

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-16-2014, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 06:48 PM by Dutiron i.)
ooc: Introduction to new leaders and new ranks will be assigned so everyone must post. Deadline is 28th May

The meeting had been pushed aside for long enough, it seemed that Song wasn't going to change her mind any time soon and officially he and Novel would need to announce themselves and their new ranks to the pack. Things would change slightly with the new leadership as well, with many members being family he doubted it would cause them to wish to leave though it was only fair to present them with the option than leave them to suffer if they truly didn't wish to be here.

"Are you ready?" He echoed the words he had spoken upon the border on their arrival in the lands as mismatched eyes glance to his mate once more. They were in this together after all, and he knew his life would certainly have far fewer achievements without her at his side. Nuzzling her longingly he'd withdraw with a deep breath as he prepared himself for what was to come. And then, giving in he would lift his head and call the pack, their pack to come forwards and join them.

Novel i


8 Years
05-16-2014, 06:39 PM

It would be easy for her to slip back under the mantle of leadership. She and her mate were in their prime, but were still a bit older so had the added enjoyment of experience at their disposal. She had to say she was rather sad this would not be the quiet retirement she and her husband had thought they would be getting. No matter, she would have her enjoyment someday. Being here just as her daughter needed her had been plenty reason to step up and lead their family again. Had she made some bad choices in the past? Most certainly. Now though, she was older and wiser and very much ready for the challenge of ruling these strange lands. They would put off their announcement long enough, now would be the time to truly take over Song's rule.
Dutiron would ask of her readiness, and with a confident nod she would assure her mate. How she adored the man, he had brought her up through so much past trauma. She would be nowhere near the wolf she was today with out his wonderful presence and guidance. She would mirror his touch, her features buried lovingly within the thickness of his pelt. She would take in a deep breath, enjoying his musky scent as he tilted his head back. She would join him, her features pulling away to reach towards the sky. Her song playing into his as they called their pack.?




5 Years
05-16-2014, 06:46 PM

It'd been a while since any meeting had been called for the pack, though to Novella's surprise as the call sounded it wasn't the usual voice of her sister the the unmistakable combined voices of her parents. A little concerned as to why they might be calling and certainly curious, the Destruction girl would be swift to make her move, heading towards the source of the call.

Sure enough her eyes would soon set sights upon her parents. With no one else present she wouldn't hesitate in approaching and nuzzling the pair in greeting. "I suppose I'll have to wait for everyone else to get here to find out what's happening won't I?" She would ask slyly with a small smile. Knowing full well she would have to wait, she would withdraw as other members began to arrive.

by macabre



10 Years
05-17-2014, 10:44 AM

The girl had been told of her grandparents return, of the wolves who had first held hers and her brother's names. It was an odd concept and she hadn't quite been ready to meet them. Her time had been spent with the girl, Ara. The two of them had been studying together and gathering the last bit of the autumn seasons herbs, a perfect excuse for not meeting with her grandparents yet. For once though, she was not with the dual toned girl. Elohim was curled on her back within the den, both napping away the cold day. She had felt herself begin to slow down with the colder weather. However being in a tropical area she had not to deal with a cold that was lower than 40?. Not comfortable, but not below freezing either. She would be woken by the dual voices of authority. She did not recognize them and wondered what authority they had to call her. Worry would seep into her form as she thought of her weakened mother. Had they stolen the pack from her? With a racing heart she would leap from her den, afraid of what she would find at the source of the call.
She would find herself in a clearing, three wolves already there. One was her aunt, one looked just like her aunt, and the other was an aging man with eyes like her mother. "Novella.. What's going on?" Elohim would loom curiously over her shoulder as the obvious confusion would be shown on her face. These were most likely her grand parents.. But what were they doing?

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



3 Years
05-18-2014, 04:35 AM

Their call was still so new to him but as the two voices rang out, on this occasion Dutiron could identify them as his grandparents. Whilst Novel had found it odd they'd been named after the two wolves, it'd only made the younger Dutiron all the more eager to get to know them despite not fully understanding the honour and respect that had gone into the naming decision from Song.

Leaving his current adventure, the curious young boy would make his way over to his grandparents, tail wagging eagerly he'd squeeze himself into the gap between his sister and his Aunt, choosing to sit beside them despite all of the space. Having only ever attended one meeting in his life, he didn't quite understand the oddity of the fact that it wasn't now their mother the Oracle before them and was certainly happy enough unlike his sister's concern. "It's ok Novel, they're our grandparents." He informed her glancing to his sister. Glancing up wasn't something he really needed to do so much anymore, quickly catching up to the petite girl and certainly preparing to overtake her in size it seemed.

Requiem I


2 Years
05-20-2014, 10:13 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had been taking things easy, exploring and learning at his own pace while his siblings seemingly lived more exciting lives. It might have made sense if he had felt any envy but Requiem was a simple wolf with simple needs, and excitement was not a necessity for him to achieve happiness.

So the excitement of a new set of voices, rising and calling and ordering, was, admittedly, a bit confusing. Neither were familiar, neither were recognizable. Why was it not Mother who called them all together? The brown youth's brow furrowed as he padded after it hesitantly. Whatever was going on here was important, and he needed to get to the bottom of it to settle his confusion.

He was not the first there, but seeing other family was heartening. His two-toned, green and teal eyes stared toward the pair who looked undeniably of their family but also apart, the little black markings upon his brow turning his expression more severe than it was intended, and quietly he moved to join his sister, brother, and aunt. What was it that he heard Dutiron saying? Grandparents?



5 Years
05-20-2014, 08:10 PM

Things had been quite enough around the pack, at least since her grandparents had shown up. Still Canta refused to allow herself to grow restless, doing her best to make herself useful around the pack. So when the call had echoed over her she had been loping easily from the mangroves, her destination in mind? The girl stopped though, tilting her head to the side as she listened. The meeting wasn?t unusual, but that call? She vaguely recognized it as her grandparents, but why were they calling them? Perhaps her mother had grown sick? Frowning the young Destruction changed her course, turning around and heading back towards the heart of the mangroves.
It didn?t take her too long to arrive, managing to catch what Dutiron was saying to their sister and as Canta came up behind them she added her own voice. ?Yes but it is strange that it should be them to call us and not mother?? Forest gaze would narrow some as she pondered, seating herself behind Novel and looking up expectantly up at her grandparents.

Talk like this

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



05-22-2014, 01:58 AM

Dhiren Anton Destruction was following a rabbit when the call came. He was getting close, one paw in front of the other, until his concentration broke. A loud sigh escaped through his lips, causing the wary rabbit to bounce out of sight. With a regretful, longing glance at the retreating prey, Dhiren gave it up. No use trying to go after it when he had other priorities to carry. Besides, there would always be prey.
His three black and one white set of paws carried him through the mangroves. He always found solace whenever he got lost between the trees and their long, swaying branches. However, due to winter now visiting for the next three or four months, he wouldn't be hiding from the pack members like before. The First Apprentice increased his pace and he broke free from the forestry just in time to see his family gathering.
Silver and gold eyes twinkled at the sight in front of him and a happy bark sounded from his dark lips. His grandfather had called for a meeting, of which Dhiren showed slight confusion. Shouldn't Song have been the one to make such an announcement howl? He let the question remain in his head because of the others voicing the same one. Instead of pushing it out of his mind, he pushed himself forward and lightly bumped against Canta. A greeting lick was given and he looked up to his predecessors. "Good morning, Grandpa. Good morning, Grandma." His words were warm and gentle. Looking over at his aunt and other siblings, he saw the same confusion evidenced in their gazes. "I hope I am not too late for whatever is about to take place." He playfully chided.


Awesome pic by Seren <3

Howl 1


05-29-2014, 04:55 AM

The male had been re-entering the territory. He had gone off without telling anyone, though he had his reasons. It was as he crossed the borders that a howl would summon those within the lands, but it was not Song's call...he stopped in his steps. Was he hearing things? His heart would hammer in his chest, the male continuing his path towards the place where the call was. There was no way...absolutely no way that they could be here...for how long? What had he missed since his departure? The male trekked through the territory, hazel eyes unblinking as he crossed the final stretches of land towards where meetings were held. And there, he saw them.

His parents were here, and Howl was not sure how to feel. His past concerning his mother was not a good one...and he felt his hackles lift only slightly, invisible to others that had already gathered. It seemed not much of the pack had arrived, all of them just being family. Where was Anthem? Where was Song? Symphony even? Heart hammered in his chest as he stopped in the clearing, hazel eyes glaring at the pair that stood before them. He was on the sidelines, but his presence was still noticeable...he said nothing in his approach. For he was feeling a multitude of things. Unsure of what to feel exactly, though part of it was indifference and maybe...hatred? Yes. It wasn't completely hidden in his eyes, though a mixture of hatred and bewilderment at seeing his parents again. However, the hatred wasn't held towards his father, no. But towards the one who birthed him...and for a good reason. He remained motionless, stiff in the way he stood as he simply stared. Face blank and void of anything.

Talk like this


05-29-2014, 05:00 AM

Legend had been scarce lately. Though mostly due to his lack of discipline. Back home, he had done much...but here? Song had been too lax. And thus it made him feel whatever about his role in the pack. He lazed about, sleeping on his back in his den until a call woke him. Startling, he rolled over and stretched before exiting his den. He would heed the call, and not only because it was courteous to answer but because it was all too familiar. Mom and dad were here, and he was much too excited to see them! He had all but given up on finding his brother, Story...but perhaps soon he would. He could feel it in his bones!
Legend would arrive in the clearing, sweeping past his standstill brother and went straight towards his parents. Tail wagging all the while as he stopped to nuzzle and lick their faces. "Mom! Dad! You found us!" He laughed as he nuzzled them both before stepping back to sit before them, tail wagging the whole time and oblivious to Howl's quiet rage.




05-31-2014, 09:10 PM

The woman would hear her parent's call, her ears twitching slightly as wakefulness came upon her. She'd felt rather weak since her release of the pack, as though her responsibility to those under her care had been what was keeping her strong. Now, her days were spent within her den with Descant, his sick form still very much worrying her. He was so weak.. With Cherokee being scarce once again the woman was feeling more and more lost. Her dreams and visions were becoming scarce, her pelt was seeming to dull as the days passed her by. They all seemed to run together as her parents slipped into control.
She would slow rise, tucking her sick son into the bed of moss. She would promise to return quickly, an with a soft kiss her presence would be gone from the den and off to the new alpha's call. When she arrived much of the family had already gathered, she would spare a smile to her children as her paws carried her to Dutiron and Novel's side. "Please excuse my tardiness. Descant, he's... He's not doing well." she would look away as her haunches coiled beneath her, ready for the meeting and the new rule.?


Dutiron i


8 Years
06-01-2014, 05:31 AM

The first to appear before the two new leaders was Novella. He would smile at her comment and give a soft nod of his head in response. "Yes you will." He admitted as he nuzzled the girl in response before she went to take a seat before them, awaiting the rest of the pack to arrive. Slowly but surely they would follow, the first another daughter of Song's he would guess, something confirmed as the second Dutiron would arrive and speak her name; Novel. Another child would arrive, followed by a dark coloured female that somewhat resembled Dhiren. And then the young man himself would arrive. "Good morning Dhiren, and not at all. Everything will be explained soon enough." He added the last comment for the benefit of the more confused members of his family.

Howl hadn't been there to greet them at the border on the night of their arrival, in fact only Novella, Song and Anthem had actually been present to greet and welcome them to Ludicael. It was good to see that he was well though it seemed from the stern expression upon his face and the distance he kept that the man wasn't quite so pleased himself. Even Song had forgiven and forgotten, this reaction would surely only hurt his poor mate and he would press himself against her a little more, a reminder that he was there.

Legend's arrival would be far more welcoming as he rushed forwards to greet them both. "Of course we did Legend." He stated, nuzzling him in return before he stepped back to take his seat with the rest of the pack. This was surely not all of them, Song for starters had yet to arrive but he knew others of her children were still missing, Anthem hadn't shown himself and nor had Satu though he presumed perhaps Iorwerth was having some trouble again and wasn't even sure if his nephew would attend given he apparently wasn't previously a member of the pack. Then there was Symphony, though he had yet to see his daughter again he had seen her mate and knew she was currently in the lands so where was she?

The sight of Song would momentarily brush those thoughts away. From the moment the girl had fallen unconscious guilt had swarmed over him though he hadn't been present the feeling simply couldn't be helped. Clearly she had struggled along for so long here and it certainly hurt to see her in this weakened state, if possibly she looked worse now than the day she had come to see them to hand over the pack, was she perhaps regretting the decision now or was there more still bothering her? The answer it seemed leant towards the latter as she commented upon her son's health. He gave a small understanding nod of his head as she took the seat at their side.

With Song's arrival perhaps it was time to start. With a brief glance to his mate, Dutiron would then look back out to the little gathering. "For those of you who haven't yet met us, we are Dutiron and Novel Destruction. I will certainly discuss the family tree later with those who wish to enquire further but for now I will just inform you that Song is our daughter." It certainly wasn't out of favouritism that he only listed Song's name, but simply because she was the former leader of the pack, that and those who were somewhat confused he believed were more of Song's children.

"Now I know that many of you are wondering why we have called you today." He'd seen the looks of confusion upon the arriving faces and even heard the question uttered in a couple of forms. "Song here has chosen to step down from her position as your leader and Oracle and has handed the pack to myself and Novel." So he would be the bearer of bad news it seemed, how would they take the news? His main concerns would be the already bitter Howl and Song's children.

"Many things I hope you will find won't be changing too much. Song will remain in a position of power as the heir of the pack and will be present for guidance through this period of transition. The ranks will be changing slightly in name, for instance Novel and I will be the Authors with Song taking the position of Sequel." He hoped they wouldn't feel this name change was too much, though Guardian nor Oracle had been titles that he and Novel had felt particularly comfortable with. He would pause there to allow his mate to continue, they were in this together after all, she certainly needed to speak as well. There was the issue of Dhiren formally being the heir that needed to be addressed, as well as assigning the gathered their ranks. Novel and Canta he understood had both been philosophers and if they wished the rank would exist in another name.

Novel i


8 Years
06-01-2014, 12:10 PM

Novella would arrive first, her curiosity apparent as she made her way to their sides. She would nuzzle the girl as her mate answered her, she would have to be patient this time. Slowly their grandchildren would arrive, the first of which held claim on her own name. Novel would smile, certainly the honor was a sign Song had indeed felt a connection to her still. She would smile at every new arrival, happy to be in the presence of her grand babies. Something she never thought would occur in her lifetime. Song had been lost to her, coming here had been a dream come true. She would be the first to admit she had made some grave mistakes, but being able to reconcile with those she loved was worth more than anything.
However hurt was evident in her eyes as Howl arrived. She would feel Dutiron press into her side as she took in her son's appearance. She could see and feel the hatred that he felt for her, but she would not blame him. She would only feel sorry for the boy for not being able to let go of the past. She had been so long with out them, and had done so much to hurt them. Her only hope would be that Howl could let go of such events and embrace the love his family had for him. A hardened heart would do more damage than her mistakes ever would. She would sigh, looking away from the boy to become engrossed in the presence of her youngest son. Legend was oblivious to the negative energy Howl brought along with him, a gentle nuzzle would be offered before he sat himself down again. There were many mistakes in her first litter, but it seemed the younger brood knew little of the other's suffering.
Finally song would approach, her form rough and ragged. She would explain herself, her own son ill. Novel would offer a nudge of affection as she sat, Dutiron beginning shortly after. She wondered absently where the rest of their family might be. "Should you have a rank in mind that you would like to attain you need only mention it. We will most certainly need assistance in filling higher ranks."?




5 Years
06-03-2014, 06:03 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2014, 06:24 AM by Dutiron i.)

Various members of the Destruction family would begin to arrive some not quite as excited as Novella was it seemed but then clearly from the confusion they displayed not all had actually met Dutiron and Novel the firsts. Perhaps that was what this meeting was about, a chance for the family to properly meet them, even Novella after all couldn't help but agree that Canta was right, it was a little strange for Song not to be the one summoning them for a meeting. In fact it only really hit the girl then that her sister wasn't even present yet.

Others would trail in, including her brothers that she hadn't actually seen since the last meeting. Howl however did not look happy, a fact that certainly pained Novella. She knew that her parent's first litter could only be described as having a somewhat strained relationship with parents and Song, except for Anthem of course, still seeing as though Song had been forgiven by her litter mates and had been able to welcome their parents into Ludicael, she would have hoped for a better reunion than this. Legend at least did not follow Howl's lead though she couldn't take much comfort in that fact given their brother's hatred.

As Song arrived the meeting would begin and at last the reason for her parent's call would be revealed. They were taking over Ludicael? Well that was definitely a surprise, not too bad of one either given it would mean they were staying. Hopefully Howl would be able to forgive them too.

Silent I


11 Years
06-03-2014, 11:21 AM

Silent had heard the howl of the current stranger, but that didn't stop her from heeding the call. She knew that it was the summons for a meeting and as the newest member of Ludicael, she wouldn't hesitate to be there. The determination in her emerald green eyes twinkled in obvious light as she rose from her nap to look out of her den. The scenery, even in winter, was breathtaking. With that positive thought each morning, she knew each day would be good.
The black female moved in slow, rhythmic movements as she pushed herself up from the soft ground. Her front limbs remained stiff and sore, like they always did when she woke up, but they were the first ones to step outside. Her back legs followed and a gentle flick of her black tail tickled the tip of Bronze's nose. He had settled for napping with her -- something she enjoyed like a young pup with a chew toy -- and so she intended to have him go with her. She turned her head back to look at him, eyes twinkling as she softly said, "Wake up, my love. We are being called to our first pack meeting. We shouldn't miss it!"
Once she knew that Bronze was beginning to stir, she stepped out to fully stretch all four legs, her tail, and spine. Each space between her bones and joints enjoyed the ritual she did after each nap, and they let her know by giving her relief from the stiffness. Silent happily sighed as the soreness disappeared as well. She shook out her black fur, matted from sleep, and a light yawn escaped through open lips. Her green eyes met Bronze's brown opts before they walked, side by side, to where the meeting was being held.
They were around the last few to appear, something she found disappointing. She silently blamed her old age on not arriving in a timely manner, but didn't voice it to the small crowd. Her ears pricked as the older male in front of them spoke, identifying himself as Dutiron and his mate, Novel, beside him. The pair looked quite handsome, another thought she kept to herself. Maybe, in due time, they would know of her opinions.
Her ebony haunches recoiled to the ground as she felt Bronze lean against her. She gently raised her front paw to brush against his reassuringly as she continued to listen to her new ruler speak. Another form then took her gaze away from the older male: Song. Her heart began to break when she saw how tired and distressed the young wolf had become. She wanted to scoop her up right then and tuck her away from the world, but Silent knew better. So, she waited until Song looked up and their gazes met. Silent then mentally sent messages to the white girl, letting her know that she would be all right and that she would be there for any and everything she needed.
The black female then broke her gaze to look back at the older pair, realizing that they were, indeed, Song's parents. She, along with Novella and their siblings, resembled the two wolves without even guessing it. Dutiron and Novel were going to stay and take over Song's place as ruler. Silent had no problem with the changing of hands, so long as they were clean and intended to rule properly. She had seen enough alpha changes in her lifetime to know when something foul would take place. From knowing how pure Song's soul was, she prayed that they were just like her.
Ranks were then offered to those that were seated in front of the rulers and Silent was at a loss for words. She didn't know what part her and Bronze would be able to play, but she wanted to be useful. At least...until her body wouldn't be able to bear it anymore. She was an able body (to an extent) and she would be eager to prove it. Slowly, she cleared her throat and her eyes met the pairs' before she spoke. "I wouldn't mind putting myself up for a rank, Dutiron and Novel." She was older than they, but she still held the respectful tone Ocean and River had grinded into her skull. "I am not the fastest or most able bodied wolf here, but my mind is still good and I do not intend to let it remain festering in my skull until my time arrives. Give me a task and I will do my best to please you and the pack as a whole."
A light smile appeared on her still smooth features as she realized she hadn't introduced herself. "Pardon my lack of introductions. I am Silent Shadow, but everyone that knows me calls me Silent. This handsome wolf beside me is Bronze-" she looked beside her and gave him a loving smile, "and we are the most recent additions to Ludicael's body." Her head turned back to look at them as she concluded, "I hope we will help make positive changes to our lovely home."


Requiem I


2 Years
06-06-2014, 06:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

What his sister said as she walked up, about their mother not being the one to call the meeting in place of these wolves who were their grandparents, got Requiem wondering. Why had they called the meeting instead of his mom? Song had seemed to be doing well, busy with caring for his sickly brother but still carrying on. As far as he was aware, she still ruled, still led, and so he remained quiet, puzzled, thoughtful as he watched the remainder of his family and a few pack mates, even his mother, gather to hear what was taking place in their home.

It was the older male with the mismatched eyes who addressed them as a whole, naming himself and the lady beside him as Dutiron and Novel. But that's... He turned his head, teal-green eyes seeking out both his brother and his sister. But these two were Dutiron and Novel. Or at least the Dutiron and Novel that he had grown up with. It was strange, now knowing another pair of wolves with the names of his siblings, and he could sense the confusion already building.

Mind still struggling to keep up, Requiem was glad when the conversation progressed onward from the introductions and went on to the heart of the meeting, the reason why they had all been called together and in this fashion. Song was stepping down. His mother was leaving her position as Oracle and handing the pack over to them. The brown boy blinked, surprised, and turned his head to look at his mother questioningly. It was true, he could see it, and altogether he was not quite sure what he thought about the whole thing. What was he supposed to think, to feel, at a time like this? It was promised that Song would still retain a high rank to offer her support, but the ranks themselves were changing, altering to suit the style of their new leaders.

Requiem frowned thoughtfully, silently, his dark markings showing the clear lowering of his brows over his two-toned eyes. They were instructed to speak up, to say what sorts of positions they wanted to keep, but without knowing what those were, how things were changing under these new leaders - his grandparents - he was unsure. What did one say when he did not know where he was supposed to go? So he offered up a different sort of answer, placing his fate in his grandparents's judgment. "Is there still a spot for us wanting teachers?" He felt strangely shy addressing these two wolves - strangers for all he knew of them - in front of so many that he had grown up with, but he pushed through it. "I want to learn still, if I can."



5 Years
06-10-2014, 10:52 PM

More of her family would begin to file in, her brother making his presence known as he bumped playing into her and she smiled. Canta was a bit surprised to see him so friendly with their grandparents, but then perhaps she shouldn?t have been. Dhiren had always been friendly with almost everyone. The girl kept her gaze on her grandparents, or at least she did till an excited call made her realize her uncles had arrived. Legend made a beeline towards the elder pair. Then her mother, pups in tow, would arrive, speaking of one of her siblings. Canta frowned, her younger brother was sick?
Finally it seemed they were to begin. Brief introductions would be given, then they were off. A few title changes and her mother was, stepping down? That piqued the dark girl?s curiosity though it would be a topic for later no doubt. Then her grandmother was speaking and Canta shifted, she certainly wanted to retain her position within the pack. She would not get a chance to speak right away however as a late arrival spoke up.
Requiem would be next it seemed, voicing his concerns. Sensing a lull Canta rose to her paws. ?I would certainly like to remain in a higher position. Anywhere I can help really.? Canta had no special skills, so she would leave that up in the air for the moment and settle herself once more upon her haunches.

Talk like this

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]