
The First Day Of Summer



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2013, 01:50 AM
Her white fur was dappled under the mid-day sunlight as she trundled through the Red Forest. In a way, she felt at home, even though home was to the south and west of this forest. Her eyes scanned the area for herbs that she could take home to her den. She felt heavy, and the odd stirrings in her belly happened regularly. There was little discomfort, however. It just seemed that she was getting fatter. She was sure it was from all the meat Nova had been bringing home. Their eating Alcove was absolutely never empty for more than an hour. The moment it looked like it was going to be empty, he would march out of the den to hunt again. It was puzzling, but she supposed his behavior must have been because he wanted to make sure she was provided for.

She wasn?t all that far off the mark. Her tail wagged as she spotted a small clearing laden with clover, the round blossom heads of red and white sending a sweet scent into the warm, first day of Summer air. She was enjoying the sunny skies. It wasn?t as warm as it would be lower down, nor was it as cold as it still was up toward Glaciem. But it was certainly a relief compared to all the storms Valhalla?d been experiencing lately.

She lowered her head to nip what she needed from the clover.


04-01-2013, 02:14 AM

Asheni had been forbidden to leave the North without a bodyguard, it seemed the sweet healer was forever running into trouble and Gargie had made it a law, no healer was to leave the border without explicit permission. Asheni had been granted close enough to be heard should she run into trouble, and she had tried, tried so very hard to abide by that rule, but a scent had caught her nose. For a moment she had thought it to be a stranger, but after a quick thought it quickly clicked who the scent belonged to... although it radiated just a slight extra touch of estrogen... oh nevermind! She couldn't be worried of such things at the moment! She might be scolded by Gargie but it had been so many moons since she had last seen the ivory healer!

Asheni bolted, pretty blue eyes widening in excitement as she thundered through the forest, bounding this way and that like an excited jack rabbit. She drew close and barked her excited hello, alerting the dame to her presence. Asheni burst from the trees, skidding to a halt mere inches from the Valhallen healer, packs nor titles held any meaning in Asheni's mind. Erani was a dear friend and one she had not seen in quite some time. "Erani! How have you been? It has been far too long my friend!"

Asheni brushed forward, tucking her head around Erani's neck, giving her a hug of sort, her snout brushing her cheek in an overly friendly greeting. The two toned dame had always been a bit clueless when it came to personal space.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2013, 08:49 PM
Erani?s head jerked up as a blur of black and white charged out of the trees in her direction, the blur uttering a bark. Erani stared a moment, then gave a wild yip as the blur finally stood still enough for identification. Asheni! She gazed down at the small female, her own tail waving behind her in delight. ?Asheni! How have you--? She was cut off by the excited words that Asheni was saying. She was brought into a hug, and returned it with forelegs lifting in a playful wolf hug around the shoulders.

?Yes, it has. Are you well? You look well. How?s Glaciem?? The lack of personal space meant nothing to Erani among friends, Asheni could have rolled and rubbed all over her and not gotten anything less than affection in return. It was part if Asheni?s charming personality and sweet nature that made her so very likable. Erani tried to wait for Asheni?s reply, but the news she had was bursting to escape. ?I?ve found a mate, Shen!? Her deep blues shimmered, the haunted expression only a dim memory in those eyes.


04-08-2013, 03:36 PM

Asheni would always be a creature of spontanuity. She had matured over the years but the exuberance and the excitement that she had so oft felt, simply could not be contained... especially when a friend she had not seen in years graced her vision. Erani was a good friend, one of two allies that the two-toned dame had accumulated while in her stay in Valhalla, and the hug that she trapped Erani in, simply could not be helped.

"Much better than I was back on our old land! A beast, nearly did me in, I was lucky to survive! Glaciem is well, Gargoyle is Alpha now, Crusade retired, oh Erani! Her and Cifer are to have pups!" Asheni babbled excitedly, as much as thoughts of them still wounded her she was happy for them. They were her best friends and she would support them. Her own emotions be damned. Her eyes lit with excitement for her friend as she offered her such joyous news and the healer danced in placed, eyes lingering on her swollen belly.

"Thats wonderful Erani! When are the pups due? What does he look like? You must tell me everything!"She knew now that the extra estrogen that she scented was in fact Erani stepping into motherhood. Oh! She did hope that Erani would let her meet the pups!




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-08-2013, 04:43 PM

Erani grinned at the hearty enthusiasm and delight Asheni exuded as she listened to the husky marked healer?s account of what was going on in Glaciem. She had heard of Crusade from many wolves, during the time when there was a minor war between Valhalla and the north dwelling pack. Some of it had been bad, as stories to darken the opposing packs? members in a war time were always going to happen. But she hadn?t sensed any truth to it. From what she had heard of when Crusade had been part of Valhalla, then called Starlite, the female had been an admirable warrior, a fine just heart.

?I was made Lead healer before the Eruption. I never expected to get the rank, but I?m used to it now. I?ve found the most wonderful den, Sheni. It has room for me, plus many more wolves.? Her tail stirred the air. ?Valhalla?s new location has so many herbs, Shen. Practically everything,?

Then what Asheni was saying triggered in her brain, and she stared for a moment. ?Pups?? It was all she said, and her face was puzzled. Then it began to click. Her expression changed from puzzled to something that suggested some invisible entity had snuck up behind her and whacked her upside the head with a heavy branch. Bingo. It made sense. But, How? She was barren, wasn?t she? The stirring in her stomach began again, and this time she tuned into it. Not her stomach. But her womb! ?Pups! Asheni!? Deep blue eyes stared at the smaller healer, wild excitement beginning to take hold in the form of a bright gleam.


04-15-2013, 09:52 PM

She pranced, dancing about her long lost friend. Excitement did not begin to describe the exuberance the two toned dame felt. Asheni and Erani had seemingly had an instant connection, back when she lingered in Valhalla, the healer had been her only true friend. Synestro had fallen for her, but her utter terror and fear had kept her from returning his strong affections. Erani had been naught but kind and Asheni respected the healer greatly. They had swapped remedies, recipes for poultices, and much, much more. She had missed the ivory fae greatly but her presence in Valhalla was no longer a welcome one.

"Congratulations! I knew with your skills that even Cairo would be foolish for not seeing your potential! I am the Lead Healer in Glaciem, have been since its formation! Oh! We must get together again to swap ideas and recipes! It has truly been far too long my friend!" The smile would not fall from her maw, the joy could not be tapered. She was ecstatic. Such a reunion was a joyous and welcome thing! Perhaps if she was tired she might stay for the night? Oh! How Asheni had missed her!

The look of shocked bewilderment sent Asheni for a loop. For a moment her face paled, and she hesitated. Had she misjudged the woman? Was she not really pregnant? Had Asheni just called her dear friend fat? Her heart sunk to the floor, a look of terror piercing her eyes, tentatively she sniffed the air... no she wasn't mistaken, that amount of estrogen... Asheni sure as hell wasn't pregnant, she hadn't been bred in years. "Pups! Pups! Yes Erani! How could you not know?" Asheni laughed lightly, teasing Erani gently.
