
Wipe away my tears


05-19-2014, 01:20 PM

Silver stilts pulled her cross the orchard as the Queen finished her rounds of marking the border. It had been about a week since her run in with Kylar and his new whore and the thought still made her blood boil. Basanti was back in the den, sleeping soundly. The Queen had made sure to tire her out before leaving her alone. Dark jaws parted in a yawn, her body begging for a nap. It was odd, rarely was she ever tired during the day. Snow littered the ground, but one tree managed to shelter the ground below, providing a dry place. Deciding to take a nap, the Queen curled up, eyes fluttering shut, her breathing slowly as she drifted off.

several hours later

The cold gripped her like a vice, causing her behemoth form to shutter and shiver relentless. Eyes fluttered open, but immediately snapped shut with discomfort. A paw would lift, rubbing her eyes. Slowly her eyes opened, her vision blurry, eyes scratchy. Silver crown would lift, the woman gaining her bearings. Her gaze would drop to her paws, and what she saw caused her to go deathly still. Blood. Brows furrowed, the woman rising to her paws. Her heart skipped a beat, not sure what was happening. Shivers racked her body, the cold gripping her. Eyes burned, she could feel the blood wetting her face.

The Queen would step out into the snow, she needed to get back to the forest. Something was terribly wrong. Desperately she hoped she would find Kylar, maybe he would know what to do. Slowly the scene before her began to change. Blood stained the snow, causing her to stop. Eyes looked around frantically. Tiny little bodies lay still, covered in a light blanket of snow. Warily, the Queen inched closer, nosing one of the bodies. Immediately she jerked back. It was her siblings. The siblings her and demy has murdered. The silver woman back pedaled frantically, only to stumble over more bodies.

Her past was coming back to haunt her. Her adoptive family lay before her, torn to shreds, only the whimpers of those still dying could be heard. Lips curled back in a snarl, her hackles lifting. Eyes narrowed, searching for whoever was responsible for this. A deafening snarl ripped free from her jaws, jaws snapping at air, grabbing nothing. Slowly, a strange feeling crept over her, it latched onto her ankles, creeping up until she fell in a shuttering heap in the snow. Violent shuttered racked her body until she lay limp and unmoving, snow clinging lightly to her pelt. A disease had infiltrated her home.



05-22-2014, 10:23 PM

Despite the anger he still held onto towards Cat he had never really stopped following her. Though today as he watched her disappear from their once den he had waited a short time before lifting himself from the shadows and slipping forward and then into the warm hovel. Basanti was getting so big? He couldn't help the smile that slid across his features as he moved to curl himself around his daughter's tiny form. "Hey there little one?" He murmured softly, nuzzling into her neck and licking the top of her head before dropping his head on his paws. He didn't need to talk to her, just wanted to be around her. He didn't really pay attention, lulled by the sound of her tiny lung drawing in and expelling air. It wasn't long before he too was asleep, eyes drifting closed and an easy sigh leaving his lungs before his head relaxed and flopped a bit.

several hours later

He awoke with a start, head snapping up and verdant eyes darting to and fro. How long had he slept? Why wasn't Cat back yet? He looked down at his daughter and released a soft woof to wake her if she wasn't already. From the look of the sun it had been almost half the day? Worry began to plague him, why would Cat leave their daughter alone this long? "Lets go find your mom little bird?"He murmured softly, as he slipped out of the den then turned and reached back in to lift Basanti's tiny form. He waited for her to position herself in his jaws before setting off. He didn't want to, wouldn't leave her by herself when he didn't know where Cat was. He didn't know how long he walked, nose constantly quivering to try and pick up Cat's scent. He started in the forest because that was her most common haunt but then eventually he heaved over the river and to the orchard. That was where her scent was the strongest. Soon her sturdy form came into view and Ky would halt, frowning as he warted her back peddle from something, snarling and snapping at the air before collapsing onto the ground.

Immediately he would lower Basanti to the ground plopping her there and stepping forward looking his daughter hard in the eye. "Stay here. Right here. Until I come for you or call." He said, tone hard as he stared at her until she gave some form of acknowledgment to his words. Then he would turn, haunches curling underneath him as he propelled him forward. He reached her side in no time at all but as soon as he saw her face her slammed on the brakes and halted. She was bleeding? Was she cut? Hurt? No? She was bleeding from her eyes. "Cat?? Cat baby? Tell me whats wrong?." He murmured softly, not quite sure yet if he should touch her. Was she sick? Was her sickness contagious? He wanted so badly to be with her but what about Basanti?



05-22-2014, 10:34 PM

She had spent the morning playing her mama, learning the lands that she called home. But soon exhaustion swept over her tiny body, and she rested with her mother in their den, dozing in a matter of moments. She would wake only briefly as she felt a lick on her head, her fathers scent filling the den. A smile played on her lips as she dozed off again. The girl dreamed pleasantly, little legs twitching as she chased after a bunny.

several hours later

Her father would wake her, causing the girl to open her eyes, looking around, blinking away the sleep. Her father was already moving out of the den by the time the girl rose to her paws. She would stretch, shaking out her dusty pelt before trotting out of the den after her father. He would scoop her up, and naturally her tiny legs curled up towards her body as she swayed back and forth. She didn't know where they were going, but her father walked for what seemed like forever before the reached a different looking forest. It smelled different too. "Mama!" The girl would cry, her tail wagging as she saw her mamas figure against the white background.

Her father would set her down with a thump, the girl looking up at him curiously. His gaze was hard, his words stern. Ears flipped back against her skull. Had she done something wrong? Shoulders would slump, but she would stay seated, eyes watching her father bound towards her mother who had fallen. Worry began to etch into her features. She rose until she was standing, toes flexing impatiently. Her father had told her to stay, but why was her mama laying on the ground? A whine slipped from her dark jaws, the girl beginning to inch closer, ever so slowly.



05-22-2014, 10:50 PM

Eyes would flutter open, the woman disoriented momentarily. What was happening? Warm liquid wet her cheeks, drying uncomfortably. A shadow suddenly appeared over her, causing the woman to flinch away before refocusing her sights on Kylar. His words were frantic, coaxing her to tell him what was wrong. The Queen peered up, just as confused as he was. Her eyes burned, her vision blurred. The woman rose to her paws, looking around. The snow was clean, a pristine white, free of any blood and bodies. A frown tugged at her features, her gaze returning to Kylar.

"What happened?" She was confused. A paw would lift, wiping her face before pulling away. Blood sward across her paw still. It wasn't a dream. This was really happening. Panic turned to fear. She had been with Basanti all morning, was her daughter ill? Was anyone else sick? She turned away from Kylra, her entire body vibrating with an unshakeable chill. "Is Basanti okay?" She would pace back and forth, weariness tugging at her bones.

Tears of blood continued to flow from her eyes. Thoughts raced, what was she going to? "The pack needs to be called, the sick quarantined if necessary. We need to alert our allies. We need to find a cure." She murmured plans quietly to herself. She couldn't be the only one could see? Was she contagious? Slowly her irritation at not knowing turned into anger, then uncontrollable rage. Hackles lifted, lips curling back over daggers. Ears fell back against her skull as she whirled to face Kylar. Narrowed gaze shot daggers at him as she stalked forward. No recognition was held in her gaze as she moved closer, a snarl ripping free from her jaws. The ground beneath her feet turned red, bodies falling around her again but she paid them no mind, her sights set on the brute in her path.



05-27-2014, 08:34 PM

It wasn't often that he worried, especially about Cataleya but now he was just that. Worried. Her face was covered in blood though it looked like it was coming about as fast as tears would, a few droops dripping down her face every few seconds. But it had been going on a white, some of the older blood already drying while the fresh blood continued to roll down and either mat in the fur of her face or fall to the ground. She was confused, out of it and words slipped from her lips that Kylar didn't quite know how to answer. What had happened? He had no idea... He had no idea what was happening. For a moment his jaw would unhinge, looking like a fish out of water as he searched for words to describe what was happening to her. She began to shake and Kylar would take a step towards her, wanting nothing more then to support her, but then logic struck him and he turned to look at his daughter. Pain seemed to radiate from his gaze before he looked back to Cat. She asked about Basanti and he would sigh, watching her as she began pacing. "She's fine. She's here. And she's worried about you. I'm worried about you." He said earnestly, ears folding back.

But she went right into alpha mode, making a plan already as she continued to pace. "The pack needs to be called, the sick quarantined if necessary. We need to alert our allies. We need to find a cure." She said and Kylar sighed, trying to get himself in the right frame of mind as well. He had to start figuring things out, had to start making a plan. He had to find a cure. "Okay. Lets call the pack. Stay downwind of everyone if you can. We don't know if this is contagious." He said slowly before reopening his eyes only to find her staring at him oddly. "Cat?" He asked slowly, stepping backwards as if she might attack. But that look... Would she attack? He kept backing up until he was standing before Basanti, ready to protect her if needed.



05-27-2014, 10:59 PM

She barely caught his words that her daughter was well, worried, but healthy at least. Coral pools roamed his features hungrily, his words landing on deaf ears. The silver Queen would stalk him silently, countering his every step as he placed himself between her and Basanti. The smell of blood filled her nostrils, intoxicating her. Desire gripped her belly, the perfume of her heat and the smell of blood sending her over the edge and into a frenzy. Saliva pooled in her mouth, blood still pouring freely from her eyes, jaws unhinged, teeth still bared as she crept closer. Hunger clouded her mind and her vision, it was written all over her face. Thick plume lashed behind her impatiently.

Slowly logic slipped from her mind, her thoughts being consumed by her lust for blood and sex. When Kylar stopped moving, she continue to press forward, not stopping until their noses nearly touched. Hackles remained lifted, a growl reverberating in her throat. Rage made her blood boil, it caused saliva to drip from her jaws, her tongue swiping across slips while lust pulled a moan from her chest. She walked a fine line of instability. Shivers wracked her body, hallucinations assaulted her, only breaking her control even more. The Queen would step corawd, tucking herself against her Dukes chest, body tensed for action. She would arch her back, rubbing against him like cat.