
draw your swords


06-06-2014, 01:58 PM


let me be your PANZRAM

The woman bounded through the forest. Her heavy paws hit the ground with such force. The bitch was a force, pure power radiated from her very body. The woman had her eyes set on the hare before her. It glided around the shrine with such quickness. The woman followed it as if she knew where it would step next, every time. The scent of her next meal enticed her taste buds. Her mouth began to water, drool poured from her jowls in excitement. But, when she flung herself from the ground. Those two fore paws grappled the hare with such power, its ribs were crushed instantly. Nausica skidded to a halt and brought her head down to the prey. Huge jaws opened before snapping down on the animals neck. The woman hunched over her meal. she began to rip through the flesh. Licking the bones clean. She tossed away the tufts of fur, like tail and belly. Yet, she ate everything but the head, bones, and feet. The girl tilted up, her eyes were wide with blood lust. She often go excited, with each kill. It happened more and more lately. As she grew older and in size the bitch felt more powerful and she wanted to use it whenever she could..



06-06-2014, 02:20 PM

The woman was still depressed. It was like she was sunk into her very own pool of dread. She was drowning slowly, to extinction. Aldoro would not put up with her nonsense forever. But, he led an easy life. He was simple, a gentlemen, and perfect. The woman was far from perfect. She came from a sad life, she was born into a strong pack but was abused by her brother. She became a temptress and slept her way through the lands. She go into the wrong crowd. Yet, Aldoro saw something in her. But, the damaged girl was forever broken now. She lost everything that meant something to her. But, along the way she also lost her mind. So, she sauntered into the runed forest with empty eyes. She did not even notice the bitch feasting to her side. As she passed she could sense the darkness radiating off of the huge girl to her right. Her head turned to look at the woman, but she made eye contact at the worst moment. Nausica had blood caked into her grey fur. Insanity reemed within her purple orbs. Six began to slowly back away, but Nausica did not let her gaze waver.


06-06-2014, 02:39 PM


let me be your PANZRAM

The darling horror stared at her prey with a horrible stare. How day she just saunter into the shrine without a single fear. Nausica was in a daze. A trance of sorts. Her ego was inflated to a maximum. Her mind was jumbled, but there was a goal. One goal that did not leave her broken thoughts. To kill. The woman wanted to slaughter. Her dark voice was emitted into the air with such elegance. "What a silly silly girl this one is." The grey and black bitch licked some of the remaining crimson blood from her lips before she rolled her shoulders. Nausica let a growl rippled through her chest before it erupted from her ferocious jowls. Her purple orbs were narrowed as she then charged the girl before her. Nausica then launched herself to the side of the black and white bitch with a few more rounds of growls. There was a duly noted lack of struggle. Nausica then went in for the kill. The woman let her giant jaws wrap around Six's throat. Her fangs would seep into the woman's vital source of life. Blood would spew from the other girls mouth as her life was quickly faded from the lands they stood. Nausica flung the body tot he side as she grinned. Her head was nearly covered in the fresh blood. Her tongue slithered from its cavern to lap up the vital fluids. She then rolled her shoulders before the woman went to work on the flesh of the dead girl. She ripped, skinned, and ravaged. The woman would dine here and there, but there was a more important goal at hand. The Saxe bitch skinned Six's head, detaching it from the neck. She got it to the point where she only had a fresh skull within her paws. A naked skull. The woman picked it up within her jaws and got up. The ebony monster fled the scene without a second thought.

