


05-14-2014, 11:32 PM

Murky air hung about this land, mushy ground worked brown and black muds up and into his pristine white coat, as he walked through it. Haphazardly, crossing the borders of another's lands, if such a childish act could even be considered hazardous. He'd slain kings, queen, commoners, and children alike. Laid in their blood, and drank the marrow from deep within their bones. Crossing a urine trail, a marking of a pack- was perhaps a pass-time for him. Really, what would they do? He moved proudly, his tail aloft behind his back. A banner it was, for his stature a sign of pride. His head carried high, he approached the land with a grimace, a snarl coming from the deep confines of his chest. Of all the places he'd been on this hell-hole of an island, this seemed perhaps the most miserable. Perhaps he'd make this his.


05-14-2014, 11:44 PM

These were easily her new favourite lands, maybe that was why she was in the vicinity when her spicy senses told her that another had crossed her boarder. Well? Actually she had been sitting quite happily in an especially hazy lighted section of bog when a familiar face happened across her path. He didn't seem to notice her, walking directly parallel to her and seemingly on a mission. Yellow eyes would narrow as they followed him as if she might be able to stop his heart with her gaze. Last time they had seen each other she had told him that she had birthed his children and had proceeded to try and get him to eat them until her conscience had kicked in. He had then promised to help her raise the kids and then had disappeared. Bastard? 'WHERE. THE. FUCK? DO YOU THINK. YOUR GOING!" She practically yelled at him without really getting up at first. She was still feeling a bit dizzy from the fight though it had been some time ago and her neck was still sore. But still after a few seconds she would stand and stalk towards him. 'I'M FUCKING TALKING TO YOU CREE!" She continued to whether or not he had responded to her first statement.


05-14-2014, 11:54 PM

Had he noticed the red beauty that he had passed? Sure. Did he care? No, and he would continue not to care, unless of course he was to fuck her. She apparently wasn't to thrilled about being ignored. What an attention needing little whore. He continued to march forward, ignoring her. That was until she spoke again, using a word that only one was allowed to call him. Cree Wheeling to face her, his snapped. His jaws come to close, close to her but not taking a bite. Who did she dare to think that she was? His eyes lit with challenge, glaring at her- cutting her down. He stood to his height, looking down at her. His hackles had risen, everything about his stance was pure aggression. Would she dare to recant her question? "Who are you to dare call me by a name, claimed only by one other, you mindless whore?" He spat, his words laced with venom. Of course he didn't remember her, nor the children he sired. All she was right now, was an inconvenience.


05-15-2014, 12:01 AM

Rage boiled below the surface, bailey contained and easily seen by the fires that flittered within her gaze. He tried to brush off and ignore her first statement but he would whirl and snap at her at her second. Funny? He hadn't freaked at her for calling him Cree since the first or second time they had met?Even funnier being that she didn't really worry about him snapping at her or calling her names. She had been called worse? By him. "Excuse me." Words were dripping with just as much venom as his words as eyes shot daggers at his skull. "Cree. Cree Cree Cree Cree. Cree! I'LL CALL YOU WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!" What started off in a mocking singsong voice was soon turned back into harsh yelling as her rage bubbled over and exploded. Insignificant asshole, who the fuck did he think he was calling her a whore? Well yeah she was one but at one point she had been his fucking whore and he better not forget it. "Now. Where the fuck have you been asshole. And why the FUCK are you on MY lands?" She snapped, voice changing volume and cadence throughout that whole last statement. Mother fucker thought he could get away with it. Hell to the no.

Table by Azil


05-15-2014, 12:15 AM

She was ballsy, she didn't flinch away from his jaws. Jaws that had slain and maimed. That was almost impressive. Then of course, she started to speak again. His eyes narrowed at her words, a snarl building in his chest, barreling out of his mouth in a spew of snapping canines and saliva. She dared to repeat the words, nearly mock the name that had caused him to become to demonic? He moved closer to her, jaws snapping, an audible crunch of bone against bone as she finished, claiming she could call him whatever the fuck she wanted. "The vindictive little bitch is full of words, but does her bark meet her bite?" He sneered, his ears pinned against his head. Her next question confused him, and perhaps his angered stance faltered for a second. "Where have I been? Darling, I don't even know you." Tilting his head, ever so slightly to the left he'd speak again, his tone silky. "I could get to know you... and your lands." He spoke, his tone kissing the air- hinting at the sexual desires that came paw and paw with his murderous rage. He could fuck her than kill her, or kill her then fuck her- whatever pleased him at the time.


05-15-2014, 12:39 AM

He snarled and snapped at her words, trying to cut her off with noise alone and she would continue to speak louder and louder over his sounds. She would scream until her fucking voice was raw if she had to to get her point across. Mother fucker. How dare he get her pregnant, not eat her children, want to raise them, bail then roll up and act all high and mighty. "I don't need to bite. We've been fuck buddies long enough you should know I can take your fucking pussy ass bite." Words were a low menacing growl now, ears folding to her skull as she jabbed her nose at him in an attempt to knock it against his and maybe force him back a step. But his next words left her gaping and confused. Brow would furrow and she would pull her head put to look at him scrupulously. "What. The. Fuck." Those were the only words she could pull up before he offered to get to know her better. Immediately she threw a paw up in a 'hold up gesture' as eyes closed and head tilted down. She needed a minute. He didn't know her? "What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK! You don't knooow me?" Her words were practically a hiss now as her paw slapped down and she eyed him warily now. What the fuck did he mean he didn't know her? They had fucking kids together after all. The whole last statement was completely bypassed, ignored and tossed out. She was pretty hung up on the 'not knowing you' part.

Table by Azil


05-15-2014, 09:58 AM

The fiery hued woman was pretty, these were things he was noticing as he stared her down. The dark markings that surrounded her eyes. She had gall too, her words were dangerously close to either making him collapse with hysterical laughter, or rip her jugular from her. Fuck buddies, she dared to say he'd experienced the delights her elusive hips offered, and didn't remember. Well, to be honest, the male couldn't be shocked. She wouldn't be the first fuck he'd forgotten. Her nose knocked against his, and he pulled his head back slightly in recoil, before stretching it forward, his salmon tongue daring to seek her ruby toned flesh, ivory canines wanting to nip at her- to sample her delicacy. "Sweetheart, if what you say is true... you truly must not be admirable enough for me to remember." He teased, though his words were sharp- venomous. She must be forgettable, if he couldn't remember him. "What a pity, with a fiery ass like that, you'd think I'd never forget the wonders it could hold." Perhaps this was indeed his way of answering her, no, he didn't remember who this fiery babe was. "Should I force those thighs to scream me their story once more, perhaps that will jog my memory?" He asked, an elusive smirk upon his jaws. Oh to hear those pristine jaws, scream his name- begging him for mercy, to cease in the torture he could thrust upon her, a torture only he could bestow.


05-20-2014, 11:01 PM

It wasn't rage that bubbled through her as he eyed her and seemed to take his time to process her words. At his words the laughter came loose, musical and easy as she closed her eyes and shook her head at him. He kept talking and she kept laughing, the sound becoming less reined in with every word as she began to simply laugh over him. Why was this so funny one might ask? Well... "Yeah right. Last time we fucked I ended up pregnant. Never again..." She giggled as she tossed herself back onto her haunches as if trying to desperately to regain some of her composure. She lifted a white dipped forepaw, swatting at him in an almost playful manner as eyes remained closed and giggles continued to ripple up her throat. It wasn't until a few moments after would she finally manage to stop laughing and shake her head slowly. "Fuck your funny coming around here... Always seem to find your way back..." She purred easily head tipping as she regarded him with amusement. What would bring him back here now? Did he even know these were her pack lands or was he was just flouncing around looking to piss people off again?

Table by Azil


05-23-2014, 03:54 AM

She was insane, and what a shame that was. The hues of fire that encased her body, surely would make an interesting blend to the ivory coat that he wore. However, she was bloody insane. Not that it really mattered to him, the core of an insane bitch felt the same as a sane one. And sometime the insane ones could get kinky in ways, even he couldn't imagine. She spoke, and he regarded her now with a bemused expression- the kind normal wolves gave chattering children. One word caught his interest, "pregnant", he had gotten her pregnant? A dark bubble of laughter peeled in his throat, and he merely watched her as she sat back, swatting at him as she giggled in near hysterics. She finally stopped laughing, and he let out a mental 'thank you.' As she spoke again, his eyes trailed over her. What had brought him back here? He didn't say anything, merely regarded her with a look near annoyance. "If we're not going to fuck, get out of my way, sweetheart." He growled, his tone cutting through the air. He didn't want to sit here and listen to this insane creature tell him things that obviously, weren't true. Sex, however, she could offer- then she could go about her merry way- satisfied, and he'd go about his... satisfied. It was a win-win really.