
The buns are out of the oven!



5 Years
04-19-2014, 02:21 PM
ooc: takes place after Drashiel and D?gmar's first encounter. I have it written out by probably won't get a chance to type it til May so jumping ahead a bit on this thread. xD

D?gmar was resting peacefully in her den, all for pups curled up at her side and, for once, silent. Drashiel was off hunting for her after a successful day going over defenses. As part of his agreement for training he was off hunting for her and he promised to bring her back something special. It was also beneficial to D?gmar as she was able to practice different training techniques on her precious little guinea pig before she would apply them to the warrior training for Arcanum. She felt better about it as well because Arcanum and Glaciem were allies. His acceptance of her as a teacher was an extension of that alliance and one that could be exploited in the future if necessary.

She yawned softly and her gaze turned to the little creatures huddled against her. She nuzzled them for a moment then frowned. D?gmar could feel the begins of attachment addling her brain, furthered by her own horomones. It was time. She needed to get rid of these little buggers. Hopefully that black brute would be along soon or else she'd have to try and track him down. She'd given him her due date though so it shouldn't be long. One of the rascals began to squeak and she reached down to lick it absentmindedly plotting her next move.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2014, 10:04 AM


Hati was feeling restless, ready to start his job but unwilling to do all the work himself. That's why there were two of them, right? So when she'd dropped off the face of the earth - or Arcanum territory, anyway - when she'd looked so close to just exploding from all the little bastards she was carrying, he had a pretty good feeling she was either shacked up somewhere with her pups and mate - of course neglecting her duties and all - or dead. He'd followed her fading scent off the territory into the hills. If it was the first issue, he fully planned to put the fear of the gods into her and drag her and her spawn back to the pack so she could get back to work. If the second, he'd piss on her grave and go make Cat appoint him a new partner.

But the trail ended abruptly in a hole in a hill smelling not of blood but of milk, and Hati rolled his eyes. He'd had such high hopes for her as his partner, and here she was actually raising a family like some... weak female. She could have at least drown the brats, not wasted time feeding them, cleaning them, whatever it was that mothers were supposed to do. Gods, females were such trouble.

"Daegmar," he called out with a growl, keeping his distance from the mouth of the den. Last thing he wanted was for her to come out snapping at his face because he was too close to her precious little darlings. Though a good brawl was tempting. "The fuck you doing out here?"


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
04-20-2014, 01:35 PM

Drashiel was soaking wet as he carefully tried to navigate around the barren hills where his teacher had made her den. He'd come to terms with her plans involving the pups but he still wasn't sure he cared much for them, but either way he was determined to finish his training.

The young brute paused and shook out his coat. A mallard hung from his jaws, a hard won catch for D?gmar who insisted on being brought exotic foods for her efforts. He didn't mind too much though it was a good exercise in strategy and thinking to adapt in hunting unusual prey.

As he came upon the secluded place he noticed a large black male near the densite. Hackles raised he was about to charge forward when he saw D?gmar slip out of the den. She didn't seem to be to uncomfortable around the male so Drashiel approached quietly.




5 Years
04-20-2014, 01:37 PM

D?gmar's stomach growled and she frowned. What was taking that boy so blessed long to bring her lunch? The little parasites at her side were taking in all the nutrients her body had to offer and leaving little for herself. Hopefully, the father would be along soon to come get them. If he tarried too long she'd slay them herself and be done with it for she wasn't the most patient of faes and it had already been several days since the actual birthing.

The subtlest of noise caught her attention as well as the scent of her partner in warfare, Hati. Her ears flicked back. Well damn, what was he doing here? She heard his question and rolled her eyes. Surely it was obvious. Pushing the pups off her, who immediately began to squeak, she popped her head out of the den to peer at the other Marquis before crawling out and shaking herself off.

She smirked at him. "Ohh.. you're concern is touching, Hati. I am recovering after a particular trying exercise in increasing my pain tolerance. I'm now waiting for the father to come get these runts as he didn't seem keen on me killing them. Though I only give him two more days before I slay them and be done with it."

It was then her pupil, Drashiel appeared with a duck in his mouth. She licked her lips, excellent. "At ease Drashiel. This is Hati, my fellow Marquis in Arcanum, show him your respect. Hati, this is Drashiel Armada, of our ally Glaciem. Now then, Hati, is there something you need?"

Loki 1


6 Years
04-20-2014, 09:27 PM

Loki loped across the barren land, his strides seemingly unhurried though internally he was seething from how long it was taking. He'd been caught up, sick as a figurative dog, for several days now and was far, far behind when he'd intended to be here. Had the pups been born? Were they ok? Had she killed them as she had offered to do? Would she even be there at all?

His footfalls stilled completely when he caught her scent, the milky scent of newborn pups, an unknown young male... and Hati. Loki's silky fur bristled automatically in alarm. What business would Hati have with Loki's pups? Were they in danger from him? Or this young male? Some love interest of hers, maybe, who would kill the pups to eliminate any rival for her affections? Did she even have affections?

He bounded forward, cresting a hill and charging down it, sliding to a bristling, narrow-eyed stop in front of her and the two males. Feigning nonchalance despite his abrupt entrance, he forced his fur smooth. "Fancy seeing you here, brother. And stinking of a pack, too. Not quite your style, is it?" he sneered before his gaze flashed over to Daegmar and then on to the young male. "And you are?"




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2014, 09:54 PM


Daegmar slipped out of the little den with little fanfare and no snapping teeth, to Hati's mild disappointment. Though his disappointment was eased a little at her words. A smirk even made it's way to his muzzle. Would she really kill them? It would almost be worth it to see, though Hati's oft-silent conscience stirred and sent him the barest hints of suppressed memories at the thought, and Hati had to narrow his eyes to focus past them. "Getting rid of them, then? How's Cat feel about losing out on more Arcanum wolves like that then? Or are we just not tellin' her?" He didn't bother to mask the approval in his tone. No pups meant no doing all the work, which was fine by him.

The approach of the young male wouldn't have gone unnoticed even had Daegmar not spotted him. The wet-dog smell was unmistakable, and Hati's head swiveled around to stare haughtily at the boy. One of their allies, was he? "So's he the dad then?" The words slipped out unbidden, and Hati winced, cursing his impetuous voice immediately, because beneath the aroma of wet fur it was obvious just by scent that the boy was too young by far to have fathered this litter. "Mrhgh. Didn't need anything, cept to make sure you weren't going to skip out on your duties because baby-daddy wanted you to stay home and raise his munchkins."

Any words that may have continued to grate out of him were interrupted by the sudden, incredibly unexpected sight of Loki practically leaping on them from another hill, then acting like he'd meant to do it, like some damned cat. "The fuck you mean, fancy seeing me here?" he growled. Godsdamn, he hated Loki so much. "At least I have a reason to be here. You stalking me now or something? Or are you here for the..." Hati's tone had started out mockingly, but trailed off suddenly as his eyes narrowed and darted between Loki and Daegmar, noting the anxious set of Loki's slim body (because when the hell was Loki ever actually anxious?) and the way those green eyes kept darting to the den carved in the hill, and Hati suddenly started to laugh. It was a deep, grinding laugh like old machinery that hadn't been oiled in a while, but it was a laugh. "Oh this is too rich. You're here for them? You, Loki Hroovitnisson, are the baby-daddy? Didn't even know you were capable of getting someone knocked up."

He dropped back on his hindquarters, hilarity still rolling from his chest in a dry chuckle.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!