


04-22-2014, 07:59 PM

The Queen prowled her territory, rage boiled her blood, turned the edges of her vision red. She was searching for one man and one man alone. She had tried to deny for as long as she could, but the signs were all to familiar. Her sides had swelled slightly, morning sickness wracked her body. She was pregnant. Just the thought made her anger. She could not be pregnant, she had no desire to raise more kids, her three now were more than enough. She was Queen dammit! She didn't have time for more kids, nor did she have the desire for more.

As his scent grew strong, so did her pace until she was running. Paws struck the earth with unforgiving force, her toes curling so that claws dug in for more traction. Hackles had lifted, ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Lips curled back to reveal daggers, jaws unhinging as she zeroed in on the brute. He entered her line of vision, but she didn't slow. Her goal was to barrel into the man, just behind his shoulder. She wanted to either knock him off balance or knock the wind out of him.

The silver temptress would try to rise onto hind legs if they collided, bring her front end up just an inch or too. Her neck stretched, open jaws snapped, wanting to grab the flesh near his scruff. She wanted to taste his blood. A vicious snarl ripped free from her throat. This could not be happening to her again! If her jaws grabbed his flesh, then her crown would shake violently back and forth. She refused to be tied down by another child with a bastard father who had no interest in them! Rage and adrenaline clouded her thoughts, blinded her, only one instinct guided her.


04-22-2014, 09:00 PM

He was completely and utterly oblivious to everything that was going on, not realizing that for once his queen was stalking him rather then the other way around. He moved almost soundlessly through the woods, the boarder was now well marked and walked enough to have worn a fairly deep path. It was a path he traveled quite regularly much in the same way he would travel it today, head lowered and shoulders rolling languidly. It was a nice day out, the weather was crisp without being cold and the sun still managed to beat down on his back to add a bit of extra heat to his black pelt. Verdant eyes would slip and slither back and forth across the boarder, nose quivering to constantly test the breeze. He didn't realize he was being followed until a shift of wind tossed her scent his way. Slowly his massive skull would lift, pausing in his trek as ears flittered to see if he could hear her approach as well. He felt a flutter in his chest, that usual feeling he experienced whenever Cat was around. He would stand easely, tail licking at his heels as he waited for her to catch up. Maybe they could go on a walk together, finish up patrols then go for a hunt and chat.

She was running... For a moment he would tip his head and chuckle. It wasn't the first time they had play fought though she was usually sneakier about it. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers and he always seemed to be begging for her attention as of late. Slowly he would hunker down, shoulders rolling and head lowering. "Heeeeey Caaaaattt...." He would taunt easily, ready to spring on her but something made him freeze and study her a bit closer. "Hey Cat what's... Cat? CAT NO!!" It all seemed to happen all at once, first he would straighten and regard her expression though her pace would not falter. All of a sudden she was on him, getting right up in his face and then the flash of teeth seemed to drag him out of whatever stupor he had been stuck in. Forequarters twisted, paws pushing him up and hind legs launching himself to try and leap and twist out of the way. She would hit him but with much less force then if he had remained standing. Teeth would crave their path into his shoulder even as he tried to escape her grasp.

Paws would land heavily on the ground, whether she was or wasn't still attached to him he would attempted to pivot on forepaws and swing his hips around as far as he could. Hopefully it would either knock her away or dissuade her from continuing her attack. "WHAT THE FUCK CAT?!?!" He snapped, ready to kick at her or flee if needed. He didn't know if it was something he had done or if she was just a deranged lunatic today. Either way he folded his ears back and glared at her over his shoulder, as he was now hopefully positioned with his butt facing her.



04-22-2014, 09:17 PM

She paid no mind to his words as she tried to call her off. Perhaps if she had been paying attention, his expression would have been rather amusing. He would lift his be month form, twisting in an attempt to avoid her grasp. Her fangs pierced his shoulder, but not enough to actually take a hold. When he landed, he was facing away from her, looking over his shoulder at her, spitting outrages. Lips remained curled back, her daggers tinged with his blood. Was he really so oblivious? Had he not noticed her absences in the mornings? Or the weight she had gained?

She would move to her left, staying out of his kicking range for the moment. "I. Am. Pregnant." She spit her words at him like a curse, eyes blazing as she hunted him down like her next meal. Each would was carefully and clearly pronounced, rolling off her tongue slowly. Just saying it out loud made it even worse. A growl vibrated in her throat as she stepped towards him, careful to avoid his hind legs, eyes searching for a place to attack.

Her heart pounded against her chest, threatening to burst, her entire body was on fire. Red enclosed on her vision, tail flicked angrily behind her. Slow steps would bring her slower to the man, though she kept her path circling around him, waiting for some smartass remark that she would tear into him for. She met his verdant gaze, his annoyance evident, though it rolled off her like water. She didn't care if he was mad at her or not. She was pregnant! Tied down again for the rest of her life.


04-22-2014, 09:30 PM

She would back off a bit, giving him a bit of breathing room to stare at her awkwardly, eyes wide as he took a few steps forward so he would stand more parallel to her, exposing his side to her even as she continued to pace and stomp but now at a more manageable distance. God was this what pms was? Was this what he had to look forward to? He didn't say anything, letting his demand for an answer stand as she continued to steam and fume just out of reach. All those warm fussy feelings were gone now, replaced by worry and discomfort as he waited for an answer he felt would never come. Then finally it came and it hit him like a freight train. For a moment eyes would widen, blinking rapidly as he realized the magnanimity of her words. Then just like that he found his tongue and repositioned himself, stepping closer to her to cut off her angry circle, looking deeply into her eyes. "I will raise this child with you. You are not alone in this. We can even get married if you want, but I'd still want to see other girls, so it'd have to be one of those kinds of marriages." He said, words coming out in a bit of a rush, trying to make her understand that whatever she needed he would be there for her. Though he did throw in the last little bit in a last ditch attempt to make her smile or relax a bit. Maybe even catch her off guard and relax long enough for them to sit down and have a serious conversation.

He stood near her, now understanding her outburst. She didn't want to be a mother, he didn't want to be a father. He was one of the biggest fuck ups of all time when it came to parenthood but for her he was willing to try again if that was what she wanted. If she would actually calm down and realize that he wasn't planning on leaving her.



04-22-2014, 09:57 PM

As soon as the words left her mouth, he was moving. Stepping forward, forcing her to halt, he would get close to her face, urgent words rolling off his tongue. He spoke so quickly she wasn't even sure she heard him right. "What? No, shut up!" Brows furrowed as she snapped at him, stepping away from him completely caught off guard. She turned away from him, walking a few paces away, still completely confused. She shook her head trying to clear her mind? Marriage? Where the fuck did that come from?!

For a moment she was silent, his statement bringing her rage to a sudden halt. And for the first time in her life, the Queen was flustered, uncertain of what to say, she had no idea what she wanted. Her coral gaze started off as nothing in particular, her thoughts churning in her head, every noise was deafening. What was she suppose to say?

While she had never imagined herself having a mate or even falling in love, she always knew that she would at least do it for the right reasons, not because she felt obligated to. While an open marriage was more than enticing, she was not interested in his current proposal. In fact, she was almost offended by it. Jaws flexed as she thought, mulling over what she was going to do. She could always just get rid of it entirely, but it was too late for that, she had spilled the beans to Kylar. He seemed intent on staying, and helping her raise her future family, but how could she be sure?

She no longer denied that she cared for the man more than she thought she ever would. He enjoyed his presence, craved it even. And now she was carrying his children. They were irrevocably tied. The only question was did he feel the same? She didn't want to give her feelings a name, not until she was certain of both his and her feelings. Haunched reclined towards the earth, her head feeling like it was going to explode.


04-22-2014, 10:17 PM

Words seemed to have had the desired effect as she backed up, gaze bewildered and shocked as she tried to grasp the words that had flowed out of his mouth in a torrent. He could't help but smile slightly, head tipping as she turned and took a moment to herself to try and figure out what was going on and what he had just proposed. He allowed her a moment to herself and only when she sat would he move forward towards her, lowering his massive skull before coming to seat himself beside her. Gently he would push his shoulder into her's trying to gather her attention before offering a soft smile. "That was mostly just to get you to laugh... Please don't freak out..." He said softly before allowing his forepaws to slide across the ground so he could lay on his belly and look up at her. Head would tip as verdant eyes gazed up at her easily. "Cat I care about you... What do you want from me?" He asked softly, once again reaching to nose her shoulder gently. He wasn't going to run away from this, he wasn't going to leave her to handle this on her own. He had been stalking her basically since they had met so why did she think that suddenly he would leave her? Was that even the issue? Did she just not care for him at all and not want to have this attachment to him? All he could do was wait and see it seemed.


04-22-2014, 10:31 PM

Her gaze would shift only when she felt him press against her shoulder. His words would her narrowing her eyes, sending daggers his direction, lips twitching in a faint snarl. The Queen would watch as he slide down onto his belly, his face tipped up as he spoke. His words wrapped around her like a suffocating vice. So it was true, he did care for her. A ghost of smile played on her lips, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. What do you want from me? The question echoed loudly in her skull. She repeated it to herself over and over again, but never coming up with an answer. What did she want?

She wanted him, that much she knew. "I only want you." Her words were soft, spoken only to him. Warily her gaze would search his, uncertain of his reaction to her bold statement. She had never shared her feelings with anyone before, she didn't know how. Her ivory chest would lower, forelimbs tucking under herself as she laid down beside him. In order to avoid his gaze, she would rest her skull across his back, staring off into the trees. She didn't have much to say at the moment, only because she didn't know what to say. There was so much that was unclear between them. A sigh slipped off her tongue as she attempted to collect herself and regain some control.


04-22-2014, 11:19 PM


He couldn't help but smile, dark lips curling up in response to her glare at his first words though he did his best to suppress it knowing it wouldn't help anything in the least. So he would allow his expression to fall back into a more somber serious note because that was what this was wasn't it. He had just told her that he cared for her and she had just told him she was pregnant. It was about as serious as life could get and for once he had to plaster on a straight face and face the facts. He didn't push her or pressure her as he asked her what she wanted. He had thought he had seen a smile but then again maybe he had juster wanted to see a smile and he had imagined it. Then finally words dropped from her lips like stones. "I only want you." She cared for him to and she wanted him. Finally she turned her gaze to him and it was a look other then pure loathing and hatred. There wasn't any glare there instead uncertainty and maybe even a bit of fear? He offered her a smile, reaching up to lick her chin tenderly in hopes that might be enough of a reassurance for her.

Finally she would lower herself to the ground beside him, folding her skull over his shoulder probably in an attempt to avoid him. "Cat... Anything you need, I'll be here for you. Whether as a father to our child, as a friend, as a lover, even a jester when needed or simply as your duke. Anything." He said simply, keeping his head up to look at her shoulders and maybe see her face if she would allow it, neck craning to try and catch any hint of what she might be thinking. He was starting to feel that warmth he always felt in his chest when he was around Cat, it was beginning to flood to his limbs as well. He would sigh, turning his head to look out over the boarder of his home, of the home Cat had made and he had tagged along. In a strange sense it had kind of had become their home. Probably mostly because of the fact that he was constantly stalking her and invading her personal space but hey it was better then nothing. "I love you." The words were an easy statement, falling off his lips almost too naturally. Though it was his first time saying it to anyone who wasn't family it came out surprisingly easy.



04-23-2014, 04:19 PM

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He spoke quietly, his neck straining in an attempt to find her gaze, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction just yet. The seriousness of the situation weighed down on her shoulders, pinning her. Her crown would lift in preparation to rise, she needed to be alone, she needed to sort out her thoughts. I love you. His words made her freeze. Coral pools turned to him, meeting his gaze, seeing the sincerity in his face. For a moment she said nothing. He had just turned her world upside down.

Did she love him too? Is that what she could call her feelings for him? Love? Tension left her body as she simply looked at him, searching his face wildly. She would not be played by some man, she would not be toyed with. But his was clear, his voice had been earnest. [b]"I love you too."[b] She said it before she realized what she was really saying. She would move so that she laid parallel to him, leaning into his side.

She had never said it before, not even to family. After her parents disappearance, then the murdering of her adoptive family, the woman had never learned what love was or how to express it. Even now, as it started her in the face. He made heart skip a beat, he made her feel all warm inside, it was something that was foreign to her. She didn't like how vulnerable she felt, but he made her feel safe all the same time. The Queen would fidget, not accustomed to her current situation.

Would he understand? Would he understand that this was all new to her? He didn't even know about her past, about the murders she has committed along side her brother. Would he care? As soon as the thoughts began to assault her mind, she steeled herself against them, blocking them from her mind, allowing her face to go blank. A sigh heaved her sides as she remained pressed against him, wondering instead, where they would go from here.