
Reaching as i fall


03-30-2013, 10:15 AM
Elysian looked to the sky. The sun was up and the flowers were covered in a blanket of snow. Elysian breathed his cold breath and watched as fog seemed to form from his lips. Elysian closed his eyes for a long moment and sighed. He should really find a den before the blizzard hit him again as usual. It was far away so he would have about an hour to find something suitable. He opened his eyes and looked around the vast landscape and blinked. ?This might take a while.? He said to himself blankly as he began to walk forward. His eyes flickered from side to side to check if he was being followed which he knew he was. There was always someone or something watching from beyond. Which was always true. Elysian continued to eel rather detached from the rest of the world as he always did. He really needed to make some friends or he was going to go insane. The only friend he had made was Pantera and god knows were that ghost was. She too was like him just a lot more independent. Which fascinated him to a extent. Elysian walked farther and farther through the snow until it got pretty deep and he was up to his elbows in snow. He ignored the strange felling up his spine but it still felt like he was going to freeze to death like last time.

His eyes scanned the woods for some large mass of land that would serve as a suitable hiding place for the storm. And without a second thought Elysian broke into a sprint into the woods as if he were being chased. Kicking up the snow behind him he moved as if he were a train going off its tracks. But when his feet were swiped from underneath him he found himself eating snow. He groaned for a moment and got up. ?Okay that was most definitely not very pleasant. I think I ate a spider.? He said in disgust.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2013, 09:54 PM

Epiphron's wanderlust had ceased to diminish, even as weeks in Alacritis turned to months, even with the changing of winter to spring. She craved to explore the western territories further, but feared what she might find if she encountered the Seracia pack. So her paws carried her north, a place she had yet to visit often. The further north she went, the more lost in her thoughts she became. She wondered where her adopted brother had gone -- surely he was stubborn enough to still be alive. And if he wasn't? She would mourn his death deeply, as she would any of her siblings, though her sorrow would be mixed with undeniable guilt. The proud female did not often dwell on things she had done in her past, but she couldn't help but wonder if Neo would've had abandoned Valhalla had she and Chrysanthe been a bit lighter on him. Despite the heavy thoughts that weighed down her mind, her posture showed nothing of the worry that lingered in the pretty girl's mind.

One would be surprised if told that she wasn't a princess. The ivory-furred female held her head high above slender shoulders, her tail curled dominantly over her delicately curved back. Despite her lithe form, she carried herself as confidently as the strongest male warrior might. Narcissism was beginning to seep from her very core, the expression that graced her youthful features one of pure self-assurance and slight smugness. But somehow Epiphron Adravendi maintained an air of innocence, of untainted purity and youthfulness.

The landscape slowly changed, and it seemed as though she traveled back in time, back into the former season. The snow begun to pile up as she traveled further to the north, despite the fact that the sun still shone relentlessly overhead. Inch by inch the snow seemed to accumulated before her eyes. Sapphire blue gaze scanned the vast expanse of land before her, widening slightly in wonder at the emptiness that lay before her.

Before long, her eyes found trees that dappled the white landscape. Much effort was exerted as she trekked through the thick slush, determined to explore the small forest before her. A grin spread on her face as she slipped quietly into the shadows of the tall trees, letting out gentle bark without realizing it. Perhaps if there were others nearby, they would show themselves? And if not, she would bask in her own presence and enjoy the snow before she made her way back towards Valhalla.


03-30-2013, 10:10 PM
Darsha picked himself up from the snow and shook himself clean as he continued down bis path in a more steady pace. His eyes scanning the area as he trekked through the snow tiredly. He was bored and to be honest he wanted something to do in this god forsaken wasteland. He walked for a while longer before he came across a female in the distance, she blended in with the snow accept for that spot on her head. He tilted his head and continued to walk, avoided the girl, lately he had been getting urges when around females since he met Aria and honestly he hated that feeling in his gut. He may have been emotionally disturbed but he was no brute like his father no. He was better than his father, and he wanted to prove that to himself.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2013, 02:30 PM

For some time, Epiphron Adravendi was lost within the depths over her mind, navigating the labyrinth with care. Her mind whirled, focusing mostly on Maverick, anxious for their next meeting. The female craved his touch, his breath on her neck, his smell in her nose... the sound of his voice.. all of him. The female was so lost in the mess of thoughts and emotions that threatened to flood her being that she hardly noticed the presence of another nearby.

The girl held her head a bit higher, vibrant blue eyes swiveling to search for the source of the scent. It seemed to be a male, though his scent was unburdened with the heavy aroma of a pack. It didn't take the female terribly long to find him; she increased her pace, trekking through the mess of snow and shrubbery in search of the creature. She wondered who else would feel the need to venture so far north, away from the warmth of the summer sun, away from the green grass and all the beauty of the lands further south.

When the stranger came into view, the female offered a simple nod to him. Now that she was growing older, she was becoming more aware of the fact that different creatures had different customs, and she ought to give them respect until they gave her a reason to do otherwise. "Greetings!" She called out merrily, her voice dripping with sweetness. While often more composed and docile, Epiphron was feeling particularly friendly and joyful, possibly thanks to her previous encounter with Maverick. "How goes it on this lovely summer afternoon?