the goat, it looked exhausted and panicked. Someone else must of been chasing it but gave up...? Taking a moment to catch his breath, the man licked his bloody lips and bit into the goat's rear end. He began to drag the goat the way it appeared, until suddenly the wolf scent he detected earlier grew strong. And he thought it would of fled by now...! Rivulet released the dead goat and glanced down, seeing a grey and blackish looking figure somewhat below him.
He took hold of the goat again and made his way to the stranger calmly, yielding before their sprawled out body and dropping the goat. The man smiled down at her exhausted body and stretched his paw out to nudge her gently. A few muffled words slipped off his tongue. I'm assuming this is your goat? The girl looked exhausted. Her sides heaved, she was rolled onto her sides...unless she was just relaxing while breathing heavily? What a weird procedure. Nah, this was her goat. He knew it.




4 Years
04-20-2014, 06:19 PM

Panting heavily, Warja stretched out even further across the uneven ground. She took up as much space as possible in the hopes that she'd cool down faster. The process wouldn't take too terribly long with the weather the way it was. Winter was on its way in and the land was beginning to freeze over at night. This was nothing new for the mountains; it happened nearly all year round at certain heights; what marked the turning point in the seasons was that instead of thawing during the day, the frozen terra remained just that...frozen and the days that it did manage to thaw were growing farther apart.

Colored spots flared up in her vision and Warja was forced to close her eyes or risk becoming dizzy. The stretching out plan was beginning to work, but she couldn't get her breathing under control. Every attempt at calming it succeeded in steadying only a few breaths before her need for more air caused her to draw in deeply. She was so focused on her breathing that the approach of the brute went unnoticed and it wasn't until he nudged her that she became aware of his presence. The touch was unexpected and startling, and Warja jumped. She sat up quickly and stared at the stranger. Perhaps she should have been more wary of him, but the moment it registered that he was wolf and not a hungry bear she began to relax.

"I'm assuming this is your goat?" Her goat? Warja's eyes drifted to to the carcass behind him. Understanding hit her and was marked by a short exclamation. "Oh!" He caught it! She laughed, shaking her head incredulously. Truly, the fae had thought the goat was long gone. That it was laying there within reach was hard to believe. "Well, you caught it, so I can hardly claim it as mine."



04-20-2014, 06:45 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? The man bubbled out a soft bit of laughter as the woman jumped up, startled. She sure was jumpy- but he liked wolves like that. Jumpy is attractive to the banana boy. Then, he began to smirk. She stared at him as if she saw him as a massive monster-wolf who was looking for an appetizer before he ate a whole pack. Rivulet released another melody of laughter, his nose sticking into the air. But his bright green eyes remained planted upon the little girl that had attempting to catch the goat. He lowered his head and grinned to her playfully. Like a pup to it's beloved siblings. A few words slipped from his mouth as she offered it to him.

Oh, my dear, I have already eaten! Goats aren't my favorite anyways. So it belongs to you, my new friend.
Rivulet stepped back and nudged the dead, bleeding goat to the ashen-coated woman, a smile still planted upon his maw neatly. After, he whirled around and lowered onto his stomach. But his upper body was going up the slope, while his hindquarters were pointed downward. Not the most comfortable position, but he could deal with it. He'd sit on his head, just to talk and meet someone new.The man winked up at her playfully and continued on with his cute little words,

Well, I'm Rivulet. A lovely banana-rogue to Alacritis! Sometimes an annoyance to packs because I piss the alphas off...but otherwise, a bundle of joy!

The boy recalled the time he met Raisa the first time and pissed her off greatly...but he felt proud to have the balls to enter Ebony territory! Who might my new friend be?




4 Years
04-27-2014, 11:06 AM

He laughed not once, but twice, fixing glittering green eyes on her while he did so. The brute grinned at her, his overall demeanor that of a little boy. Mystified by this strange creature, Warja stared at him for a moment. Already she could tell that he was unlike anyone she'd ever met before. She had very few wolves to compare him to, but he was a character unto his own. Her father was serious, Kismet was serious, this brute was...not. He was, however, fascinating.

He rejected her denial of a claim and nudged the goat towards her, giving it up entirely. At the very least she'd expected them to share it, but the brute seemed determined not to partake and laid down a few steps away. He was all charm, going so far as to wink at her, and Warja's brow furrowed for a moment as she tried to figure him out. Who was this joking, laughing, winking wolf? His charm was contagious, though, and Warja found herself smiling back at him. ?Okay, thank you!? Grabbing the goat, the pup began to work at its belly. She'd eat what she wanted and then either drag it back to her family (if it wasn't too heavy) or bring them to it.

The brute launched into an explanation of himself while Warja ate and the young wolf watched him over the kill. She still didn't know what to make of him. He was lively and enthusiastic, and so different than what she was used to that she wasn't entirely sure how to handle him. This uncertainty had a lot to do with how sheltered she was. If her and her family weren't so isolated this new oddity wouldn't have been so odd. ?It's nice to meet you, Rivulet. My name's Warja.? Curiosity got the better of her and she asked, ?What do you do? To piss alphas off, I mean.?



04-27-2014, 01:06 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? Rivulet, while waiting for her reply, saw her brows furrow and her face twist with confusion. Did the man still have some blood on his face, or mud or something? Did he have a bug on his face? Most of the time the boy cared less about how he looked...but in front of girls? That was kind of awkward then. The man looked down and lifted his forepaw, fleetly swiping his underarm across his face and settling it back down. Just incase there was anything there. But he didn't feel anything...? How strange. But what was she confused or weirded out about then? The man shuffled his weight to the side and sucked in a breath briefly. Although, once he glanced back up at her, a thought came to him. His personality.

Of course! He always laughed with joy, smiled, grinned, joked around, etc.. Maybe she had a family of wolves that were much more...serious. It must be weird for her. Rivulet decided to enjoy life. To make mistakes, to piss others off, to have fun. But it seemed most citizens of Alacritea knew not of the definition. It was almost sad to think about. However, the young woman began to pip up in happiness. Finally she was getting the hang of it. He studied her smile and it caused his tail to pat aimlessly against the ground behind him. "It's nice to meet you, Rivulet. My name's Warja." Warja. His mind repeated it to him, and it caused fascination to ignite within him. He could almost feel the heat of the little ember. Rivulet's lips closed into a simple smile and a nod was all that came from him. But following, a few words.

"Beautiful name, m'dear. I've never heard of it before!" He said quickly in a joyed voice. A few of her own words, after his, followed back to back now. "What do you do? To piss the alphas off, I mean." The pale bow's lips grew into a smirk. A sense of mischief grew within him now as he answered, "Well, I cross their borders and enter their territory, take some of their prey, tease them, eh. But I never mean much harm." The boy really didn't. All he teased the alphas for was for amusement. Entertainment. Life grew kinda boring as he grew into an adult- so he decided to live a happy, fun life. Who wouldn't want a joyful life for themselves? Some would think having a mate and pups was a good life. But Rivulet finds that, and pack-teasing fun.




4 Years
05-03-2014, 06:34 PM

"Beautiful name, m'dear. I've never heard of it before," he gushed, earning a half smile from Warja. ?Can't say I've ever heard of Rivulet either.? She liked it, though. It was unusual. Rivulet...wasn't that like a babbling brook or something? A kind of small gushing stream? It fit him.

Her question brought a smirk to his face and as he explained what he did it was obvious that he took pride in his actions. "Well, I cross their borders and enter their territory, take some of their prey, tease them, eh. But I never mean much harm." He was crazy! What if they didn't find his teasing funny and mauled him for his transgressions? Or worse, kept him as a prisoner? For a moment her thoughts drifted to Kismet and Soren. They weren't prisoners because they had trespassed, but they were still prisoners. Warja would hate to see this lively individual become a captive too. ?Isn't that dangerous? What if they don't think you're funny??

That he found those violations entertaining blew her mind; she would never consider such a thing. Perhaps her isolation was getting to her, because she was becoming a bit pack-shy. Sure, she'd spent the first several weeks of her life in Valhalla, but she'd spent the majority of her growing up as a rogue with no one but her family around. Even simply approaching a pack with good intentions would set her on edge; she couldn't imagine heading to one with the intention of making them angry. Still, his bravado was something she admired and would try to emulate. If he could disregard the rules and come out unscathed maybe rules weren't unbreakable. She wasn't sure how she felt about how Rivulet went about breaking rules, but perhaps it was okay to break them if you had a good enough reason. Warja filed away this revelation for later use.



05-13-2014, 06:28 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved?The word 'rivulet' did mean a small stream, but he was definitely not as calm and quiet as one. He was loud, stubborn, careless, and fearless. And the man had only named himself that as a pup because it sounded dangerous. When he found out what the word meant, he had second thoughts about keeping the name. But no name like it came to mind at the time. So he kept it, and likes it. Besides, who cares about the meaning of a name. The sound of the name is better...

Rivulet already loved the personality of this young girl. She got easily concerned over almost everything he said, spoke in such a tone that made him smile with warmth, and was just...cute. If he could, he would cling up against her and snuggle her as if she were his toy. But he was sure her parents or whoever was looking after her would grow wary of him being near her. Which would suck because he loooved her company. She made him just...loosen up a bit. But he wasnt in love with a pup...was he?

The man just grinned with excitement and mischeif as the little damsel went on about him pissing packs off. But he did't mind! He loved her cute litte squeaks of worry. The banana boy crossed his forearms across his chest and allowed his tail to lightly pat at the ground, before his maw parted slowly and word rolled off his tongue. None of them do! Usually they'll drive me out, or I'll leave myself when the amusement dies down. But if they try to attack me...I'll tear their throats out.
Usually most would think about saying such infront of children. But as a child, language was very active. So he didn't think saying, "I'll shove their eyes up their ass," was bad. The man finished and nodded pleasingly to his words. But he quickly added, I'm more dangerous than I sound.




4 Years
05-18-2014, 04:21 PM

Her eyebrows lifted as he mentioned ripping throats out. Was that bluster or had he really done it? She couldn't tell. He did seem rather jovial for a killer, but maybe that was her naivety speaking. She wasn't all that familiar with the world and its ways.

He went on, saying he was more dangerous than he sounded. This only served to confuse her further. Was that some kind of subtle warning? Should she be concerned for her safety? These thoughts didn't dissuade her from arguing with him. "That's not very nice. You're the one that's causing trouble, they're only defending their home."

She pulled another piece off the carcass and ate it slowly as she formulated an argument. Warja didn't want to verbally attack him for the way he lived his life, she just wanted to understand it. "What if the alpha has a family? Then you'll have killed one of their parents for what, fun? Amusement? Just because you could? That's awful," She paused, "And very selfish." It felt kind of silly to scold an adult, but she did it anyway. She didn't say it maliciously, simply stating what she thought to be the truth.
