
Take me down


03-31-2013, 08:31 PM
Vaas looked into his reflection, he was tired, weak, and freaking starving. He may have been new to this god forsaken land but how hard could it be to find some decent game? He was considering eating himself at this point. He began to drink some of the water to fill the void, afterwards he turned tail and went on his way. His eyes scanned the forest for any signs of life, perhaps something he could eat. And as he searched and failed he just grew angrier and angrier and he just wanted to kill something, anything! "What the fuck!" He snarled walking more, growing rather violent.


03-31-2013, 09:01 PM


Champion's bear sized paws trundled along with a rhythmic drumbeat. The beat, not of a carefree female's heart, but of a war drum. Recently recovered from when an elk decided to play pattycake on her ribcage, Champion was looking for a fight.

But usually when this was said, one imagined a swaggering, squinty-eyed teeth knasher with a bur under their tail. Not so with Champion. Oh she had a thirst for blood. But also a thirsty for such things as honor and formallity. To coin one of her typical phrases - she was always looking for a fight, but never looking for an enemy.

Not that she ever expected such quarter from her oppoenant. Her tendency to walk straight into wasp's nest and gotten her stung plenty of times. Once she'd only escaped by throwing herself into a river. Fun times. But then she'd been nothing but a yearling. Champion was now two and half years old - just coming into her prime - and already she had the build and speed of a fighting bear. And also the coloration of sunshine... slightly less intimidating. Her eyes tended to make up for that though; blood red orbs the color of the devil's hide.

It was these eyes that widened and glimmered when she heard the frustrated curses of a nearby wolf. The winds and shifted against her and she was nearly on top of the male before the trees parted and revealed his shadowy form. Who was this that wasted his language on wood and stone? And more importantly:

"Who put mousescat in your meat?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-31-2013, 09:20 PM
Dark light shined high above the black psycho. His blue eyes grazed over much if the land and the trees whispered his name. His hunger was still slowly eating at him. Vaas growled to himself angrily, honestly memories of his past began to arise and mess with him like they had never done before. He hadn't had a nightmare in so long yet alone a flashback. Vaas closed his eyes and took a deep breath and glared at the sky. "Ohhhhhh I'm going to kill someone." He whispered to himself as a scent of a wolf flared his nostrils. "Mmmm." He moaned as a girl appeared not to far away using some kind of analogy he didn't understand. "What the fuck does that mean, is this some kind of a joke? It is clear i have no meat here. What are you fucked in the head Amico?" He asked insanely as he turned to face her with a smile. "So....try to explain so i understand, either i am stupid of there is an analogy i dint fully comprehend."


03-31-2013, 09:32 PM


Champion gazed on glassy eyed and stiff nosed as the male poured out his lovely little torrent. She'd never seen any allur to language - certainly she'd been around it enough - growing up and training with soldiers and vetrans - but, eh, it just never seemed useful to her. The male's words rather lent arguement to these thoughts than against it. When he finished, Champion swept her tail up high behind her back. She presented herself as calm and powerful and confident - but not cocky. Cockiness was a liability. Champion was just more.... insanely unafraid. "I meant - What's made you so angry with the world?" She blinked her crimson orbs. "Then again, you don't look as though words are going to help you any." She rolled her gigantic shoulders.

"How about I let your release a little stress?" the girl said with a low, tempting growl. "All I ask is a little shedding of your blood in return." The hunger was back - the drive for adrenaline - for a challenge - for a pitting of wits and guts and stamina. She lived for the clash between two equal fighters. Sometimes it made her come off as a rather sadistic creature, but she was far from that. Well, usually.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-31-2013, 09:58 PM
Okay this female was nice. Nice stance nice attitude now this was a real women. Unlike most females who were nice and all happy go fucking lucky. Vaas could admire this girl, and it was a good thing he wasn't completely nuts so he knew how to appreciate things. She explained what she means and then left a rather bold insult disguised as a statement after. Vaas smiled and gave a look that said 'oh no she didn't!' He turned around like he was in a shit talking contest and faced her again. "Im not angry, im just...crazy. So ive been told." He said enthusiastically. She then asked to release some of his stress and he snickered as she asked to spill his blood. He rolled his eyes and laughed, not at her as much as at himself and the situation. "Im sorry do you have any fucking idea, how rude that is? Hm? You meet strangers and ask them to fight? You are one hell of a girl, males must kill for you. I know i would." He joked insanely.


04-01-2013, 12:56 PM


Champion tilted her head slightly as the male?s iron coated laughter spilled out. His jibes bounced off her. For one thing, she?d learned long ago to deal with insults, and for another, she rather thought it was the male who was acting queerly in this scene. One moment he was proclaiming to the world that he wanted to kill something, the next he was mocking her for the rudeness of calmly offering a fight.

?My apologies,? Champion said with just a hint of dryness. ?I didn?t realize that speech of such things as bloodshed and fighting were considered dirty words in your mind.? She eyed him up and down. When she?d first laid eyes on him she?d analyzed his stance and form as she would have for any fighter, but now she just glanced him over in curious distaste. ?For me, fighting as always been an art; The heart and backbone of lupine culture. You could say I?m an artist in bloods and wounds, and my soul is most fulfilled when I can paint my pictures.? her tone wasn?t playful now. It was still calm of course, but it was grave. She knew the sort of life she lived ? and she knew the sort of risks that meant ? the sort of death she?d probably end up with. But all creatures faced death. In order for her to live, many prey animals had already died, it was only fair that death would eventually come for her. How? Well she?d find out in time. But hopefully it wouldn?t be old age.

?I offer a duel.? Champion growled quietly, ?More than a spar, hopefully less than a death match. Whether you wish to see it as a way to vent anger, hone your skills, or punish me for what you consider brashness is entirely your concern.?

Champion?s great curved claws stroked the dirt. ?Or you can continue on your merry way, spitting empty threats at these husks of trees. It?s up to you stranger. ?


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-01-2013, 01:19 PM
She kept on talking and talking and talking about blood and battle and blood and battle and Vaas just looked at her blankly. This chick was crazier than him, Vaas cocked an eyebrow at the woman and started to snicker. "Wow, and I thought I had issues, but okay if you really want to I don't see why not." He said lamely as he got himself into a stance, figuring she would make the first attack he just waited. If she were to change him he would simply move out of the way and counter, if she tried to bite at him he would use his paws to slap her around a bit. If she pounced him he would simply take her by her throat from underneath her.


04-02-2013, 02:30 PM


With a ivory flash of a snarl, Champion threw herself forward. She could care less what the male had said in his back and forth musings. He was willing to fight her and that was what she wanted. Now, she?d sized him up in first moments she?d seen him. This was a creature who knew hardship and fighting, so there?d be no underestimating. But at the same time, Champion knew her strengths. She was over a full head his better when it came to height and she had a great deal more muscle.

Of course, some opponents in the past had come to think that this made her slow.

They soon learned. In her early days she?d had to keep up with even the smallest, weaseliest recruits of her pack. In Tortuga she?d trained under Secret, who could strike like black lightning. She knew what it was to hunt deer and rabbit and birds. Slow, wasn?t an option.

The male was ready for her charge ? she?d seen his muscles twitching into place as soon as she moved. He was too smart to try to plant his feet and take the charge of a bear head first ? he moved aside, no doubt planning on some sort of counter ? for which Champion kept an eye out.

But a rush wasn?t the end of her attack. She didn?t shoot herself like an arrow ? so easily dodged and evaded. She expected the stranger to move, and when he did, she moved with him ? turning on a dime and quickly swinging her broadside out of reach - she went in for a hold now. ? not on his throat ? but on the side - right below where his skull met his neck. The same place where one might hold even an adder in relative safety.

Champion?s great force was behind his. Her teeth that could shred hides and crack spines - were after his blood. But she wasn?t so wrapped up in her attack that she became a mindless beast. With jaws unhinged and her neck tucked, her throat was an unattainable target. Her hindquarters had swiveled about ? so that she faced the male with the least about of body showing ? and even of that ? her chest was now guarded with iron colored claws ? the biggest a wolf could grow ? that churned up before her as she ran.

The male wasn?t getting out of this match unscathed.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~

ATTACKS:Charging at him - as he sidesteps, she goes to bite the side of his neck - just under the skull

DEFENSES: whipping her hind end away to keep her facing him, guarding her chest with her claws, keeping her neck tucked and jaw hinged to guard her throat


ROUND: 1 of 3