
>> we will all burn together.


05-26-2014, 08:19 PM
[Image: 20eokhj.png]



Sliding beneath foliage like a snake into the darkness, this rugged brute of a wolf pressed forward with his footsteps. Wide-set paws sinking into chilled earth, mud seeping between his toes and pulling around his obsidian feathered feet. Elegant brute, lean in stature and heavy in build at the same time pushed himself up from under dense, rain ridden ferns and fauna. Moving slowly as to not disturb the earth around him, he would sink deeper every once in a while, hitting a low plain, filling him to his belly with a staining shield of mud flowing up around his hocks and elbows. A sigh of frustration would exit his maw as his tail would flick up in a moment of trying to rid himself of the filth. Pulling forward he would pull his lips from the ivory's they sheathed, only in a twisted form of expression that allowed him to focus and pull himself from the dreaded hole to a shelf of mossy dirt. His obsidian pelt would shake in an attempt to rid himself of the putrid filth now sticking to him. On the bright side, it wasn't as noticeable as it could be as his figure's hue tone matched it almost fully.

A sigh would push from his lungs as he jaunt forward into a steady jog above the earth, allowing mud to trail behind him sporadically as he walked. A huff of a grunt escaping his lower vocals.



05-26-2014, 09:04 PM

Nephele was an odd creature. She had been on her own for a while, but it did not really bother her. She kept her head down and staid alone. She did not really know where any of the other Elysium children staid, nor did she fret. The girl had seen Artemis, but she would enjoy to see her closer sibling Nova, as well. The woman hated cascade, just because. The bitch took to much attention away from her. It was petty but it truthfully bothered the tri-toned femme. The woman had because very aware that she was beautiful and people loved to look at her. She desperately wanted to that girl everyone wanted to know. And, she was working that way very fast. Her and Artemis had much in common, a thirst for power. They both wanted to be leaders. But, maybe they could make that work. Nephele could see herself making political desicions quite easily, and thinking about things very thoroughly. She also could see herself running a very tight nit pack of only the best. The little girl would also not be opposed to spreading the name of Elysium to put more loyal subjects beneath her paws. But, all would come with due time.

The darling babe would growl with each step. Her paws would sink into the mud with such dismay. Bits of mud shot up with each pad fall. The girl was awfully annoyed already. Her ears were back and her tail was nearly between her legs. Nephele was a very picky girl and mud was not her thing. The female hated anything that did not compliment her looks, and mud was just horribly gross. The nymph would stop and shake her fur out before continuing once more. But, a stride would be cut in half as more paw steps were heard. She quickly inhaled the brisk air, in search for a scent and she found one. That of a male. The babe then began to trace the steps of the man before an ebony brute came into sight. The gal rolled her lovely shoulders and cleared her throat quickly. She hoped the simple noise would alert the male of her pressance, but show she was no threat. (At that moment.) The babe smiled and let her tail rise from between her legs. "Hello, sir." Her vocals were so sweet, as if it were a song. She would be able to lure him in quickly.



05-30-2014, 10:29 PM
[Image: 20eokhj.png]



As another sigh of discontent and discomfort fell from the brutes lungs like magma from the core of a volcano, a feeling of heaviness to the breath, he allowed his eyes to sink as well. Silver gaze practically at a grey, dingey and dissolved as he would push himself forward, staring into the earth as to watch his step. He felt his sigh surface about his feet in a wave of overwhelming boredom and exhaustion.

Suddenly, his feet ceased to bring him forward. The obsidian colored brute slowly lifted his dial from it's parallel position along the earth, weaving between his rotating shoulder blades with an over done physical motion of his withers falling up and down with his every step, thick and wide they stood out against his lifted neck, thick and on alert now, the ebony male flared his nostrils, feet softening into the moss, pads of his paws momentarily freezing beneath him. Paying no attention to the sensation as he allowed his silver opals to focus, snapping him from the daze he traveled in for the time being, a constant state of exhaustion and boredom. He didn't long to no longer be alone, yet somehow the scent of another allowed his senses to feel that overwhelming sense of excitement and brief heavy interest. His auds swiveled forward over his thick skull, tall, thick brute would allow his gaze to suddenly catch a light of violet and azul, the brightness of them took him in and he found himself staring intently at their direction, her scent was strong and his interest was peaked if only for a moment.

Like honey they hit him, her words as soft as she looked, the brute did not change position. His dulled gaze no longer was the texture and color of the fog, but now of a brighter silver, sharp and consistent... it brightened. He remained leisurely in the way he stood and his position, not submissive, but no ruler of the roost by any means. He was strong, his physique tense and ready, but his attention curious and caught by the dove approaching him slowly. His vocals took a while before sounding, thunderous and deep they matched the color of his obsidian pelt, "Hello, dove." His ebony dial would relax, his nose turning down for a moment and brought back up to level again in a brief greeting to the fae. Turning his dial away from her though keeping his gaze head on, he observed her.



06-01-2014, 09:43 PM

She was an odd one, yet so perfect. She was obsessed with manipulation and luring, The fact that she could control with her body just set a fire in her. The fact that she could smirk and the boys went wild, a flick of her tail was met with oos and ahhs, and a swivvel of those lovely hips meant hell was to be met. Yet, the yearling was still pure. Nephele was a tease. Her loins were untouched, unseen. Her body had yet to be embraced by a male. There was a single man she had seen with that lusty eye, but it was so taboo she would not dare touch that path until he did. The ELysius girl was not a whore, but a mere dancer, She showed what they wanted to see. Said what they wanted to hear. But, would she let them.. touch? No. It would stay that way.

The darling woman stared at the dark male with a cocked head. Her eyes fluttered and her lips were slicked into a lovely grin. Her lashes were luxurious as ever, complementing her wonderful cyan orbs. They sparkled with such elegancy. It was obvious she was royalty. Nephele watched as he stopped to react to her simple greeting, but matched it with his own. The femme nodded and began to emit more beautiful tones into the musky air. "I am Nephele Elysius, pray tell, who am i in the graces of?" The delicious fae would eye him softly, without a shame. Wanting him to see her eyes wander.



06-04-2014, 07:16 PM


She was a sight to see, one that had not hit Hinge's eyes in quite some time. As he watched her, his own gaze hardened, pupils dilated and his breath lowered to a mere silent stifle. A sigh escaped his vocals, and as he did so his remaining smirk stayed where it was, smeared across his narrow maw. Brightened silver orbs followed the dove as she moved. Her every step was like a slow dance, made to bring the brute in, and he was more than enthralled by her.

Thunderous vocals called out to her though he refused to move from his somewhat bulked position, tense with hackles risen, primarily in excitement more than anything. Obsidian coat was shaken for a moment, ridding himself of a sharp shiver than flowed down his spine. Heavy dust and dirt flipped from his ebony hue as he shook madly for only a moment, silver orbs re-opening to pierce towards the female. Bringing himself back down from his heightened sense of lust, the brute licked his maw once over, pink tongue falling over his ebony lips, ivory's flashing hungrily for a moment. Calming himself he inhaled sharply as the fae spoke out. "Nephele..." His vocals poured from his throat, an audible river of deep syllables and sharp noises. He spoke slowly, allowing his mind to comprehend her completely. Though on a more playful note, he refused to give up his name to her quite yet.

A long pause passed between his words, silence between them fell, though it was not awkward. He eyed her hungrily, "Nephele Elysius, of where?" He spoke slowly once more, gently he pushed himself forward, standing tall on thick, powerful stalks, musculature still tense with rippling adrenaline. "Only curious, dove."With one paw in front of the other he walked slowly towards the fae, orbs remaining on her. Veering to her right he continued to walk, crossing before her and turning to round toward her tail.



06-05-2014, 01:09 PM

The woman was perfection. Her elegant body. Untouched. Unseen. Her paws were dainty and delightful. Her eyes were bright with curiosity at all times. Nephele was a Goddess, a creature of divine beauty. It was obvious that the ebony male before her was interested. The hunger within his silver eyes. The yearning, it made her flourish in confidence. The Princess took a step forward, watching him closely. She watched as he flung mud from his fur, most of it missing her. But, she still flinched, the woman hated dirt. It was not her greatest asset., Muck was not a good look. The woman fluttered her lashes as she calmed down from the mud storm. His baritone vocals filled her ash dipped audits in delight. He spoke her name and she smiled a little more. Though, she took note when he did not let forth his own name. Just memorizing hers instead. The woman tilted her head, waiting to see if he would spill the beans, but he did not.

The divine woman sat down and stare at him with keen eyes. They were sharp, never ending. As he would speak once more the woman tilted her head again. "I have no single home." The woman was not in a pack, nor will she be until her brother builds a throne for her delicate arse to sit on. She would rule with her brother, but in the mean time, the bitch was packless and alone. The woman would flash him a smirk and lay down. Her body would compliment the ground with such elegance. Her fur sprawled out in delight. She was a mystery to all eyes. Her thoughts were never revealed and her emotions were always hidden. Her face was always adorned with her trademark smile and her fluttering lashes. She would observe as he got up and sauntered her way. The woman stared at him with such furosity. A fire ignited in her, one that only came forth when she embraced her adoring brother. Though, the man at her rear would not gain her trust that day. Her legs would not be spread to his stick. She turned her head to look at him, gazing his way with such delight. "Tell me your name, my knight." Her voice was masked with such intensity it could blow a grown man from his throne.



06-06-2014, 06:37 PM


Silver optics fell grey and rigid as he watched her. His smirk fading as he spoke, though his expression remained coy with an air of agitation and anxiousness oozed from his every poor. Disheveled, unkept hue of ebony and chocolate shook for a moment over his tall, muscular features, stretched over his physique with tight-fit precision. Large paws laid flat over the earth, nails extending with each step, almost eager with anticipation and nerves. Adrenaline would rush down his spine when the dove spoke out to him.

Wanting nothing more than to be with the fae, take in her scent for the remainder of the evening, allowing his lungs to fill with nothing more than her. With a deep sigh the brute lowered his dial and brought himself around the temptress. His steps were slow and purposeful as he moved around the circle he forced himself to follow like an insect on a line of pheromones, forced to remain where he was, allowing the intimate imagination of his mind to wander while he remained on a path. Encircling her still he moved towards the dove's head again, allowing his gentle yet intense gaze to overcome her own, searching her physique slowly, tracing her outline, "I see." A brief and light chuckle would pour from his bellowing vocals. "So far we may have something in common."He bantered on, curious about the air of slight amusement in the fae's reply. A playful smirk crawled back across the brute's ebony visage.

His chuckle would push forward again, a long pause between the fae's question about his name once more. "It's not important." He watched where she lied, he every movement unearthly if at all mortal. The angel was capturing his complete attention, he would search again for her aquatic orbs. "And even if I did, what would a dove like yourself do with it?" He sat himself down before her, haunches hitting the terrain a bit half-heartedly for his height tended to impair his overall grace. Thick mane of a neck bent forward and allowed his dial to lower a bit, auds lying back against his skull.



06-11-2014, 03:38 PM

The woman would remain pure with every step she took. A single delight coated in raw ebony. He would circle her like a simple minded Shark. The girl saw nothing of it. Sure, her yearling yearnings for touch and pleasure were unyielding due to her lack of, but she saved herself for the one true Elysius King. Her Brother. The man that weaved himself around her with his muscular frame and needy little eyes was not her brother, so her legs would remain shut and the heat within them out of site. As he sucked in her delicious words the woman tilted her lovely head and watched him as he chuckled before letting forth his baritone words infused with a heated lust. "I see." He said before pausing a moment, "So far we may have something in common." The woman did not think much of it. Nephele was use to meeting rogues as she wandered but she did lie, the bitch did have one true home. The Soulless Forest, but now it seemed to be under the false rule of some whore. Her hackles twitched as she thought of the horrors of her home being held by some ignorant bitch.

As the boy began to chuckle again she had gotten herself into a horrible mood. But, it did not show. Her emotions would never show. Nephele watched as his arse plopped onto the ground before her. Delitful eyes slithered up his frame without a single ounce of shame like before. Yet, when she asked for his name he responded incorrectly. The words, "It's not important," would spew from his inky mouth without a second thought. Of course it mattered. He could be some known rapist or a bandit. One of those Armada men or someone else she hated. She always required a name, yet he would ask such a stupid question. "And even if I did, what would a dove like yourself do with it?" The woman rolled her eyes without care, oh she was in a bitchy mood now. Nephele sat up and stared into his eyes as her now devilish voice slithered from her ash covered jaws. "I require the name of a man that has come so close to me. For I should turn away now, without it. It just shows you are either some sort of bandit or something else along those gross lines. A woman of my stature will not communicate with some un-named man." The bitch would stare at him with narrow eyes, yet she still had that little grin upon her lovely lips. "I would have wished my Knight wouldn't leave me so disappointed so soon." The girl sighed softly and kneaded the earth below her two toned paws.
