



05-26-2014, 08:46 PM

The woman was a beauty. With each step the Gods thanked her for her pressance. With each movement men withered. She was a Goddess, or even much more. Her fur was full of shades of grey like ash and white like snow. But, upon her head was an arch of gold that slithered from above her eye then down to her muzzle. The burst of color gave her a regal look, she could thank her cursed father for. Nephele slithered through the forest with a watchful eye. She had recently caught up with her half-sister, Artemis, which excited her. But, until any plans were made the woman would stay on the down low. Maybe she could find her other siblings. Nova even. But, she would not worry to much in those moments. The girl was facing a fear of hers. Those lovely cyan orbs peered down at the waterr below. She was upon the Fjord. Why? She did not even know. The female had found her way there by chance and she hated heights. The minx could just imagine her beautiful body plummeting to the ground. It was difficult and horrible. The babe then reverted her eyes away and continued on into the forest. For some reason in the back of her head she continued to think about what could happen if she fell. Even when she got deeper and further away. The dove did not dwell much longer for she found a lovely hollow tree she would make her friend. The elegant fae slithered into the tree and plopped down onto the slightly moist ground. Her two toned tail slithered to her side, fluffing up on her legs. She rolled her lovely shoulders and let her eyes shut. Rain sprinkled down, making a lovely background sound for a nap. But, she would only doze off into a light sleep. "Speech"



7 Years

05-27-2014, 10:25 AM

It was the wet winter rain that sprinkled down upon his ivory form. Slight irritation clouded his usual happy attitude, his thick fur beginning to dampen and stick to his form. A soft sigh passed from the yearlings maw, hoping that the cover of the trees would lessen the amount of water that settled on his fur. The cover of the trees allowed slight covering, although he still was getting damp. A huff sounded as he shook his bodice, ridding some the liquid that clung to him. He wanted to find somewhere out of this rain, the chill of winter would make him surly catch a cold.

The whisperings of the forest teased his ears with something of a calmer matter, of naps during the cold winter days. Longing to join the little creatures, he hunted for a place to remain dry. A hollowed log caught his attention, bringing a small smile to his black lippids. Trotting over, he was about to crawl in when an ash and ivory form caught his attention. Oh, so this area was already claimed? His desperate need to get out of the rain made him clear his throat. He could tell from the scent that it was a female who had lay claim to his hiding hole. "Is there room for one more, m'lady?" He asked in his usual gentlemanly manner. Dipping down his white head, his golden eyes taking in her wondrous form. The young wolf knew without a doubt that he had stumbled upon a beautiful lady. Just his luck.



05-27-2014, 10:55 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 10:55 AM by Nephele.)

the woman was running and running. her paws never seemed to completely touch the ground. her eyes were shut but she could see. she tried to look behind her but she couldn't. the woman knew she was asleep but could not wake up. was it a dream? or was it hell? a sense of doom engulfed her. the nymph was trapped and lost. suddenly.. she fell.
Her eyes popped open, she had fallen into a much deeper sleep then she wished for. The same dream had spooked her, the same dream she had nearly every night. It was odd, to keep dreaming about the same thing over and over. Was it a sign? An omen? The woman did not know, nor did she dwell for to long. Her cyan orbs fluttered open and shut as she let the sleepy gloss slip away. A luxurious yawn was heard as she stretched out her tired body. The Elysius Goddess let her jaws snap shut as she laid there in silence. The sound of the rain soothed her, making her want to sleep even more, but she refused. The babe let her eyes shut, but her ears were very open. Though, when she heard pad falls and a huff, the woman seemed to get much more alert. They seemed to be padding her way, making her eyes open out of curiosity. As the source came into view the darling eyed the soft toned male slowly. Gentle, yet baritone, vocals filled the air as he spoke to her. "Is there room for one more, m'lady?" The woman guessed he just wanted out of the cold rain, as she did. The Wolfess nodded softly and let forth her own elegant tones, "I suppose." Her voice had a regal undertone that seemed to roll from her tongue smoothly. The light colored female smiled gently before announcing her name, "I am Nephele Elysius, who are you?" The woman looked at him pointedly, moving into a sitting position with her head held high and her tail fluffed to her side.




7 Years

06-11-2014, 02:16 PM

He stood in the freezing rain, shaking his damp body to try and rid all the rain as he watched the pale female before him. They had similar coats, both an iridescent white with stained muzzles, and eye markings. The female's was way more extravagant than his own, a crescent moon shining from her ear to the corner of her gray muzzle. When she was asked for room she spoke, although her bodice did not move to make room for the yearling. He would not push her, and stayed in his position outside of the stump. Hunkering his body closer to the earth, he laid upon the ground as he waited, his yellow eyes inspecting her brilliant sapphire eyes. She was quite the beautiful wolf, he would be kidding himself if he did not admit that. But there was more to her pretty face, he could tell by her mannerism, by her speech and the gaze that hid under those eyes of hers.

Bass dipped his head when she gave him the right to know her name, a faint smile dancing upon his black lips. "Pleasure Nephele Elyius, I am Bass Destruction." Tacking on his last name was a habit now, seeming as a lot of wolves at the same heritage as him. A long line of Destruction's seemed to inhabit Alacritis. Fluffing out his thick winter fur, the brute simply awaited to be welcomed into the hollow log. Pushing was not something that this brute did, even more so when there was a female in question. She was a lady and would be treated as much.
