
lizard licking


05-27-2014, 02:25 PM

The man was a behemoth. A breeding monster. A man whore. A ladies man. There were many choice phrases to call the boy. There was a lot he wanted to do as well. But, he was oh so very lazy at the same time. His ambitions were met by laziness. He loved to just rest around and sleep. Make love. Then eat and sleep. Maybe he should form a harem. Thoughts of sex slaves and servants filled his head. The man got slightly worked up by the thought but he shoved the naughty thoughts away. The ebony and cyan man slithered through the Col without a worry. His silver eyes slipped up to view the shelves of ice above then they ventured back down. At points his body would squeeze through the passage. His hips being knocked around. Though, it did not phase him very much. He was more worried about his jewelry being scratched. He had no time for scratched bracers. How unattractive. A man that cant even take care of his shit. Kris would continue to wiggle through with ease, now, with a lazy stare and confidence.



05-27-2014, 07:36 PM

The coarse pirate lass had chosen to take the day off, in a sense. She had left her crew for the day, at least. They could handle a day without their favorite pirate lass, Kellen was sure. And there were things that a female had to do on her own. Like enjoy the day. Or, you know, have sex. Not that Kellen planned on having sex or anything like that. But there was no filtering her thoughts. And Kellen had a distinct feeling that it would be awkward to do stuff like that around her crew - especially Joe. He would probably frown upon that.

The thought made Kellen smirk to herself. Maybe she would have to try that now. Then again, maybe not. He would probably skin at least one of the wolves involved alive, and Kellen rather valued her pelt. It wasn't the prettiest thing, but she was a fan of it. Though she might have a few scars, she would still prefer to keep that fairly limited, if only to show others that she wasn't a bumbling fool who got injured in every fight.

Ears pinning back for a moment at the thought, Kellen found herself distracted from her thoughts by the presence of another. Kellen lifted her head, and found her gaze settling upon an interestingly colored wolf. Hmm. He kind of reminded her of Joe, and she definitely approved of that. "'Lo, there." Kellen called out, lifting her voice to carry towards the stranger. He could choose to approach or not as he saw fit - Kellen didn't particularly care either way. It wasn't her problem if he had some stick up his ass and couldn't handle a casual conversation.



05-27-2014, 08:42 PM

The interestingly colored man kept on going until the pat seemed to open up a bit. There were various gaps in the ice above, giving him space to breath and walk freely. He was happy to be out of the tight quaters and he was nearly out of the Col itself. Though, the scent of another became very evident as he took a few breathes in. It was female and he was instantly excited. After a long walk he could use some entertainment. The man looked around for a few moments before a russet babe was captured by those silver orbs. She quickly raised her head to look to him. He admired her odd colored fur, it was nice. He observed the white rings around her blue eyes as well. She was definitely beautiful. Two words shot forth from her mouth and the man smiled, "Hell there, little red." His voice was smooth and elegant. It seemed to capture all that heard it. He took a few steps closer before sitting in front of her and eyeing her once more. "I am Kristoffer, who are you?" He chose the not so creepy path, but naughty thoughts still weaved their way through his noggin.



05-28-2014, 08:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 08:52 AM by Kellen.)

Little red. Hmph. Kellen twitched her ears, shooting the wolf an irritated glance, though it faded as quickly as it came. "Does that mean I get to give you a nickname?" Kellen countered, tail twitching in amusement as ideas began to bubble in her mind. Sparkles would go nicely with those bracelets. Or... Big blue? That just didn't have as much of a ring to it. Though the alliteration was nice. Oh well. She'd give it more thought later. Nicknames such as this couldn't be rushed. They had to be just a little bit insulting but only subtly so - the other wolf couldn't realize how much disdain that Kellen had put into the words.

It took her a moment to answer this Kristoffer. "Kellen O'Malley, at yer service." The slight accent touched her words as she dipped into an ironic bow, inclining her head towards the other. "What about Mister Sparkles? 'Twould fit those bracelets." Aaaand she was back on the nickname thing. Kellen was all too amused by this, to say the least. And she didn't exactly find those bracelets to be manly. He looked like an idiot. A feminine idiot, even. Probably trying to compensate for the small dick he surely possessed.

Not that Kellen really knew anything about his personal life. She just assumed (no matter what one might say about assumptions), seeing as he wasn't a member of her pirate crew that he was surely inadequate in many ways. Especially with those bracelets. Though they did offer a lot in terms of entertainment value.



05-28-2014, 01:00 PM

He would observe her. His eyes were keen and focused. His lips were formed into a gentle smile. As if he was truly a nice guy. The crimson woman would let forth another line of vocals. Playful yet slightly annoyed. He laughed softly. "Go ahead, darling." He let her tail fluff up to his side and his jewelry glistened in the sunlight. He may seem girly for wearing such things. But, they were passed down by his father. He would disgrace his family if he refused such a gracious offer. As he waited for an answer the man would tilt his head and stare into those blue orbs. Though, once the answer came he smirked slightly. He took careful note of the at yer service' bit. His mind momentarily wandered into the naughty place that always seemed to be there. He eyed her hungrily for a few moments before he shifted in place and cleared his throat. The red woman than spoke once more, offering him a silly nickname. "Hmmm, Mister Sparkles and Little Red, I like the sound of that." The dominant man then flopped on his side, facing her. He would keep his eyes on her as he stretched out lazily. "What brings my Little Red to the Col?" He smirked and waited for an answer.



05-29-2014, 10:55 AM

Darling, huh? As if. Kellen huffed softly, but managed to bite her tongue for long enough that the man had turned his attention elsewhere, admiring her nickname. Kellen grinned to herself, a lopsided smirk crossing her features. "Does have a nice ring to it, eh?" Kellen was pleased with herself for coming up with such a clever nickname. Especially since he didn't seem to mind the fact that it wasn't particularly flattering. The red female twitched her tail, pleasantly surprised by how good natured this male seemed to be.

Of course, then he promptly turned around and ruined it with those next words. If Kellen had been a cat, she probably would have hissed. As it was, she managed to shoot him a baleful look. The casual use of 'my' had offended her more than one might have guessed, but Kellen would be damned if she let any wolf think they had any sort of claim to her. She had been raised by pirates; she could and would take care of herself. "I'm not yer anything." Kellen shot back irritably, looking distinctly unimpressed by this lounging male's words. She belonged to no wolf, and the only ones that had even the slightest claim on her would be her crew, who surely would be none too impressed by this male trying to lay any sort of claim on her. She would maul him if he so much as touched her, Kellen thought with a flash of irritation. "I belong ta no one." Her slight accent became more pronounced with Kellen's anger, though she hardly cared enough to fix it. "'Specially not a li'l boy like you." Sharp irritation colored her tone, though Kellen hardly cared what Sparkleboy was going to say next. Unless he backpedaled quickly, he was in for a ride.



05-29-2014, 11:33 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 11:33 AM by Kristoffer.)

sorry for the short reply -.-
The behemoth stared at the beauty with wonderful silver eyes. She enticed him. He could tell the odd girl was hard to get, he liked a chase. Wether he got between her thighs within this meeting or the next it did not matter. But, he would conquer. She replied back to his remark about his new name and he nodded. "I am quite sparkly." He winked to her as he licked his own lips lazily. He watched as her annoyance levels rose. She began to shift and roll her eyes. As she spewed forth her next bought of words he smirked and nodded. "Mhm." The man would look away and ignore her for a few moments before returning his gaze back to her with her next statement. "Of course you don't." His answers were nonchalant and confident. He let his tail pound on the floor a few times idly before stretching out his limbs. Her last statement made him laugh softly as he rolled his eyes. "A boy like me? I will tell you now many woman would die to have me calm them theirs. I happen to be royalty." He stared at her with a strong gaze. He rumbled softly and snorted. "Obviously you are not from around here."



05-29-2014, 07:18 PM

Kellen's ears twitched in amusement at the male's words, though she was hard pressed to show it around her irritation about everything else he'd had to say. "Damn straight," Kellen sniffed in agreement. She wasn't sure that she'd been quite as intimidating as intended, but ah well. As long as he wasn't pushing the matter and trying to claim her anymore, this was acceptable. He might be a little annoying, but it wasn't like he was an active threat to her life or anything. But Kellen definitely wasn't going to be taking any bullshit from him.

As if. She was distinctly unimpressed by Sparkleboy's next words. "Lucky for them," Kellen snorted softly, "Ye'll just have ta let me know when you manage to find one of them." Her words were thick with sarcasm, of course, for Kellen certainly didn't care if he managed to claim twenty women in the next twenty minutes. He'd still be obnoxious and he'd still be over compensating for that tiny dick of his.

For a moment, Kellen debated ignoring his comment, just to be juvenile, but her decision to answer was probably even more juvenile. Whatever. "I was born here, actually, Mister Sparkles. And I've still never heard of yer royal ass." Well, Kellen definitely wasn't going to be winning any awards for most polite wolf around any time soon.



05-29-2014, 07:53 PM

The man had a simple life. He was catered to as a child. Being the son of royalty. Even though his mangy half brother Isardis got all the fame, he had it good. The man really did hate his brother. The pale King of Glaciem. Kristoffer knew the truth. As an albino you can't handle the sun and your senses are much weaker then the normal Wolf. The pale King was nothing but a birth defect and Kris was pure. His blood was pure, his body was perfection, and he was raised to be something much more then he was. Such would explain why he spent his life wandering around, fucking ever female that popped up, and lounging around like he owned the place. The cobalt boy had some issues, it was obvious. But, he would never own up to them. Never. As he stared at the crimson girl, who challenged him, he no longer saw an easy fuck. He saw a chase. A game. Something.. fun. Rather then just sex. Kris laughed as she let forth a stiff, "Damn straight." He did in face enjoy her spunky attitude.
The man let his ego deflate for a few moments. Maybe he should watch what he says to such a beauty. Bragging about how many ladies her gets is not a good thing, but she still should know not to fuck with him. The Armada prince shifted once more and rolled his lips into a quick snarl. "Maybe I will!" The man did realize they were acting quite juvenile with their witty banter about how many females Kris got and his nobility. But, he did not mind it. He watched her as she hesitated for a few moments before responding to his statement about his nobility. Kristoffer laughed softly, "I'd say your lucky in that actually. I would hate for you to wind of like the others that have heard of me.. the girls that is. They seem to just fall so hard and so fast." But her, she would be different. And oh my, he craved different.



06-03-2014, 08:55 PM

Kellen twitched her ears as the other snapped a reply, glowering at Kristoffer. "I'm not holdin' my breath." She sniffed in reply, fully doubting that this sparkley ass boy was going to be drawing any feminine love any time soon. Not even a blind wolfess could be attracted to him. He was far too obnoxious and juvenile for anybody but the dumbest, ugliest, most desperate female around to be into him. Which was probably a little harsher than necessary, but it was true!

His laughter offended Kellen a little, though she was already offended enough that it hardly made any difference in her irritation level. "Ye must be quite the catch then, eh?" Kellen sounded rather doubtful of this fact, and a hint of sarcasm marred her tone, "I would certainly hate to be one of those girls myself," Wusses that needed men to look out for them. Kellen would die before becoming one of them. She could take care of number one, after all. And she needed no help with that.

Grumbling internally, Kellen shot Kristoffer yet another irritated glance, waiting to hear what fanciful (and stupid) nonsense he'd try to whip out this time.



06-04-2014, 03:36 PM

The man was in the shadow of his glorified half brother. His monarchy was unheard of in the recent days. The Pale King was sick and his stay was soon over. Kris was often cursed with jealousy but if fueled his ambitious. One day he wished to rule. He wished to conquer and lead. He had the metallity of an Alpha. A King. The boy was the sun of Gairale, the man who put the Armada name on the charts. It was only his duty as his son to breed and rule. To test the boundaries of the lands they sat upon. But, as his brother took the claim of the north his goals were shoved to the side in a stab of reality. He had no followers. He had whores who gave away their flower for his used stick. It was meaningless and they only wanted a single thing from him. They would not follow. They saw him as pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet, he had joined Covari in a rush for stability. Maybe he could climb the ranks. Get in good with the others? Find a spot as the Queens Guard? Or even participate in populating the Kingdom with little heirs? He had many ambitious, yet to see the light of reality.

The man had his immature moments and his silly thoughts. He was a boy for crying out loud. He matured at the rate of any boy. Which was why his very sister could not stand him. His annoying confidence and silver tongued words. She hated him, but he did not want the masked fae before him to feel the same. As she spoke her arrogant words he laughed softly. "I am sure your not, darling." The cobalt Armada laughed once more and looked away. His head tilted to see the skies above. He observed for a few moments before her annoyed tones filled his audits once again. The man smirked and looked back at the beautiful woman. "Isn't that what I just said?" He was right. She mimicked what he had just stated. The boy had a strike to his ego, inflating it even more then usual. "Does the little red have a man under her wing?" He changed the subject, hoping she would soothe a little.



06-05-2014, 08:06 AM

Eyes narrowing, Kellen didn't deign to reply to Kristoffer's first few comments, tossing her head irritably. She would calm only when the topic changed from Kristoffer to herself - one of Kellen's preferred topics. She wasn't the most vain girl around, but what wolf didn't like talking about themselves? Kellen didn't kid herself. She knew she was self-centered, and she simply didn't care. Any wolf who said otherwise was lying to themselves, which was a damn shame. Being self-centered was pretty fun. "I have no men in my life save my crew." Kellen spoke easily enough, shrugging her shoulders impassively. If he was asking if she had a mate, she certainly did not. But Kellen had plenty of men under her wing, in a sense. She looked out for her crew - if it wasn't going to hurt her.

Tilting her head a little, Kellen gazed at Sparkles for a moment. She was almost curious about this man's life, which offended her on an integral level. Why should she care about him? He was nothing more than a sparkley boy, nothing special. And yet, Kellen found a question falling from her maw, easy and casual as if it had been her own. "And you? I suppose you have many men under your wing." She was amused by her clever play on his question, but also curious to hear what his answer would be. Surely Sparkletoes would have a fun answer for her.

And oddly enough, Kellen didn't feel that irritated anymore. Which was kind of an impressive feat considering most of the time she was pissed at the world.



06-05-2014, 02:49 PM

The man had never completely loved a fae. He has loved the pleasure, ones body, anothers fur. But not the whole package. He has never had a conversation with a femme and remember ever detail, making his heart flutter after just thinking about it. The boy saved his heart of loves terrors. The alluring feelings of emotion that captured and crushed so many. Why would he waste his time with emotion when he could wait for the perfect bitch to saunter his way? He could fuck his way through the lands until his Queen showed herself. He had lived a bumpy life, only knowing certain things to be true. His family was divided. Many even gave up on the Armada name due to his darling brother. Sibelle cut herself from the family all together. It was a sad reality for the boy, his world might come crumbling down. But, for now he would wait. Laze around, until opportunity showed itself to him.

The man stared at her for a few moments, in a daze slightly. He knocked the daze off with a light shake of his head, 'daydreaming.' Kristoffer listened to her statement about having no men but her crew. He tilted his head and narrowed his silver eyes, crew? The Prince listened to her clever shot to his sexuality and he gave a retort with a laugh. "Oh yes. I have Quite the number of men, lets see.. Orion, James, Humphrey.. shall I do on?" He chuckled some more before licked his inky lips. "But, do tell me, what exactly is your crew? A pack?" He narrowed his eyes once more, trying to figure out what she meant by crew. He was use to packs being called a Kingdom. But, not a crew.



06-12-2014, 05:30 PM

Kellen snickered a little, wagging her tail idly in the air as Kristoffer spoke. "Sounds like quite the collection ya have there," Kellen pricked russet ears towards the male, pleased by his ability to take a joke on his own sexuality. Most men seemed to be rather insecure about such things, especially someone with that many bracelets. He had to be overcompensating for his small dick - and yet, he had been so relaxed about the sexuality jokes. Hmm. He wasn't much like her crew, that was for sure.

The question he tossed her way made Kellen fall silent for a moment, mulling over her answer for a second. "Not exactly... For one, I'm the only girl," Her 'mask' and coat had caught the eye of one eyed Joe, and the rest had been history. "And we roam a lot. Don't really have a home." They were known for kidnapping the occasional pup and killing the occasional wolf along the way as needed. Or as much as her crew mates desired. She didn't care, honestly. It wasn't like they were hurting her - they knew she'd kill them if they tried.



06-16-2014, 02:10 PM

He did not need to confirm his sexuality to anyone. He pulled females like a mad man. He bedded countless harlots. Kristoffer was a whore of sorts. He had never even thought of men in any other way then competition. Therefore he was firm that he was a mere straight man nothing more nothing less. Though, he did not discriminate against men who enjoyed other men. That would be just silly. The man was firm in his ways and simple jokes would not get under his skin. He may be immature but not at that level. "Sounds like quite the collection ya have there," her voice made him smile, oddly. "Oh yes, I am quite popular with the men." He winked and smirked lightly before his baritone laugh filled the cold air in delight.

She began to explain her crew. Which was confusing to him. The man had grown up in traditional kingdoms. Men on top, women on the bottom. It was obvious. She let forth a statement. "Not exactly... For one, I'm the only girl." He smirked a little more, "I am sure a beauty like you gets tons of attention. That must be nice. He watched her as she began to speak some more. "And we roam a lot. Don't really have a home." "I feel bad, I enjoy stability. It is nice to come home to a stable group of people. After roaming a while. But, I can see you enjoying life on the move." He rolled his shoulders and tilted his head.



06-17-2014, 06:42 PM

Her ears remained pricked attentively towards Kristoffer, and for all her irritation with him earlier, Kellen found herself enjoying their playful banter. Overcompensating or not, it was refreshing to have someone who could handle a little bit of a joke about their manhood. Not many of her companions could deal with that. Which was pretty obnoxious, to say the least. They were all so wrapped up in what they were or weren't that they couldn't handle a little fun. Their loss. "Guess it must make up for all the women like me who just aren't that into you." Kellen's voice was light as she gazed at the black male before her, poison green eyes tracking his movements curiously.

She had to snicker at Kristoffer's words, amusement clear in her gaze as he tried to flatter her once more. "Honestly, I think somewhere permanent wouldn't be half bad." Kellen shrugged slightly, "But it's not that easy to leave my crew. And they're not so good at not upsetting the locals." Yeah, killing and kidnapping didn't go over well with local wolves all that often. It was too bad, really. Everyone killed, right? To Kellen, it was just a part of life. She might be killed someday - but if she went down, she'd go down fighting.

Kellen didn't even deign to comment on the whole attention thing. In all honesty, she didn't get much male attention, nor did she particularly care to. It simply wasn't in her nature to seek it out, and the pirate gal wasn't the easiest to even attempt to woo. One-eyed Joe was the closest she'd come to even a friendship since the pirates had abducted her as a pup, and it wasn't like he was great company honestly. He was kind of a dick, actually.
