
Where Have You Been Off To?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 04:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 04:29 PM by Erani.)
She sat at the borders, gazing out into the unclaimed lands. Waiting. There was no guarantee that she would come back the same way as her scent had left the borders, but Erani would wait and see. She?d been meaning to catch up with each of the children she had helped to raise after the death of their mother. But Neo was very much absent. It made her feel the need to keep a closer eye on each of them. Protect. Cherish. They were the first taste of having children, and she had once thought they would be the only taste she would ever have.

Now, she was hoping. Hoping, and kicking herself for being hopeful. There was no guarantee that her heat cycle meant that she could bear a litter, or even one. And she was afraid. What if Nova stopped liking her after her cycle was over? She frowned, then lifted her head higher as she heard rustling a ways away. Epiphron. Her scent blew into Erani?s face, and she gave a quiet sigh of relief, though she was puzzled by that other scent coming from the same direction. So she sat, and waited as her charge drew nearer.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2013, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 05:43 PM by Epiphron.)

What a day. Epiphron felt as though she was floating on a cloud, brimming with something akin to ecstasy. However, mixed with her happiness was an unavoidable sadness. The female was hyper-aware that she wouldn't see Maverick for six days, and even that might not happen. Epiphron was hopeful it would, but if something important came up, she might not have another option. Along her journey back home, she wondered if perhaps they should've had a backup plan. What if one of them wasn't there? It wasn't as though they would simply sit there, waiting for the other to show up. And Epiphron couldn't imagine risking going to the borders of claimed Seracia land and looking for Maverick. It was far too risky.

The journey was long, and she felt painfully alone as she made her way back home. While she'd wandered out to the ravine simply on a whim, feeling adventurous, things were different as she began to return to the lands Valhalla had claimed as their own. The female was aware that each step took her further away from the ravine, and subsequently further away from Maverick. With a sigh she continued on, her posture much less confident than earlier. After all, she was alone, fairly sure no stray eyes were pinned upon her. The burden of royalty slipped easily from her shoulders when Maverick turned to depart. Had he turned around and watched her tail grow limp and curl between her legs, her posture slacken? Hopefully not. Hopefully Maverick thought she was strong, her demeanor impenetrable, despite the obvious sadness that they both felt upon leaving one another for almost a week.

Hour upon hour the princess traveled, her mind clouded by thoughts of the unbelievably gorgeous boy that seemed to have stolen her heart so effortlessly. Or was that thinking ahead too soon? She didn't exactly believe in love at first sight, but something kept the image of Maverick locked firmly inside her mind. Either way, he haunted her thoughts as she came closer to home, one step after another.

By the time she made it close to home, the sun had begun to set, evening beginning to settle all around her. Still the sun's rays shone down upon the earth, though shadows had begin to drape some of the land in darkness. Almost immediately she caught scent of Erani. She was nearing the borders of the land, and Epiphron felt her chest clench -- surely she wasn't looking for her already? She knew Maverick's scent clung heavily to her coat, and had no way to hide the evidence that she had spent a good amount of time with a strange non-Valhallan wolf.

There would be no avoiding the female. Her mentor. Rather than act as though she had done something wrong -- because she wasn't entirely sure if she had or not -- Epiphron headed toward Erani's scent. As she approached the female, she flagged her tail above her back, wagging it happily. A bright smile shone on her face as she padded towards her. Though she felt tired as ever, after walking (with some running added in here and there), she refused to seem weary in front of Erani. Without hesitation she pressed her nose into Erani's neck, greeting her warmly. The female had practically taken over as her mother, and Epiphron was sure that wouldn't change anytime soon.

"Good evening, Erani," she spoke softly, her voice brimming with genuine happiness at seeing her again. She'd been wandering often, seeing Erani much less than she had on their travels to their new home, for instance.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-15-2013, 08:05 PM
Erani?s ears pricked as she saw Epiphron come out of the bushes. As the younger female approached, she stepped forward into the affection given, arching her own neck to deliver a gentle lick to the female?s forehead. ?Good evening, Epiphron.? She stepped back, tail swaying gently, and looked her young charge over. There seemed to be a happy, if tired gleam in Epiphron?s eyes, and her mind seemed to be off in another world. The male scent of a wolf the same age as the young princess gave a hint at what was on her mind.

With a gentle smile, Erani turned and nodded for Epiphron to follow. ?So where have you been off to?" She tilted her head to look down at the youngster, a gentle twinkle in her deep blue eyes. ?And who?s this young man I smell on you??



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-15-2013, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2013, 02:59 PM by Epiphron.)

(ooc: accidentally erased this >( Pip tells Erani she met someone from Seracia, who she finds very handsome and charming)




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2013, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2013, 12:47 PM by Erani.)
As the embrace ended, Erani stepped back, smiling. She was glad to see the young female, glad that she had arrived home safely. She nodded as Epiphron answered her initial query. As Epiphron went on to tell of her Seracian encounter, mischief glinted in Erani?s eyes as well. ?Ah. A good, strong name." She smiled down at the younger wolf. She may not have been experienced in the ways of love, but it didn?t take an Elder to see that the girl was head over tail.

?I?m glad you?ve met someone so interesting. By his scent, he?s little older than yourself. You?ll have time to find out if this really is the one.? As they walked, she thought about Nova. Was he the one? Her heart certainly beat faster every time she caught a glimpse of him.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-22-2013, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2013, 02:59 PM by Epiphron.)

Despite how well she knew Erani, she wasn't sure what the female's reaction would be. She had never spoken of a male like she did of Maverick, and she wondered if she was jumping in too quickly. But after all, it had been Maverick who had embraced her and planted a simple kiss on her lips before they were forced to leave one another. She hadn't seemed desperate, she was sure; she'd chosen to not see him again for six days mostly for practical reasons, but also because she didn't want to seem like some love-sick puppy. But surely she wasn't in love, just slightly enraptured in the gorgeous Seracian male, and already looking forward to seeing him again

Instead of scolding her, or pressing the matter further, she simply seemed happy for Epiphron. She knew not of what the future would hold for her, or for Maverick, but she knew that she enjoyed her time with him enough to want more. Unabashedly she pressed her nose into Erani's size as they walked. "Thank you, Erani," the princess said, her voice falling from her lips naturally. It was not forced, and pure admiration sparkled in her sapphire eyes as she watched the female who walked alongside her. She had told Maverick they should avoid telling anyone, but Erani surely wouldn't make a big deal out of a simple encounter, especially since Epiphron spoke of it as though the male was already special to her.

"I'd rather not mention him to father right now," she began gently, hoping she didn't sound as though she felt as though she was doing something wrong. Truth be told, she was unsure of what would become of herself and Maverick if they decided they wanted to spend even more time together, if such a thing happened. It was best not to keep her father worrying about something that was so trivial. "But we decided to meet again in about a week." If she could leave unnoticed, that is; if she had no duties for a few hours, she could surely find time to meet with Maverick.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-23-2013, 10:22 PM
Erani smiled gently as Epiphron pressed into her side, and shorted her stride to nuzzle the tired lass. ?My pleasure, young one.? She walked on, though her stride paused slightly at Epiphron?s next words. She looked aside at the young female a moment. ?It is your choice, but I wouldn?t keep Cairo in the dark for long if I were you. Sometimes it feels much better to have told the ones you love of things like this, instead of sneaking around the subject. He?s a sharp minded wolf. He?ll notice sooner or later. As for young Maverick, his parents may catch him, smell you, and want to meet you, and meet your father.? She tilted her head, a light grin spreading her jowls back.

?Will a week be soon enough?? Softly, she chuckled. Before Nova, she wouldn?t have known how to react. But Nova stirred such feelings in her. She knew that she was falling in love, and despite her previous thoughts that she would never find love, she felt it was close, and dwelled in the massive black male. ?I?d like to meet him myself. He sounds wonderful. And I?ve someone I would like you to meet.? A soft, almost girlish laugh broke from her maw. ?I hope you approve of him. I certainly do. What would you say to my taking a Mate?? Her head turned as she paused, deep blues gazing down at the barely lighter toned Blue eyes of the young wolf she had had a paw in raising. She honestly wanted to know.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2013, 08:51 AM

Erani was very much like a mother to Epiphron. She was no replacement for her birth mother, but instead was like a second mother -- a mentor, who'd she gladly accepted, without hesitation. Briefly the yearling turned to watch Erani, listening carefully. "I know, Erani," she started in that sweet voice of hers, once again leaning to touch her nose to the other female's neck. "I've only met him once, so I'll give it a few more meetings to determine whether it's something worthy of my father knowing." For now, they had simply met and walked and swam together, with a bit of teasing and flirting in between. It was nothing serious yet, and so Epiphron didn't mind leaving her father out of matters for now. After all, the male was of the Seracia kingdom, and she of Valhalla -- there seemed to be little future between them, despite the desire that the mere thought of him caused her to feel. Only time would tell, she supposed, trying not to dwell on the matter for too much longer.

"I hope a week is enough," she joked, her tail wagging behind her small form. "It will have to do. I have things to attend to here. You know... responsibilities." Epiphron didn't want Erani thinking she was preoccupied with the male she had just met, the male she barely knew -- she had to think about which rank she would choose to train for. Her mind was set on lead warrior, but she had yet to tell Erani this.

Luckily, Erani seemed keen to change the subject, even if only for a moment. She spoke then of a male she wanted Epiphron to meet, and the youngster found herself grinning lightly. Who might it be? She hadn't noticed anyone in particular around Erani. "Well, if you are to take a mate, I would be surprised if I didn't meet him eventually," a similar laugh followed, and she nuzzled Erani again affectionately. "I'm sure I would approve of him if you do. But don't forget that my Erani deserves nothing but the best," Affection welled in the girl's eyes as she pressed against Erani. Her mentor, her dearest friend, was to be taking a mate. She could not never condemn the decision if Erani truly thought was for the best, and it seemed she did.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2013, 05:42 PM
Erani nodded as she listened to Epiphron?s reply to her warning, leaning into the nuzzle the younger female delivered. A soft chuckle was hummed through her nose as Epiphron continued. ?Indeed you do.? Her tones were warm as she gazed at the female.

As Epiphron reacted to her news, Erani?s tail waved softly through the air. She was pleased that Epiphron approved. A soft grin crossed her muzzle. ?Oh, I?m sure he?s the best. He respects me, and his eyes are the deepest gold you could imagine. He?s even larger than your father or even Collision.? She bent her head to lick Epiphron?s forehead as they reached the younger female?s den.

?I do hope you meet him soon, but you must get some sleep. You?re more tired than you let on. Next time you see young Maverick, tell him I would like to meet him some time as well.? Her eyes twinkled softly as she watched the younger female.

?Goodnight, sweet one. Sleep well.? She turned and padded off, fading from sight through the trees and growing darkness.

-Exit Erani-



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2013, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2013, 02:49 PM by Epiphron.)

She couldn't wait to meet the male Erani spoke of. The grin that spread over her lips was genuine -- the female surely had the ability to mask her emotions and portray a facade of fake happiness, but this smile was true. "He better do much more than respect you, or I'll never let him live it down, my dear Erani." Briefly she leaned to nuzzle the older female affectionately. She wondered if this meant children would come soon; she was sure she would be informed of such things, though, and decided not to push the matter further, though she certainly was anxious to meet this male.

"Sleep sounds wonderful," she agreed readily, tail swishing joyfully behind her. Around Erani, she was a child again, unburdened by the pressures of adulthood. "Don't worry, you'll be the first one I want him to meet. Thank you, Erani. Sleep well!" The grin never threatened to fade. She would turn away from her mentor, padding into the darkness, seeking the comfort of her den to retreat to for the night.

-exit Epiphron-