
Road Trip


06-01-2014, 06:17 PM

It had been a few days since she had met Azalea Adravendi, the first Adravendi wolf she had met. As she left the Tortugan borders, she called for August- heeding Qanik's request that she take a member of the pack with her. With her pack-mate she headed west, towards the borders of Valhalla. She didn't really know why she was seeking out the Valhallan wolves, if only to put a face to a name- to figure out who ruled the Valhallan's now. She wasn't particularly inclined to ally with them, nor inclined to harm them. After all Azalea hadn't seemed that bad, to her. She wasn't exactly sure if she would or could stand against her father, if he chose to war with the other pack though, she only prayed she wouldn't have to see how strong her own resolve was.

As the pair neared the borders, she halted a very respectful distance away, before tilting her head back- calling for the alpha of the land. She wouldn't be surprised if a whole party arrived on the border, most probably wouldn't be too thrilled to see her. Tortuga, she could only assume they all knew, was closely allied to their enemy- the king of the north, and her father. This meeting could quickly go awry, if the Valhalla ruler wished it. Her tail flicked idly beside her, and she hummed slightly under her breath, her violet eyes glancing over at August, to whom she'd smile at slightly, before her attention would turn back to the horizon, waiting and watching.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-02-2014, 12:45 AM
Erani Adravendi

Erani padded through a small forested patch, watching the gentle fall of snowflakes as they filtered through the trees to add a light dusting on the marginal snow already in place. Now and then, a gentle gust would alter the course of the falling wonders of frozen water crystals, sending them spinning erratically in gentle swirls. So far, life was alright. Her pack was stocked for the winter, with all the herbs that could be found during the warm seasons and the fall. Elk still traversed the territory, and other prey was still plentiful. Bears had gone to ground for the winter, and there were pups in the pack. A smile curved her lips. But it vanished into a look of concentration as a scent rode upon the next gust. Her head cocked, turning toward the breeze, cold snowflakes nabbing the wet leather of her nose as she analyzed the scents.

There were two, both Tortugan. One held a similar vibe to that of Isardis. Offspring, perhaps. Older offspring. There was a young male as well, but the possible Armada was more interesting for the moment. She carried the scent that had been a part of the warrior Qaniks scent construction. She was the Tortugan Queen. Roman. Erani cocked her head as the call sang through her territory. Well, Roman was as respectful as her warrior had been. That was a plus. Erani slipped through the trees, stepping onto the snow buried plains, buried her face in the snow, and made certain that her nose was covered. She could just see the two wolves in the distance, almost obscured by the falling snow.

Erani ghosted forward, slipping on silent paws in a small circle towards the two. She made certain the wind was in her direction, and as she finished her circle, she let out a soft gruff, breath fogging the air before her. ?Roman.. Armada. Queen of Tortuga. I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. What brings you to my borders this day?? Her velvet tone were neutral as she studied the two with the haunting deep blue gaze of a wolf who had seen much in a long life.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


06-02-2014, 03:30 PM

The summonings of the Tortugan queen had led the summer child from his den, to heed it, as it seemed only directed at him. What was it that the alabaster vixen wanted? Swiftly, he had been led to beyond Tortugan territories in a journey to meet a distant pack. He would regard this position as some sort of a guard, should they be met with violence at the pack borders, but he was told that Valhalla was a kind and welcoming pack. Still yet, the male would carefully watch for any danger. Once the traveling pair had reached the Valhallan borders, the brujo stopped, banner rising as he raised his crown, sniffing for any nearby wolves, but relaxed as the Tortugan queen called to the alphess of the pack, which was answered by her presence herself.

Instinct drove the summer child to give a respectful bow, to acknowledge her presance and to show he was of no threat, and his gaze was unwavering, only moving to glance over that the Tortugan queen to see if he was following her, before the white vixen began to speak, introducing herself as the Alphess of Valhalla. Once more, he would respectfully bow his crown, but lips remained tucked, as he would not speak just yet, awaiting the Tortugan queen's speech first, before he would perhaps introduce himself, if the pearly queen did not herself.

Walk, "Talk",


06-03-2014, 12:41 AM

She waited patiently, her features nearly turning into that of a statue, as she gazed off in the distance. Her body was alert, in case of a pending attack, but she force her muscles relaxed, she wasn't here to stir up trouble. The snow distorted her vision, and when a white wolf appeared nearly suddenly, the Queen merely blinked. Her ivory lids fell over her violet eyes, and just as quickly they were open again. She took in the appearance of the white woman, noting her blue eyes. When the other wolf spoke, Roman's ear flicked in slight interest, as she seemed to already know who she was. She nodded slightly in affirmation, as the Queen spoke- a slight hesitancy to her tone as she stated the 'Armada' surname. She introduced herself as Erani Adravendi, the primary alpha of Valhalla. Politely, the queen would speak- wasting none of their time. A slight inclination of her head would be given, a sign of respect for the other Queen.

"Alpha Primary Erani Adravendi, it is a pleasure." She began, her tone a silky neutral. She was speaking to an equal, not a wolf of higher status or respect than her- and she would act like it. "It would seem that I am here to discuss the relationship between our packs." She said. She wasn't exactly seeking an alliance, but she did want to at least know who ruled Valhalla. "I must also admit, that my trip here, is serving to stifle some curiosity. I've wondered often, the face of the pack- my father so despises." She spoke without emotion, she wasn't trying to stir up trouble- just stating a fact, as blunt as winter's edge. For the moment, she would fall silent, leaving a chance in her wake for August to introduce himself if he wished- or he could remain silent. For her, it was really up to him. She noted the respect her pack member gave the other queen, and she couldn't deny her pride in him.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-04-2014, 01:06 AM
Erani Adravendi

Erani listened as Roman spoke, ears gently attentive. Slowly, her haunches lowered, though by no means was she lowering her guard completely. Snow gathered on her fur, and as Roman finished speaking, she cocked her head. ?I?m glad to see you have more respect than your sire. A wolf who acknowledges equality, and their own mortality, is a wolf who will live long into their grand years. Valhalla is a pack that walks on the side of good. We do our best to help those in need, no matter the nature. Despite her being from Glaciem, I assisted Eris, Glaciems healer, in her birthing, just after the siege, when she came close to the borders and went into labor. She would have died, and indeed, all but one of her children were stillborn. This was before I took rule of the pack. We took two prisoners in the siege. I believe both are your sisters, or half sisters. Impra became ill while she was here. Despite her being a prisoner, and of Glaciem and an Armada, I treated her as any ill wolf should be treated.?

She gazed at Roman, quietly assessing. ?Your father began a war that was un-necessary. It cost the life of one of his members, and many injuries. He murdered an innocent bystander at the beginning of the siege. A wolf who was merely on our borders. He forced himself on Azalea Adravendi while she was imprisoned in Glaciem. Stole a yearling girl from her home, when she had just lost her mother to a flood. We have found one of his members near our territories, emaciated, ill, and untended. We cared for her anyways, until she was well enough to be on her way. My own brother saw to her health keeping. Does that give you an idea of how Valhalla is? We did nothing other than defend one of our own against a challenge for her freedom, and defend our borders against attack. What does this tell you??

Her words were given in a steady, soft voice, a story of the past. ?We are willing enough to set the past aside. None of my members will threaten the peace treaty myself and Sendoa settled upon. There are better ways to solve problems than violence. It?s up to your sire to show that he has some decency. Unfortunately, he hasn?t given us much reason to trust him. As for your pack? Interestingly, it used to be Glaciem that we were allied with, and Tortuga that we were on the verge of war with, not many years ago. I was glad when Taurig took leadership. For once, we could set aside the old hatred for the pack. Then something happened. Taurig, I hear, handed his pack over to get his mate back, after Isardis stole her, for some reason. A friend of mine was given the pack. Deteste. And then, my knowledge comes to an end, and you are the leader of Tortuga now. I must admit, I am curious of how that came to be.?

She cocked her head slightly, a small smile quirking her lips. ?I do not expect you to forge an alliance between yourself and Valhalla. If your father decides, once again, to attack us for some slight that lives only in his mind, I will not blame you for siding with your blood. It?s what most family would do. Taurig went against his father, because he could see the wrong in what his father was doing, and had the courage to tell the truth to his own father. For that, his father maimed him, put a price on his head. So I adopted Taurig as my own son. I am proud of the courage he has in his heart. It takes a great deal of bravery to go against someone you love when they are wrong. As for you. I will settle for a peace treaty. You don?t harm us, and we, in turn, will not harm you, and you can count on us for help if you are in need of healers. I have many, and I have been told that I am considered the most experienced healer in the land.?

Her head straightened, eyes intent. ??I met one f your members, during the summer, or spring. Qanik. She professed that she has feelings for one of my wolves, Flamesong. Lately, I haven?t been able to find him anywhere. Please, tell her to keep an eye open for him. It would ease my mind to know more are out there looking.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
06-04-2014, 08:56 PM

The call of Roman caught Azalea off guard. She had met the female on the black beach and had really not thought twice about whether she would see her again or not. Homing in the north, there weren't many reasons for her to come to the west but yet, here she was.

Azalea headed in that direction and by the time she arrived Erani was already there as well as Tortugan wolf she had, not surprisingly, not met.

Erani was talking up a storm, relaying more or less the same story that she had just days ago and she wondered if Roman minded that, hearing all over again how terrible her father really was. She gave a nod to Roman before sitting down, wondering how Erani would react to the casual way she acted. It wasn't like Azalea had run home to tell Erani all about meeting an Armada wolf with a heart.

When Erani stopped speaking Azalea inclined toward the pup that had traveled with her. "Who is your friend?" If he had already announced himself or been announced then she hadn't been there to hear it.


06-05-2014, 05:51 PM

Russet orange auditories would flick as another Valhallan arrived, whom seemed familiar with the Tortugan queen. She would speak, requesting of his identity, rather indirectly. From inky lips arose his own swift introduction, nothing too elaborate. "You may call me August, one of Roman's Cohorts." As soon as he finished his string of words, inky lips would become tightly shut once more, refusing to speak, and to sit as a silent supporter of Roman, but should any violence break, he would be ready to spring into action, his frame tensed, with sharp eyes watching both Valhallan wolves intently.

He would soon relax and sit upon his haunches, plush tail still on the terra firma of Valhallan territories, honey gaze shifting all about the lands, taking in the scenery, and carefully inspecting the sexy women around himself. (Not really, I'm just having fun. Disregard this. XD)


06-05-2014, 06:36 PM

Erani would speak again, and her ears would tilt forward- attentive as always, though she was very aware of her surroundings. Though she didn't expect an attack- she would be prepared. As Erani spoke, Roman mulled her words, internally chuckling at the queens comment of 'recognizing ones own mortality.' That was all she had been doing in the last year, wasn't it? The ivory woman mentioned Eris, and her head cocked slightly- as she took in details that she didn't know about the healer. Eris had given birth here? She then went on to mention Impra and Roman nodded thoughtfully. Valhalla had been more than fair to the Glaciem wolves they had helped. Though she didn't doubt that Eris would move hell and high water to help any wolf she found near their borders, Roman knew that the healer would possibly fight Isardis to do it, and allow them to leave in peace. Her father never let a crisis go to waste, he was a brilliant strategist, even though he was ruthless. She found it hard to believe that he wouldn't take the injured wolf prisoner- for a political move later.

Again she would hear the story from an Adravendi's point of view of how the Glaciem & Valhallan war came to be. She flicked her ear- betraying no real emotion at the murder of the innocent. After all who was really innocent? From her experience with war- the fact that this wolf was innocent, probably never occurred to Isardis. Blood-lust was a powerful thing. Her words about Azalea however gained a slight reaction, as she glance sharply at the other Queen- her violet eyes meeting her powerful blue gaze. Azalea hadn't said it directly- but Roman had only guessed. Isardis, the male who could have any brood he so desired- a rapist? The very thought made her stomach churn. Her ears flattened slightly, and she had to quell the desire to retch. That crime was too close to home, for the pale woman. She coughed- turning her gaze away for a moment as she fought to compose herself- to control her body. She could react later. A heaving breath shook her- as she faced Erani again.

Roman had mixed feelings about Liberty. She had never spent much time with the girl- probably had never had a personal conversation with her, but she couldn't help but seed some of the blame with her- for the war. Not that she'd claim it aloud, no- she wouldn't offend the Valhallan's with that, but she wondered how much of this.. Liberty had provoked. If she hadn't been interesting- a spitfire... would she have retained her father's interest enough to go to battle? Why was she in the north? Erani went on, to mention a peace treaty between Valhalla and Glaicem, approved by none other than- Sendoa. Her head tilted slightly, the cobalt queen was playing a dangerous game with her father, one that Roman wasn't sure- that she, herself, had the courage to play.

This history of Tortuga was interesting enough- Taurig was her half brother, a son of Isardis. He had brought peace between them? She'd only met the man once- when he traded the throne of Tortuga for his wife- Majia. A wife he refused to fight for. Roman couldn't decide if he was a coward or genius for that. She never could decide her feeling on her half-brother. Perhaps she should seek him out- let him tell his story for himself. As she spoke, Roman smiled slightly, and gave a little nod- though she would wait until the other Queen was completely done speaking before addressing certain points, that she had noted through Erani's story.

Erani spoke then about the standing between the packs- and her ear twitched slightly. Roman didn't necessarily want Valhalla to hate Tortuga- to brew an enemy, but she also didn't dare turn her back on her father. She knew all to easily what he could do, instead she would walk a fine line. She'd taken her own time to investigate Valhalla before making any decision. Erani spoke of Taurig's bravery in standing up to Isardis. Roman honestly couldn't decide if that had been the bravest move, or had it only stirred more hatred her father's heart. She loved Isardis- deeply. He was her father, the one connection of family that she had left, beyond her siblings. Her mother was dead- in the end she had no one else, except for Tortuga. Ultimately she had to do what was best for them. Erani offered a peace treaty- and Roman thought about it for a few moments- trying to choose the best plan.

The subject took an interesting turn, as Erani mentioned meeting Qanik, the prior summer or spring. Qanik had found herself someone? A slight smile pulled at her lips, she couldn't deny that she was happy for her- though the smile fell, when Erani mentioned he was missing. She'd have to tell Qanik, and help the woman keep an eye out for him. She could only hope that they'd find this male again, so that Qanik could perhaps have her chance at happy- at normal.

An Armada and the Queen of Vahalla, conversing- it would see wold be a strange and perhaps miraculous thing indeed. Could it become any stranger? Indeed- it seemed that it could. None other than Azalea Adravendi herself would appear. Roman would return her nod, with a slight dip of her head and a soft but quick smile, her attention turning to August who would introduce himself. She wondered what he was thinking about all of this, but there would be time to probe his mind later. Did the Valhalla Queen know that Azalea and Roman had met only days before this meeting? Had Azalea mentioned it? Roman could only speculate.

Finally it would seem that it was Roman's turn to speak again, but the dame would let silence fall for a few moments before she would speak. She needed to contemplate her words, and make sure they were exactly what she intended them to be. She had a habit of speaking before thinking. "I can say with little doubt, that you'll probably never hear a word of gratitude for my father for your treatment of Eris and Impra. He is a proud man, but I would personally like to thank you. It takes an honorable wolf- to help an enemy. He owes you, both of his daughters life. And I owe you my sisters." She spoke sincerely. She wondered if Eris or Impra had ever thanked Erani? Erani was probably the only reason Eris had lived to give birth to Irune.

Roman had seen countless murdered, that didn't phase her, the idea of being forced into something? Losing your virginity to a male you didn't love or feel for in the smallest of ways. She understood exactly- how that felt. "I recently met, Azalea. The things that happened to her.... I love my father, Erani Adravendi- but I cannot condone a rapist in anyway." She sighed. She had seen her fathers fury- when she told him what Fugue had done to her. How could this be a double standard. Could she depart from the subject for a moment? Get away from a history, to tell Erani who she was? She glanced slightly at Azalea- her eyes apologetic.

"Isardis... is the family I have left, excluding my siblings. My mother was slain before me, and I fled home in order to survive. I don't tell you this expecting pity, but to perhaps let you have a better understanding of me." She paused. This would also be the first time that August would hear her story. What would he think of her? "I came to Alacritis, last Winter. Just after the siege between Glaciem and Valhalla. Needless to say, it was my biased story of the war, that led me to want to hear what Valhallan's thought about it." Another pause.

"It was in my first season, that I was struck down and taken advantage of." She paused, her eyes burning as she looked at the Queen, and glanced at Azalea. She understood- she didn't have children because of it.. but she understood. Why was she revealing this? "The male... who took advantage of me resides in another pack. I tell you that to help, perhaps, illustrate- the difference between my father and I. I forgave the male- did not seek retribution-didn't start a war, because I was foolish. When I again came face to face with him. Dare I say it, if Isardis found out- he'd start a war, after he kicked my ass." A humorless chuckle left her. Her father's anger at her rule- was something she worried about daily. "I love my father, but I am not him. I have a pack that needs me to take care of it. Wolves who rely on me." She glanced at August, then back to Erani.

"I'm not sure Glaciem as an enemy- because I pissed off Isardis, is a wise move. Nor do I want Valhalla as an enemy. You're honorable wolves- I see no reason to have you has an enemy." She blinked slowly- and took a breath before speaking. "I personally hold no ill intent towards Valhalla, and would expect my pack to treat any of your wolves fairly- upon meeting them." She chuckled slightly a smile dancing on her lips. Inwardly her mind was in turmoil. Would she stand with her father if he declared another war? She wondered if his pack would stand with him? Glaciem had been wavering- the empire he had worked so hard to build seemed to crumble as of late. He'd been to ill to run it- and Sendoa was doing the best she could, but still... perhaps others were seeing the error in his ways?

"I guess what I am trying to say, is that a peace treaty would be nice." She fell silent for a few moments, and glanced at Azalea. She personally held no ill will towards them. They weren't the monsters she'd pictured in her mind. She wasn't sure she could bring herself to war with them- unless they did something to deserve it. She actually felt sickness in her gut- at what her father had done to Azalea. The things she wanted to say to him- answers that she wanted to demand of him... The war she could nearly disregard- war didn't bother her. Rape however.... it made no sense. His double standard confused her, deeply. How could he condone his own acts, when he wanted to rip Fugue in two? She couldn't deny that if had run into Fugue he'd had probably killed him- ripped the males body in pieces. Roman didn't understand his reaction- when he was that same monster. It disgusted her. It confused her. Truly, it broke her heart.

Could Roman deny that Isardis scared her? His raw power- his thirst for ambition. She was terrified of disappointing him- so much so that was the root of her nightmares. Perhaps Taurig was braver than she? But she had seen what Isardis had done to him... Could she stand against her father? She honestly didn't know. Perhaps she was simply a coward.

"About Flamesong, I will indeed pass on the message to Qanik, and I will personally help her keep an eye out for him." She couldn't deny that she was thrilled for Qanik. Perhaps if they found him again- the shared pups would bring the pack closer. Or would it put them all in danger? She fell silent again, the wheels in her mind spinning, so much had happened- how would she ever process it all? "I'm happy Qanik found someone- now we just have to find him." She said with a slightly warm smile. She definitely wanted to meet the wolf that Qanik had feelings for- he must be a special wolf indeed. They would have to find him.


ooc: 2,039 words man.



10 Years
06-05-2014, 07:30 PM

Odette had been asked by Erani to stake out the nearby sections of the borders. She hadn't asked why, but proceeded to check the forests of naked trees for any signs of danger towards her Alphess. When nothing had been obvious, she had made sure Erani was aware of where she had chosen her spying spot. The howl from the stranger made Odette's skin prickle and fur stand on end. Those were the only physical signs that Odette publicly showed. She remained hidden as her grandmother approached.
Red and blue eyes watched in silent wonder at the two white wolves. They spoke in polite turns, making her move her head as if she were at a tennis match. Ears remained pricked and attentive as her mind took in the stories both shared. She may not have realized it, but Odette was having a history lesson that she would hold to her heart for the future. It was something she would not take for granted.
As the two leaders spoke, she watched Azalea appear and sit next to Erani. Ears pricked in her direction, but then the male that was on the other side of the borders answered her cousin's question. Odette pondered what type of name 'August' was, but she didn't voice her question. Instead, she slipped out from her place in the woods and appeared on Erani's vacant side. Her eyes met Azalea's and she gave a warm smile before looking over to the Tortugan strangers. Red and blue eyes she had inherited from Ocena glistened in the light of day as she met Roman's eyes before looking at August. A soft smirk appeared on her face as she silently challenged him to a round of 'The Silent Game', along with to see who would blink first.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
06-05-2014, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2014, 09:05 PM by Azalea.)

Roman nodded to Azalea, a slight smile slid in there with it. Azalea listened to the male introduce himself and he seemed to settle in to make himself more comfortable. He was, after all, in the company of women and clearly they all intended to talk. A lot.

The Tortugan she-wolf started talking, revealing to Azalea's surprise that she was a rape victim. All that time, Roman had known what Azalea felt. Perhaps that is what made her quite so upset about Azalea's explanation of the history between the packs.

"I guess what I am trying to say, is that a peace treaty would be nice." Azalea looked at Roman with surprise. She knew that Roman said Tortuga was its own pack but she didn't truly believe that Roman would think so freely. She wondered now how Isardis and the rest of her brainwashed family would react to this move.

Odette appeared and Azalea wagged her tail lazily and smiled to her. She too had grown considerably, already taller than Azalea. Not for the first time she cursed her height.

She noticed Odette challenge August to a staring contest and she wouldn't help with smile loosely at the girl. Valhalla was home to many wolves but all were for the most part very good inside. The proof was here with her younger family member getting playful with a Tortugan stranger.

A pang of sadness hit her heart as she stared at Odette too long. They were family by blood, and both had been adopted into the Adravendi family (though Azalea was second generation to that). When Azalea looked at Odette she saw her father and the family she never got to meet. Where were her parents? Much as she pretended to hate having them around it was beginning to very much bug her that they weren't here.

She pushed the thoughts away, focusing back on Erani as she licked her lips and waited to see what Erani would say about a treaty.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-17-2014, 06:11 AM

Excitement and adventure! It was everywhere! The girl had sneaked away from her den, having managed to avoid her parents radar to investigate something she had heard. With fur puffed out and tail wagging madly, she would race towards the best pin pointed location of the call. It would seem to take her forever to arrive, but finally she did. Little puppy paws would scurry beneath her, the little girl slipping and sliding in the snow that was piled here and there. Violet and blue hued eyes were bright, tongue lolling out as she happily struggled through the snow. In the distance, she could see several figures standing about, one she recognized vaguely as the leader of Valhalla--described to her by her parents as a noble white wolf with striking blue eyes. It only urged her forward more. She would get to meet somebody famous!

Finally, her bounce through the snow would result in fruition. The girl racing up behind the Valhallan members, and upon approaching she would stop. Her stance still as her dual toned gaze stared at the other wolves before them. She had no idea what was going on, or anything that had been said, but she didn't care. The little girl was curious, and with the curiosity, her paws would bring her forward past the line of Valhallans and into the center of both sides. "Hi! I'm Ashelia Adravending, 'was your name? You shore are perdy, why're you painted on?" She didn't know any better. She was curious about the visitors. Her gaze would move from Roman to August, though her words were mostly directed at Roman. She then looked at Erani, then back at Roman, then back at Erani. Putting together the fact that both had white pelts. Her tail wagged harder, an idea forming in her head. "Can I paint you like that too?"




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-19-2014, 09:32 PM
Erani Adravendi

Soon after Erani had finished speaking, movement behind her would notify her of Azalea?s arrival. A gently smile pulled at the old Queens muzzle, her tail sweeping behind her in a warm, silent greeting. Her eyes however remained on Roman as she watched the different expressions her speech had elicited. Odette made her appearance as well, and was given the same warm greeting.

She had seen the revoltion in Roman?s face as she had spoken of Azalea?s treatment by her fathers paws. So as Roman began to speak, Erani turned her ears forward and listened with full intensity and interest. While Erani agreed that Isardis would never deign to thank a Valhallan, any Valhallan, for the saving of his pack members, she was welcoming of the thanks Roman gave. Her head bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the thanks. ?I do what I can. A wolf in need, is a wolf in need, no matter the pack.? She fell silent again, listening on as Roman continued, and she glanced to Azalea as Roman spoke of having met her previously.

Romans words were honest, and Erani smiled sadly. ?It?s hard to hear the true tales of someone you love. Especially when they paint a darker picture than they would ever let you see.? Neo. Looking into his eyes and seeing the blatant hatred. It had been the hardest thing to see at that time. But seeing her own blood son, Gabriel, speaking to Gael in such a way as he had, after Epiphrons wedding, had been fit to break her heart. Was her youngest boy alive?

Roman continued on to speak, and as she did, Erani knew how it felt to see someone you loved dead before you. She had seen her entire birth pack slain before her; she had believed her battered brother dead for many years. That Roman was a wolf willing to hear both sides of a story, rather than just believing only what her father told her told Erani a great deal. Romans ability to listen to both sides of the story was something that attested to the fact that she was likely a fine leader. Disputes in her pack would likely be settled fairly. ?I know the feeling of losing someone close to you. My whole family and birth pack were slaughtered when I was a yearling. Cormalin, it turns out, survived, but for over four or five years, I thought he had died that day as well.?

Roman went on, telling a tale of her rape. Erani?s throat dried, her whiskers threatening to twitch as bile rose. That Roman had forgiven the male did indeed tell a great deal about her. ?I wouldn?t say foolish. The pack comes first. Always. Before you. Being a leader means making hard decisions. Sometimes the hardest ones in your life. A wise leader thinks first of the pack. That is why I settled that Peace Treaty. I know some of my pack would love to slash open the throats of some Glaciem wolves for the havoc they brought us. Some may not be happy with me for my decision. But in these two years, we have a chance to train and be strong, and that gives us a chance to win our next war, should it ever come.?

Erani?s head cocked as Roman went on to her final word, a smile drawing over her jaws. ?And I accept that treaty. Should your pack ever be in need of help, we will give what help we can.? Roman added an extra bit, and Erani nodded. ?Thank you. If you see him, let him know we are worried about him, and I want to hear from him himself.?

It was then that little Ashelia, one of Ashtoreth?s girls, bounced out of the snow from behind. The little girl in the usual pup fashion, was not at all adverse to talking to strangers, and a soft, panting chuckle rolled from her maw. ?That?s ?Adra-ven-dee?, little one. Ooh, you have grown fast, Ashelia. Seems just yesterday I watched you take your first breaths.? Erani grinned, lowering her head to nudge the pup playfully on the pudgy puppy belly. The child?s next question brought another low chuckle. ?Well, I don?t see why not, little one. But we?ll have to wait till spring. That?s when the berries start coming.? Straightening, Erani grinned at Roman. ?Now, for introductions of my own. This is Ashelia, one of our most recent litter. This is Odette, my granddaughter. And you know Azalea. And a pleasure to make your acquaintance, August.? She finished, nodding to Roman?s traveling companion.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


06-27-2014, 04:35 AM

The day was bright, and she was curious. The young filly would take to adventure once again, and no sooner had she heard a howl close by then her legs were already carrying her at a gallop towards the location. Nostrils flared as a small whinny came from her, ears erect as they listened to the drumming of her hooves and the talking of others. She could smell Erani, and Odette, along with others she had never smelled before. And yet, even for a prey animal, she would not stop nor turn away, but continue forward. The girl strode forward, the forms of the canines coming into view as did Erani's familiar pelt. A smile spread across her sweet face, hazel eyes bright as they gazed at the gathered wolves. More friends? Were these friends of her friends too? Did that mean they were her friends???

She threw her head back and whinnied as she approached, brushing against Erani as she stopped with spread legs. She peered at the strangely painted woman, tail wagging behind her as she listened to some of the conversation. She looked at the pup that was there, her scent was of Valhalla, so then she was a friend too?! Wow! So many new friends in one day! She was certainly a very lucky filly. She couldn't wait to go back and tell Obsidian about this! She nuzzled Erani for a brief moment, her attention focusing on those before her. "Hi! Are you friends? What's your names? Do you know my momma? Are you Erani's friends? Why does your fur look like that? Can you do that to me too?" Questions. A whole spitfire of questions. She was so curious about Roman's markings, and wondered if they could be placed upon her as well. How did she do that anyway? Was it magic? Could Erani paint her like that? Did those markings make the wolf special? She wondered.