
Watch Your Step



03-27-2013, 06:13 PM

Once again she had left Seracia in search of herbs that just didn't want to grow within the pack's land. Plants were so stubborn, always needing a certain amount of sunlight or water in the soil in order to grow. You had to be very gentle with some or lose they broke apart and you could not use them.

Paws moved at a steady pace, tail waving behind a small and thin body. No matter how much food the pack brought back from hunts, no matter how much of it she ate, the small shewolf just didn't seem to get bigger. It made her think sometimes, would she be small for the rest of her life? There was nothing wrong with being small but it could cause problems later on in her life. Would she be able to cchildren one day? What if her size resulted in a complication? What if she was out collecting herbs one day and a rogue suddenly attacked her? Just thinking about it made a shiver run up her spine, the shewolf coming to a stop to quickly shake her head and take a deep breath. Why was she getting worked up over this? It's not like it was happening anytime soon, and when the time came she was sure nothing bad would happen.

Pushing those thoughts aside Loccian continued walking, she sniffed the ground and air, looking for certain smells a plant gave off that others didn't. Grey eyes scanned each plant she passed, checking the leaves and flowers to see if it was the one she needed to restock on. Nope, none so far. She would stop every couple minutes to check out a patch but sighing as she found that she was stocked decently for that herb. The more she looked the faster clouds seemed to roll in without her realizing until a droplet had landed right on her nose. Within a split second her head darted up to the sky with large grey eyes, oh how she hoped there would not be thunder and lightning. They were the worst for the little wolf, always managing to leave her hiding in the corner of her den.

As soon as that thought had left her mind it seemed like the sky wanted to torment the shewolf. Slowly the sky started to rumble, the wolf's ears laying back against her head as it grew and moved across the land towards her. "Why now?" She whined softly, peeling her grey eyes away and looking for a place where she could take shelter before it started to pour. Nothing was in sight except for a few bushes but those would do nothing, just offer very little protection. How embarrassing she most look, ears back, head low with tail tucked between her legs. If a wolf was nearby they would surely be making fun of her.

Suddenly there was a roar, far louder than the last. This was so loud that it caused Loccian to jump, and as it rolled on it caused her to take flight. Paws seemed to glide over the ground at how fast she had moved, not paying attention to what was aroudn her, just wanting to get away from here as soon as possible and find a place to hide. Before she knew it, the ground suddenly vanished from beneath her causing a yelp to burst from her jaws but quickly cut off as shehit her head against the ravine she fell in. Her body fell to the ground, a loud thud echoing down the ravine but quickly covered by a sudden downpour of rain. She lay there motionless, a cut on her head starting to ooze blood.

My Speech!

Your Speech!


03-27-2013, 06:44 PM
The brute was walking through the dim light grass, his ears pinned to his head his head was slowly going down. He yawned as his jaw went large but then slowly gave a twitch and slammed shut. He was slamming his paws onto the sandy rocky CRYER'S RAVINE his red eyes lit up the way he was going. He had a frown but he saw something in the distance figuring out what the figure looked like in till he saw it turn it's head a wolf. Easy enough to figure out the structure he begun to walk over.

He took second thoughts before actually going over there he nodded his head and walked over.Then suddenly he saw the figure begun to move and fall into the Ravine his eyes widden. His paws scraping the hard rock covered in the desert sand, He looked down into the ravine and saw the fae haveing her tail tucked between her legs he raised a eyebrow"Umm? Are you alright?!" He said with a deep shallow voice He stood there his head up his ears perked wondering why she looked so frighten. He looked away his eyes squinted then he turned back to her and looked at her being able to open his eyes fully. He then gave off a growl but didn't mean it to her he hated how the sand was always being pushed around by the wind he licked his lips.He wanted to help her but didnt really know how too.



03-27-2013, 07:04 PM

The shewolf lay there as the rain poured down on the land, already it was collecting in the ravine but nothing too serious at the moment. Her chest rose and fell slowly, one of her paws giving a slight twitch. When she had hit her head everything had gone black, quiet. That was why she didn't answer a voice that called from above, only her ear gave a small twitch even if she couldn't hear it. So she continued to lay there still for a few moments, finally stirring with another thunderous roar in the sky causing her to suddenly jump. Grey eyes were wide as she half sat up, head turning to the right then left quickly. "Wha.... No, no, no, no." She whined, quickly pushing herself up onto all four legs and looking around for a way out of there. She liked the rain but this was just too much, that with the thunder did not sit well with the shewolf.

Suddenly the land lit up with a strike of lightning, causing Loccian to freeze where she stood, tail tucked between her legs and ears flat againt her head. When it finally passed she moved again, the blood from the cut above her left eye oozing out and blinding her temporarily. A low growl came from her as she lowered her head and tried wiping her eye with her paw, giving a quick shake but only caused her to become dizzy. She had to lean against the wall of the ravine, taking a deep breath, trying not to become nauseous from the dizziness. "Uh, my head... stop!" She barked, pressing the side of her face aganst the wall with her head up to the sky but eyes closed.

My Speech!

Your Speech!


03-27-2013, 07:22 PM
Watching the Fae panic while it begun to rain he chuckled "Chill I'll help you out." He begun to slide down but then he caught himself he was very close her could grab her by her scruff if he wanted too. He slowly bend down "This might hurt" He got a hold on her Scruff sinking his teeth into her skin he yanked her up seeing a little bit of blood drip out. He pulled her out shoving his feet into the ravine rock breaking a couple of his back claws making him grunt. He got the edge and finally got her up and let go of her and backed up.

He pushed himself up and stood there and saw her wound from him biting into her scruff he grunted and begun to lick her wound clearing off the blood "Listen i didn't mean to give you this wound but if it wasn't for me you will still be in that ravine." He said as his voice cracked and was deep, like his voice all the time He nodded to her and helped her up. He gave off a nice scent the rain begun to pour down his eyes lit up the place for him everything in his eye sight that he could see turned red. He eyeballed her as he begun to turn around.



03-27-2013, 07:59 PM

A voice caused the shewolf to jump, her leg splashing up some of the water that had collected in the ravine. Somebody was there the whole time? This thought caused her to become embarrassed, she must have looked so silly, whining like a lost pup. All she did was stand there against the wall, single grey eye looking forward because if she looked up her eye would sting from the rain. Hopefully this male, from the sound of his voice, would help her and not try anything. Many wolves would try to harm somebody vulnerable and small like her, she was an easy kill for those who didn't care what they ate. Thinking about a wolf eating another caused a shiver to run up her spine, but causing her whole body to twitch also.

Her ears swiveled at the sound of paws sliding against rock, a few pebbles falling around her and onto her back. When she heard his voice again she lifted her head up slightly, what did he mean by that? "This might hurt" Suddenly she felt teeth sink into her scruff, a quiet whine slipping from between her lips at first but became a yelp when he yanked her up. As soon as it happened the pain went away, the air beneath her body being replaced with solid ground. At this she just remained laying there, eyes closed as the male licked at her scruff where he had grabbed her and apologised for giving her a wound from that, explaining that if it wasn't for him she would still be down there. Slowly she opened her eye and looked up at him, with his assistance she was able to stand up but kept her head low and tail slightly between her legs. "Th... thank you." She said in a soft tone, he probably wouldn't be able to hear her over the rain.

And with that he was already turning around, was he leaving already? A flash of lightning lit the lands, a thunderous roar rolling through the sky caused her to jump and quickly run over to the male. "Do... do you know where there is someplace to get out of this rain?" She asked, grey eyes locking onto the male but quickly moved away and looking at some lightning in the distance. Since he didn't attack her she assumed he was friendly and it wouldn't hurt if they shared a place to get out of the rain until it stopped. Both of them were soaked, and her wound above her eye was still bleeding, blinding her at the moment in her left eye. Her body was also hurting in various spots from that fall, causing her to have a noticeable but not severe limp.

My Speech!

Your Speech!


04-01-2013, 11:35 PM

The Brute looked at the female with a smile "Your very welcome"He had to blink none stop to get the little drops of rain out of his eyes. He slowly nudged the female and started to squinted,Hearing her ask if there was any other place to get out of the rain "Yes there is, Fallow me" He walked into alittle tiny cave his paws sinking into the dark green grass. But when he walked into the cave the freezing surface of the cave hurt his paws but made him shiver.

He looked at the female walking behind him as he saw her lay down and try to warm up. He slowly walked over and layed beside her having his body heat warm her up and he layed his back to her back. Laying his head on his paws and slowly giveing her a smile, sometimes he can be a jerk but he can also be kind hearted. Trying to warming her up he nudged her and smiled "I hope my body heat is helping."He chuckled trying to get a smile on her face



04-02-2013, 12:12 AM

She walked beside the male, grey eye staring straight ahead, looking up at him every few seconds but had to continuesly blink the rain out of her eyes. The rain was nice, but not today, the thunder was just way too much for her and the lightning was no matter. How silly he must look to this wolf, he probably thought she was a pup with the way she was acting. But what was wrong with being scared of thunder? Wasn't it normal? The male's voice brought her out of her thoughts, looking up at him, ears perking off her head to catch what he said. He knew of a place they could take shelter, that was good. She did as he said, followed him as he led her into a small cave.

Paws stepped off of cold, lush grass and onto a hard, cold stone ground. Instantly a shiver ran up her legs and across her body, causing her to wanna curl up in a ball. Grey eyes looked around the place for a spot to lay down, choosing a spot farthest from the cave entrance so she didn't get the cold air. She walked over, lowering herself down and curling up into a ball with her tail over her nose for warmth.

It didn't take long for the male to come by her, laying down beside her, back to back. I hope my body heat is helping. He said with a smile. Loccian gave a nod of her head, a small smile forming as she looked over at him. Yes, it is. Thank you. She thanked the wolf with a nod of her head before using the back of her paw to wipe the blood out of her eye. I am Loccian, what's your name? She asked curiously, since they were going to be here until the storm stopped, then she might as well try to start up a conversation with him.



04-06-2013, 01:25 PM

He smiled back at her, this is probably the only time he rather be nice to any wolf he ever seen. Other wolves he would of ripped off there head right about now he looked at her. He honestly liked this wolf she was nice and not much of a talker the more the know each other the more she open up to him Hopefully. Don't wanna be the two quiet friends forever you know he rubbed his eye with his paw and started to talk to her "Your very welcome" He said with a warm smile and then she asked for his name which made him look at her fully "Well i'm Derek" He smiled at her it was hard to see her with only being able to see out of one eye. He was blind in the other so be blind comes with consequences.

"Its nice to meet you Loccian, Beautiful name by the way" He said with a warm smile as it slowly turned into a frown he looked away and shoke his head and then slowly looked back at her he rubbed his neck on her and slowly gave a chuckle he wasn't a playful wolf but what the heck haven't been playful since he was a pup why not be playful with her bring out her outgoing side if she had one. He pawed her face and layed on his side faceing her. Being a 8 year old wolf was hard though getting older wasn't fun you can't run as fast as you could before you can't play around. But the one thing you do have is the strength and the power to fight. Either way he is always gonna have his fighting and killer side. He didnt want her to have his bad side it aint fun she did nothing to him so why should he do that too her. Fair enough if its a brute trying to hurt her he would snap the brutes neck in a blink of an eye acting like he was a elk just grazing. Derek has a twisted mind full of horrid thoughts but when he's around Loccian everythins different which confuses him.

"Your every bit as good as them, Every bit...Besides look how far you've come."



04-06-2013, 02:53 PM

This wolf, as she lay there watching him, she realized he was much older than her. More than double her age, scarred up and blind in one eye from the looks of it. Why was he, a warrior with experience, being so nice and calm with a small, fragile wolf like her? They were complete strangers. He could easily kill her, even with his age. But, he was choosing not to. Was he just seeking companionship? Looking for somebody to spend some time with after being alone for years? Was he even a loner, and for how long? She shook her head lightly at these thoughts, why should she care, she probably wouldn't even see him against after this encounter.

The older wolf's name was Derek, and since laying down all he did was smile at her. Loccian wasn't sure whether this was creepy or not, not really knowing this wolf but for now she would take it as a good thing since he had not attacked her... yet. Its nice to meet you Loccian, Beautiful name by the way. If it was visible, Derek would have seen a blush cross her cheeks as she smiled, pulling her head away and looking down at the floor of the cave. Th-thank you. Before she could really do anything she suddenly felt his neck against her, causing the shewolf to flinch, his paw going over her face.

Panic instantly washed over her at his touch, though it as in a friendly manner, it still caused memories of her past to pop up. Those blows, the fangs, the claws digging into her flesh. Her body turned away from the male quickly, curling up into a ball, covering her head with her small paws, a low whining slipping from between her lips. Pl-please, I didn't do anything. She quickly whined, her body starting to tremble more from a mix of the cold rain still on her body and the memories that came flooding back. The memories of the times she was beaten.
