
treat me like a lady


06-08-2014, 12:10 AM

The sun was going down, and nothing but darkness swept over the land within a fleet second as it seemed. Darkness was swallowing the once beautiful, bright land, and the tricolored babe was growing curious. Surely this mysterious land did not just show flawlessly in the daytime, and end at the fall of the sun each night. There must be something to lighten her in the darkness. To allow her to bloom within the frightening shadows of dusk. And there was. As the sun was descending it's way behind the gently sloping hills of the land, Wren hid herself away into a dark cavern, emerald eyes full of curiosity. She wondered if this place had any secrets...anything to please her. Or maybe it was just a normal cave that was crawling with bugs and sharp rocks.

Wren splayed her toes out slowly as stone found it's way beneath her, causing shivers to run up her limbs as the icy temperature filtered through her small body. It was cold...almost a death-like cold one feels when freezing to death. That freezing shiver that runs up a spine, grabbing and clawing at the brain and soon- making it shut down. The woman moaned to herself softly and shook her head. She managed find her focus again and continue on her stroll through the cavern. --- Eyes scanned the cavern, up and down, side to side. And so far, nothing had impressed her. The babe also wasn't going to lie- it was a bit creepy in here. What if someone lived here, waiting and counting the seconds he or she would wait until it came out to slaughter her. Wren lowered her head slowly and stared at the pitch black floor. Would this cavern go on forever...?

Suddenly, an almost azure-looking light casted itself upon the woman. Gaping, she spun around, searching frantically for the source of the light. But it wasn't long until she realized it came from above. She threw her head up and examined through the light--...a mushroom. No, two. Three. Spreading their light like stars in the night. A smile stretched her inky black lips, eyes filling with happiness. More lights flickered around her from the sides and top of the cavern. This indeed impressed her. They were like little suns, bringing light to her dark. It was all so beautiful. Wren slowly lowered in the sapphire light radiating off the glowshrooms, tail folding at her side neatly. She crossed her black forearms across her chest and rested her chin gently on her ankles, eyelids lowering to take up only half the sight in her eyes. The babe could fall asleep in the light of these little stars. But for now...she would rest. Think. Debate to herself.



06-08-2014, 01:18 AM

Gentle paws would put themselves one before the other. The druid walked silently, warm amber eyes rose to meet the sky as it began to turn dark. Before long, it would shift into the ever changing colors of a velvet sky, the stars above shining through the blanket that now enveloped the Earth. He would breath a sigh of contentment, for he was happy that he had arrived in the lands where his family was rumored to be. Would he find them today? Or would he go through the challenge of searching for them? The boy knew not what life would bring to him, but he had learned to take it in stride one day at a time. He had faith in the Gods above, they would surely lead him to his family and loved ones. The cool winds would brush against his soft fur, his form easily moving across the ground as his face was gently kissed with the world's touch. The night grew cold, however, it was to be expected as Winter was on it's rise. He dislikes the season, for it killed off plants and froze over water, thus making it harder for him to fish. But with it, he knew that Spring would come after, bringing with it new life. And that in itself made him happy.

The boy knew that eventually he would need to find a place of solace, of safety to reside in for the night. And so a trail would lead him downwards, towards an opening that would lead into the Earth. A cave, perhaps? The earth still seemed fairly new in these parts, had an Earthquake ravaged the lands at one point? Who knew. Whatever the case was, Story would venture forth. He didn't want to stay out alone in the cold, and he craved the company of another. Though the company he ever really had was that of his family, of which he had yet to find. Slowly, he would come to a stop as the mouth of the cave was revealed to him through the darkness. The entrance seemed like no more then a gaping black hole against the night, was it safe to go inside? "Only one way to find out..." However hesitant he was, his whispering voice would convince him to move ahead. Reluctant to stay outside where it might snow at any time, and yet hesitant to enter the unknown cave for fear that something bad lurked inside. He disliked conflict, and always tried to avoid it. But in the end, his want to stay out of the elements would win the male over.

Moments later, he would walk blindly through the darkness. Unnerved, he would walk slowly against the walls of the cave, knowing full well he was moving along the twists and turns of unknown pathways. The air inside smelled cold, damp, untouched. Would he be lost in here forever? And as soon as he thought about running away, to attempt at finding the entrance from which he came, a light would burst upon him. Something glowed above and below him, and suddenly all around him. Like stars, they would flicker on, illuminating the darkness that held him so tightly. His pelt glowed a surreal ghostly sheen, as if he were no more then a spirit lost in the tombs of an underground cave. What was this place he had stepped into? It was a mystery, and yet he was enthralled. The light was cool, yet inviting to the druid. So with slow careful steps, he would walk forward again. Eyes illuminated, reflecting the lights that dotted the walls and the floor, the realization that someone was nearby had been lost in the wonders of this place. It wasn't until he nearly stumbled over her that he would falter, the boy falling almost face first into the dirt as the form in front of him blocked his path. In fact, he did trip over her. And it not for his natural clumsiness, he would have been able to save himself. But as it was, he could only groan in embarrassment and light pain as amber eyes opened slightly to see what he had tripped on.

Upon seeing, and scenting, that it was another of his kind. He would scramble away and onto his feet, head bowing in rapid succession as he apologized over and over. Heart hammered in his chest at his mishap. "I am so very sorry! I did not see you there, I didn't mean to disturb you! Please, forgive me. I'm sorry!"



06-08-2014, 08:30 AM

The elongated babe was still stretched out upon the cavern floor, her eyes dancing from light to light. She could do this for hours- just the beauty of it was all so overwhelming and hypnotizing. But suddenly, a gentle gust of wind from the outside brought her an unfamiliar aroma. Was another one of her pulled in to experience this beauty? Her chin slowly lifted and she pulled her ears forward. The sliding and thumping sound was already too loud. Just as the woman was near to standing, a large figure approached her from the side. And he was getting quite close to her. Suddenly he tripped over her and fell, a young man. The tricolor babe could not make out exactly what he looked like and what his expression was- but by the sound in his voice, he sounded embarrassed. The woman slowly pushed herself onto the support of her four slender paws, her smile fading and being replaced with a smirk. He began to throw apologizes at her, over and over. It was as if he was pleading not to die and have his skin turned into a new cape. As he finished, a soft chuckle unfolded from her chest, and she shook her head slowly. Had he not known she was only a year old?

The sandy-hued babe sucked in a cool breath and smiled warmly. But it disappeared as soon as it came as her maw split into two. "Hey, it's fine. You don't need to freak out." She would hum softly to the anxious boy, tail tip flicking lightly at the ground. The babe hoped this would reassure the man- she wasn't going to kill him. Nobody would do that just because he/she was accidently stepped on. Paws would carry herself over to him, emerald green eyes running up and down his frame. Looked like a normal wolf; but one thing that was different was that he had small orange half-circles beneath both his eyes. She liked them. Wren circled the boy slowly with a smile still played upon her lips. Finally, she addressed herself. "I'm Wren though." She paused in front of him and sat down upon her rear gently. "Who might my new friend be?" The tricolored woman stared into his gentle liquid-gold eyes, taking them in and soundlessly complementing they're look.



06-08-2014, 05:32 PM

The male would right himself, the girl responding to his clumsiness in a rather polite and kind manner. He would find himself blushing, the heat burning through his cheeks as he tried to compose himself after the embarrassing mishap. She would smile at him before starting to circle him, and his eyes would follow, warm amber eyes trained on her as she made her circuit. She would tell him her name, and it was different yet unique to him. Wren. It was certainly different then his family, for they were all named after something significant. She would sit before him, requesting the name of her new "friend." So he was her friend? But he didn't even know her! Perhaps this female was nicer then he thought...

"Again, I apologize for my clumsiness. My name is Story Destruction, healer, traveler, caretaker, enjoyer of life. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wren." He would smile warmly to her, teeth flashing in a surreal glow from the light reflected off the walls and mushrooms. He too would take a seat upon the cool floor, eyes wandering about their surroundings. This place certainly was quite strange, and it both enthralled and sent shivers down his spine. "What a strange place this is, eh?"



06-08-2014, 05:55 PM

ooc; icky post >c

The man would smile and react to her friendliness perfectly. Though she was usually a bit more cautious of strangers, she was in a surprisingly good mood. Especially when she was in the atmosphere of something flawlessly beautiful with a boy. He was sweet, but funny. Amusing to glance at for a second. Not amusing as in...ugly or something in that category. She liked the way he acted and how polite he was to her. Did he act all respectful around all girls and woman? Wren simply let out a soft chuckle with her chin pressed into her soft chest, and listened to him as he addressed himself to her politely. "Again, I apologize for my clumsiness. My name is Story Destruction, healer, traveler, caretaker, enjoyer of life. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wren." Destruction. Destruction. That last name just had her thinking all the time! Was is familiar to her? Has she heard it before?

Shaking the thought out of her mind, she refocused herself more on his unique name. Story. Why would his name be story? Was he as interesting and long as a story? The tricolor babe smiled warmly and nodded her head slowly. "I'm not going to lie, Story is a pretty cool name. I've just- never heard of it before." The woman grinned now, glittery white teeth shining in the light of the glowing shrooms. But her lips closed together as he added, "What a strange place this is, eh?" Wren agreed completely. This place was practically the most beautiful thing she's ever experienced. The woman threw her head up and gazed at the glowshrooms for a moment, before speaking in reply. "Yes...strange, but beautiful. It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen." She would hum softly while continuing to stare up at the mushrooms. Though her eyes would gradually drift to the side of the cavern, to the floor.