
Runaway Baby {re~joining}



6 Years
04-21-2014, 07:45 PM

Mariposa was in a good mood. Her in heat season wasn't as strong this year, just a faint scent of lavender escaping the girl, one could tell she was in heat, but one could also tell that she was not up for mating. And, that had left her in a surprisingly good mood, a rare occasion for the black she-wolf. Mariposa yawned and made her way to the borders of Elysium. Mariposa liked the name, for it practically rolled off of her tongue. "Elysiiummm." she would say aloud to herself, emphasizing a bit of the syllables. The shadow black fae looked around, stopping at Elysium's borders. Last time she had been here, she had been completely and irritably stupid, having no idea what she was in for. And then she had the shame to speak bad about this pack, which had won her a spar with The Queen. Though, Mari knew better now, and respected this pack and it's leaders much more now, hoping that she could squeeze a way into their ranks, knowing that they had a little amount of wolves and that Cateleya would be recruiting at every chance she would get. So, there would desperately wait Mari, sitting patiently at the pack's borders, not daring to step a paw into their territory without permission.


04-21-2014, 08:14 PM

Massive beast moved through the shadows of the trees, often slipping between the forest and the river though normally he preferred the forest. He was silent in his movements, keeping himself along the boarders and slipping through the shadows. He held his skull low to the ground, verdant eyes sweeping to and fro across the boarders to check for newcomers and intruders. Long legs would pull him forward until a strange yet familiar scent drifted to him across the breeze. It was that black woman... The one he and Cat had come across on their way back from Glaciem to be exact... Hackles would raise as he turned his course and headed back towards the river. She hadn't howled... What could she possibly want now? Just a sucker for punishment? He would slip into the shadows, molten black and grey pelt breaking up his form and making him almost undetectable in the shadows. It wasn't until he was almost 50 meters away would he finally peel himself away from the shadows, massive form coming into view in what he hoped would be a startling appearance. He had moved towards her downwind so she would not be able to smell him, keeping to the shadows and moving almost silently so she could not hear or see him either.

Verdant eyes would narrow, ears folding back as jaw unhinged. Skull would lower, shoulders rolling as he continued to close the gap between them until he would come to stand almost directly before her. "Last I remember you're no friend of our pack little bird..." Voice was a harsh rumble as skull was lifted so he could look her eye to eye. A smirk was dancing across his lips as he took a step back and tossed his head back, letting out a short howl to call for Cat. She would just love this... "What brings you to Elysium my sweet?" Words were a harsh purr as he took a step forward, looking to invade her personal space and set her back a bit, hopefully causing a bit of unease.



04-21-2014, 08:18 PM

Muscles quivered beneath a silver pelt, massive paws pressed into the earth, tail swayed idly behind her. She had left the forest, moving to the river to patrol the borders and more clearly leave her scent. A familiar scent filled her nose, bringing a small smile to her face. She didn't hold a grudge against the behemoth man anymore as they had grown closer than she expected, forging an everlasting bond, or at least she hoped. Her sides had begun to swell, but it was still only barely noticeable, she had only informed Kylar of her condition, the rest of the pack was pleasantly oblivious.

As the Queen altered her course to seek out her Duke another scent filled her nostrils. A scent that was familiar and caused her hackles to lift and lips to curl back exposing fangs. She picked up a brisk pace, eager to seek out the dark woman who had dared come so close to her borders once more. Had she not learned the first time? The Queen had left her a nasty scar as a reminder, and yet here she was, lingering at the pack borders. Was she asking to be claimed? Kylars howl echoed in her skull, but the woman as already on her way.

By the time the Queen arrived, Kylar was already there, interrogating the woman. Silently, she slide onto the scene, coming to stand beside the man. He had already spoken, asking the woman was she wanted. Lips threatened to curl back but the Queen kept her face expressionless as coral eyes remained trained on the woman. With crown lifted high, tail curling at her hocks, the temptress pinned the dark woman with a dangerous stare. "I don't know if you are stupid, or brave."



6 Years
04-21-2014, 08:40 PM

The midnight, starless sky female would tilt her crown to the air, sniffing a familiar scent. She didn't know the male's name, but she knew what face to put with the scent. Mari would turn just as he would come to stand in front of her, his words sticking to her like leeches. "I really would like to join this pack," she would say politely as he leaned himself over her, causing Mari to draw back a bit. But, she would remain in a polite posture, sitting back on her haunches, dark tail wrapping around her legs. Mariposa would turn her head at the scent of Cateleya approaching, her form becoming visible as she went to sit next to the male. Mariposa would twist her coal colored ears toward Cat as she spoke. "I don't know if you are crazy or brave," she would say, causing Mari to smile politely. "Well, my Queen. Is that a compliment or an insult?" she would question, looking at both wolves.



4 Years
04-21-2014, 09:03 PM
sorry but couldnt pass this up xD

She was back.

Narfi would linger in the vegetation downwind, watching with her mismatched eyes as the female approached, calling to the lands. In no time somebody would approach, Kylar. Lips pulled back in a small grin as he moved in, his large form making the she-wolf look like an ant. Her Monarch would be right behind him, this would be interesting.

Ears would flick at their voices, but it wasn't till the dark woman spoke again that Narfi would reveal herself. Not quickly, but she would push through the vegetation, coming in on the group from Mariposa's left. "Can she be our toy?" Cold yet sweet tones asked Cataleya, tail wagging behind her as she came up and walked around her Monarch, head tilted as she looked to Mariposa with a sickly grin.

Last time the wolf was here she called to join, but ran off the moment she realized she had to fight her way in, weakling, perhaps she was used to being handed things without working for it. "Don't waste our time again, wolf." She would add on, harsh yet her face remained void of emotion, jaws practically dripping with saliva.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


04-21-2014, 09:30 PM

His smirk widened slightly as she drew back from him but her words drew his brows together into a frown that turned into a glare. He honestly had no idea who she was or what she had done to piss Cataleya off so but he wasn't about to step on toes. So he would grunt, a non committal answer to simply acknowledge that he heard her rather then answering her statement. Kylar would back up slightly at Cat's approach, moving to her side then off a bit so if needed they could attack at the same time. Was that where this was going? Sickly green gaze would flick to Cat for a moment as she spoke then back to this woman as she responded. "I would guess stupid? Who comes crawling back to the one who maimed you for insulting her?" Too many words? They came out a harsh grumble though they ended in a jovial smirk. Narfi would show up last and Kylar would let out a bark of laughter. All they needed was Bas and the gang would all be there! Her words brought a broad grin to Kylar's lips as he looked back to the black woman. "I think that sounds delightful? What do you think my queen?" He purred, putting an extra little emphasis on the 'my' as massive crown would curl to look fully at the woman he had come to care so deeply for. Now that Narfi was there to prevent any escape he felt more comfortable to look away from their new little pet.



04-21-2014, 09:47 PM

The woman was quick with her words, though polite, she still caused the Queen to narrow her eyes in mild irritation. Kylar would answer the statement with his thought of her stupidity and the silver woman couldn't help but agree. The familiar voice of her Duchess would soon find its way into her ears, bringing a wicked grin to the Queens face. Kylar immediately voiced his agreement to the idea, immediately wanting to know what she thought. She could feel his eyes on her, and it didn't go unnoticed how he emphasized 'my', had they not been standing before this woman she would have smiled, but her face remained cold.

"It seems the council has spoken." Venom dripped dark lips, sweetened only by honey. The behemoth woman prowled closer to the ebony girl, coming to tower over her. "You will be a prisoner of this pack for causing me so much trouble. However, you will be permitted the right to challenge for a higher rank. But you will climb my ranks one by one. Accept and your life will be much easier, refuse and you will pay dearly." Her voice was like a whip, lashing out against the dark woman's hide. If the woman really wanted to join this pack and still have some freedom, then she could accept, otherwise more blood would be shed. Her offer was generous, one she was no inclined to offer more than once to anyone.



6 Years
04-22-2014, 06:43 AM

Mariposa looked at Narfi as she would arrive, and her little comment about being their toy. Mariposa would smile politely, looking at Narfi with vibrantly orange eyes. "Narfi, good to see you," she would say, nodding. She knew this girl all too well. The black beauty would then look at the dark male as he began speaking, agreeing with Narfi. Mariposa would stay quiet until she heard Cateleya speak. And now Mari was a part of the pack. It may have been prisoner, but she was part of this little pack. "Yes, thank you, My Queen," she would say, dipping her head in a bow.


04-24-2014, 04:40 PM

The woman would accept politely, clearly taking anything she could get, even if it was just a prisoner. She was done here, the Queen would turn, her presence no longer needed. "Don't be a waste of my time." The silver temptress would speak over her shoulder, the only warning the woman would get. With that, the Queen would walk away, moving back towards the forest, leaving Kylar and Narfi to do as they pleased with their newest prisoner. The gears turned in the Queens mind, wondering just how far she could push this woman, how determined was this woman to stay in this pack, to stay alive? A twisted grin would lift her lips, already the pack had a small handful of slaves, and she was determined to see them grow. Picking up a trot, the Queen would reach the forest, disappearing into the mist.

-exit cat-