
kissing lit matches


04-23-2014, 03:56 PM

Her babes were still nowhere to be seen, out exploring on their own, making friends. She missed them, but the whelps needed their own lives as well. Tea cupped paws of pure ebony would strike against the terra as she meandered through the plains of refuse. Clinking against stone, shards of glass would be swept out of her path with each step. Her strange, dual toned optics would float over the land with a bored expression on her sharp, dainty features. Long plume would caress her heels as she turned her gaze to the darkened horizon. It was night, the wickedly curved sliver of moon providing a little light from the heavens. The stars twinkled above, cold and distant as her step mother had been all those years ago. A huff would shudder through her flanks as the sultry shadow would continue on, seeking nothing in particular.

In the back of her mind, some part of her still dared to wonder if her once beloved would return, the eternal grinner begging her forgiveness as she grovelled on her knees. Doubtful, no one ever came back for her. A yawn would stretch wide her delicate maw, dark lips parting languidly to reveal pearl razors and a long salmon tongue. She had lost many lovers now, Canttina, Ryouta, and the flings she'd borne in the past, most were dead now. How strange, a horrible coincidence that did not bode well for the black beauty.

A barren boulder rose up before her, pleading to cradle her rear as she pondered her next course of action. Bunching the muscles in her hind legs, the ebony bitch would leap onto the stone. Petite haunches would lower gracefully to the cool stone, long obsidian banner wrapping itself about her paws as she looked out to the horizon. A cool breeze continued to carry away the mist escaping her leathery sensor, a wistful glint coming to her unique pools. She had seen a night like this before, when she had been but a babe herself. The only night she'd spent with her mother, now but a ghostly figure with a dark brown coat and blurred features in her memory.

Against her chest, the tiny skull of a hummingbird stirred in the breeze as it ruffled through her thickening pelt. The desire to find a body, one that would press up against her and sharp teeth to dig into her scruff, alit within her for the barest of moments before fading away. If the opportunity arose, mayhaps. With a soft sigh, the jet furred belle would watch the dark clouds, lit dimly from behind, scuttle across the sky. What to do, what to do....



04-24-2014, 06:31 PM

Miserable, that what this place was. He couldn't find one suitable den for himself and now was stuck moving around with the thought of all these wolves around. He didn't give a crap about what they wanted, or their idiotic pack factions he had no connections to, so why even try to offer. If Loutka wanted to join a pack, he'd go to them, not wait to be asked to join the ranks. Here though, there was many old human things to look at. Bottles and more, making him feel a bit more at ease, and a bit more at home. Yet he did not see any cities, nor large buildings he was used to watching and denning in. Regardless, it was better than nothing and he hated to admit it was a stupid search. But usually the human dens had more cover, and more comfort than any rock den had provided for him in his life.
His delicate feminine body would swing within the moonlight, the scent of a wolf hit him and he already knew that from miles away. Though what ever wolf would walk through this he probably guessed had nothing better to do. Possibly a loner just like him, but all the same he wasn't one to care much. His emotions were very tied down, it was hard to break through them. Easily enough, his pain was something to be shares, because if he was miserable why couldn't everybody else.
Blue crystal eyes would shine noting the appearance of the ebony princess, ever so clearly shorter than him. His tail twitched, th same ebony appearance as his own. The same silky fur rather as well, but those eyes were ever so different. Maybe the only differences between them being the eyes when he was truly a woman but never did see himself that way since a young age. Though he had debated approaching or ignoring her. His body shifted, and he started walking to her side. Wondering what she would do, it'd be more fun if she was the one who called out to him, or wished for his company which he cared not for her.



04-24-2014, 10:41 PM
The breeze shifted, and her breath drifted away in the opposite direction. This brought a strange new scent to her nostrils, and a small smirk crept onto her features. Tiara would slowly pivot upon her sleek neck to lay her dual toned gaze upon the features of a striking femme. Pearl daggers would glint in the faint moonlight as she looked over the slightly larger frame and luscious pelt of her companion. "Well hello there, lovely. What brings you to this little slice of darkness?" Sultry, purring lyrics would inquire, her voice a little deeper than that of your average female. Tail tip would flick in a cat like fashion, one tea cupped paw lifting from the now warmed spot where it lay on the stone. It would stretch out, and pat the space at her side once, twice, three times before retreating.

How curious, this woman looked at home here. Or maybe they were just happy among the rubble of a long gone civilization. Somehow being surrounded by the failure of a species brought a glimmer of cruel mirth to the black beauty. "Join me if you wish, darling." She would coo, her grin broadening, curving upwards the corners of her dark lips to show more of her teeth. Bright eyes would fall shut for a moment, a seductive batting of her thick lashes the result. Nothing quite like not so subtle hints.

She would regard the stranger curiously, noting the way they held themselves and finding it not quite like that of your average woman. Hips did not sway when she walked, her gait similar to a brute's, which brought a sliver of doubt to the sultry shadow's mind. Was this another strange case of transgender? The last one the wraith had encountered had been quite delicious indeed, a fantastic night and an equally wondrous morning. Although, the last one had been a wolf conflicted with multiple personality disorder. Definitely one of the one night stands that had made her top ten list, which was in fact something she possessed, and kept in the back of her mind.

Tall ebony audits would twitch absently as the obsidian temptress waited for a response from the stranger, wondering what such a soul was doing out here. Those eyes, quite similar to another pair that had gazed at her languidly in the early morning light. Something about that recognition made her hungry to wipe the memory from her head, goaded the ebony bitch to seduce this one and fuck their brains out. That would show Ryu, that would shove a consequence down the eternal grinners throat, something she had earned by leaving. The sudden rage in her chest dissipated as quickly as it had come, thoughts of her mate being pushed away in favour of this newcomer.
