
Over and out!


04-18-2013, 08:19 AM
Choose Wisely, on your next move!

The morning brought a fresh new day, a day that anything could happen. Segolia awoken from the den to be greeted by rays of light. Opening her eyes she let out a big yawn, and begun to stretch. Her front legs stretched out in front of her, as she pushed up with her hind legs to stretch out her back. A fresh breeze struck her, sending several strands of fur flowing from side to side.

She planned on going to hunt for a bit before she go about her usual stuff. One paw after another Segolia slowly pulled her still waking up body out of the den. The pack was buzzing as usual, everyone seemed to have a thing they have to do, and places to go. Her ears laid down on her head for a bit as she listened to others talk. Letting out a sigh she made her way to a decent hunting ground.

The small fea walked across the center of the pack home, and soon disappeared into the heart of Seracia territory. Coming up to a open field green as the eye can see, Segolia noticed a fog begin to roll in. One minute it was clear and sunny the next moment foggy. She let out a sigh, this would make it more difficult to hunt, and she knew it. Shakeing her head she sniffed the ground to find the scent of prey. Any scent would do wonders for her, she wanted to try to bright her hunting skills up.

She walked slowly and lightly upon the ground, nose still pressed to the grass."There has to be at least one scent." She spoke to her self. Tail swaying gently, she soon picked up what she was looking for. It was not a large animal, just a small one, most likely a rabbit, or rodent of some sort. She raised her head to see if the animal was in her sight. Purple orbs scanned the land scape, or what of it she could see, yet nothing appeared

She lowered her muzzle once more to the ground, the scent was strong, it must be here somewhere. Segolia raised her head once more, but this time not so high. A smile arose from her maw as the animal came into sight. A Rabbit, it indeed was.. Her stomach growled as she stalked closer then took off in a sprint after the rabbit. This was it, she leaped at her prey and came crashing down upon the ground, getting nothing but a mouth full of dirt. Segolia sat up on her haunches, she spat out dirt from her mouth and shook off the failure that radiated off of her. She was and is not a good hunter or fighter, but she knew that she made up for that, for being a good healer.




04-20-2013, 01:57 PM

She had woken before most of the pack that morning, like usual. Even though Loccian disliked it, her body just did not want her to stop being an early bird. Making her wake up at the first rays of the sun lifting over the horizon. She had stretched out her limbs, backing arching with jaws parting in a large yawn. With that done she pushed herself off the cool bedding, which she had put together the other day, and made her way out of her den. The shewolf's den was set away from the others, off a few feet that gave her some good privacy. She didn't understand how everyone liked being all bunched up together.

Off she went, moving away from the camp and into Seracian territory to look for some herbs she could use for herself. The shewolf had been experiencing some pain in her shoulder and did't realize she was out of the herb that would soothe it. Paws moved at a steady pace through the land, making the grey wolf appear as if she was gliding, smooth, fluid movements. She held her head high, tail waving behind her, taking in the scents brought to her by the wind. It was a nice day but she could smell moisture in the air, telling her there was the possibility of it raining or just fog rolling in within minutes.

It was fog. Loccian had made it to the patch of herbs she needed when it suddenly rolled into the area. She lifted her head, grey eyes squinting as she tried to look through it, jaws munching on the herb for a few moments before swallowing it. Should head back until this clears. She thought for a moment, stepping back from the herb bush. Might find something to munch on on the way. She turned around, paws carrying her back in the direction of the camp when her ear flicked at something not too far from her.

There has to be at least one scent. A brow raised at this familiar voice and curiously claimed her, causing the shewolf to turn in the direction the voice came form. Slowly and carefully she crept forward, eyes scanning the fog and ears swiveling to catch any other voices or sounds. Suddenly something ran at her, small and furry. A rabbit! Loccian wiped around after the small animal, catching up within seconds and delivering a bit to the back of the neck, killing it.

With the rabbit in her mouth she turned around and headed back in the direction the voice came from. Grey eyes settling on a black and white female spitting out dirt. Oh, it's just Segolia. She smiled, setting the rabbit down and pushing it towards her. I think this is yours. She chuckled lightly.



04-20-2013, 02:19 PM
Choose Wisely, on your next move!

How could she have missed the rabbit, She knew that hunting was not her best skill, but she never missed her target this badly. She shook her head, how would her father think of this. Segolia took in a deep breath, and stood up, she knew that wallowing in her own self-pity will get her no where. As she looked up she could not help but see Loccian standing there with the rabbit she was chasing.

Segolia was not sure as to what to do, this was the first time the two had meet, and frankly she had made a complete fool of herself just a few seconds back.Segolia looked at the rabbit, then back at Loccian. "Thank you. Would you like half, it is only fair since you killed it.

Looking at the foggy land Segolia did not know if there would be another rabbit anytime soon. She was sure most of the prey animals, well the small ones at least, went in their dens to wait out the fog. Her mind came back to reality as she waited for the response from Loccian.Segolia hoped that the dame would take up her offer, she would feel bad eating something she did not kill, with out sharing it.




04-23-2013, 10:27 AM

The grey shewolf chuckled as Segolia seemed a bit ashamed for missing the rabbit. It was okay though because Loccian didn't think differently of her even if this was their first official meeting, everyone didn't get a kill everytime, you missed sometimes. That was just how things went, if you caught something everytime then you would deplete the food resource around you.

Grey orbs watched the female looked to the rabbit then to her, thanking her and asking if she would like half since she killed it. Her own gaze looked down at the rabbit for a few seconds before turning back to Segolia. Yeah she killed it but it was originally Segolia's prey, she deserved to eat it, Loccian could find something for herself. No, it' alright. It was yours, I'm okay with less than half. She said with a smile, folding her legs beneath her to sit before Segolia, ears up with a friendly smile.

I apologize for not having a chat with you sooner, I have been kind of distant an busy. She began, trying to strike up a friendly conversation with the shewolf. Are you enjoying Seracia, others treating you well? She was just curious as to how she as fitting into the pack, what she thought of it and how the others were treating the newcomer.



04-24-2013, 07:35 AM
Choose Wisely, on your next move!

Segolia looked at Loccian who spoke that it was alright if she got less than half. A smile came across her maw, she was glad that Loccian decided to take some of the rabbit. Segolia lowered her head and broke the rabbit to share. She ate the Rabbit then turned to Loccian to respond to her statements.

"It is quite alright that you did not say hi earlier. I understand completely" She smiled and stood up from her seating position. Segolia looked around and saw the fogg was beginning to lift, that was good, she thought. Her attention drew back to the dame.

Loccian asked how the pack was treating her, and she knew that she was new, but she had been more than welcomed in this pack. Her tail swayed with delight as she answered the question. "Yes indeed i have been enjoying my time here in Seracia. Everyone has been very kind to me, and made me feel welcome." She said

Segolia looked around the land which was easier to see now, she saw some creatures begin to stir from there dens. "How long have you lived in Seracia?"She asked.




05-03-2013, 09:51 AM

Loccian sat there with a smile upon her black lips, eyes holding a gentle gaze and tai slowly swaying behind her, in a decent mood. Grey orbs traveled down to the rabbit as Segolia took it and gave Loccian her share then went to eat hers. Since her piece was small she reached down and gently grabbed it between her jaws, pulling her head back and pointed to the sky before parting her jaws slowly to let the meat slide down. It is quite alright that you did not say hi earlier. I understand completely Her ear flicked forward, tongue running over her lips and once the bi-colored wolf wa done Loccian gave a nod of her head. Thank you, I feel terrible when I can't greet a new face, almost like I'm indirectly avoiding them. She chuckled lightly.

Yes indeed I have been enjoying my time here in Seracia. Everyone has been very kind to me, and made me feel welcome... How long have you lived in Seracia? She listened as the black and white shewolf explained to her that she was enjoying her stay and everyone had been very kind to her, that was very good, Loccian never liked when some people were ignored, like herself.

Then she went on to ask her how long she had been living in Seracia which caused her to smile for a moment before turning her head to the side. I have been in Seracia since the beginning, at least, I believe so. Gerhardt had come from a land that was destroyed by a volcano, and I answered his call one day that resulted in Seracia coming together and becoming an official pack. She explained ina gentle tone but then realizing what she said Loccian laughed and turned back to Segolia with a grin. I guess that's your answer. As to a certain time... I believe it was around Winter. Her eyes narrowed and brows furrowed as she tried to remember, and after a few moments she gave a nod of her head. Yes, it was Winter because that was when I was reunited with my brother.



05-07-2013, 06:29 AM

Segolia smiled at Loccian as she spoke, this was nice just talking for a bit, relaxing for a change. She stook a seat upon her haunches, tail rapped around her paws and she looked back at Loccian. Segolia chuckled a bit also "Yes i can see how some may think avoidance if they are not greeted properly." She paused abit and licked her paw, many things had lead her to where she is today. "But there is no need to thank me, i do the same job as you do so i understand how busy it can get. If you ever need help don't hesitate to call me. Expectantly when it has to deal with birthing, pups, or dames who are bearing ok."

Segolia smiled and looked at the land that was not clear of any fog. As Loccian spoke about her brother Segolia smiled, She was happy that she could be with her family once more. "i am glad that you were reunited with your family. It must have been nice to see your brother once more, no?" Segolia spoke gently as she looked around the lands. This place was beautiful, and she was glad that she ended up here, but she did miss her old home.
