
Little Moments



2 Years
04-26-2014, 11:23 PM

At the sound of distress from the other boy Cru would forcce himself back to calm, for the reds in his vision to fade and it would only be then that he would raise his eyes to Day. To see the sadness that he clearly shared there for the sister of Cru. But there was more to it then that sadness, something that had not yet been spoken. Day would try to say it, open his maw and some words would part through, but his voice it seemed would fail him. Whatever he had been going to say, this was what had happened to Day himself, not to a sibling. Cru could understand the hardness of the words that would not come, for well he himself was infuriated by what had happened to his sisters it was still something he was slightly parted from, despite his anger. It made it slightly easier for him to speak it then it might have been if it was a fate that had befallen Cru himself.

So Cru did not speak, did not put empty words to the air, but simply gave the boy a moment to recollect himself and find what it was he needed to say. The words spoken would astound the silver boy, his eyes would widen as he listened. He had been raped, by his own father. Cru cleared his throat, now the one lost for words to say. Now he could understand how family could be so entirly different fro Day then it was for Cru. And what there to say from here, 'im sorry?' they seemed to empty, to common for this strange fate that had befallen this boy. ?do you hate him?' he asked instead, his words soft, but oddly intent. Perhaps there was more names to add to his list, more beings to find and destroy.. was Cru's fate to become a strange, dark and avenging angel? ?Perhaps, but i'm not certain im up for the commitment? Cru would say, his face smoothing of its calm stilness, the rage behind his eyes once more slowlying as a soft smile would return to him.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-27-2014, 01:30 PM

The words had been spoken. Dayton could no longer take them back or deny them. They hung in the air for Crucifix to see, each word dangling like a dreadful weight. Now this boy knew the pain and darkness that was imprinted in his mind. The terrible story behind the scars that defined him. But no, they couldn't define him, could they? It wasn't his fault that his father had been corrupt. His decisions could not affect them anymore than they already had. They had scared him, given him nightmares for weeks, caused him to bleed and cry and scream, but they did not change who he was. This small russet boy that stood before Crucifix was really the same as he had always been. Still so sweet, so innocent, so filled with compassion... a broken angel, but still holy and good. Still good. Yes. His father could never take that wholesome goodness away.

And so, as the question met his ears, Dayton already knew the answer. "No, I do not hate him." His reply was very calm, a strange look of determination on his features. "Of course I fear him, but he is far away now. I am safe, and I am happy. That's all I can really ask for, isn't it?" With these words, Dayton sealed away his feelings and memories from that horrible day. Perhaps they would finally leave him alone this time. There was an easy smile on the male's face as he addressed the other words Crucifix had spoken. "Yes, commitment can be a frightening thing. It certainly isn't for everyone. I just hope you find peace in life wherever you are, in whatever way it comes to you."




2 Years
04-27-2014, 06:25 PM

This boy would hold too much innocence. Perhaps Cru had also known the answer that would be given, but even so he could not hold back the sigh that would emit from his lips. This boy wanted no vengeance, no return of what had been dealt to him. Perhaps it was better that way, for this boy was truly past it and finding a life for himself. His sister, his Maddie, she still loved the one who had wronged her, and should he return Cru imagined he could still weld a power over her, a power no boy should ever have over a sister of Crucifix.

And still, Day would further protect his father from Cru's own wrath, as once he had protected his sister from that father. Cru would sigh, stretch out his legs against the subtle wind that took the chill of the sea into their bones. This had been a strange meeting, oddly full and sad and happy, exciting and new... he couldn't say he had ever met a wolf like this one before. He also knew that when they parted he did not want it to be goodbye, Cru was bound to intrude upon Day's life again some time in the future.

He would laugh at the final words Day spoke, of finding peace, since clearly commitment and love wasn't very high on Cru's agenda. He would move forward, and knock his shoulder companionably against Day. ?You really are a good person Day, and that above all else will bring you a bright future. I have no doubt you'll have many happy days before? he said, then winked, to ruin the solemness of his pronunciation.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-28-2014, 07:34 AM

Dayton still felt that inexplicable calm washing over him as he waited for Crucifix to respond. He, too, seemed a bit at a loss. How could this boy forgive his father so quickly? It was a mystery to the boy himself, not to mention those around him. But that was how it would be. He wasn't angry. Everything was fine. He would leave the nightmares of the past behind him. The russet male shifted his feet a bit in the silence, feeling the strange movement of the silken sand. He felt a yawn expanding at the back of his throat as the conversation tumbled to a stop. Then his companion spoke again.

What Crucifix said was very similar to the blessings Dayton had given him earlier. He complimented him first, telling the boy what a good person he was, and then remarked on the happy future that was to come. The small male let a gentle smile touch his lips. "Thank you, sir,"he responded kindly, ignoring the request to call him Crucifix just this one time. ."I know the same good fortune will come to you and your family from now on."

Their thoughts at that moment were also very similar, though neither knew of it at the time. Dayton couldn't help but think about what a strange and wonderful meeting this had been. He knew this would not be their final goodbye - he had already taken a liking to Crucifix, and though his scent was that of a rogue, the boy was sure he could be tracked down again. Then they would have another conversation. Someday. For now, he lifted his fragile body from the sand, shaking his fur clean as he nodded at the darker boy. ."It's late. I hope you don't mind if I take my leave. Misha will be wondering where I have been." The russet male smiled again, his formal speech falling away."It was great talking to you. I haven't had company like this for a long time, and I enjoyed it. Thank you, Crucifix, and it was great meeting you. I'm confident that we will meet again soon."

As the last phrase entered the air, Dayton picked up his shell and nodded once more to his new friend. Then he began walking across the cold black sand, turning his path back toward Tortuga.

