
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]

Twig I


05-29-2014, 11:03 AM

Slate covered paws would carry the girl farther from Valhallan territory. Her goal: daily hunting expedition to feed the sick wolves of the pack. She couldn't do much for them, for her brother, but she could hunt for them. One of the few skills she had, and had honed when separated from her family. As she walked the realities of life would swirl around her, the horrible thoughts of loosing Jinxx. The terrifying thoughts of what could be forming within her were loud. She wasn't afraid of children, she wanted them, so bad it hurt. She was afraid though, her body. There had to be something wrong with her body. Fern should have been alive, her beautiful tiny daughter should have lived. Twig would feel herself stifling a tear, she wanted her baby. She wanted to have Alpine's children, but she was so afraid for them. Could she live with herself if her body caused the loss of their children? A whine would leave her lips as she pushed the thoughts from her mind. She couldn't focus on that now. He needed to find food for her brother, for those that were in quarantine.
The cold had found its grip on the land, though so far south it wasn't as wretched as it could be. There was no snow on the ground, food was still plentiful for prey animals. However that didn't seem to be helping twig, her senses were alert. She had shoved unpleasant thoughts away, focus on the prey, that's what she needed to do. Orchid gaze would narrow, her ears twitching taking in every sound. Her paws were silent as the day, not even song birds would let out their call. Knees would bend as she caught a disturbance up ahead... Seemingly the only other creature in the forest.?

I can talk!


05-29-2014, 11:24 AM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

The large crow and digging his beak in a pine cone, trying to pick out the yummy seeds that were protected by the hard covering outside. He cawed in frustration, grabbing the cone in his mouth and trashing it upon a rock. When that didn't work he dropped it on the ground, hopping on top of it and glaring down at the pine cone. "B just wants to eat! Stop being so silly pine cone. B wants food, caw! Yes he does!" B was always a loud creature, he had no idea that there was a pretty she wolf behind him. Not until he fell silent, studying the pine cone that he heard a very faint shuffle of paws. His green striped crest bobbed as his head twisted to look over his shoulder. Fluttering off of the pine cone he hopped a few steps back, ruffling his feathers to make him look bigger. "B is not a very tasty bird, oh no! Woof wouldn't want to eat B, too many feathers!" Clacking his beak in his nervousness, he hopped back a few more steps, pulling his pine cone with him with his beak.

For the first time B realized that the wolf looked distracted, and most of all she looked sad. The crow's feathers settled somewhat, his head bobbing around as he hesitantly took a few hops forward. He forgot about his pine cone as he looked at the sad wolfess. "Why is woof sad? Is it because B is not tasty? Cause B can help pretty she woof find food, caw! B can fly over head and look for prey for pretty wolf, yes yes! As long as B gets some tasty meat." He said softly, trying to cheer her up. It wasn't B's fault that he wasn't tasty. Oh no, way too many feathers for the wolf. Hopping forward again, he poked out his beak to get a better look at the girl. She looked a little fat, so why was she so sad for food? She had a good belly size, yes she did! Silly wolf.

Twig I


05-29-2014, 12:46 PM

Slate backed ears were assaulted by the words of a rather large crow. Eyes would widen as she was able to make out the words he had said. She'd never been able to make out their words before, was this already an odd experience. She would look up at him, more curious now than hungry. Vibrant gaze would watch as the iridescent bird would turn, his black eyes falling on her. More words would come out of his beak as he hopped away from her. He'd insist that he was no good to eat, showing off his green crest to her. She would find a timid smile over her features as she let her haunches fall to the earth. "Have no fear, I'd much rather enjoy a plump rabbit to your feathers." he had caught her interest though, unless he flew off she didn't have any intentions of turning away. Apparently he would find interest in her as well, green feathered head bobbing as he tentatively brought himself closer.
The way he repeated the letter B made her to assume that was his calling. As he called her woof she would smile amusedly. He would go on, noticing her sadness, her worries must have been showing more than she thought. She would relax, obviously not interested in eating him with a proposition such as what would unfold. "That's not why I'm sad. And I'm not really sad, I'm... scared." she wouldn't linger on this statement for long, quickly letting her mind go back to hunting. "With your help I'll bet I could offer you a full rabbit for your services." She would nod, if he could tell her exactly where they were she could catch them. There wasn't much Twig was confident in anymore, but she never went hungry for long.?



05-29-2014, 04:32 PM

The wolf seemed to settle herself on her rump, making the crow settled his ruffled feathers along his tall body. She didn't seem interested in eating him, saying that she would enjoy a rabbit instead. Mmm... rabbits. B did quite enjoy them, but it was very hard for him to catch them on his own. He often had to go after baby ones, and that wasn't his style. B was more of a scavenger, hunting wasn't really his strong suit. The bird gathered more braveness, hopping until he was standing right in front of the wolfess and had to look up to see her face. Before he did glance up at her however, he noticed a pretty cross marking on her right side of her body. Golden eyes grew wide as he hopped over, running his beak through the colourful cross. "Pretty pretty! B thinks this is very pretty." He said, picking gently at the fur as if it was going to peel off. Cawing in frustration, he poked her with his beak. "It's stuck its stuck, caw! Why is it stuck, pretty woof? Is it part of you?" He asked, cocking his head from left to right as he studied them.

She said that she was scared, which caught the birds attention. Hopping back towards her face, he stretched up his feathered neck and made a soft cooing sound. "Pretty woof doesn't need to be afraid, B is here! Yes, yes! B will protect the pretty woof, caw!" He turned around, spreading his ebony wings and hoping back and forth, shaking his head. "No one can hurt you, B is here, B is here!" He said, tilting back his head and letting out a cackling laughter. Even though there was no harm in his words, his laughter was a tad bit unsettling.

He flipped around when the pretty wolfess promised him a rabbit. "A whole rabbit for B? B has never had a full fresh rabbit!" He cawed in excitement, flapping his wings as his head darted around. A whole rabbit? B must have found a pretty special wolf if she was going to give him a whole rabbit. B hung out around this lake often, he knew a few rabbit holes that were here and there around the forest. "B will show pretty woof where the rabbits hide, oh yes!"

Twig I


05-29-2014, 05:45 PM

The quiet she wolf would watch the bird as he hopped over to her shoulder. His eye would be caught by the silver fur there, his examination continuing afterwards. He would call her marking pretty and the girl's ears would fall back in humbleness, a slight flush to her cheeks. "I was born with it there. It's a marking like the green on your feathers." his jumpy movements would bring him back to her front as she explained her emotions to him. He would answer her, and a smile would come to her face at his bold yet amusing words. A dance just for her as he proclaimed the protection he could offer. ?Her bell like laugh would join in with his as her mind found itself distracted from her fears. "I'm glad to know I'm in good.. Feathers now." she would smile as he turned back around, his excitement of her promise evident. He would flap his wings and sound his enjoyment as he promised to show her all of the places the rabbits hid. "Yes, just help me catch three rabbits and a whole one will be for you." she nodded, still sure of her skills. "I'm Twig by the way, if you wanted to call me something other than 'woof" she would tell him as her body was pushed from the ground. Her stature was quite ready, her senses still in tune to catch the prey ahead of them. It was good to get her mind off her possible, or rather probably pregnancy.?


05-29-2014, 10:39 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

He was too busy trying to peel off the pretty cross to notice that the wolf was blushing, it was so close to coming off! But he felt her fur, and her words confirmed that it was part of her fur. "Such a strange marking, caw! B has never seen one like it, very nice, very nice!" He said, hoping before her once more. And then she laughed, oh what a pretty sound! He loved that sound, it was like his many shines clanking together. Yes, a very nice sound. He bobbed his head in agreement with his own thoughts, his small stomach rumbling as she teased him so with a full rabbit. B squinted his golden eyes at her, turning his head to the side so he could look at her with one full eye. "Pretty woof is not teasing B, is she? Because B won't like that, oh no! B will follow you and steal your pretty cross." He cackled a laugh though, knowing that the light-hearted wolf would not lie to him.

The pretty wolf told him that her name was Twig which made him clack his beak. Too short a name for him to make a nickname for her. "Well pretty Twig, follow B! Yes, yes, caw! Follow B!" Hopping a few steps the crow unfurled his wings and took to the sky, keeping himself low as she dodged the trees around the lake. He looked down to make sure that she was following him okay, keeping low enough that the wolf could see him. He looked up just in time to dodge out of the way of a low hanging twig. "Pretty Twig, watch out for the twigs, caw!" The bird cackled in laughter over his joke, B was so funny! Yes, silly silly B!

B saw one of the many rabbit holes, one that he knew had some fat bunnies in it. Swooping down, he landed on the earth smoothly and eased his wings to his side. Poking his head into the whole, he tried to see if the rabbits were inside. "Rabbits! B wants to see you! Come see B!" He called, not realizing that the rabbit was standing a few hops away from him, staring at him as he cawed into the hole. "B won't hurt you, but pretty Twig might, caw! Big bad pretty woof will get you!"

Twig I


05-30-2014, 07:37 AM

He was simply enamored with her, the raven like crow would call her pretty and her cross very nice. Agreement might have come if Angel were not her sister, as Twig was sure she was the prettier one. The midnight corvid's bouncing gait brought him around to her front, "Thank you, B" her voice was quiet as her head would nod humbly. However she would shake her head as he joked with her lightly, "I would never tease you." her voice was light as the bird would continue, taking her name and expressing readiness to be on his way. Marked features would nod again, she was ready to follow his lead. Orchid gaze would observe his take off as slate colored paws lifted her, pulling her underneath his flight. Twig would do he best to keep herself close, with the winter the vegetation was not quite as difficult to navigate but she would heed his silly warning.
The Black girl would hang back in the woods as B swept down to the earth. His form finding itself inside a rabbit hole. Her eyes would grow wide for a moment when she saw a rabbit break through the surface. He seemed rather perturbed by B's appearance but had no concern of the danger that followed. The plump beast would not even look in her direction as it closed its eyes again and enjoyed the winter sun. Twig would strike then. Silent paws would creep upon her prey, deadly jaws surrounding its neck so not a sound could be uttered. Her form would retreat back to the woods before she could alert any other rabbits while B did his work. She would wait as two more evacuated the den, lithe form would sink into the sparse underbrush as one hopped directly at her. The wind was at her face, otherwise the trick would have certainly failed. Nosing forward the rodent would walk right into her grasp, jaws falling over its throat she would boast another silent kill.
The third one would be trickier, but with B exploring the tunnels she had no doubt that rabbit wouldn't want to go back. Marked features would again sneak forward, knees bent, ears to her skull, and tail down. Though the wind would suddenly shift and the rabbit would be made aware of her presence. It's eyes would widen as it searched for danger, but it's feet would move quicker. As it took off Twig followed. Pumping slender legs the girl would catch up, but the rabbit's evasive maneuvers would keep it from her jaws. He would weave in an out of the grasses with Twig on its heels. The girl would growl as her teeth continued to strike and miss. Finally the tired rabbit would make a break for the den, however that exact hole was occupied by B. Twig's jaws would offer a smile as the rabbit had a second thought and turned right into its death. The she wolf grabbed it, and would not be letting go. "There, three rabbits and this one is for B"

I can talk!


05-30-2014, 05:37 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

The crow was so busy with his head down the hole that he had no idea that the dame was so busy catching the rabbits that he was keeping out of the hutch. His tail feathers fanned out and wagged back and forth as he attempted to wedge his body into rabbits home and pull them out. Letting out a caw of frustration he hopped backwards to see the wolf kill a rabbit. Oh. B had helped, right? "B meant to do that." Muttered the crow, nodding his head in a crazy movement to make it seem more believable. He had totally helped her catch the rabbits, oh yes!

Twig offered him the rabbit, telling him that it was for him. Hopping closer, he poked it with his beak and flapped his wings happily when it was still warm. He was about to pull out a bite out of it when he stopped and looked up at Twig, his green feathers flopping widely as he inspected the female. "Does pretty Twig want to eat, caw! Pretty woof can share with B, B can't eat the whole rabbit! B would be fat and couldn't fly if B ate the whole rabbit. Twig can have half, yes yes! Twig can eat first, then B will eats." He had made his decision, and he was going to stick to it. He bounced back from the rabbit and started to preen his ebony flowers. Nope, no food until Twig ate.

Twig I


05-30-2014, 06:56 PM

Her hunting companion would back out of the hole just as the last of the rabbits life drained from its body. She would wear a crooked smile as he declared his part of helping her. Even if his help was unintentional, he had certainly saved her a great amount of time. She would drop the carcass as B came over and poked at it, she would wonder if he could even break open the creature's delicate skin. Just when she thought he would proceed the bird would stop and stare up at her with bright yellow orbs. His words would come to her, quite quick as he told her his plan. "B needn't worry about eating too much. Fill your stomach, you can ride on my back afterwards. At least until you've digested all of it." she smiled at him as she leaned in to their meal, her sharp incisors tearing at the thin skin easily. She would expose the nutrient rich organs beneath, her maw consuming the delicacy with ease. She was sure to leave B a bit of the good stuff as well, moving on to the muscled parts of the animal. She would finish her half quickly, taking a step back to allow B to eat. "And the rest is yours." she would smile an begin to groom her bloodied pelt.?



05-30-2014, 08:07 PM

He watched as the dame bit easily into the rabbit, something he would have had to work at for a bit. The scent hit him head on and he cawed at the dame, pacing as he waited for her to eat. His scavenging instincts kicked in and he wanted at it, but he had promised the dame that she was allowed half. B hopped backwards to allow her and himself some more room, focusing on preening his feathers to let the female eat in peace. He was intrigued about riding on her back, how that would look marching around. That helped him keep his mind off the food for awhile.

Twig stepped back and the bird hopped forward, pulling off the flesh of the juicy rabbit. Snapping his beak together he flapped his wings as he tipped back his head and picked apart at the rabbit. When he was done, he wiggled his body and playfully fell down onto his back. "B is so fuul that pretty Twig has to carry him home!" He squawked, suddenly realizing he had no idea where this wolf was from. "Where does Twig live? Does Twig live with many other woofs?" He asked, cocking his head to and fro in his normal manner.

Twig I


05-30-2014, 08:57 PM

The crow would take the motion and hop onto his meal, his odd eating style easily downing the rest of the carcass. She had found her way to the earth, her haunches curled beneath her and front legs extended before her. Orchid gaze would turn to the bird, his body falling to the ground satisfied. She would giggle at him as he repeated what was to happen. She certainly would not mind taking him home, he'd been a great help and best of all he'd gotten her thoughts off darker matters. She would again be distracted by his words, he wanted to know where she took up residence. "Right now... I live on the borders of this pack. Valhalla. There's a disease running rampant through the lands, and it's not safe for my mate and I to live inside the borders." her voice was kind of sad, she missed her brother and wanted desperately to see him. "That's why I needed so many rabbits, I'm helping to feed the sick." she would try and smile, there was still hope for them she couldn't give up. "But where does B live? With other crows perhaps?" she would tilt her head slightly with the question. Where would she need to take him?



05-30-2014, 09:08 PM

B didn't like seeing the wolf upset, she was too pretty to try and force a smile. The bird hopped over to her and whistled, jumping up on her black paws and rubbing his beak along her leg to comfort the beast. "No be sad Twig, pretty woof like you needs to smile and be happy. All woofs will be fine, B saw many woofs who not sick! It will go away, caw! B knows it will go away." He gently picked at her fur, preening her leg of sorts. It was the only way that he knew how to groom, and it was much a comfort thing for him so why not for her. Rubbing his black head on her leg he made more clicks and coos, wanting to soothe the pretty wolf.

Twig asked if B lived with other crows, and he shook his head. "B lives by himself. B likes to travel a lot, and other crows are boring and don't like talking to woofs. I like woofs, caw! I like this woof." He said softly, stretching his neck to look up at her purple gaze. He felt bad eating a rabbit now if it was for sick wolves, he should have saved it. "B has many nests, but B likes it with pretty Twig, caw! B will help Twig hunt any time." The crow didn't have too many friends, he liked to make fun of creatures and often got himself in trouble.

Twig I


05-30-2014, 10:04 PM

Twig would watch the bird walk hop over to her, his close proximity an odd comfort as she pushed away thoughts of loss and death. He would nuzzle her in a bird like manner, and her smile would easily turn genuine at the action. His words were also a comfort, the green plumed crow would tell her matter of factly that the wolves would be okay. She had to believe it was true, there was nothing else for her to do but hope. "I hope you are right, B" her smile would brighten as he picked at her fur. Twig would feel her heart melt at the gesture, and her muzzle would fall to his back. A gentle nudge would be given to the bird, a motion of thanks. He would go on, telling her of his living arrangement. He was all alone. Slate backed ears would fall to her skull as his bright gaze looked up to her. Did crows normally live alone? Or was he special in that regard too? B would go on to tell her of his many nests, but also how much he liked her. Twig's smile would grow a bit brighter, "Twig likes B too." she would giggle, "I'll gladly hunt with you again B." she would nod, affirming her decision much like the crow would. "But, we should get going. I'm sure the ill ones will be getting hungry." she would smile again, waiting for him to take a perch on her back.?



06-08-2014, 05:00 PM

The bird felt the wolf nudge at his back, a strange feeling for him but he knew that wolves did things in different ways than birds did. He was really starting to like his wolf, and for once in his life he didn't feel like leaving this being and being alone. He looked up at the wolf to see that her ears had stuck to her skull and he flattened his head against her leg. B found that he really didn't like to see this pretty Twig sad, not at all.

She smiled at him, making the bird give out a happy coo. A happy Twig is what he liked to see, yes yes! Very happy! She would nod, and then tell him that they needed to get the rabbits to the sick. B nodded like she had, fluttering up onto her back and making sure to not sink his claws into her back. He hopped up to her shoulder blades, folding his underside on top of his feet. He was properly balanced and ready to go. "Go horse Twig, go!" He called jokingly, peaking softly at her neck. This was going to be a fun ride!