
Arcanum Hunt: A code of duty and honor


04-22-2014, 01:54 PM
First round ends on April 25th, 2014 and a note that if your wolf does not participate in the takedown than regardless of rank [except if this wolf is one of the monarchs] than they will not eat.

Kaneyna had been tracking the herds in hopes that a hunt could be made out of it. That was her duty as a Comte, to call hunts together and bring back prey for the hunt. The particular prey she had been tracking was a group of bull elk just off the Rio Grande, a territory of theirs which meant that it was theirs for the taking or she would have her own prisoners. The idea made her smile, controlling wolves and abusing them for trespassing on the lands. With that smile she withdrew from her sight vision and let out a howl for the pack members to get some food so they could dine. She licked her lips as she cut off her howl. She had a plan.

The plan relied on at least eight of the Arcanum wolves showing up and they had better. She had seen the outcome of the battle training and any less wolves showing up to the hunt would just be shameful. After all food kept them alive to fight. It kept them strong. If she had such little outcomes she would have to take it up with the monarch herself. The thing she would come to enjoy with hunts, she made the calls and others obeyed or risked losing the prey. It all came with her constant thirst for power. She was just happy she was up on the third tier after the embarrassing loss at the pack meeting against one of the other yearlings.

Kane thought through the plan in her head as she went through all the basic steps. It was one of those strategies that just seemed to work with bigger herds, especially with bull elk. They could take down two, even three of them depending on how many wolves showed up. She hoped that at the very least they could have enough wolves to bring down two. Eight wolves. Come on, just eight wolves and then we can take them down. The others can starve for all I care and then maybe they will show up next time if there isn't full participation this time. She said bitterly to herself as she waited on her stormy grey rump for them to arrive.

The deer herd was grazing next to the river and getting a drink. They only have a small window of opportunity and she wasn't sure how long it would last.



6 Years
04-22-2014, 03:59 PM

Mariposa had been lurking around the shadows and vegetation of Rio Grande for a bit, just exploring. She was bored, and her muscles were tense. She needed t do something. Something that would make her work. Suddenly, she heard a howl rip through the silent distance, calling her over. Black legs would blur as she made a running entrance to the fae that had called. Mariposa slowed herself down a few feet behind the female, speaking up. "Hello, I am Mariposa," she would say, dipping her crown in a bow. "I heard you call, and I am willing to help with the hunt. Even if it is just you and I."


04-22-2014, 04:05 PM

Her Commanders were settling in well. Daegmar and Hati had started training, and now a second alerted her to a hunt. The Queen would head towards the river, moving at a brisk trot. She was interested to see who would attend the hunt, or rather who wanted to eat. When she arrived, she was not the first. Coral pools fell on two familiar forms. One of her Comte, Kaneyna and the newest prisoner in the pack, Mariposa. The silver was surprised to see the woman already throwing herself into pack life. Part of her was pleased, though it didn't show. The behemoth would approach the two women, coming to a halt a few feet away. "Its good to see you again Kaneyna." She would address the Commander, barely sparing a glance to the prisoner. Nostrils quivered, taking in the distinct scent of deer. Coral pools searched the land, spotting the animals near the river. Saliva flooded her mouth at the thought of a meal. Toes flexed as the Queen waited for the rest of her pack to arrive.



3 Years
04-22-2014, 05:22 PM
Located in a more peaceful area of the domain, the ivory female rested upon her flank while her salmon shaded tongue carefully got to work with cleaning her wounds that she had gained form the little spat from her so called queen, her tongue circled over her ankle which was tender and swollen at this current time however it would heal... or at least she hoped it would. the sudden howl caused her to perk her ears, although she wasn't to sure of the wolves behind the call she knew it was a wolf from the pack.

" perfect, what else was she required to do, couldn't she just sit and rest herself for ten Min? clearly not."

she tough as she pulled herself awkwardly to her paws, balancing on three she carefully manoeuvred her form in to a walk well more of a limp like walk, but at least she could move. arriving at the appointed location, her amber orbs scanned the area. Thanks to the arrival of the queen she knew she was in the right spot,narrowing her orbs slightly upon the queens form, she simply lowered her cranium slightly to give a slight bow yet she remained silent as she flicked her auds listening to the words over those around her.



2 Years
04-23-2014, 06:34 PM
I guess that I forgot I had a choice

I let you push me post the breaking point

Avery dashed towards the source of the call. Since joining Arcanine, she had taken her rank seriously. Despite her inexperience, the girl had worked hard. Gradually, her hunting techniques were growing better and more efficient. As the days went by she dragged in increasing amounts of prey. It wasn't an abundance, but that could be improved. At the call she had sprung into a lope. She was eager to prove her worth. It would be her first big hunt.
Slowing down into an easy trot as she reached he packmate's, she silently nodded to Cataleya and then Kaneyna. Eagerness and excitement shone in her eyes as Avery awaited instructions.

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything"Avery"



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-23-2014, 06:50 PM

The youthful voice of one of their way-too-young-for-his-comfort ranking members rang out over Arcanum, and Hati resisted the urge to stuff his paws in his ears to drown it out. Resisted for about half a second, then did it anyway. Gods damn it, was he really expected to follow her lead in a hunt? Untested, untried, wet-behind-the-ears yearling who had only gained the rank for losing to yet another yearling for a higher rank?

But Hati's stomach growled louder than he was, so he finally with great disgruntlement uncovered his ears and scootched his way out of his den. Fury roiled through his chest, barely stamped down into a simmering cauldron of rage as he stalked his way from the forest to the summons near the river. If winter wasn't coming, and with it the bitter need for a layer of fat to warm and help tide them over in times of less food, he'd have just ignored it in favor of his own hunt. But the abundance of fatty red meat would be what would make or break the pack over the winter - rabbit was far too lean for survival.

The anger snapped sharply in him when he got a look at the one who'd called the meeting... the girl who had deliberately ignored him when giving her respects to those in charge, choosing only to greet Daegmar out of the two of them. Gold eyes narrowed, and he gritted his teeth. He really had to obey the commands of this angsty, grabby little teen for the whole hunt? He'd rather hunt with Loki... at least he had shown himself clever enough to make up for him being an irritating little prick.

Coming up on the group in a bit of a sulk, the heavy wolf gave a leisurely nod of greeting to the queen, then turned his eyes to Kaneya and narrowed them indolently. 'Impress me' those eyes said.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


04-23-2014, 06:51 PM

The call echoed in her skull, bringing the girl to a stop, her crown tipping to the side. The caller was no familiar, but whoever it was, they were summoning the pack for a hunt. A grin spread her features as she broke into an easy lope, not wanting to waste too much energy. As Heir, the girl tried her best to involve herself in all pack events, but ever since Caeto had returned, he had occupied most of her time. The last event she had attended was the fight training that Daegmar had held. At a year old, the girl had reached her full height, but was still filling out. She stood at an impressive 36 inches like her mother and was gaining muscle everyday. It took her about ten minutes to reach the gathering and already wolves had gathered, one of the Marquis arriving just before her. She spotted her mother immediately, and the girl who must have been the one to summon them. There was a chocolate fae that had arrived just before her, one she didn't recognize. Though there was two wolves she had heard about. The two slaves. As she pasted them, her lips would curl, her crown lifting high and chin tucking, a low growl vibrating in her throat. She nodded to her mother, taking a seat beside her and greeting what she assumed was the leader Comte with a nod before settling into wait for the hunt to begin.

Talk like this


04-26-2014, 08:10 AM
Next round will end on May 1st, 2014 It is them getting into position before Kane leads in the chase/attack round.
[Image: BICRzLg.png]

I deliver justice like a jaguar; without mercy

Kaneyna watched as a prisoner arrived first. A prisoner being first to a hunt before a higher rank. Kane was not displeased with the next arrival, the alpha herself. The monarch and the queen of Arcanum, Cat. She gave a nod of respect to Cat before watching the next arrival appear. It was another prisoner. There was a wolf she had never met and then one of the Dukes, who was almost challenging her to impress him. I don't need to impress, I just need to do my job. She told herself as the last wolf [who was going to show up at least] arrived, the heir to Arcanum, Zaria.

Displeasure shown at the lack of members, but if they all put in their best effort than the 7 of them could take down two of the bull elk off in the distance. Her voice was hushed at a whisper. "The bull elk are next to the river and have several blind spots. I want Hati, Zaria, Pania and Mariposa to hide in these blind spots. Queen Cataleya, Avery, and myself will drive the elk towards you where he can go in for the takedown. We are aiming to take down two today. Then maybe next time we'll have more participation from the pack." She ordered as she pushed to get into position, hoping the elk had not heard any form of whispers from her voice as she didn't want to fuck the hunt up.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by ELSA



6 Years
04-26-2014, 08:35 AM

The black fae would nod, understanding correctly. She was a killer at heart, always desperate for the taste of blood on her pearly white daggers. She was new to this pack hunt thing; though. Because the closest she had done to the pack hunt is hunt with a partner or two for deer then end up killing the other wolves herself... Whoops Well, nonetheless Mari would be eager and ready to help her pack. She would glance at the other wolves, not sure which ones were actually the ones that had been named off. But, Mari would soon figure it out, watching the other wolves, ready to follow close behind.



3 Years
04-26-2014, 02:51 PM

The orbs of the ivory female gazed around the wolves that were drawing near each one she did not know of aside from the queen of course. Her ears lifted up right slightly as she heard her name being called by the wolf whom seemed to be running this little hunting she was given her orders a soft sigh emerged from the females lips as she reclined and rested her rump upon the domain simply to take the weight from her paws as she lifted her gaze to the wolf.

" My Apologies, I can not hunt very well with this injury"
She spoke softly yet her tone was clear as she dipped her snout to bring the attention to her swollen limb that was wounded due to it being dislocated not so long ago, coiling her tassel around her paws she sat and waited for a response-


04-30-2014, 12:55 PM
Next round ends May 10th, 2014 and all members who have posted in this thread must post to qualify for the reward of feasting on the prey.

This is the chasing and attacking round.

[Image: BICRzLg.png]

I deliver justice like a jaguar; without mercy

The woman was very stubborn and irritated to hear one of the prisoners say that she could not hunt well. "If you are here only to eat and not participate then leave." She hissed almost silently to the woman who had spoken loud enough to possibly startle the prey. Kaneyna worked her way to the front of the chasing line as she narrowed her eyes. She was targeting the two eldest deer as they appeared to have the least amount of speed. She looked back briefly, making sure everyone was in their spot before signalling to her team to rush forward. The woman watched as the deer started to scatter and she cut off the weakest. She kept biting whenever it (the one that she was working on driving towards the attackers) started to go astray from the path that she wanted it to go.

She was down one more wolf it appeared (as she did not check to see if Pandia would leave or not) and it irritated her more. They show up for fighting but food isn't important to them? She'd talk to the monarch, Cat, after the hunt was done as both the heir to Arcanum and the primary monarch had shown up. Perhaps she could do something about it as well. She continued to snap her jaws to drive one of the bull elk towards the attackers. They had better not screw up.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by ELSA


04-30-2014, 01:34 PM

Silver audits perked as the Comte spoke, though the Queens eyes were intent on her next meat. When a second voice spoke up her crown would swing around, lips bared in a vicious snarl. "You have better disappear girl." A low growl rattled her words as she glared at the fae with a look of death. Her attention would return to the hunt, silver limbs pulling her forward to follow the Comte. Powerful muscles coiled beneath her pelt, propelling her forward, her lengthy stride covering ground, dark jaws snapping to drive the animals straight into the jaws of those waiting. Lungs sucked in air, adrenaline flooding her system. For the moment she pushed out of her mind the fact that half of her pack had not shown up to this hunt, she focused solely on the hunt. Later she would call for a pack meeting and ream her pack for their lack of interest. Coral pools rested on the elk that attempted to flee for their lives, her mouth watered at the thought of her impending meal.


04-30-2014, 01:39 PM

Muscles quivered with excitement as her role in the hunt was assigned. She would lie in wait while the others would corner the elk in. One of the prisoners would speak up, claiming her inabilities. Lips curled as a growl slipped out of her jaws. The Comte would snap at the pale woman, however the Heir would make sure she didn't eat if she decided to stick around. The girls would move away, being the first to leave the gathering and set herself up in her position. Once she was tucked away, the girl would lower herself to the ground, muscles coiling in preparation. She slowed her breathing, jaws unhinging as icy gems watched the rest of the wolves drive the elk straight into waiting jaws of herself and a few others. Her weight shifted onto her toes, claws digging into the ground to give her traction. Anticipation made her shift her weight back and forth.

Talk like this



3 Years
04-30-2014, 02:17 PM

The paws of the ivory female shifted slightly simply to prevent her injured limb from baring her weight too much, her auds swirled slightly as her explanation with meet with a few snarls and so called harsh words. A light hearted chuckle vibrated from the females vocal cords as she shook her head slightly
" You Miss interpret,I can still move in behind and aid in steering the pray to the slaughter"
She stated as she glanced to the queen only to tilt her head slightly as she watched the rest move out, she followed behind her stride interrupt with a slight limp however she ignored it as she moved in to position to stand at near to the queens right flank lowering her cranium she soon followed her dark orbs locked upon the pray before her while large canines were snapped at the hocks of the creature. although she did not have the strength in her limbs to attack the beast she still aimed to keep a steady gate to move the creature in to the awaiting wolves-



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-02-2014, 08:51 AM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
The wolf, the yearling leading the hunt, claimed they would be aiming to take down two bull elk, and a vicious grin split the black wolf's muzzle as he stared at her, barely throttling down the mocking words that threatened to bubble up. She really thought that six wolves, however able-bodied they may be, and one gimp-legged prisoner would take down two bull elk at once? And only they were to eat the prey they took? The scavengers were going to be feasting, then, because there's no way they'd eat two full grown elk between them before the meat spoiled. It was autumn, not the depths of winter, and they were in the south.

He stretched with a deliberately languid yawn, then ghosted away - surprisingly quietly for such a heavy beast, but then again he'd been training to hunt as long as he'd been training to fight so it wasn't like he'd not picked up on it - toward his... assigned position without otherwise acknowledging the plan. Once there he lay on his belly, sphinx-like and relaxed, just waiting.

Finally the rumble of hooves met his ears, the chasers driving the elk toward their positions, and Hati drew himself up into a crouch. His yellow eyes watched carefully, judging the distance between himself and the elk Kaneyna was driving, until finally...

He launched himself out of his crouch, before the startled beast could register his presence. His fangs buried themselves in the elk's nose, one canine cracking through the edge of the bone as his jaws closed over it and pinched shut the nostrils. He let his momentum carry him past the big deer's chest, to his shoulder and out of direct stomping-range, and his weight dragged the elk's head around with him. The beast let out a muffled bawl, faltering and stumbling to it's knees as it's own momentum vied with the hundred-fifty pound weight on it's face. Hati kept on the pressure, digging in and dragging backward even as the beast tried to shake his head. It was already beginning to scramble back to its feet, and Hati hoped grimly that the yearling or one of the others would get her ass in gear and tear out its throat before it was able to stand and drag him back into range of those wicked hooves and stomp him into a bloody smear.

OOC: Sorry I missed the last deadline, left it for the last minute and then ended up losing internet for a couple days.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!