
A Gentle Heart


03-31-2013, 11:13 PM

The two-toned dame could not be chained, and finally she had had to speak to Gargoyle. Healers were not to leave the pack without an escort, yes, she knew this. But she hated feeling caged, had explained to Gargoyle her past and had brokered a deal, as long as she stayed in the North and well within range of the pack should trouble befall her, she could come and go, without permission as she needed. It was a compromise she had well held up now for a season or more. Her reason for venturing out so far this day was simply to find a bit of ginger if she could. Her stock as growing low and she feared she would need to travel off the mountain to find some more, but it never hurt to look.

Gentle ice colored eyes drifted across the white tundra, seeking out the herb she so desperately wished to find, to no avail. in a last ditch effort she lowered her snout to the earth, inhaling sharply, attempting to identify the plant. Its scent escaped her, but another caught her upon the winds. A smell that had her alert and attentive immediately. Blood. It didn't smell fresh, possibly old, decaying, possibly even already treated, but she could not leave someone potentially wounded, no matter how minor or major the injury was.

She bolted, flying in the direction the scent was coming from, she knew this terrain by memory and it was easy for her to navigate the trees, she bounded through them like a jack rabbit only slowing when the scent grew strong, cautiously, not wanting to startle the potentially frightened wolf, she peered through the trees. He was wounded, but it appeared to have been previously tended too. Regardless she stepped from between the trees. "Are you alright? Do you need any help?"
