
Wandering souls


04-01-2013, 12:08 AM
time has passed and roman has come to understand this place and just wanders from place to place comstantly exploring but all this exploring takes a toll...loneliness settles in searching still for a companion someone he can call his own and protect or a family of his to get rid of that sense of loneliness and he spoke to himself -Oh what a life it is to be a rouge nomad and not have a home to to call someone my own love or mate will i ever find someone?- just like that he walked on through the plains such a peaceful place to think freely and not have a care at the moment but wishes he could share the moment and find someone who understands him a kindered spirit.he walked slowly and just stopped to take a rest perked up his ears once he sat to listen if anyone will
come by this amazing place and share a moment with him.

Gargoyle I


04-01-2013, 01:03 PM


ooc: hope you don't mind another thread with yours truly - I really wanted to reply here!

Gargoyle rarely had buisness in the south. He was pack wolf and he preferred to be with his pack. Family was what kept him grounded. What kept him sane. Some wolves were strong enough to stand on their own paws and know who they were no matter what might befall them. Most just thought they knew who they were and reveled in the delusion. Gargoyle was neither. He?d seen all the sides of himself. He knew what brought out the darker ones and brought out the better. Glaciem ? Crusade, Asheni, Ocena, - they brought out the best in him.

They made him the King he could be.

And when he could help it ? he didn?t stray from them. However, today was different. Today was a day of memory. A day when he needed a strange land under his paws and a strange sky above his head?. And a quiet place to sit down inbetween them.

This was the day, four years ago, when he?d finally recovered from the maze of scars he?d been given by the ambush of white wolves. When he?d said goodbye to the crazy healer fox who?d patched him up ? and went south in search of his family.

?and found them all gone. Found the snow bare, the ground uphevaled, the great pine forests reduced to stumble and ash. Glaciem had gone through two terrible moves, but that first one had been far harder on him. For he?d believed his entire family to be dead. And he?d wished that those white wolves in the north had just finished the job and killed him. That day had been the start of his downward spiral.

And when the yearly return of that day rolled round, Gargoyle needed space to breathe ? otherwise the demons of self-doubt were likely to tear at his soul. And to him ? even the musings, even the whispers of such things as doubt and weakness were loathsome. For he?d felt a twisted form of pure, cruel power, and like a drug the memory of it beckoned, spreading lies of how much better he was with it ? how much better then basking in supreme confidence and the fear of others ? than he was now: doubting himself like a heat-happy yearling around a she-wolf. Pathetic.

Gargoyle wasn?t meant for weakness. He was meant for power.

But meant for the right sort of power. That which stemmed from the trust and respect of his family; From the love of his sisters and mate; from the mantle of responsibility and guardianship that he took upon himself.

As he finished talking himself through such things, the gigantic beast let out a sigh, and then almost smirked. He was so used to seeing his breath form a cloud in the cold air. It was almost like he wasn?t breathing without it.

The wolf came to his paws and started back along his way. But that was when he heard the quiet bemoaning words of another. There across the plains was the black shape of another wolf ? large by any standards save Gargie?s. The Chief padded across the grasslands ? not thundering about, but not trying to hide his steps either. ?I?m afraid I can?t offer myself as a the love you?re looking for-? he said in a dry, bland rumble. ?-but if it?s companionship you?d like on this day ? or someone to talk to?? Gargoyle finished his sentence by seating his haunches down only a few lengths from the stranger. The two were like an island, with the green and gold grasses making an ocean about them, one which waved and bent in the soft summer breezes. Today was a good day for talking.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-01-2013, 01:25 PM

Her ivory pelt would glide through the thick grasses, crystalline blue eyes seeing everything, absorbing everything. She was still a rogue in this new land but she found herself leaning towards Valhalla. She had thought for a long time to rejoin Glaciem. Had been there only for a scarce few months or so and it seemed like a well enough pack, but she had joined it because Elyias had asked her too and she had loved him. She needed not to keep living in the past, she needed a new beginning, a fresh start, and she would not get that in Glaciem.

She hit the Vericona Fields at a sprint, muscles pimping like a well oiled machine, sending her flying through the tall grasses like a bolt of pale white. Bright blue eyes glittered like beacons as she found relief in the feel of the earth beneath her pads and the anxiety within her soul drifting away as she beat out her tension. The run loosened her body, made her forget her past, her worries, her cares. It let her be free if only for a moment. The scent of two males reached her nose and the dame pulled up to a stop taking a moment to assess the situation.

She recognized one as a Glaciem wolf, she did not recognize the scent, but knew they hailed from the home she had been a part of for a brief period of time. The other was a rogue, and one she did not identify with. For a moment she debated leaving, but then with perhaps a touch of reluctance, she padded forward, Glaciem had been good to her. If one of their wolves was in trouble, she owed it, at least to help them if she could. She did have an impressive stack of training given to her by Arkhein. She just rarely displayed it.

She glided forward, appearing between the grasses and smiling gently at both males. They both seemed relatively relaxed and that put her mind at ease. She pulled her body forward and rested back upon her haunches, icy blue eyes glittering in the soft sunlight. "Tis a lovely day is it not? How goes it?" Her tones were bright, delighted, full of life and laughter as she glanced between the two, hopefully this would prove to be a good day.



04-01-2013, 02:56 PM
he heard the sound of two other wolves and turned slightly and spoke to both -good day to you both strangers who are you both and im glad to have company in this wonderous place who are you sir and who's the lovely female?- questioning both and enjoying the fine day with two new strangers sitting and talking he tought to himself maybe they should all play a game a rousing game of tag to test them two and theyre skills compatibility and characteristics and get to know them both. he spoke to them again wondering how did they know someone was here and id they heard everything he said -how did you know i was here and you didn't happen to hear my small moment of deep thought did you?- do boh strangers seem to be running from something like he was or were they just out for a simple stroll and enjoying the day and time of there lives. roman was just glad he could find companionhip here and have a pleasnt day forgetting that he ever ran off from home.

Gargoyle I


04-02-2013, 03:00 PM


The brute was somewhat surprised when a second newcomer followed so soon after himself. This one - an alabaster fae - stood out in stark contrast to the two dark male, but she seemed totally at ease with seating herself down with a pair of strangers. Gargoyle did not recognize her or her scent as anything that ought to jog his memory. He had not been long with Glaciem when the volcano erupted.

However, as she was a female, she recieved a curt nod of his head.

And when the dark stranger asked his questions, Garogyle answered promptly. "My name is Gargoyle, Chief of Glaciem." He was turning to the fae to hear her answer when the black wolf with the milky eyes spoke again. The answers to both of which, however, seemed rather obvious to Gargoyle. Of course he had seen him - they were both in the middle of a huge plain. And of course he had heard him - hadn't his first words to the male said as much?

Perhaps those milky eyes signifed blindess - and perhaps a certain hardship of hearing. After all, the stranger had some nothing in return to his words. Oh well, Gargoyle was too laid back to take any offense at it. He was happy for any distraction from his darker thoughts.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-18-2013, 02:58 PM

Evelette reclined upon her haunches, crystalline blue eyes flickering between her sudden companions. Her posture was relaxed, peaceful. She was a high spirited creature by nature, eager to make friends and speak to new souls. Hatred and aggression had never held a place within her heart, nor would they ever. She approached the two under the guise of friendship, her tail languidly drifting from side to side.

She cocked her head to the side like a curious bird as both gave their names and titles, a smile blossomed across her maw, and respectfully, she dipped her head in respect for Glaciem's Chief. "Gargoyle, it tis a pleasure to meet you, Crusade spoke a great many things about you." She remembered Glaciem fondly, until her mind drifted to Eliyas, she couldn't handle returning without him, it brought back too many things she would rather not be constantly reminded of.

Evelette blinked as the ebony male presented them with inquiries, her ears swiveled, listening, a smile pulled at her lips and a soft chuckle burst from her larynx. "I was out for a stroll, when I happened to chance upon your scent. I heard no dark secrets, have no fear. Might I inquire your name?"
